Questions tagged [port-80]

Port 80 is commonly used to refer to TCP port 80. The port usually used by the HTTP protocl.

Port 80 is almost always used to refer to the TCP port used for the http protocol.
It is closely related to port 8080 and sometimes port 81,...

Most other web browser ports are either derivative of port 80 (such as 8080) or port 443, the SSL variant for more secure TCP connections.

46 questions
4 answers

How to run node.js app on port 80? Are processes blocking my port?

I believe the port 80 on my remote instance is blocked, and I am trying to run a node.js app using port 80. I have experimented with ports 3000 and 3002, and both ports are working fine, but I get an error when running on port 80. I suspect port 80…
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Port 80 filtered nmap

Suddenly my server's port 80 is shown as filtered (no server changes are made). My sites are sometimes timing out or stays in waiting for a very long time (in browser). Nmap localhost output is below, Starting Nmap 5.51 ( ) at…
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Port 80 redirects to CPanel's /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi even after forwarding

I recently took over the management of a website using a pure Tomcat 6 server (i.e. no combination Tomcat+Apache) with CPanel installed, which is only accessible on port 8088 (i.e. the main page URL is I would like the site to…
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bind() to failed (98: Address already in use) even though there is only NGINX running

NOTE: It turned out that there wasn't any problem at all. See comment for detail. I've just got fresh instance from Oracle Cloud, Ubuntu 20.04 Minimized. Since I am trying to run DokuWiki on this instance, I've installed these packages: sudo apt…
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Firewalld block http traffic even if activated

I'm trying to configure a simple test environment with 3 machines : One Kali to simulate internet : IP = One CentOS that acts as a firewall using firewalld : IPs =, One CentOS that acts as a web server using httpd : IP…
2 answers

Open port 80 when using HTTPS?

I'm going through some tutorials right now and I don't understand this one thing. Why do I have to open port 80 when I use HTTPS? Isn't port 443 enough? Or is port 80 open to handle the redirect from http to https?
Nepo Znat
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nginx frustrations on OSX when trying to run on port 80

This didn't work for some reason: server { listen 80; server_name localhost; location / { root html; index index.html index.htm; } ... } I got Failed to connect ... port 80: Connection refused (I…
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1 answer

Windows server 2008 r2 - Error listen EACCES

The website is deployed in windows server, the server is used to run the application is Node.js server, while running the website it gives this error ERROR listen EACCES is there any change has to be made in the node.js server or…
2 answers

HTTP through a proxy server is not allowed

When I try to connect to my Tomcat server on http://:8080 it works fine, but from another ISP provided it gives the following error: HTTP through a proxy server is not allowed. Some ISP apparently don't allow http over the port 8080, as…
Majid Laissi
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How to block SKYPE when it's using port 80 & 443?

How to block SKYPE when it's using port 80 & 443 in a network. ( better if I can do it by using ISA 2006 and without disabling web) I know if users can't install skype they wont be able to use it. So without that?
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3 answers

Setting up a purely Node.js http server on port 80

I'm using a fresh install of Centos 5.5. I have Node installed and working (I'm just using Node -- no apache, or nginx.), but I cannot figure out how to make a simple server on port 80. Node is running and is listening to port 80. I'm just using the…
Luke Burns
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1 answer

LSASS.exe trying to communicate over port 80

We are running a standalone web server (Windows 2008 + IIS 7), and our antivirus is blocking LSASS.exe (C:\Windows\system32\lsass.exe) from making outbound connections over port 80. Why is LSASS doing this? (Should I be worried?)
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Why am I able to access Nodejs server through port 80 even though it's running on port 3000 and nginx is stopped

I am not very familiar with configuring a web server. I have a node express server running on port 3000 on an AWS EC2 instance that is running Ubuntu 18.04. In AWS management console, I have a rule allowing access to port 3000, so that I can…
1 answer

Nginx by default running on DigitalOcean Ubuntu 16.04

Background So yesterday I was playing around with our server. On it we have a docker-compose process running 6 or so containers, one of them being Nginx. Before I played around with it yesterday it was serving files just fine. What I did I noticed…
3 answers

Port 80 is being used by Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0

After installing WAMP server 2.5 on Server 2012 R2 I tried to run it but it just said this Your port 80 is actually used by : Server: Microsoft-HTTPAPI/2.0 I've look at every post I can find about this, there's no Web Deployment service running,…
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