Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

Cannot properly edit and save worker node specs in Kubernetes

I have a Kubernetes cluster setup using KubeAdm (Setup in EC2 instances in AWS Cloud). The CNI used is Flannel and the cluster is running quite well. My requirement is that I am trying to setup KubeVirt ( in my Cluster to…
0 answers

Access entire filesystem of a container from another container

Hi ServerFault Community. I am in need of your help with a rather annoying edge case problem, which I hope can spark an universally helpful solution: I need a solution, similar to a sidecar container, but one that: doesn't need to be declared in…
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Kubernetes deployment gives up on CrashloopBackOff

In our company, we are using k8s in version 1.19 or older (have access to helm only). When we do deployment, there is a listener that will create some secrets that we need to mount in our pod. The thing is, such listener is doing his job in pretty…
1 answer

Kubernetes dashboard ingress HTTP error 400

Installed Kubernetes dashboard with Helm helm install kubernetes-dashboard kubernetes-dashboard/kubernetes-dashboard -f values.yaml --create-namespace -n kubernetes-dashboard ingress: enabled: true paths: - / hosts: -…
Rahul V Sharma
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0 answers

GKE AutoProvision Cluster not reachable during node-pool creation

I am currently experimenting with GKE auto-provisioning in order to find out if this is a viable way to go for my team's use cases. I noticed that whenever I deploy a new workload that the cluster which results in the creation of a new node-pool,…
0 answers

Samplicator in k8s (MiniKube) not working

I'm trying to test samplicator in Kubernetes using MinuKube running under VirtualBox on Ubuntu but am having trouble. I'm not sure if the problem is with accessing the process via the correct ports or whether I have a problem with the Samplicator…
Fat Monk
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1 answer

Cloudflare Origin Issuer not getting ready

I am currently debugging an strange error where my Cloudflare OriginIssuers are not getting ready, which blocks renewals. I have tried restarting it once but that did not help, I looked at the port cert-manager uses and whitelisted it in the…
1 answer

"context deadline exceeded" error on pod in Kubernetes while pulling a public image of ms sql server

Following Les Jackson's tutorial on microservices, on local installation of Docker with Kubernetes enabled, I wanted to create a new pod in Kubernetes that would contain an image of ms sql server express, available here. The deployment file is…
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0 answers

kube-dns not resolving external urls with missing endpoints

I am trying to find out why my kube-dns does not resolve external urls and it seems it is caused by missing endpoints as described in: (I am using Google Kubernetes engine and the cluster was created with the Google Cloud…
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0 answers

How to upgrade Sealed Secrets for Kubernetes without causing an outage

Today I go to update some sealed env variables (aka secrets) and notice that the sealed-secrets-controller pod is down. It is stuck trying to get its image. Back-off pulling image "" Looks like I am…
0 answers

Assigning subdomains to K8s services

I have a Kubernetes cluster in Azure AKS with few services exposed via load balancer (ingresses). I want to assign a subdomain to those services. The Parent domain is hosted somewhere (other than AWS and Azure) and its hosted zone is created in…
0 answers

Kong Nginx timers in pending state

Prometheus query kong_nginx_timers exposes 0 running timers and static number of pending timers all the time. Any explanations? how to test? What query to use in order to alert on too many pending timers?
0 answers

Encountering an XTRABACKUP error,Running a replicated application: mysql cluster,

kubernetes version: v1.24 Error Replication: I runned a replicated mysql application as url:,There is an error: [root@k8smaster01 wordpress-sts]# kubectl get po -l…
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0 answers

Changed IP addresses of etcd nodes. How to restart cluster?

I have a k8s cluster set up using 'hardway' a while ago. I've recently changed my network around and needed to set new IPs for the controller nodes (which are also the clustered etcd hosts). I've updated the IP addresses in the systemd unit file,…
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0 answers

Alert on Kubernetes application not running in Azure

I am trying to configure azure monitor alerts for a Kubernetes cluster so the administrator is alerted when something is not running. The three conditions, in decreasing order of priority, I need to monitor are: There are Services with no endpoints…
Jan Hudec
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