I recently updated my ec2 instances to use imdSV2 but had to rollback because of the following issue:

It looks like after i did the upgrade my init containers started failing and i saw the following in the logs: time="2022-01-11T14:25:01Z" level=info msg="PUT /latest/api/token (403) took 0.753220 ms" req.method=PUT req.path=/latest/api/token req.remote=XXXXX res.duration=0.75322 res.status=403 time="2022-01-11T14:25:37Z" level=error msg="Error getting instance id, got status: 401 Unauthorized"

We are using Kube2iam for the same. Any advice what changes need to be done on the Kube2iam side to support imdSV2? Below is some info from my kube2iam daemonset:

EKS =1.21

image = "jtblin/kube2iam:0.10.9"

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