Questions tagged [openstack]

OpenStack is a collection of open source projects that enables an open, scalable cloud infrastructure. The core of OpenStack is meant to provide consistent APIs and interfaces to a variety of potential back-ends.

OpenStack is an open-source platform for building infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) clouds. It is implemented including several components, most notable being:

  • a Compute service (codenamed Nova) that has functionality similar to EC2 AWS (and implements an EC2-compatible API, as well as a separate OpenStack API)
  • an Object Storage service (codenamed Swift) that has functionality similar to EC2 S3.
  • An Image service (codenamed Glance) that manages virtual machine images used by the Compute service
  • An Identity service (codenamed Keystone) that manages user names and groups (known as tenants) across the OpenStack projects
  • A Dashboard service (codenamed Horizon) that provides a web interface.
  • A Network service (codenamed Neutron) that provides a set of components for makings SDN networking between VM's inside a project.

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611 questions
4 answers

Relationship between Vagrant, Docker, Chef and OpenStack (or similar products)?

I am a web developer, but I am also interested in a few administrative tasks. Hence, the new move from pure administration to dev-ops comes handy for me. Anyway, I have some problems to put a few things into a relationship. Maybe there isn't any, so…
Golo Roden
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4 answers

Turn off strict checking of ssh keys

Each user creates and destroys 15+ VM's per day. The VM's are created in the company's internal OpenStack cloud. Every time a new vm is assigned an ip address which has previously been handed out, the user gets the dreaded host key verification…
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2 answers

How to setup an NFS server that caches a network share?

User data is stored on two fairly large (>1 PB) OpenStack Swift storage clusters. Let them be Cluster A and Cluster B. In addition, there are several PoPs that need to interact with that data. Servers in these PoPs are effectively diskless, meaning…
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Why does OpenStack distinguish images from snapshots?

Usually, snapshot = an exact capture of what a volume looked like at a particular moment in time, including all it's data. image = a total snapshot of a system (doesn't save the user data) However,…
Franck Dernoncourt
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6 answers

libvirt network error - no 'default' network device found

My original purpose is to create centos image for openstack. Although I did directly with kvm, still wondering about error. Was using this manual for my task. After this command: # virt-install --virt-type kvm --name centos-6.4 --ram 1024…
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1 answer

Vagrant (Virtualbox) host-only multiple node networking issue

I'm trying to use a multi-VM vagrant environment as a testbed for deploying OpenStack, and I've run into a networking problem with trying to communicate from one VM, to a VM-inside-of-a-VM. I have two Vagrant nodes, a cloud controller node and a…
Lorin Hochstein
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2 answers

Monitor VM's resources (CPU, RAM etc)

I'm testing Openstack and i'd like to know how can i find out about resource utilization inside instances (Virtual Machines). Openstack uses kvm, qemu and libvirt in my testing environment. Is there any way to get those stats without logging in…
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2 answers

What is reasonable storage failover time that most OS (VM) can tolerate?

I have a GlusterFS 2 node 2 replica setup. I am planning to use it as OpenStack instance store, in which the VM disk image is stored. From my tests, if the GlusterFS node which the hypervisor currently mounts on fails, (using default GlusterFS…
1 answer

cloud-init does not grow the partition nor the filesystem

I am currenty preparing OpenStack-ready images of CentOS 7 and Ubuntu 14.04. For the "automation" I use Packer, which is provided by you with a JSON-template. Packer then starts the installation using the virtualization you specify (in my case…
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1 answer

Does OpenStack make sense for a home server?

I currently have a home server (HP N40L) running FreeNAS to provide my home with a few basic things like a file server, media streaming, and a few virtualized apps + a windows XP virtual desktop. It works well enough, but the software is always…
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1 answer

What is the difference between OpenStack, CloudFoundry and Stackato?

I'm quite new to all this *aaS thing, and currently I'm trying to wrap my head around concepts and how things basically work. What puzzles me quite a bit at the moment is the difference between a variety of products, especially the following…
Golo Roden
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2 answers

Packets only get forwarded when tcpdump running on bridge

I ran into the oddest thing when trying to debug a networking issue with OpenStack. I was doing a ping test between virtual machines. The ICMP request packets only made it to the destination host if I did a "tcpdump" on the bridge interface on the…
Lorin Hochstein
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1 answer

Why does host swap out VMs when there are 16GB of buffer cache and swappiness = 0?

I have a desktop running Ubuntu Quantal using OpenStack Folsom on an Intel i5 with 32 GB RAM and 2 GB swap. I'm running 7 VMs each sized like a EC2 m1.small, so 1.7 GB RAM each. I'm using KVM. As I get up to running 5 or 6 concurrently, the host…
Blair Zajac
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4 answers

OpenStack: Can I convert a volume into an image?

I am trying to figure out the path of least resistance in OpenStack to get from a live CD to a disk image that can be used for deploying new guest instances. If you boot an OpenStack instance from a live CD, you can install an OS onto the…
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2 answers

Are DNAT and REDIRECT equivalent when applied to locally destined traffic?

In setting up our OpenStack environment, I ran into a problem that was preventing instances from contacting a server running on the host. The metadata service (which exposes an HTTP API) runs on port 8775 on the host, and the OpenStack networking…
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