Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
0 answers

Using 'archive_command' directive on postgres container in kubernetes 'invalid argument: "%p"

I've got Postgres 11.5-alpine running in kubernetes in a leader-follower setup that has been working well using streaming replication for some time. I've decided to cover my bases by writing the WAL archive to a shared network drive (Azure blob via…
Chris Berry
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1 answer

Fallback to a static origin when receiving HTTP 404 in nginx-ingress

I have a web application running on Kubernetes, and an nginx-ingress which serves as the Ingress for the deployment. I'd like to enable the following behavior for nginx: when any request receives a HTTP 404 response from the origin, proxy the…
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Connection timeouts when scaling more than one pod instance in Kubernetes

Running Kubernetes with flannel on a local ESXI server with 3 VMs, a master and two nodes. On all of the nodes, I have Kubernetes 1.15.5, Ubuntu 18.04, and Docker 18.09.7. A green field install. Nginx runs fine with a single pod on either node, but…
Dave Brunkow
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2 answers

RabbitMQ versionning the rabbitmq.config

Good day ! I have a RabbitMQ container running in a Kubernetes platform. I push it's config via a configMap. Since, there is sometimes a need to change the config, I would like RabbitMQ to reload it automaticly. Is there any mechanism in Rabbit to…
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1 answer

Having a redis service linked to a specific application deployment revision

Say I have an application that has two deployments: An application deployment, with the actual application itself A Redis deployment, which is used by the application deployment for caching The Redis cache is exposed by a service called "redis".…
Leon Boot
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1 answer

GCP Kubernetes: Cannot pull image - pods died suddenly

We experienced a major outage with our production systems today. Without any user interaction most of the kubernetes pods went down with a "ImagePullBackOff" error message. We had to manually restart builds and repush all images. I verified that in…
1 answer

NFS server and client are working but data is not on the server?

I have an inhouse Kubernetes cluster running on bare-metal and it consists of 5 nodes (1 master and 4 workers). I set up an NFS server on the master natively and launched the nfs-client in the K8s to have nfs dynamic provisioner. Everything are…
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Cannot access Minio After Helm Installation

I tried installing Minio via the helm chart. You can see my values.yml below. I set the accessKey and secretKey myself. But after I bring up the deployment, I cannot log in. When I go to the webpage and try to, it says The access key ID you…
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Linux always mount USB device at same point?

I have a character USB card reader device and I want it always mount at the same location. Currently its located here: ls -sla /dev/bus/usb/003/007 0 crw-rw-r-- 1 eveusb root 189, 262 Th10 29 14:56 /dev/bus/usb/003/007 And because I am planning to…
Steven Smart
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kops unable to find kubectl binary

So, I've installed both kops and kubectl using the snap package manager. $ which kubectl /snap/bin/kubectl kubectl is definitely installed, however, when I run anything using kops, it complains it can't find it: W1023 11:59:59.582255 27545…
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1 answer

How to ensure pods have an identical key in Kubernetes?

We have a deployment of security service on Kubernetes that needs to have the same private key to encrypt and decrypt API tokens that we send to clients. At the moment, all the pods need to have the same private key. For example: Pod A issues an…
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Dynamic PVC/storage class encryption in GCP

I'm trying to create PVC which has the storage class encrypted. These PVCs are created dynamically. As per this link- for AWS EBS, there is a parameter 'encrypted' which can be set…
1 answer

Kubernetes requires Docker 18.09 but CentOS yum upgrades it to 19.03

Kubernetes seem to require docker version 18.09 even if newer versions exist such as 19.03... When installing on CentOS, I made sure to pass the right version to yum. Unfortunately, I did a yum update / yum upgrade after and it upgraded docker's…
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Kubernetes Service does not work as HTTP proxy

I am trying to make my K8S GKE Service to work with port :80 using this configuration: apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: external-{{ .Release.Name }} labels: {{- include "release_labels" . | indent 4 }} spec: type: LoadBalancer …
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1 answer

kubernetes apiserver systemd service is not activated

I am seeing below error message when kube-apiserver systemd server is started. cannot validate certificate for because it doesn't contain any IP SANs". Reconnecting... Following are the parameters given for kube-apiserver…