Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
1 answer

kube-proxy not accepting connections on some nodes

I'm running into a really weird situation where kube-proxy doesn't accept connections on a some nodes and I'm frankly I'm stumped. Background: kubernetes cluster is setup on AWS EC2 using kops the cluster in is eu-central-1, spread over three…
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error reading configuration while deploying to aks

I am using Azure devops for regulation CI/CD in my project , i have a kubernetes cluster running through aks(azure kubernetes service) , i have used azure repo and everything and , every required file(viz. azure-pipeline file and services and…
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'gcloud app deploy app.yaml' not deploying most recent version from Cloud Source Repositories

So I am very new to using GCP. As of right now, I'm using it strictly for my personal website. My website source is currently on Github and I've connected the repository with Cloud Source Repositories. From what I've found online, simply…
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K8S HPA custom Stackdriver - 503 The service is currently unavailable - avoids scaling

We have an horizontal pod auto-scaler (HPA) installed on gke cluster, most of the time the auto-scaler works perfectly fine. but from time to time (mostly on our customer rush hours) the auto scaler is getting error code 503 from stack driver. here…
0 answers

Apply configuration to Traefik

I've setup Traefik as the ingress controller in my kubernetes cluster and after a bunch of tweaking and googling I've managed to access the dashboard, but I'm currently getting no providers found. in the dashboard. I know that I need to add…
Alexej Magura
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2 answers

Can the Kubernetes master be geographically seperate from the nodes?

If I were to setup a kubernetes cluster, would it be possible and viable to have the kubernetes master in datacenter A, while having the nodes in datacenter B? I know there can be issues with having nodes distributed over several datacenters due to…
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Monitoring EKS Kubernetes LoadBalancer service Type

I have created few services in Kubernetes with type: LoadBalancer. Platform: EKS. Is there a way to get number of 4xx or 5xx errors from this LoadBalancer? I have tried the following: Prometheus - Does not seem to be any metric collected for…
1 answer

Kubernetes update results in pod stuck on terminating

I am facing a problem with kubernetes deployment. This is probably going to be a low-quality question, I'm sorry about that: I'm new to server management and I'm not able to contact the person that set up the servers in the first place, so I'm…
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Managing a single Kubernets Ingress with multiple rules

I'm using Kubernetes Ingress on GCP to route traffic to different HTTP services. TLDR: Is there a way to control a single Ingress object by adding rules to it from multiple different spec files? We want to allow each microservice to deploy it's own…
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Evicted pods not getting removed from the cluster when autoscaling is enabled

I have a cluster created in GCP with autoscaling enabled on the cluster. In my case, few pods are getting evicted from node A due to Memory Pressure and are running on new node B. But the evicted pods are not getting removed. Its still visible when…
0 answers

Unable to update kubernetes container /etc/hosts file using hostAliases

I am trying to update k8s container /etc/hosts file through hostAliases with Deployment kind, however this is not updating /etc/hosts but deployment is successful. Here is the deployment.yml file I am using, appreciate your help apiVersion:…
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OpenShift 3.11: Prometheus operator update

According to the docs the Prometheus operator on a OpenShift 3.11 cluster is self-upgrading. However, i have upgraded the cluster to 3.11.141 yesterday, but the operator is still stuck on 3.11.117. There are prometheus images for 3.11.141 available,…
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Run apt-get upgrade -s in container and expect same result as when running on the host

I would like to prepare the environment for a Docker container such that when apt-get upgrade -s runs inside the container its result is the same as if the command were run outside on the host. This is in the context of and in preparation for adding…
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Restore SQL dump in a running Kubernetes deployment

TL;DR: I imagine that there is a way to temporarily disable access to a pod / service so maintenance can be done. In this case: Block access to a database so a dump can be restored. $ kubectl exec podwith-postgresql-59b77ffb7d-fc4xj dropdb…
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1 answer

Kubernetes bridging between VM host network and Cluster

I'm pretty new to Kubernetes and was exploring Services to try and access my application running inside a MiniKube. This just a default HTTP server that responds with Hello World. Now I know about the Minikube command to get a bridge to my…