Questions tagged [rabbitmq]

RabbitMQ is an open-source and commercially supported messaging broker written in Erlang which allows applications to scale by decoupling the sending and receiving of data. RabbitMQ features flexible messaging routing via exchanges and queues, server clustering, mirrored queues for high availability, and clients for a variety of languages. The home page is

RabbitMQ is open source message broker software that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP), the open standard for business messaging. Written in Erlang, the RabbitMQ server is based on a proven platform and offers a reliable, highly available, scalable and portable messaging system with predictable and consistent throughput and latency.

RabbitMQ is 100% open source and 100% based on open standard protocols freeing users from dependency on proprietary vendor-supplied libraries. It is designed from the ground up to interoperate with other message systems. It is a leading implementation of AMQP.

Through adapters, it supports MQTT and STOMP, both natively and over HTTP/WebSockets. SMTP is also available thanks to a community plugin. Support for the software is offered through both a thriving community of active contributors and a range of commercial support services available through Pivotal (

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214 questions
5 answers

How do I make RabbitMQ listen only to localhost?

I have installed RabbitMQ on a Debian Linux Squeeze machine, and I would like it to only listen to the localhost interface. I have added RABBITMQ_NODE_IP_ADDRESS= to my /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf file, and that makes it bind to only the…
Vebjorn Ljosa
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5 answers

Rabbitmq -> epmd reports: node 'rabbit' not running at all?

ubuntu@hostname:~$ sudo service rabbitmq-server start * Starting message broker rabbitmq-server [ OK ] ubuntu@hostname:~$ sudo service rabbitmq-server stop * Stopping message broker rabbitmq-server …
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3 answers

How do I restart rabbitmq after switching machines?

I'm running django/celery on EC2, with rabbitmq as the broker. The machine I was using failed, so I fired up another instance. But since switching to the new machine, I haven't been able to get celery to work. EDIT: I've included a lot of logs…
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2 answers

Rabbitmq - Reasonable performance/scale expectations

I'd be grateful if anyone could point me in the direction of some reasonable scale figures/limitations on rabbitmq (on "average" hardware, fwiw) or post your experience with its performance. I'm trying to get a sense of capacity for number of…
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3 answers

RabbitMQ - How I do configure servers for zero-downtime upgrades?

Having read through the docs and RabbitMQ in Action, creating a RabbitMQ cluster seems straightforward enough, but upgrading or patching an existing RabbitMQ cluster seems to require the whole cluster to be restarted. Is there a way to combine…
Terence Johnson
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1 answer

RabbitMQ with a LetsEncrypt certificate

I have been trying to install my LetsEncrypt generated certificates into my rabbitmq server but have had no luck. To test things out with out having to fight permission issues I have copied the pem files from /etc/letsencrypt/live// to my…
Brian Cain
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1 answer

Message Queuing vs. Load Balancing. I don't truly understand the difference

Help me to understand something. I've looked at several enterprise application architectures, and I've noticed that several of them use a Message Queue service, like ActiveMQ or RabbitMQ. I have surface-level knowledge of what message queuing…
7 answers

Unable to start rabbitmq-server on Ubuntu 12.04

I try to install rabbitmq-server on ubuntu-server 12.04 but failed. Then I add the apt source list following the guide in But reinstall still have the same error as following: $ sudo aptitude install…
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4 answers

rabbitmq docker container .erlang.cookie is not set from RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE env variable

I am trying to set up a rabbitmq cluster on with aws container service. I need the /var/lib/rabbitmq/.erlang.cookie to be the same on all nodes. So for all my rabbitmq containers when they are run I pass in a RABBITMQ_ERLANG_COOKIE environment…
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1 answer

What's the difference between a task queue and a message queue in RabbitMQ?

We are using RabbitMQ as message queue, and Celery for task queues, and I am trying to wrap my head around queues. Could somebody possibly explain the operational differences between a task queue and a message queue to me? So far, I get that the…
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2 answers

How to stop RabbitMQ starting on Ubuntu bootup?

I have installed RabbitMQ on Ubuntu, but I want to only start it when needed manually, not have it load automatically upon boot.
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2 answers

How to permanently increase RabbitMQ file descriptors limit

I'm trying to permanently increase the RabbitMQ file descriptors limit. I've already increased the system limit to 65535 and did the same for the RabbitMQ process by adding an entry to the /etc/security/limits.d/rabbitmq.conf file. Output of ulimit…
Francesco Casula
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1 answer

How to get consumer count for a RabbitMQ queue using the HTTP API?

I can get the number of consumers using rabbitmqctl as such: # rabbitmqctl list_queues name consumers | grep q-firewall-plugin q-firewall-plugin 2 But when using the API url: /api/queues/%2F/q-firewall-plugin It responds with: { …
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1 answer

RabbitMQ Erlang Cookie

I have RabiitMQ running on a CentOS 5.5 box, with Erlang R15B01. RabbitMQ was running just swell until I upgraded to the latest version (2.8.4). When I startup RabbitMQ using the command: /etc/init.d/rabbitmq start In the RabbitMQ startup_log I'm…
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2 answers

Can I change rabbitmq node name?

I have started to run RabbitMQ on EC2 linux. I'm running a RabbitMQ on default settings, so my RabbitMQ node name is rabbit@{hostname} now and the hostname is default EC2 hostname, ip-{my IP address}. I want to change the node name, if I change the…
Minkyu Kim
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