Questions tagged [minio]

MinIO is a software defined object storage server compatible with Amazon S3, released under Apache License v2.

While being very light-weighted, MinIO supports distributed deployments with erasure coding, bitrot protection and encryption.

For details, see the MinIO site and MinIO Documentation

20 questions
2 answers

configure minio in docker to use https

This is my docker-compose.yml: version: '3.7' services: minio: image: minio/minio command: server -C /etc/minio --address ":9000" --console-address ":9001" /data ports: - "9000:9000" - "9001:9001" environment: …
Felix D.
  • 133
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2 answers

Deploy Minio distributed on 3 nodes with 1 drive

I need to deploy a MinIO infrastructure on three nodes, where each nodes has a single local directory where they can save files in. I read the MinIO Erasure Code Quickstart Guide, but I don't need MinIO to manage data replication on different local…
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Use NGINX as a reverse proxy for Object storage to serve WEBP conditionally

I'm using a location config like this in Nginx for serving WEBP when the user supports it map $http_accept $webp_suffix { default ""; "~*webp" ".webp"; } server { #... location ~* \.(?:jpg|jpeg|png|webp)$…
1 answer

Convert distributed minio backup to standalone

I have a backup of a distributed minio server (e.g. everything's a xl.meta file) that I need to restore in standalone mode. I can't find any documentation for this; any recommendations?
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Access MinIO API on Port 80

My MinIO API is listening on IP of the server and port 9000. It works fine. However, if I try to change the port to 80 and restart the service, it fails to start: ● minio.service - MinIO Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/minio.service;…
1 answer

Cannot access Minio After Helm Installation

I tried installing Minio via the helm chart. You can see my values.yml below. I set the accessKey and secretKey myself. But after I bring up the deployment, I cannot log in. When I go to the webpage and try to, it says The access key ID you…
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2 answers

nginx proxying S3 public bucket hosted by minio service

I'm trying to do what I would have thought was the easiest proxy directive in the world, proxying a public S3 bucket. This is my config: server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; server_name experiment.local; location /404.html { …
1 answer

Minio - how to generate read-only access for mirroring

Given I have a PRIMARY server and a REPLICA. When I need to run a MIRROR server I want for security reasons to have READ-ONLY ACCESS Q: How to generate a second pair of access key and secret key for read-only access? Thanks for your help!
0 answers

Shared storage between multiple instances of app container

What would be the best way to share persistent storage between multiple container instances of the same app ( for HA/performance purposes ). The app does not do heavy read/writes it just stores files uploaded from the users or generated files (…
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Nginx how to block IP in specific port

I use nginx as web server and I have use minio port is 9000 location = / { allow ip_1; allow ip_2; deny all; } all coming ip to port 443/80 is allow. but I want to deny all and allow 2 IP for this port (9000) only , Is this…
0 answers

mount a readonly public s3 bucket with s3fs

We have minio server with a public readonly bucket. I want to mount it using s3fs but cannot figure out how to mount it. s3fs always wants credentials from me.
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1 answer

dial tcp i/o timeout then logging in to minio

I've setup an minio installation via docker on one of my servers. I can access the login screen without a problem. However, when the login itself does not work. Post "": dial tcp :9000: i/o timeout What could be the reason…
Felix D.
  • 133
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0 answers

Minio Max Concurrent connection Issues

Greetings from Mehedy Hasan. I am using minio from the last 1 year. Recently I am facing infrastructure-related issues. The infrastructure setup configuration is as follows as- OS: Ubuntu 20 Processor: 4 core RAM: 16 GB Network Speed: 1Gbps Storage:…
0 answers

SSL certificate error minio-server and windows server

I've installed minio on a VPS (running Ubuntu 20) with SSL via CERTBOT. When I connect to this site from my laptop, everything works fine, the certificate is valid. If I try to connect to this site from my windows server 20019 from which I want to…
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Is crossdomain.xml exclusive to Adobe?

We use MinIO as our storage server. The issue is that the objects are accessible to the public Internet. To solve this issue someone suggested to use crossdomain.xml file to restrict access to resources if the request is initiated from our domain…