Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

How can I be sure that a VM on GCP was not shut down due to it being preemptible? (after the fact, using stackdriver)

I'm looking for a query for stackdriver which will yield preemption events on GCP VMs. Why? Because I have pods disappearing from nodes. Apparently those nodes are later on terminated due to missing workloads and autoscaling being enabled. So…
1 answer

Can I set 3 containers in a K8s pod, with each one writing in its own volume?

I want to set up a service in a Pod, composed of 3 different containers. In this container, there is a process that need to write in a file. The 3 containers write the same thing at almost the same time in those file. In order to avoid concurrent…
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How to set up Kubernetes (k8s) environment on an open-wrt based node connected in a cluster?

Openwrt OS support ".opk" file format extensions for the packages to be installed on the top of it. For that k8s, kubelet binaries are availbale but the procedure is to generate an installable package in .opk format out of it. Is there any way to…
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Can I use different container runtimes in a single cluster?

I was looking into different container OS (K3OS, CoreOS, Talos...) and I see that they all come with different container runtime. I was wondering if I can use different container runtime on different nodes for the same cluster. Is it possible. If…
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Trying to deploy vault:1.2.4 in kubernetes

I have been trying to bring up a Vault pod in K8!, I am using vault:1.2.4 and I have added the capability and config in the yaml as mentioned in the official docker page of vault But still, I always get the error: Error loading configuration from…
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kafka in kubernetes pod

I am new at working with kubernetes setup, and are trying to run kafka pod with a persistence volume, so in case a pod goes down, the memory is not lost, and I can spin up a new cluster, using the persisted memory. The problem with this I tried…
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kube-calico bird: Mesh_172_26_178_195: Socket error: bind: Address not available

Issue appears when kube-calico service on node trying to connect master: Dec 17 12:03:41 a docker[27052]: bird: Mesh_47_105_189_58: Socket error: bind: Address not available Dec 17 12:03:41 a docker[27052]: bird: Mesh_172_26_178_195: Socket error:…
1 answer

Cannot exec sh into Kubernetes container: reading from closed file, no space left on device

One of the nodes in my Kubernetes v1.16.3 cluster has ended up in a strange state. The node is running Debian 10.1 and Docker 19.03.1. When I try to kubectl exec sh into a container on that node I see these error messages in the node's journalctl -u…
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1 answer

Why does LoadBalancer have NodePorts?

I've an on-prem, publicly exposed k8s node, and have configured metallb as the LB provider with a Traefik 2.0 Layer 4 LB. I'm trying to figure out why the Traefik LB service has been assigned NodePorts: kubectl describe svc traefik Name: …
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1 answer

Resolved - Only 1 nodes out of 2 have registered on my node-pool if I have a GPU activated on my cluster

I have a managed k8S cluster with 1GPU (Tesla K80) activated in west1-b and west1-d (Each zone has this GPU model enabled, and my quota is ok). Each time that I create a node pool with 2 nodes only one node is up and I have an error message. I have…
1 answer

GKE helth check fail

I have cluster on GKE with expose of loadbalancer type service. to add SSL, I create service NODE PORT and add ingress to it. I have done this many time and it works. but in this case, ingress show the GCP load balancer as unhealthy. If I edit the…
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How to use Terraform to create GKE cluster and deploy Kubernetes resources

I want to create a GKE cluster and then import it as an existing cluster to Rancher. For the second step I need to install some Kubernetes resources into the cluster. The cluster creation works fine. I set master_auth { client_certificate_config…
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Kubernetes with kops in AWS - how to attach IAM policies to the IAM role used to create services?

Learning to K8 with Kops within AWS (I'm ok in the AWS zone I think), I'm working through setting up a simple service described in this medium article: After deploying the service I get an IAM permissions error (redacted account number & domain…
1 answer

How to remove openstack cloud_provider integration from running cluster

A Kubespray installation in openstack environment was done. Everything fully functional, no problems. My question is how to remove the integration on a running cluster, machine by machine (not by reinstalling the cluster via kubespray) We have…
0 answers

Google Cloud Kubernetes node stuck in NotReady

Google Cloud Kubernetes sole node is stuck in: NotReady for unknown reasons Over the last 24 hours the status has not changed. What could be a reason for this? Available information: kubectl get nodes - node status NotReady gcloud compute ssh for…