Questions tagged [connect]

14 questions
1 answer

istio gateway, not loading the node application

I have tried to deploy a sample nginx app and it working. So, I replaced the same with another nodejs as this contains mutliple sub pages. So, I can test the routing. Here, with LoadBalancer default service type, the page is loading as below. But,…
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Connecting the SignalR console client to the server on Azure

I want to deploy a server (on Azure) using SignalR. And the console client, so that it accepts commands from the server. The server code was taken from here:…
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Can't connect to FTP from external machine

We are trying to create an FTP site on our Azure VM. Here are the steps we have taken: From the VM From Server Manager we added new features. Web Server (IIS), FTP Server, FTP Service From IIS we have added FTP site, setup FTP Firewall with data…
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Connect to my OpenVPN server having a proxy on client side

I have a running OpenVPN server on my house with an OpenWRT router, configured on UDP port 50505. This is actually working with a non-restricted internet connectivity. Now I have my laptop connected on an enterprise network that has a proxy, they…
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Connect to OpenVPN server with different client

If I create OpenVPN server on my Linux machine, can I connect to that server (from Windows) using different client for example SoftEther VPN or built-in VPN client in Windows? Or I have to use OpenVPN client?
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Mongodb primary node not Resolved in Debezium Kafka Connect — Docker Compose

i have this docker compose file, that contains bitnami/mongodb containers for creating a replica set. and I've used zookeeper, kafka & debezium-connector for monitoring my mongodb replica set. version: '2.2' services: mongodb-primary: …
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How to reduce "Connecting Time" reported by GTMetrix?

I've a cloud instance with Linode running CentOS 7.2, PHP 7.1, Nginx & Wordpress (latest version). 1 CPU + 2GB RAM. While checking GTMetrix stats, Connect time is showing as 127ms. I'm trying to find out if I can reduce this time further. What are…
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cannot connect to aws rds mysql from aws ec2 instance via web browser

I have set up an AWS RDS instance and AWS EC2 instance, and I believe I set up the security group to allow both EC2 instance's internal ip and public ip to access the RDS instance. if I ssh to EC2 instance via a ssh client, and type command: mysql…
Minjia Tang
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MariaDB 10.2.9: Storage Engine 'CONNECT' not found when trying to map MSSQL table

I am running a MariaDB Galera cluster and am trying to access MSSQL from within MariaDB on the first node. I have done this in the past on SLES 12 SP2, this time I am trying to do the same on RHEL 7.3. Unfortunately, MariaDB says "Unknown storage…
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Integrating a Linux Machine Into Windows Active Directory Domain

I am working in a enterprise company and had to make a project to connect some linux servers (Red Hat versions 6-8) to ActiveDirectory. After some tests I got to a point where I can connect correctly with AD credentials to the servers. My testing…
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consul routing is not happening, how to fix that?

My deployment and other yaml files for a sample app in consul: link The routing is not happening. Could anyone please check them and suggest what need to be fixed. The traffic is not entering the app at all. The steps I followed to install consul: I…
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TCP connection reset by RST during connect()

Does anyone have an idea why connect() would continue before the three-way handshake is finalized? According to what I captured by tcpdump the client sends a [PSH,ACK] with data before sending the last ACK of the three-way handshake. NO_DELAY option…
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ping to the is not working. what to do?

Network connectivity is good. ping to the is not working. I also want to know why we ping to the ping -n
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azure AD connect certicate

I am configuring SSO through Azure AD Connect and an Oracle app, I could not find the appropriate certificate to include it in the wallet. Can someone help me with a download link please. Thanks a lot