Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
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Disk parameters for kubernetes

I'll be setting up some baremetal machines to form a k8s cluster. They each have 2 disks to be configured as RAID1, my question is what is the optimal values for stripe size, read and write policies to get the best performance?
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How to make Jenkins agents port available with an Ingress controller on Kubernetes?

I'm trying to setup Jenkins in a Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster. I'm using a NGINX ingress controller as I want to access my server from a subdomain ( Everything is working fine so far, I have my UI on said domain secured with…
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I have deleted all the Azure AKS Kubernetes Nodes, how to restore back the Cluster to it's original state?

I am new to the Azure AKS Cluster world, and while messing with a test cluster i have deleted all its Nodes with kubectl delete node xxxx, thinking that the cluster will heal itself. Boy, was i wrong. Now, let me explain the issue, so, when i run…
1 answer

Kubernetes, how do I let kubernetes use the internal network for node to node communication?

Context. I am following the basic kubernetes installation here (in Hetzner Cloud, if it is needed). 1 controller and 1 worker. All is fine apparently. the servers have an external IP interface (public Ipv4) and one internal one (normally…
Pier A
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How to setup custom authentication and authorization in Istio/K8?

Let's say, I have a project that has 8 pods(services). I understand that authentication and authorization are covered in Istio Gateway using jwt. So that every request is verified. But users with different roles ex: [teacher, student, staff] need to…
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azure pipeline getting failed with below Failed to acquire a token Kubernetes Task

One of the stage in my azure pipeline getting failed with below error "Failed to acquire a token: failed acquiring new token: waiting for device code authentication to complete: autorest/adal/devicetoken: Error while retrieving OAuth token: Code…
1 answer

Kibana does not trust Let's Encrypt CA in Kubernetes Helm Setup

I have a k8s cluster configured with calico as networking system. I'm running slightly customized versions of helm elastic/elasticsearch and elastic/kibana with security enabled. For security, I use Let's Encrypt certificates. When starting kibana,…
I. Shm
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load balance for kubernetes master on different subnet

I'm trying to build an architecture for new k8s cluster with master HA on different sites (different subnets). The issue I'm facing is finding an open source Software Load Balance (there is no physical on the site, and its an on prem env) who can…
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Pods CPU behavior for Guaranteed QOS pods with noisy neighbor

Struggling to understand if Guaranteed Qos class (by same limits and requests) behavior for CPU, would actually Guarantee my pods get the requested CPU when they ask for it , even if a noisy neighbour with Burstable Qos is using more CPU then…
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AKS Certificate Manager upgrade w/ namespace change - Wrong cert-manager hook ID

Recently, we changed uninstalled our cert manager and reinstalled it into a new namespace. There were no issues with the uninstall / reinstall of the cert manager. When we tried to create a new certificate issuer, the cert manager is unable to…
Brennan Mann
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How to check application responding in Kubernetes

I have a .net framework application written in C# running in K8s orchestration. I simply want to check in fixed interval (lets say in every 300sec) that my application which is running inside pod is responding or not. Can someone let me know how to…
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aws-load-balancer-controller annotations not working

I'm trying to automatically start an ALB in my EKS cluster by using the aws-load-balancer-controller This is what the logs of my deployment look like: $ kubectl logs -n kube-system deployment.apps/aws-load-balancer-controller Found 2 pods, using…
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1 answer

Applying k8s network policies in Amazon EKS

I'm learning about Kubernetes network policies. I'm attempting to create a situation where two pods in the same namespace have different network policies associated: pod A has ingress from anywhere pod B has ingress from nowhere (but eventually,…
Andy Hunt
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CoreDNS pod unable to reach the primary DNS server

We are seeing the COREDNS pod is unable to lookup for primary DNS server which is resulting in readtimeout. Connectivity to primary DNS server work fine. Tried deploying Flannel/Calico/CANAL CNI but we still see the problem persist. nameresolution…
cks cks
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StatefulSet data consistency

So, a StatefulSet creates a new volume for each of its pod. How does it maintain consistency of the written data. Because, each pod may serve a different client at a specific moment in time and will be writing different stuff to the volume. But, if…
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