Questions tagged [cms]

A Content Management System (CMS) is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users.

CMS is an acronym for Content Management System, which is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users, without requiring large amounts of expertise in web development.

Typical features of these platforms are:

  • Extend their functionality through plugins for calendars, blogs, galleries and more.
  • Allow novice users to modify content through the use of WYSIWYG editors similar to word processors.
  • Handle user access for viewing, modifying and promoting content.

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71 questions
2 answers

Moving a drupal install from subdomain to tld

I have a drupal install on a test subdomain, and when I tried moving it to the root domain, nothing worked. I had no absolute links that I was aware of, and both domains are on the same I don't see why this didn't work. No details have to…
1 answer

How do I edit this element in TYPO3?

Hopefully I am posting this on the right site. I am trying to take over maintenance of a web site. The developer used Typo3 for a CMS. The problem is that I am not that familiar with Typo3 and I can't seem to find any reference to this in the…
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shared hosting with multiple CMS

Any suggestions on how to implement a shared web hosting cluster with multiple CMS? In our case, we have 2 web servers attached to shared storage. If we want to host Wordpress, Drupal, and Joomla sites, would it be more prudent to have separate…
3 answers

What is the enterprise CMS of choice?

I was wondering if you have experience of enterprise content management systems. Here is an evaluation summary: Have you used SDL Tridion or Fatwire in…
Tuomas Hietanen
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6 answers

Are there any available open source CMS's out there that output valid html 4?

So far, the only one I've found is the excellent tangocms. However, although tango is simple enough for me to use, I'd like something simpler for use by non-programmer clients. Silverstripe can be made to use html 4 templates, but one needs to be a…
0 answers

Fail2ban and Joomla CMS Regex

These are my configurations in /etc/fail2ban: ** jail.local** [joomla-login-errors] enabled = true port = http,https filter = joomla-login-errors logpath = /var/www/path-to-website/logs/error.php maxretry = 2 **…
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1 answer

DotCMS all requests fail

I'm running Ubuntu Server: # uname -a Linux host-38sigregt 4.15.0-45-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 29 16:28:13 UTC 2019 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux # cat /etc/lsb-release…
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1 answer

Different PHP modes for Apache Virtual Hosts

I got LAMP stack installed on Centos 7. Also I have three CMS up and running on httpd virtual hosts: WordPress, Joomla and OpenCart. The question: how to configure different PHP modes, CGI and FCGI per virtual host? I have separate .conf files per…
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1 answer

How to change WordPress intranet URL

I want to change the WordPress URL of an intranet ,which is just a plain IP address, into something like: So that my users only have to type an address instead of the IP address. I have tried to add a few lines of code by…
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“Failed to start the session: already started by PHP” error using a CMS

I installed a CMS, named Prestashop: it runs under a specific domain, and with a specific VirtualHost configuration on Apache, on a server with other PHP applications (Wordpress). When I try to login in, as administrator user, I receive the…
1 answer

URL encoded URIs with umlauts not working on other Server

we are about to move our companies Website (Drupal 7) from the old Server A to the new Server B. As usual we ex-/imported the database and copied all the files via ftp. Since our company resides in Germany, we have a bunch of Images whose File names…
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1 answer

Middleware for EMC Documentum and CMIS?

I am developing a plan for a Documentum install and intend to access it via CMIS. I'm trying to determine if I need middleware to connect Documentum to CMIS client libraries? I have a successful implementation with FileNet and CMIS and that…
Unknown Coder
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1 answer

Should I use Drupal with Nginx or Apache?

I'm currently running my own built server, where I host my own coded website, as well as websites I have built for local businesses. Currently it's running Ubuntu server edition, with Nginx. I already have the virtual hosts configured to correctly…
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Anyone running Cisco CMS plugin 1.2 on a modern system?

I have a Cisco 3750 that I am trying to use the web interface for. It wants me to download and install a CMS plugin version 1.2 that appears to have been built in 2004. The install of the plugin works, but when I try to run the plugin, I…
David Mackintosh
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0 answers

Server wont let me save URLs to MySQL database?

I am posting here because all other forum say it's a server environ issue. I have a site with the ModX CMS on it hosted on a GoDaddy server (not sure about the specific setup is as client has forgotten login details). For some reason (mod_security?)…
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