Questions tagged [drupal]

Drupal is an open-source, database-backed CMS written in PHP. It is maintained and supported by a worldwide community. Questions about installing and maintaining Drupal belong on Drupal.SE

Drupal is an open-source, database-backed CMS written in PHP by a worldwide community.


264 questions
4 answers

How to investigate a memory leak with Apache and PHP?

We're running a heavy Drupal website that performs financial modeling. We seem to be running into some sort of memory leak given the fact that overtime the memory used by apache grows while the number of apache processes remains stable: We know…
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4 answers

Load balanced Drupal servers: a good way to share data among the servers?

I'm trying to get an overview of how i would go about creating a load balanced web server setup. Setting up the actual load balancer and adding two or more web servers seems fair enough. However, I can't decide what the best setup for files would…
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2 answers

All PHP sites stopped working on IIS7, internal server error 500

I installed multiple drupal 7 sites using the Web Platform Installer on Windows Server 2008. Until know they worked without any problems, but recently internal server error 500 started to show up (once every so many requests), now it happens for all…
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6 answers

MySQL performance over a (local) network much slower than I would expect

MySQL queries in my production environment are taking much longer than I would expect them too. The site in question is a fairly large Drupal site, with many modules installed. The webserver (Nginx) and database server (mysql) are hosted on…
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1 answer

nginx - deny all *.php requests except index.php for security reasons

os: CentOS 7 nginx: 1.6.2 httpd: apache 2.4.6 cms: Drupal 7 After my server was compromised I removed all from server, reinstalled OS and soft, and restored data from backup. Now I configure all services in maximum security style. After detail…
Sergey Serov
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3 answers

server farm setup for a large Drupal site

I'm setting up a large Drupal (Pressflow) site and this is my current plan. Have I gone and done anything blatantly stupid? Does anyone have any experience hosting a large, multi-server Drupal installation like this?
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4 answers

SSL - how to make both http and https work

I have set up a Drupal 6 site on a dedicated server, and enabled SSL through the "Matrix" control panel which was installed on it. The problem is now, the site ONLY loads pages from https. Most of the images wont load either, I presume this is…
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2 answers

Varnish 503 error after exactly 60 seconds... how to change this timeout value?

I'm running Varnish over Apache on a Drupal site. I have a PHP script that executes on a certain path of my site, and takes a really long time... like 60 - 120 seconds. When trying to access that page, Varnish always gives me 503 guru meditation…
Jordan Magnuson
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12 answers

What is the Open Source CMS of choice?

I've been told that Sitecore is the closed-source CMS of choice (due to its insane flexibility). That said, what is the Open source equivalent? Or is there one? I've played with Drupal and it seems more of a blogging platform than a CMS. Do you have…
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1 answer

How to set up a private CDN using nginx?

Here is the problem: I have a Linux server in Europe serving a busy Drupal site using nginx+php-fpm, I have another Linux server in the US (where a big portion of my visitors are coming from). The second server is heavily under-used. I am wondering…
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1 answer

NGINX cache error: conflicts with already declared size 0 in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf

My current nginx for drupal config gives following error. Somehow, I am not able to enable nginx cache. Tried different config but overtime i get the same error. Can anyone help please? nginx: [emerg] the size 5242880 of shared memory zone "MYAPP"…
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1 answer

Intranet corporate SSO for webapps against Active Directory

I am trying to plan and implement a SSO solution in a corporate environment that serves intranet web applications running on CentOS: Corporate portal (Drupal backend) Project management (Project.NET) Document collaboration system…
1 answer

Using nginx and Drupal, how do I serve a 404 error for static files and directories that exist?

I deploy a Drupal web site using git (well, OK, the developers deploy it; I try to keep them out of trouble), and for that reason the site has a directory .git and a file .gitignore in the document root. Currently the permissions on the files are…
Michael Hampton
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2 answers

extreme slowness with a remote database in Drupal

We're attempting to scale our Drupal installations up and have decided on some dedicated MySQL boxes. Unfortunately, we're running into extreme slowness when we attempt to use the remote DB - page load times go from ~200 milliseconds to 5-10…
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2 answers

Comparing Nginx+PHP-FPM to Apache-mod_php

I'm running Drupal and trying to figure out the best stack to serve it. Apache + mod_php or Nginx + PHP-FPM I used ApacheBench (ab) and Siege to test both setups and I'm seeing Apache performing better. This surprises me a little bit since I've…
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