Questions tagged [cms]

A Content Management System (CMS) is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users.

CMS is an acronym for Content Management System, which is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users, without requiring large amounts of expertise in web development.

Typical features of these platforms are:

  • Extend their functionality through plugins for calendars, blogs, galleries and more.
  • Allow novice users to modify content through the use of WYSIWYG editors similar to word processors.
  • Handle user access for viewing, modifying and promoting content.

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71 questions
1 answer

Installing Silverstripe on (free web host)

I'm trying to learn how to work Silverstripe so I extracted the tar file to my free hosting account. I then went on install.php and edited the permissions to meet the requirements set out in install.php but I still get two warnings from the…
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2 answers

Best CMS to handle short snippets of text?

I have to install a CMS to manage a set of mathematical problems, i.e., our main content will be short (~3 lines) snippets of text. We need the ability to add comments and categories/tags, possibly with a powerful search function combining different…
Federico Poloni
0 answers

OmekaS, php, can't write their error log file, seemingly with correct permissions

I am currently installing and configuring an instance of OmekaS, a CMS for libraries (in short). I am encountering an error when trying to write to log files. They should be in /var/www/CMS/log/application.log; but this file stays empty no matter…
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OpenCms: Kerberos SSO authentication with httpd+Tomcat

I have a standalone httpd+Tomcat 8.5.65 installation on OpenJDK 11 with OpenCms 11.0.2 for my client's internal website. They have a LDAP network and they're requesting the automated logon using Kerberos (krb5). We configured SPNego and it works on…
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3 answers

We are migrating our wordpress to static site. That is creating over 400,000 folders within 1 folder. Is there any limit to the number of sub-folders?

Our wordpress web site is several years old and has many posts indexed and ranking well on google. With any serious traffic my wordpress server tanks - and this happens even after several rounds of wordpress optimization. We have had enough of…
2 answers

Host multiple CMSs at the same domain.

Currently I have a VPS hosting ownCloud. I have added a domain name to the server, so now it is (an example) instead of an IP. I was wondering if (and how) I could add another CMS at the same domain, like I do not have…
1 answer

Joomla includes CSS that makes display empty page

Whenever I try to load the login page /index.php?option=com_users&view=login I only see a white page. When I look at the sites source code that gets delivered, there is the CSS statement html { display:none } in the head that makes the whole…
1 answer

Joomla 1.5 Media Manager sets incorrect file permissions when uploading

Howdy all, I have a Joomla 1.5 installation running on Windows Server 2008, installed via the Web Platform Installer. When uploading images with the media manager (native uploader, not the flash bulk uploader), the files arrive on the server…
2 answers

Recommended UNIX user for CMS access to MySQL

This article recommends the UNIX nobody user to access MySQL from Joomla scripts. Is this standard practice? Moreover, is it reasonable to use it, say, both for Joomla and WordPress?
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script to detect outdate cms in linux?

Is there any script (free or paid) use to detect outdated version of joomla & wordpress and inform the customers by email (cpanel) to upgrade immediately ?
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1 answer

What is the simplest CMS for my needs?

I'm looking for a CMS that meets the following specifications: easy to maintain and update content is modified by a variety of users with different kinds of access templated enough to quickly make aesthetically pleasing sites I have no experience…
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