Questions tagged [symfony]

Symfony is a PHP framework

Symfony is a PHP Web Development framework edited by Sensiolabs. Symfony is an internationally recognized, stable development environment. It is written in PHP.

76 questions
2 answers

Nginx + PHP-FPM produce 502 bad gateway instead of fatal error?

I'm currently testing Symfony2 with Nginx and PHP-FPM. I also use Xdebug. Symfony2 comes with a Demo bundle, I wanted to test the new handling of fatal errors which comes with Symfony 2.2.0 by creating a syntax error in the Acme/Demo bundle. Why I…
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2 answers

running setfacl on a vagrant shared directory

Trying to get a Symfony2 project up and running with a vagrant VM. I've seen a zillion articles on this, but getting the cache directory permissioned correctly is proving to be excruciatingly painful. In my Vagrantfile: config.vm.share_folder("src",…
Josh Nankin
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1 answer

docker-compose exec composer as user

I have a docker-compose setup working perfect on my local machine for my symfony projects with nginx, php7-fpm and mysql. I often need to install new packages via composer, so I just deliver the command to my php-fpm container like…
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0 answers

How to escape/quote a dollar sign `$` in an env var in a php-fpm pool?

As symfony4 uses dotenv and environment variables for configuration, they are also needed on the server. to pass the variables it is possible to add the following to the pool config: example-pool.conf: env[APP_ENV] = 'prod' the problem is the…
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Nginx - 400 Request Header Or Cookie Too Large (Angular + Symfony)

I have two projects on the same server: a Symfony 3 API ( an Angular 5 webapp that uses the API mentionned above ( Both are on the same server, served with one Nginx configuration file each. Both work with HTTPS…
4 answers

Symfony2 Vhost Configuration

I'm new to Symfony2 and following the EnsJobeet tutorial. My VirtualHost config is as follows: ServerName jobeet.local DocumentRoot /var/www/ensjobeet/web/ DirectoryIndex app.php ErrorLog…
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1 answer

Stop Apache from decoding characters from URI for PATH_INFO

I want to stop Apache from decoding %2B (+) and %3D (=) from URI. I need those chars not decoded in PATH_INFO. I've did that for %2F (/) by using: AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode But, I can't find any directive(s) that could help me do the same for…
Jakov Sosic
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1 answer

OPcache cache same file for different users only once

Is there some way to make OPcache use a hash or target a specific directory on each domain to disable use_pwd so it won't cache the same packages over and over? By default OPcache appends the working directory to the script key to prevent…
0 answers

Cookies aren't being set/overwritten through nginx reverse proxy

For some reason, when I'm proxying my API request through an nginx reverse proxy, my cookies aren't being overwritten with the new values. I've tried adding the following to my nginx config, but I'm not seeing any changes. In this situation, I'm…
1 answer

NGINX + Symfony - what is the internal directive redirecting to?

Over at the official NGINX docs, they have the following configuration for production-level Symfony: # PROD location ~ ^/app\.php(/|$) { fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.*)$; include…
1 answer

Nginx rewrite to symfony2 not working

I'm a newbie with nginx and it's rewrite commands and I really need some help with this one. I've been trying to solve this the whole day but nothing.. If user gives this url: I would like to rewrite it to point into…
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1 answer

google load balancer + nginx + symfony2

i'm trying to configure a scalable symfony2 app, so i read this page i did every thing like they said, is working with a simple nginx conf : server { listen 80…
3 answers

PHP FPM state Finishing but never completes

We are running a Symfony application on Ubuntu 14.04 with Nginx and PHP-FPM The problem is that individual PHP FPM will occasionally hang on our production servers. I have the output from the status page: pid: 13416 state: …
Joshua Cullen
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1 answer

Nginx + php5-fpm + Symfony2 = "File not found."

This is the site config based on official Symfony2 doc server { listen 80; server_name project.local; root /media/Storage/project/web; location / { # try to serve file directly, fallback to app.php …
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1 answer

open_basedir problems with APC and Symfony2

I'm currently setting up a shared staging environment for one of our applications, written in PHP5.3 and using the Symfony2 framework. If I only host a single instance of the application per server, everything works as it should. However, if I then…
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