Questions tagged [cms]

A Content Management System (CMS) is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users.

CMS is an acronym for Content Management System, which is a platform used to build websites that are easily edited by multiple users, without requiring large amounts of expertise in web development.

Typical features of these platforms are:

  • Extend their functionality through plugins for calendars, blogs, galleries and more.
  • Allow novice users to modify content through the use of WYSIWYG editors similar to word processors.
  • Handle user access for viewing, modifying and promoting content.

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71 questions
2 answers

Looking for a perl-based CMS that is easy to extend

This is for a non-profit group, which means shared-hosting, which generally means no mod_perl. FastCGI is ok. I'm looking for a CMS that can accept perl-based plugins which can be melded seamlessly in with the authentication/authorisation of the…
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1 answer

load two cms on one server

i have been searching on net to know if it's possible (or allowable, as in no conflict ) to use two cms's on one server. Like currycms ( ) and cherrypy ( ). or ( any two servers. ). situation is my…
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User permissions on web server

Possible Duplicate: What are the best linux permissions to use for my website? I have allot of users which install joomla, wordpress, drupal and other CMS things on their websites ( linux server). Usually they get problem with write permissions…
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2 answers

php security on a system with only known php software (or: need alternative non-PHP CMS)

I have a deep antipathy for PHP due to its security record and the way the project handles security in general. Unfortunately I have to deploy a CMS and I need a modern theme for it. So far I have looked almost everywhere but it always comes down to…
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1 answer

Nginx and Frog CMS admin url

Short background - there is a site (powered by Frog CMS) hosted on VPS with Apache installed. To cut costs a bit, I've moved to another VPS hosting with cheaper plan. I've installed nginx, php-cgi and before moving production version, made a test…
1 answer

Running indexhibit with a non-MySQL backend -- can it be done?

The version of the Indexhibit PHP-based CMS that's available for public download has been 0.70 (or thereabouts) for around four years, and as far as I know, it's been a MySQL-only app for the entirety of that time. AND YET: the config file has a sql…
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1 answer

ExpressionEngine, mod_rewrite, and subdomains

Thanks in advance, everyone; this one's a doozy. I've been tasked with porting a subdomain, that was previously hosted on its own server, into an existing ExpressionEngine installation. Previously, the site in question was at -…
3 answers

Is there an extremely simple CMS with In-Place Editing?

I'm looking for a very limited, very simple CMS that allows non-techies to maintain a simple website consisting of maybe 4-6 editable pages. It should use a WYSIWYG editor only support static pages have an editable menu bar behave like a wiki -…
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1 answer

JSF Portlets in Liferay on JBoss

I'm currently looking at working with and deploying JSF portlets into Liferay 6.0.5, sitting on JBoss 5.1.0. I ran into a lot of trouble trying to port some JSF-y/Seam-y/EJB-y stuff I had lying around, so I thought I'd start simple and work my way…
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3 answers

Hosted CMS providers

I want to create advanced websites but don't want to use code them myself. Are there good hosted variants where you can create your website (for a restaurant) in minutes?
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1 answer

A multiple web-app backup script

I'm mostly a Drupal developer, and have a backup script that goes through each site and uses Drush to perform a db dump, before archiving all the sites and their dumps. I've just finished a small Wordpress project, and so now my script can't…
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2 answers

Which CMS for a mobile app? No HTML, just XML or JSON

I am a newbie in content management systems. I would need a CMS that can transfer content by XML or JSON to a client. It is ok if the CMS can also manage HTML websites, but the priority is on the data transfer over a web service. Which is the best…
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How to setup Joomla CMS as a backend for iPhone app

I would like my iPhone app to get dynamic content off the net. This content should be managed using a CMS. I have gone ahead and installed Joomla on my server and will be using the Joomla web interface to create and manage content. I would now like…
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1 answer

MODx not display correct image path

In the MODx WYSIWYG whenever I click the Image icon to insert an image, followed by browse image it generates the wrong path: /data/12/1/111/99/1111262/user/1169144/htdocs/images/image.jpg instead of assets/images/image.jpg I have checked my…
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1 answer

Untar multiple files in different directories

am trying to perform an update on multiple site that use an open source CMS but untaring a patch file in each sites httpdocs directory. My plan was to perform a find for the patch file then untar using the following command: find . -name…
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