Questions tagged [fastcgi]

FastCGI is an open interface web servers can use to execute applications in a secure and isolated manner.

FastCGI is an open interface web servers can use to run applications as separate isolated processes. It is an enhancement of the original NCSA CGI interface specification, with a range of improvements. The primary improvement over the standard CGI approach offered by FastCGI is performance, hence the name.

FastCGI is supported by a broad range of Web Servers (such as Apache, nginx, lighttpd).

713 questions
1 answer

Differences and dis/advanages between: Fast-CGI, CGI, Mod-PHP, SuPHP, PHP-FPM

There are few different php "wrappers"(?). What are differences between them? Tried to google some, but cant seem to find informations. (mod-php is not googleable). Why might I choose one over another?
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3 answers

Is the PHP option 'cgi.fix_pathinfo' really dangerous with Nginx + PHP-FPM?

There has been a lot of talking about a security issue relative to the cgi.fix_pathinfo PHP option used with Nginx (usually PHP-FPM, fast CGI). As a result, the default nginx configuration file used to say: # NOTE: You should have…
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9 answers

Nginx + php-fpm "504 Gateway Time-out" error with almost zero load (on a test-server)

After debugging for 6-hours - I am giving this up :| We have a nginx+php-fpm+mysql in LAN with almost 100 wordpress (created and used by different designers/developers all working on test wordpres setup) We are using nginx without any issues from…
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3 answers

PHP: What are the advantages of FastCGI over mod_php?

It was recently suggested to me that I use FastCGI with PHP. Now I went to the FastCGI page and read it but I don't really understand what the advantages are.
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3 answers

Apache vs Nginx

I have been investigating the differences between Apache and Nginx recently and am confused about which I should choose. I have done some searching but there is no definitive comparison between the two and I was wondering if someone here could give…
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nginx + PHP-FPM = "permission denied" error 13 in nginx log; configuration mistake?

I've got nginx 0.7x + PHP-FPM running under PHP 5.2.10 on one RHEL5 server, but trying to duplicate that setup under the bundled-in PHP-FPM in PHP 5.3.3 on a second server, I'm having some trouble with permission errors every time there's a GET. FPM…
Peter Kirn
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3 answers

Nginx $document_root$fastcgi_script_name vs $request_filename

I can't notice any difference if in my config file I set fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; Or: fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $request_filename; What do they do respectively? Is one of the two better than…
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1 answer

Recommended Nginx + WSGI Configurations

Please explain pros/cons when using the different Nginx WSGI interfaces? Please explain in detail what differentiates each configuration? Which configuration should scale the best? If relevant, what are you running right now, and why? Some…
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2 answers

Should I impersonate PHP via FastCGI?

I am installing the latest version of PHP onto IIS 7.5 via FastCGI, and all of the instructions say that FastCGI should impersonate the calling client by setting fastcgi.impersonate = 1 If my website will have this configuration dedicated…
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2 answers

Multiple php versions simultaneously on Ubuntu

I want to be able to run multiple php versions on my development box running Ubuntu 12.04. What I want to accomplish is that when I use localhost as a domain a default is used (let's say php 5.3.17). When I use 547.localhost as domain php 5.4.7 is…
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4 answers

How do you conditionally include files in Nginx vhost?

In the lines below, I might have a site-specific configuration file that contains additional fastcgi_params unique to that site. If this file exists I want to load it. server { listen 80 default; server_name _; root…
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5 answers

Nginx/PHP-FPM long log lines get truncated

I am unsure is that is a Nginx or PHP-FPM setting, but long log lines are getting truncated. Is there a setting to increase the max log line length?
Jason Christa
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2 answers

How to pass custom parameters to PHP from Nginx?

I'm using Nginx 1.2.4 in combination with PHP-FPM 5.4.8 with a fastcgi pass and trying to pass custom parameters to PHP. Here are the options I have found so far: using the env directive to set an environment variable in nginx and fetch it with…
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3 answers

nginx projects in subfolders

I'm getting frustrated with my nginx configuration and so I'm asking for help in writing my config file to serve multiple projects from sub-directories in the same root. This isn't virtual hosting as they are all using the same host value. Perhaps…
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2 answers

How to enable error log in lighttpd properly?

I have a Centos 5 system with Lighttpd and fastcgi enabled. It does log access but does not log errors. I have Internal Server Error 500 and no info in log and when I try to open not -existing file also - no info in error log. How to enable it…
Tom Smykowski
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