Questions tagged [encoding]

Encoding is changing a sequence of characters to symbols.

Encoding is changing a sequence of characters to symbols. Do not confuse with encryption.

148 questions
3 answers

How to tell the language encoding of a filename on Linux?

I have a directory with ~10,000 image files from an external source. Many of the filenames contain spaces and punctuation marks that are not DB friendly or Web friendly. I also want to append a SKU number to the end of every filename (for accounting…
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2 answers

How do I set proper Headers for JSON in Apache?

I have an Apache server which is serving out static JSON files. The Content Type is correctly being represented in the header with an Content-Type: application/json header. How do I add the correct Charset to the header? I have the following line in…
Devdatta Tengshe
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3 answers

Mercurial convert filename encoding

I have Mercurial repositories running on Apache with mod_wsgi. Repositories have all filenames encoded in windows-1251. This encoding is used for historically reasons: they were converted to mercurial from svn, windows-1251 is default windows…
Selivanov Pavel
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2 answers

Determine the default character encoding in a RedHat system

How do I determine the default character encoding in a RedHat system using the command line? I just want to know what encoding a Java app would use per default if none is specified
victor hugo
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2 answers

nginx $uri is url decoded

I am using nginx as reverse proxy and I have 2 rules like: location ~ ^/indirect { rewrite ^/indirect(.*) /foobar$1; } location ~ ^/foobar { set $url$scheme://$host$uri; proxy_pass…
Carlos Campderrós
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5 answers

Encoding to base32 from the shell

I'm looking to encode an input string to base32 encoding directly from the shell. I'm looking to do this in ubuntu, but I imagine flavor doesn't particularly matter here. Are there any existing linux/unix tools out there to simply do…
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1 answer

Can PuTTY be configured to display the following UTF-8 characters?

I'd like to be able to render the characters as seen in this tweet: I saved the tweet's JSON data and wrote a one-liner python script for testing. python -c 'import json,urllib; print…
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2 answers

How do I read a single file in a maildir?

On my Linux development system I use fakemail to write mails to a directory instead of sending them. The mail files contain the headers and the text of the mail as quoted-printable, text/plain in UTF-8. How can I read a single mail file and "decode"…
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2 answers

Linux not interpreting UTF8 encoded characters

So, having the following file Adán-y-Eva-50x50.jpg when I try to access it, apache translates it to Ad\xc3\xa1n-y-Eva-50x50.jpg and won't find it, even though it exists. This happens only for filenames that contain UTF8 characters. I have already…
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1 answer

Apache authentication against LDAP fails for passwords with umlauts

When authenticating against LDAP (Active Directory, Server 2008) from an Apache server I get the following message in the error log: authentication failure for "/": Password Mismatch This only happens when the password contains German umlauts (ä,…
4 answers

How can I disable Transfer-Encoding: chunked in Apache with HTTP/1.1 responses

I have a mod_include (SSI) page that is generating erronous output during chunked encoding when requested by a HTTP/1.1 browser. The page is output fine when requested by a HTTP/1.0 (because the output is not chunked). How can I tell Apache not to…
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1 answer

Force encoding with IIS 7

I try to force encoding with IIS 7. When I add in the http response headers the key : Content-Type and value charset=utf-8 i got this key content-type : text/html,content-type=utf-8 it's there a way to remove the comma ? Thanks Justin for your…
Cédric Boivin
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2 answers

Base64 encoded MX records in TXT records

A lot of domains hosted by Namecheap contain strange DNS TXT records that appear to be base64 encoded, that when decoded look like a weird kind of MX record - having the structure of both a priority and then a domain. What are these for? There does…
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2 answers

How do I change the default character encoding in IIS on Windows Server 2003?

When validating my web page using the W3C Validator, I noticed that although I specify ISO-8859-1 encoding in my HTML, the web server seems to be specifying UTF-8 encoding in the HTTP headers. I've looked everywhere but I can't seem to find a way to…
Mark Bell
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0 answers

Wrong filename encoding/decoding when downloading recursively with wget

I'm downloading files from a remote directory recursively using wget and whoever created the folders and files, used special characters such as è or Ó, when I download a single specificating the full path+filename, the file is downloaded with it's…
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