Questions tagged [autoscaling]

273 questions
2 answers

Approach to auto-scaling with Amazon AWS

I want to know about the possible options for auto-scaling my web app architecture. What I have in architect is web-app (Tomcat), middleware (RabbitMQ), database(MongoDB), worker(standalone Java app). Right now I am attempting scaling based on the…
2 answers

Auto scaling AWS EC2 instances based on memory utilization

I am setting up auto scaling based on memory consumed by the particular instance. I went through the link posted at awsforums. I was able to set my metrics and using the bash script given and with the same variables. In figuring out how to set auto…
Jeevan Dongre
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Amazon EC2 AutoScaling WordPress

I am currently looking to autoscale my wordpress installation on Amazon EC2. Everything is working, I can bundle my EBS instance, put some policy and then amazon run automatically instances behind my loadbalancer if needed. But If i had a plugin on…
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Multiple AWS EC2 running Auto Scaling and Distributed Memcache

I'm planning to use distributed Memcache across a series of Linux web servers on Amazon EC2. These EC2s currently run auto scaling so will increase and decrease with load. I have used this post to guide the initial setup. best practice with…
2 answers

Autoscaling and NFS Server

I have a WebServer say WS-1 and a NFS server say NFS-1 setup on AWS. WS-1 is being managed by an elastic load balancer and also autoscaled. It also has an EBS mounted on /var/www which contains all application code. During autoscaling if another…
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Setting up AutoScaling using GUI based interface on Amazon EC2 service

We want to setup/configure AutoScaling on Amazon EC2 services using some GUI Intrerface. Is it possible to do? As per our research, we found that it can be setup via API Queries or commandline tools only. Is it correct? Thanks in advance
Jalpesh Vadgama
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1 answer

What is the best metric for auto-scaling GPU instances for machine learning inference in the cloud?

We have an API in AWS with a GPU instance that does inference. We have an auto-scaler setup with the minimum and maximum number of instances, but aren’t sure which metric (GPU/CPU usage, RAM usage, average latency, etc) or combination of metrics…
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Why are pods failing to schedule due to resources when node has plenty available?

The pods in my application scale with 1 pod per user (each user gets their own pod). I have the limits for the application container set up like so: resources: limits: cpu: 250m memory: 768Mi requests: cpu: 100m …
Ben Davis
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1 answer

Azure App Service Autoscale - scale in oldest server

We have a web app and use Autoscale running between 1 and 3 instances, scaling on cpu. All works well. What’s incredibly frustrating is that on scale in, the newest server is shut down and we would like the oldest server - now with the highest…
1 answer

How to change Elastic Beanstalk launch configuration to launch template?

I want to replace the launch configuration with a launch template for my existing Elastic Beanstalk environment. In the EC2 dashboard I created a launch template and selected it in the existing EB auto-scaling group. Now this works fine until I go…
2 answers

How to use Aws code-deploy with Auto-scaling group

We have auto-scaling group behind an Application load balancer which launches instances if the avg. CPU Utilization goes beyond 70%. We have created a base AMI for the auto-scaling group. But the problem is that our website updates almost on a…
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1 answer

How to properly deploy new code to AWS EC2 AutoScaling Group

Scenario: Currently, we have a single production server running on an EC2 instance. Since we are getting a lot of traffic, we would like to use the Autoscaling feature, but we are kind of new to this. Following is my understanding: - We create a…
1 answer

Why is my autoscaling group instance unhealthy?

I'm noticing a very strange issue with an AWS auto-scaling group. Instances are being reported (incorrectly) as being unhealthy. The instances are then being terminated and replaced unnecessarily. This is causing problems because it is leaving the…
1 answer

Does the size or type of EC2 instance effect the autoscaling/provisioning/termination time?

Are any of the EC2 provisioning/termination times effected by the size or type of instance. For example, if I provision an m4.large and an m4.xlarge, will the m4.large be provisioned faster? Or if I provision an m4.large and an m5.large, will the…
2 answers

Amazon EFS as code repository for auto-scaled EC2s

tl;dr: I need to set up a fast automatic sync from EFS to multiple EC2s I've set up an EC2 Auto-Scaling Group in AWS and I'm looking for the best way to manage code deployments to my instances, with as little service interruption as possible…