Questions tagged [autoscaling]

273 questions
2 answers

AWS autoscaling and ec2 t2

I use t2.medium as a front servers at my architecture. Usually AWS autoscaling use "CPU Utilization", but for t2 it's a bit tricky. When "CPU Credit Balance" is low, t2.medium "CPU Utilization" can be maximum 20%, so autoscaling will not detect…
2 answers

EC2 - How do you tell the ELB when the machine is "ready"

I have a autoscaling setup with monitoring and all is well. The process for code deployment is now well in hand and basically does this. Create a new launch_config which defines the git commit to pull Update the autoscale group with the new launch…
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Amazon EC2 notifying the instance when the autoscale service terminates it

I am in need of knowing when an instance is supposed to be shutdown by the autoscale, as I want the instances to register themselves and deregister themselves from a given service. I know that the autoscale can start/stop any instance any time so I…
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How do I create an AWS autoscaling policy to match the size of an SQS queue?

I am building a render farm using SQS and autoscaling group(s). I believe my use-case is one of the few where I actually want my group's capacity to match the size of the queue, up to a limit. Right now, I'm using a target tracking policy that…
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An Application Load Balancer with fewer Instances than Availability Zones?

Is it important to always have an ec2 instance in each zone of your load balancer? Are there advantages to having more than two or three zones? We set up our application in an EC2 AutoScaling Group serving as the single Target Group of an…
1 answer

EC2 Auto-Scaling: configure Target Tracking Policies to prefer Spot instances

Amazon recently introduced Target Tracking Policies for EC2 Auto Scaling. In my production service, I am using two separate auto-scaling groups to support hybrid auto-scaling with a mixture of Spot and On-Demand instances. What I want is that my CPU…
Philipp Claßen
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Automatically start an AWS EC2 instance from network request (wake-on-LAN)

I'd like to start an EC2 instance on-demand, and to take it down when it is idle for some period of time (e.g. no network activity for >= 1 hour), but I can't tell what a standard way of doing this in AWS looks like, given that AWS doesn't support…
2 answers

Auto-scaling docker containers based on EC2 instance load and SQS

I'll start with a small description of how my application works.. If a user on my website adds a task, the task is broken down into multiple sub-tasks, the number can vary from 1 to 10 tasks. These 10 tasks are added to the SQS queue. I have a…
0 answers

Coreos auto scaling with docker and fleetctl on AWS

I spent a lot of time evaluating different ways to deploy an application to the cloud (let's assume AWS for this question) in the last few weeks but couldn't really find a satisfying solution. We have an imho very standard setup: Rails app Sidekiq…
2 answers

How do I create DNS entries for EC2 instances created by Auto Scaling?

I'm looking into using auto scaling groups for a tier of webservers that would be fronted by an ELB. One of the things I'm having a hard time with is how to give each new instance the proper DNS name. For example, I'd like webservers to have names…
2 answers

Can Amazon Elastic Beanstalk auto-scale Amazon RDS?

I'm planning to run a PHP/MySQL application using Amazon Elastic Beanstalk. In the settings I can define when it should launch new instances automatically (Auto-Scaling). However, as I understand this, this only creates new EC2-Instances and does…
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2 answers

Auto-scaling EC2 Servers and Updating Code

We've come to the point where we need to set up autoscaling for our web server and I'm unsure how to go about the process of scaling servers and updating the the existing code without remaking a new AMI and changing the autoscale config to use it.…
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3 answers

using AWS autoscaling to reboot unhealthy instance

I intend to reboot a running AWS instance which has been marked as unhealthy behind an ELB. I have a setup where 2 instances are behind a Load Balancer and one of them contains lot of (>200 Gb) data in ephemeral store. The data is not important so I…
1 answer

AWS Beanstalk Auto-scaling Scaling Triggers with UnhealthyHost count and Health Checking

I have my scaling triggers set to look for an un-healthy host count but it does not seem to be working. Now to test this - I am SSHing into one of my instances and halting the HTTPD service. Then, when I navigate to the health overview, I will…
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1 answer

How to dynamically set tag values in an AWS auto-scaling group

I'm trying to create an AWS auto-scaling group, and I want my instances to have a tag with Key=Name and Value=processor%i, where the "%i" is dynamically replaced with a 1, 2, 3, etc as the instances are added. Is this possible? I can't find any…
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