Questions tagged [magento]

Magento is an open source e-commerce web application.

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Magento is an open source e-commerce web application. It was built using the Framework and stores data by using the entity-attribute-value (EAV) database model.

The Magento Community Edition is the free version of Magento.



228 questions
8 answers

Deploying new code live

What's the best practise to deploy new code on a live (e-commerce) site? For now I have stopped apache for +/- 10 seconds when renaming directory public_html_new to public_html and old to public_html_old. This creates a short down-time, before I…
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2 answers

Add trailing slash when it's missing in nginx

I'm running Magento on Nginx using this config: Now I want to 301 all URLs without trailing slash to their counterpart that includes a trailing…
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nginx recv() failed (104: Connection reset by peer) while reading response header from upstream

I have recently upgrade my magento from 1.5 to 1.9 and when ever I add a certain product to basket, I started to receive this error: 502 Bad Gateway There were no log entries in the var/log/ folder: So, I had a look at my nginx errors and I found…
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6 answers

How can I keep Apache from falling over?

I have a pair of servers hosting a single Magento ecommerce site with moderate traffic (60k page views per day reported from google analytics, I think about 80k reported on the server itself). The database server runs smoothly and quickly, aside…
Dave Child
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2 answers

Magento hosting on a budget

I have to do a setup for Magento. My constraint is primarily ease of setup and fault tolerance/fail over. Furthermore costs are an issue. I have three identical physical servers to get the job done. Each server node has an i7 quad core, 16GB RAM,…
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2 answers

Solr Search - java.util.Map$Entry cannot be resolved

I have Solr 3.6.2 running and powering the search for a Magento Enterprise site, and it's all working well, with no errors on startup etc. However when trying to access the following admin pages: /solr/admin/stats.jsp…
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2 answers

mysql becomes unresponsive at same time every day

My server goes down every day at same time. I found that the issue was due to mysql. I tried show processlist; and found that data base was entering in to sleep mode. I saw there was so many inserts in log_url table as shown below mysql> show…
2 answers

Reclaim disk space after deleting Magento MySQL database

I needed to reclaim some disk space so I removed an old Magento database from my server. The database size was around 16 GB. I was surprised that once the database was deleted, it did not really free up that disk space. I tried restarting the MySQL…
Josh Pennington
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4 answers

100% CPU when doing 4 or more concurrent requests with Magento

Currently I'm having trouble with a server running Magento, it's unbelievably slow. It's a VPS with a few Magento installations on it used for development, so I'm the only one using them. When I do 4 request all 2 seconds after each other I'm…
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2 answers

Optimizing MySQL for small VPS

I'm trying to optimize my MySQL config for a verrry small VPS. The VPS is also running NGINX/PHP-FPM and Magento; all with a limit of 250MB of RAM. This is an output of MySQL Tuner... -------- General Statistics…
Chris McKee
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3 answers

Varnish only cache assets from single session

Currently I manage to configure varnish to cache items from 1 user, but the when the second users comes in varnish fetch another asset from Apache. How can I cache static assets behind magento ( css, js , image pdf etc ) accessible from multiple…
Rianto Wahyudi
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1 answer

Redis server high cpu debugging strategies

Recently, we have been noticing CPU spikes on our production environment caused by redis which can be seen below: To combat this issue, I have been restarting the redis server about twice a day :( which is obviously far from ideal. I'd like to…
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3 answers

IP address redirects to www.IP address

I have a Google Cloud Compute instance running a Bitnami Magento stack. For some strange reason if I try to browse to the site via the IP address it prefixes the IP address with www. so fails. The site domain name is fine. This is relevant because…
3 answers

Magento Product Images not showing up in backend

On our Magento store when we try to we go to the product page in the admin section to upload images, we see that the images which we already have there on the front end are missing and there is no option to add images as per usual. We are running…
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2 answers

Can't gzip some JS and CSS files

I am optimizing a magento store, and some JS and CSS (compiled and minified in a MEDIA folder) aren't being served gziped as they should. All pages are gziped (ex. this HTML page) but some content isn't (ex. this JS file). Testing via…
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