Are any of the EC2 provisioning/termination times effected by the size or type of instance. For example, if I provision an m4.large and an m4.xlarge, will the m4.large be provisioned faster? Or if I provision an m4.large and an m5.large, will the m5.large be provisioned faster?

1 Answers1


There is a couple of stages that may be affected by the instance type:

  • Provisioning as in allocating the resources on AWS infrastructure and creating the VM.

    I don't think there would be a noticeable difference for on-demand instances since Amazon reserves the capacity for on-demand. I haven't measured that though.

    If you're using spot instances then there may be a delay for some instance types that are in high-demand.

  • Provisioning as in starting the operating system.

    Yes, larger instances get set up faster because they get more CPU capacity, more memory, generally they get faster disk and network throughput, etc.

    There is a very noticeable difference between starting up e.g. t2.micro and m4.xlarge with the latter being done much faster. Not sure if you can measure any difference between e.g. m4.xlarge and m5.xlarge - I wouldn't think it would be noticeable.

Interesting question though, I would love to see some real stats on this!

Hope that helps :)

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