Questions tagged [amazon-efs]

Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS) is a managed cloud storage service, accessed using the NFS protocol version 4.1.

72 questions
2 answers

Elastic file system (EFS) mount outside of AWS

I have a server that is outside of AWS. I'd like to be able to mount an EFS volume to it, but I am not sure if that is possible. Perhaps if you create a VPC, and you create a tunnel over VPN? Does anybody know if this is possible?
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I want to put WordPress — all of it — on EFS. Should I?

I have a WordPress site that, as of now, I am running completely on an Amazon Lightsail instance. It gets properly backed up; availability is okay; security is good; it's a simple setup to maintain. It's fine. I want to improve availability and load…
1 answer

How to mount Amazon EFS as data volume in ECS task?

Userdata on launch configuration: #!/bin/bash echo ECS_CLUSTER=prodcluster >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config sudo yum install -y nfs-utils sudo mkdir /home/ec2-user/web_file_uploads sudo chmod 777 /home/ec2-user/web_file_uploads sudo mount -t nfs4 -o…
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Amazon EFS hangs when attempting to list files inside

When doing an ls inside an Amazon EFS mount point, it just hangs. The EFS troubleshooting section on AWS EFS troubleshooting Mentions the following: Mount Does Not Respond An Amazon EFS mount appears unresponsive. For example, commands like ls …
John Doe
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Encrypt at rest existing AWS EFS instances - is it possible?

Based on my understanding of AWS documentation it appears that the only way to encrypt at rest existing EFS instances with some data is to create new EFS instances with encryption enabled and copy the files from unencrypted EFS to encrypted EFS and…
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How to share a EFS/s3 with code in a auto scaling group?

the main problem is: Infrastructure: Autoscaling (min 1 - max 3) RDS ELB elasticache (redis) elasticsearch I want to share a volume (EFS / S3) with the code of my application; The size of it is about 1.3 Gb. With EFS: The first attempt I tried to…
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Using S3 as a alternative to EFS for backup purpose

For centralised backup purpose of specific data from my instances, i was using EBS Volume mounted to that instances. Now we are planning to migrate to another region, but EFS service is not available in that specific region. Is there any way i can…
Sreeraju V
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Why does setting NFS sync option for AWS EFS cause nginx/Chrome to chunk or break a file upload?

Question: Why does an NFS mount using the sync option cause nginx and/or Chrome (and only Chrome; not Safari, Firefox, Edge or curl) to chunk or restart the file upload? Some background: I have nginx in front of a server cluster. We added file…
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Failing fast with an EFS NFS mount

We run a Java application distributed across a number of servers, part of which involves the writing and reading of shared files. This side of the application is currently held together by a bunch of rsync cron jobs, so the option of replacing it…
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1 answer

AWS Instances breeding and dying for no apparent reason

This has happened a couple of times since we moved our cluster project from Google to AWS. We have an EFS volume that's mounted on a load-balanced cluster in a Beanstalk project. I will be in the middle of setting something up, either uploading a…
3 answers

AWS - EFS Replication

I'm looking to replicate an existing EFS to a new EFS and mount it to a cloned environment for testing purposes but can't seem to find any good information on it. To clarify - I'll be replicating an EC2 instance as well and want to create a…
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Inotify does not work on EFS (remote filesystem)

I tried to use inotify notifications, to check for filesystem events, but it does not work. no file-system vent notifier worked. Is there any inotify utility available for remote file system like EFS, NFS, GFS etc?
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How to mount with uid and gid using NFS?

I would like to mount an AWS EFS location with the efs driver which internaly uses nfs. Now the question is: How do I automatically mount a location with specific uid and gid? With sshfs e.g. I would just define uid, gid as mount options, but it's…
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3 answers

NFS mount across EC2 instances as alternative to EFS

I'm configuring an application to run in AWS in "full-framework" deployment. One aspect of this deployment requires each server to be able to see a common storage location. They recommend using a WebDAV server, but we'd prefer to use some kind of…
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Amazon EFS as code repository for auto-scaled EC2s

tl;dr: I need to set up a fast automatic sync from EFS to multiple EC2s I've set up an EC2 Auto-Scaling Group in AWS and I'm looking for the best way to manage code deployments to my instances, with as little service interruption as possible…
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