Questions tagged [amazon-cloudwatch]

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and management service for Amazon-hosted (AWS) cloud applications.

183 questions
1 answer

Cloudwatch mon-put-instance-data not reporting on AMI-cloned instance

After cloning an EC2 instance using AMI (to change a hosts security group), none of the statistics reported by the Amazon-provided script are showing up in CloudWatch. I can confirm that the script is reporting the data to…
3 answers

Which permissions/policies for IAM role to be used with CloudWatch monitoring script

With CloudWatch monitoring script ( it's possible to specify a IAM role name to provide AWS credentials (--aws-iam-role=VALUE). I'm creating a IAM role for this purpose (to run on an AWS instance),…
6 answers

Setting up Amazon Cloudwatch to get an alert when you server is down

I have an instance running on Amazon EC2 that I turned into a webserver. Now I have been looking at cloudwatch, but I do not know if it is the correct tool for the job. Basically I want to get informed when the server is down, for whatever…
Saif Bechan
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Why do EC2 T2 instances sometimes start with zero CPU Credits

Can anyone explain why when I launch a new T2.micro instance, it occasionally (perhaps 1 in 50) starts with a CPU credit balance of zero, instead of the 30 it is meant to have? I've attached screenshots of the CPU credit balances from two machines I…
1 answer

Why does top report a different cpu usage than CloudWatch?

top shows an average CPU usage during peak times of about 20% while CloudWatch monitoring shows an average CPU usage of 40%. What causes this discrepancy?
1 answer

Is anyone using an SNMP and/or WMI poller to push custom metrics to Amazon CloudWatch, and if so how?

Amazon CloudWatch has a decent console, and an alarm system which uses Amazon SNS for notifications. Originally it only gave you AWS metrics, e.g. EC2 instance CPU utilization. Recently they added custom metrics. You can use the CloudWatch REST API…
Greg Hendershott
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3 answers

Tail an AWS CloudWatch Log Group

I have a Log Group that includes several Log Streams (from several EC2 instances). Is there any way to simply "tail" the consolidated logs in the group? If I click "Search Events" that shows the consolidated logs but the button that jumps to the end…
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What is the equivalent of 'sudo yum install -y awslogs' for apt-get?

According to aws documentation, this is the command to install the aws-log agent: sudo yum install -y awslogs However since I am using ubuntu, I have to use apt-get. But the aws-log package is not available. Is there an equivalent of the aws-log…
Anthony Kong
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3 answers

Is it possible to get a list of running processes with a Cloudwatch Alarm?

We have an EC2 instance (Ubuntu) that has a few java-based applications and lately we're getting hit with high CPU utilization spikes that trigger one of our Cloudwatch alarms. By the time we get into the server to look at the cpu utilization,…
1 answer

AWS RDS db.t2 instance performance thresholds & monitoring

We have been rolling out a standard web server configuration for mainstream CMS software like Drupal & WordPress, with the server & storage on EC2 / EBS and the database for those software packages in RDS / MySQL. Usually we go into production…
2 answers

How to log AWS SES event details

For some reason I'm having trouble connecting the dots on how to do what seems pretty simple. How do I log all e-mail sent through the AWS Simple Email Service with specific message details? That log, at the very minimum, needs to contain the IP…
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AWS S3 bucket size has exploded, but I can't figure out how

Something happened recently with one of our S3 buckets: I started looking for where all this extra stuff was coming from, but the metrics I gathered don't seem to match what is going on in CloudWatch (or our bill). The bucket has a handful of…
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2 answers

Load Balancing on Amazon (AWS) and staying up to date

I would like to have a load balancer for my site and have the site up to date. The load balancer will take the AMI I select and spin up more of those instances when processing power hits a certain level. The problem is the AMI may not be up to date…
3 answers

Best way to log to two different CloudWatch log streams from an ECS container?

We are running our services on AWS's ECS platform, and we send our logs to AWS CloudWatch. We have two types of logs, any container can produce either type: the usual application logs (access, error, whatnot); these must be easily viewable by devs…
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2 answers

Why does Amazon EC2 status check succeed for unresponsive instance?

DANGER! Do not run this command to 'test' it unless you are prepared for a crash and/or force-rebooting your system. The steps I took: I created a t1.micro instance on EC2 running Ubuntu 14.01 LTS. I verified that both status checks passed. I…
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