Questions tagged [amazon-cloudwatch]

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and management service for Amazon-hosted (AWS) cloud applications.

183 questions
2 answers

Can't find Amplify access logs in CloudWatch log groups

I'm creating a CloudWatch dashboard and I want to monitor Amplify access logs beside other metrics. I can find the access logs inside the Amplify dashboard (Screenshot below) but I can't find the same logs in the CloudWatch log groups. Why is that?…
0 answers

Creating a custom CloudWatch Event to monitor every new commit for GitHub repository instead of CodeCommit repo state change

Could you please assist me in understanding if it is possible to create a custom CloudWatch Event to monitor every new commit for GitHub repositories instead of CodeCommit repo state changes? It has always seemed to me that cloudwatch events are…
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shutdown my EC2 when my celery worker is idle

i have an AWS-SQS to receive message for the execute task on my celery worker which deployed on an EC2. One task takes around 5-6 min to execute. Actually i want to shutdown EC2 when there is no message in a SQS queue therefore i already setup…
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Zabbix integration with AWS and or Azure

I am trying to figure out direct integration between Zabbix and AWS CloudWatch or Azure Monitor. I have seen YT videos available to integrate Zabbix with grafana first and then integrate grafana with AWS or Azure monitoring solution. But I am just…
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What cloudwatch metric do I use for checking how much space is left on Elasticache Redis?

I found that some cached items are being lost on production once in a while, the test and production environment settings are practically the same, so I am suspecting it is Redis running out of "space" but I am not sure what to look for. The…
1 answer

AWS CloudWatch parse JSON case insensitive

On the WAF section of the AWS console there is a tab for "CloudWatch Log Insights" that provides a few sample queries. One of these is "Top 100 hosts". fields @timestamp, @message | parse @message '{"name":"Host","value":"*"}' as host | stats…
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How to get live logs sent from ECS to AWS cloudwatch

I run containers in ECS on python docker image which has ssh installed because sometimes I need to login to the container. Whatever logs are outputted using print in the python script show up in the log group for the container The issue is it's not…
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amazon cloudwatch agent fails to start

An error I am getting is Failed to execute operation: The name org.freedesktop.PolicyKit1 was not provided by any .service files This error suddenly appeared after I rebuilt my environment. I am running AL2
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Difference between display and fields directives in CloudWatch Logs Insights query syntax

What is the difference between display and fields directives in CloudWatch Logs Insights query syntax? These are descriptions from the AWS documentation that look very similar to me : display: Specifies which fields to display in the query…
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What Performance Counter is closest to watching the "In Use" memory stat shown in Task Manager?

I'm trying to collect usage on how much memory is being used on our Windows servers using AWS CloudWatch Agent. In order to do this, I have to specify which performance counters to collect. I cannot find a Performance Counter that appears to be the…
Benjamin Peikes
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1 answer

How to collect and consolidate application health across instances in aws

We deploy several applications across EC2 instances. They are jar files, war files on Tomcat, npm based UI applications and python scripts. Each has a different way of validation. For war files under Tomcat webapps I can check the swagger UI. For UI…
1 answer

CloudWatch InSights: how to extract/query json object array

We have logs published to CloudWatch like this(flattened JSON data using json.dumps()): [ {"Value": 9, "id": "ia-122"}, {"Value": 13, "id": "ia-123"}, {"Value": 14, "id": "ia-100"} ] In the above logs, there're 3 objects in an array. When I…
1 answer

How to stream CloudWatch log group to specific Lambda function version?

When creating a new subscription filter for a CloudWatch log group, the AWS Console doesn't seem to offer a way to select a specific Lambda fn version. This is important for CI/CD where I might want to update the fn and test it without breaking…
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CloudWatch / Autoscaling - Remove Capacity Metric Alarm always shows in Alarm, how can I make it not

using the example from I created an alarm to trigger pruning any unused auto-scaled instances. I'm a big fan of not having angry red items on a page when there isn't…
1 answer

AWS solution to monitor events from external machines, reported by SNS?

We have a number of robots installed at various locations, and servicing customers. All robots get their instructions from a central cloud database with customer data, and each have an SQS queue which delivers the commands they have to execute, and…
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