Questions tagged [amazon-sns]

16 questions
1 answer

How to retrieve AWS SNS Arn value

Im planning to use nested stack to create (SNS,ELB and application ) now once the sns is created i have to pass arn value to ELB and application json(cloud formation templates)so what is the resource name to get SNS arn once its…
1 answer

How to schedule an SNS topic

Is there another AWS service that would allow me to publish a Topic to SNS at in an arbitrary date in the future? I've looked into using Cloudwatch Events but that seems to be more for recurring events while I need one-time events.
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Amazon AWS SES SNS integration for different aws accounts

I have two aws accounts, "A" and "B". I want to use SES from account "A" and publish the bounces on SNS of account "B". On account B, I created a topic with name test1234. The arn of the topic is "arn:aws:sns:us-west-2:123456789:test1234". Then I…
Aditya Patawari
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2 answers

Configure AWS Config to send to one global SNS topic

I'm using, and following recommendations to enable AWS Config in regions where where we currently have no activity. Ideally, I want to setup each region to use the same S3 bucket and SNS topic from the default region (since it's…
Mike Crowe
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1 answer

AWS SNS with SQS subscriber durability

The SNS documentation FAQ's says: SNS provides durable storage of all messages that it receives. Upon receiving a publish request, SNS stores multiple copies (to disk) of the message across multiple Availability Zones before acknowledging receipt…
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AWS SNS Sending too many notifications

Problem In one sentence SNS Topic sending too many notifications to HTTPs subscriber. More detailed I have enabled events in one of my S3 buckets, and I have subscribed one of my applications to its SNS Topic via HTTPS. Everything was working fine…
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SNS -> Lambda: What happens when Lambda throttles

I have a lambda function subscribed to an SNS topic. I wonder, what will happen when that lambda function is throttled? Will SNS ensure that the message is delivered later? Will the message got dropped on the floor after x retries? Many thanks
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Authenticating embedded devices to send push notifications using Amazon SNS

I am designing a platform where a large number of cloud-enabled embedded devices will be sending push notifications to mobile apps using Amazon SNS. Each embedded device should create a SNS topic and publish to that topic. Users will register to a…
0 answers

Receiving and sending email using Amazon SES

I have a domain configured to send mails using Amazon SES. Both sending and receiving using normal SMTP server are working just fine. I have MX record setup as (10) and using mail from domain…
Prashant Gupta
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1 answer

AWS Scheduled task with data

I've currently got a function in lambda that when invoked sends a message to a user who invoked it. 2 days later I would like to send a follow up message. All the code to send the actual messaging works fine. I'm using Lambda due to the auto-scaling…
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2 answers

AWS SNS:How to send notifications to multiple arns use same SNS topic

As my question says ,i would like to send notifications to multiple ARN"s using a single SNS topic..please let know if it is possible i tried in amazon console able to select only one ARN at a time for a topic in the dropdownlist of ARN"s i tried…
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1 answer

AWS CloudWatch Events trigger SNS on STS role assuming for cross account

I have a cross-account architecture and I'm setting up a CloudWatch event for the STS role assuming into another account. I have CloudTrail enabled on the account, the logs from CloudTrail are stored in a separate accounts s3 bucket. The SNS feeds…
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How to subscribe several lambda functions to the same SQS queue

What I want to achieve is to scale the number of consumers of a defined queue using lambda functions, instead of "self-hosted" subscribers. For a given event-queue I want several consumers processing unique messages from this same queue, just like…
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How to subscribe a specific instance within an elastic beanstalk application to an SNS topic?

Ok, so I have an elastic beanstalk application with a scalable web tier, served behind an ELB. Long story short, I need to be able to subscribe a specific instance within my web tier to an SNS topic. Is it safe for me to use a standard method to get…
1 answer

AWS solution to monitor events from external machines, reported by SNS?

We have a number of robots installed at various locations, and servicing customers. All robots get their instructions from a central cloud database with customer data, and each have an SQS queue which delivers the commands they have to execute, and…