Questions tagged [amazon-linux-2]

49 questions
4 answers

Outputting JSON logs on Elastic Beanstalk with Amazon Linux 2

We're trying to migrate our Java applications from from the current Elastic Beanstalk JDK 8 platforms to the new ones running Corretto 11 on Amazon Linux 2. The app works well, but the way logs are handled changed. The output from the web process is…
1 answer

Why does Amazon Linux 2 have older version of wget vs. Amazon Linux 1?

We noticed that wget on Amazon Linux 2 is v1.14, but on the older version of Amazon Linux, it was v1.18. Any idea why this would be? I'm fairly certain we installed from yum in both cases. Is there a way to get yum to install a more modern wget…
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Save iptables firewall rules on Amazon Linux 2

I'm running Amazon Linux 2, on EC2 instances in AWS. I want to be able to add my own iptables rules, and have them survive reboots. What is the correct way (or a correct way) to do this?
2 answers

systemctl restart httpd Failed to start The Apache HTTP Server httpd pid already running

Forgive the cross post from Stack Overflow but I realized this was probably the better location to ask. I recently rebuilt my server on AWS, upgrading from Amazon Linux to Amazon Linux 2, which like Linux 1 appears to be a fork of CentOS, now CentOS…
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Setting up sftp on Amazon Linux 2 with ssh keys, user segregation (sftp vs ssh), different ports, and user directory constraints

TDLR: I have a Catch 22 where, depending on permissions on the user's home directory, I can get the SSH authentication to work, or the user directory constraints, but not both. BTW, I really want to roll my own SFTP server. Please don't recommend I…
Kevin Buchs
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How are systemd/system overrides supposed to work?

I'm messing around with some timeout settings, and am trying to figure out the correct way to set things for systemd/system daemons. Specifically, this is an underpowered server, and I keep timing out on starting clamd, so I'm trying to figure out…
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Cannot start mysql-server on Amazon Linux 2 due to dependency issues

I'm trying to install MySQL on a Amazon Linux 2 server and I can't seem to get past this dependency issue (prevents server pkgs etc being installed thus preventing me from starting a mysql-server. Commands I ran are below: sudo wget…
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How to start containerd as a service after yum install?

I installed containerd on Amazon Linux 2 using the suggested commands: sudo amazon-linux-extras enable docker sudo yum install -y containerd I added this in the EC2 user data script to run at instance launch time. But, how am I supposed to start…
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Mail sent from AWS going to spam

I'm running a number of wordpress sites on an AWS EC2 instance. One of the sites is using WooCommerce for an online shop. when an order is made a confirmation email is sent out but these mails all seem to go straight to recipients' spam. The client…
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CentOS: detailed history of patch updates

e.g. ... chrony-3.2-2.el7.x86_64.rpm Any ways to know what made the -2 part in 3.2-2? I.e. deltas between 3.2 and 3.2-2. That's no-brainer for Debian and Ubuntu I'm using Amazon Linux 2, but…
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2 answers

How to install nginx mod lua on Amazon Linux 2?

I have an Amazon Linux 2 machine. I have installed NGINX with amazon-linux-extras install nginx1.12 How can I install nginx-mod-http-lua? I have tried: yum search lua and no packages are listed which look like what I want. This page…
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Can't install Mysql on Linux -- Mysql website failing?

I'm attempting to install mysql on Amazon Linux 2. I followed the instructions in the first answer here: amazon linux 2 ami - aws - How to install mysql in Amazon Linux 2? When I type: sudo yum install mysql-community-server I get: Loaded plugins:…
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How to install PostgreSQL 9.6 and plperl on Amazon Linux 2?

With the official repositories, the RHEL6 packages get installed which happen to work on Amazon Linux 2 (RHEL7 clone). You might run into a dependency hell if you want to install the plperl extension later on, as it requires Perl 5.10 which is only…
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1 answer

How to set umask for Apache on Amazon Linux 2 AMI

I want to set umask 0002 for Apache httpd so that certain files that it creates will be writable by other users. The traditional solutions don't seem to work on Amazon Linux 2 AMI.
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Where are the logs for commands executed as root in AWS Linux 2 AMI?

Can't find them, there's no .bash_history. Also checked at /var/log/audit and /var/log/secure* Maybe they don't even exist or are disabled. Thanks!
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