On the WAF section of the AWS console there is a tab for "CloudWatch Log Insights" that provides a few sample queries. One of these is "Top 100 hosts".

fields @timestamp, @message
| parse @message '{"name":"Host","value":"*"}' as host
| stats count(*) as requestCount by host
| sort requestCount desc
| limit 100

This is a somewhat misleading report title for most people I expect. I find about half my traffic uses host as opposed to Host. I spent 30 minutes trying to make this query case insensitive when parsing that header, before giving up, and deciding to ask here.

What is the easiest way to accomplish this?

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1 Answers1


This is how I solved it:

fields @timestamp, @message
| parse @message /\{"name":"(H|h)ost","value":"(?<host>.*?)"\}/
| stats count(*) as requestCount by host
| sort requestCount desc
| limit 100

Changing from glob patterns to regex capture groups allows to also use regexes for other matching.

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  • You are a diamond. Fantastic first answer. Thank you!!!!!! – starfry Feb 04 '22 at 14:10
  • Thanks. This worked. Ended up using `(?i)`. With full filter like: `| parse @message /(?i)\{"name":"HOST","value":"(?.*?|^www\..*)"\}/` – ficuscr Mar 17 '22 at 18:35