Questions tagged [amazon-cloudwatch]

Amazon CloudWatch is a monitoring and management service for Amazon-hosted (AWS) cloud applications.

183 questions
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AWS error rate monitoring for nginx app

What is the best way to get error rate (errors as a proportion of responses) monitoring for an nginx app on an EC2 server in AWS? I'd like an alarm if the percentage of 500 responses goes above a certain threshold, say 10%. I have tried adding a…
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System generated user id in CloudWatch logs

I am checking logs in cloudwatch to see who last deployed to our EB instance and when. To do this, I am filtering the API Activity History by resource name. In the list of actions I see {Register/Deregister}InstancesWithLoadBalancer events. Each has…
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AWS Cloudwatch custom metrics using powershell throws error

I am configuring custom cloud watch metrics for windows ec2 instance. The command which I use to invoke the script manually is C:\Cloudwatch\Memory.ps1 -aws_credential_file C:\Cloudwatch\awscreds.conf -mem_util -mem_used -mem_avail -memory_units…
1 answer

AWS CloudWatch — Signature Expired

Everything is going fine, except one of my instances gives me the below error: ubuntu@my-host:~$ /etc/aws-scripts-mon/ --mem-util --disk-space-util --disk-path=/…
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Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts different from df command

Hello there i have a ec2 on aws and i installed Amazon CloudWatch Monitoring Scripts in it. It is working great but i have 1 issue when i run df command on ec2 it showing it's / disk usage 70% but monitoring script shows/sends 66%. Why is this…
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How do I troubleshoot latency issues with elastic load balancer (ELB) in Amazon AWS?

We have a web app and API hosted at Amazon AWS, with three environments - development (dev), testing/staging (uat), and live. Each environment has a load balancer, two EC2 instances and an RDS database. We're relatively new to AWS and learning as we…
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AWS Cloudwatch shows wrong RDS size

I have a single RDS instance at AWS, which is -- supposedly -- a db.m1.large instance. When viewing Cloudwatch metrics for RDS, I see an option to filter by db instance size, and this filter shows only a single filter option for db.m1.small. So…
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AWS Alarms in "ALARM" state not triggering Policy actions

Today I created an AutoScaling Group with several policies, each with an Alarm associated with a CloudWatch metric. The AutoScaling Group launched two instances, because that the minimum that I required for that group. I turned on my benchmarking…
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Manage SNS Topic Metrics

I've created many Metrics Topics and I want to edit and delete some. But couldn't find any way in console to do so. Is it possible somewhere in the Console? Is there are any APIS, commands I can use to do so?
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Time between AWS Notifying of Scale Down and Terminating instance

Here is the scenario, there are multiple EC2 instances behind a load balancer. When traffic dies down, the SCALE_DOWN policy is triggered from a CloudWatch alarm. What I would like, is for the instance that is going to be terminated, or a separate…
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AWS Elastic Beanstalk random spike in NetworkIn traffic once to twice a day

Unusual traffic on my Elastic Beanstalk application. NetworkIn, NetworkOut both spike once to twice a day at random times. Sometimes it crashes my load balancer and I have to go in and manually kill the SEVERE instance to get it to fire another one…
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How do you see devices (e.g., Galaxy S10) on AWS CloudWatch RUM?

I feel like I'm missing something simple here — like just not seeing which button to press in the console, but I've enabled CloudWatch RUM. If I go to CloudWatch -> RUM -> Browsers & Devices -> Devices, I ... don't see any place to see the…
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How can I send deployment pod count metrics with cwagent (Container Insights)?

I've set up the CloudWatch agent to collect kubernetes cluster metrics and send them to CloudWatch. I used the default configuration from the…
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How can I send HorizontalPodAutoscaler metrics to AWS CloudWatch?

I've just set up the AWS CloudWatch agent in my Kubernetes cluster to collect cluster metrics and forward them to CloudWatch. I followed this AWS documentation. I can't see any metrics from HorizontalPodAutoscaler. I would like to have a graph that…
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Is there a procedure required when baking the Amazon CloudWatch agent into an AMI?

I've run into a problem getting the CloudWatch agent started on Windows EC2 instances created from AMIs which I have prepared beforehand. The error I get is this: Service 'Amazon CloudWatch Agent (AmazonCloudWatchAgent)' cannot be started due to the…
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