Time Walker (3.5e Class)

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Shandra Wisp, a Time Walker

Time Walkers

Time is relative, that is the essence of the time walker, to a time walker the past is never set in stone, the future is chaotic beyond recognition, and fate, is a laughable thought.

Making a Time Walker

Time Walkers are world manipulators, they receive few major bonuses to combat until latter levels, but their time jump class ability adds a whole new dimension to the roleplaying aspect of the game, a time walker is capable of changing the world around him on a simple whim, therefore, nothing matters to most of them, they view the plights of others as mere background noise as they slide in and out of timelines, but those who do care usually are viewed as vigilante characters, stepping in to fix a problem, then vanishing to who knows where.

Abilities: Wisdom and Constitution are very important to a time walker due to the fact that they need very high Will and Fortitude saves to use their main ability effectively, Strength and Dexterity come next in the list of their most important abilities so they may make a difference in combat, Charisma and Intelligence are highly recommended abilities for skill oriented time walkers.

Races: Any.

Alignment: Any.

Starting Gold: 2d10×10 gp (110 gp).

Starting Age: Complex, as wizard

Table: The Time Walker

Hit Die: d8

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special
1st+0+2+0+2 Time Jump (Hours) (Ex), Paradox of Time (Ex), Time Sickness (Ex)
2nd+1+3+0+3 Temporal Strike +1,
4th+3+4+1+4 Delay, Temporal Strike +2,
6th+4+5+2+5 Temporal Strike +3
7th+5+5+2+5 Time Jump (Days) (Ex)
8th+6/+1+6+2+6 Moment Stop, Temporal Strike +4
10th+7/+2+7+3+7 A Second Dimension of Time (Ex), Temporal Strike +5
12th+9/+4+8+4+8 Temporal Strike +6
14th+10/+5+9+4+9 Time Jump (Months) (Ex), Temporal Strike +7
16th+12/+7/+2+10+5+10 Improved Moment Stop, Temporal Strike +8
18th+13/+8/+3+11+6+11 Dichotomy (Ex), Temporal Strike +9
20th+15/+10/+5+12+6+12 Time Jump (Years) (Ex), Temporal Strike +10

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level, ×4 at 1st level)
Balance (Dex), Bluff (Cha), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Gather Information (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Jump (Str), Knowledge (history) (Int), Listen (Wis), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis), Swim (Str), Tumble (Dex).

Class Features

All of the following are class features of the time walker.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A time walker is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light and medium armor and shields, but not tower shields.

Time Jump (Ex): At first level, a time walker is capable of jumping a certain number of hours through time as a standard action (from their point of view), to do this, they must make separate Will and Fortitude saves, both of which has a DC equal to (10+the number of hours attempting to be travelled), if the time walker fails their Fortitude save then the attempt fails and the time walker is fatigued for the next 12 hours, another attempt may be made 24 hours after the first, if the time walker fails their Will save then the attempt succeeds, but upon arriving in the new time they immediately pass out for a 12 hour time period, another time jump can be made as soon as they wake up, if the time walker fails both saves then the attempt fails and they immediately pass out for a 24 hour time period, another attempt can be made 24 hours after the last. After any successful jump another attempt cannot be made until 6 hours after the last.

When a time walker makes a time jump their body in relation to the world around it remains in the same location, if there is something in the location they are standing in at the end of the jump, then they may change their location slightly so they don't end the jump being inside something else. Every time a time walker makes a jump, they take only what they are carrying, no living matter, and nothing that would put them over a medium load.

At seventh level the time walker gains the ability to use the time jump ability to jump over a number of days instead of hours, if they choose to do this then the save DC changes to (15+the number of days attempting to be travelled), the time walker cannot be any more specific than "days" if they uses this version of the Jump.

At fourteenth level the time walker gains the ability to use the time jump ability to jump over a number of months instead of hours or days, if they choose to do this then the save DC changes to (2o+the number of months attempting to be travelled), the time walker cannot be any more specific than "months" if they uses this version of the Jump.

At twentieth level the time walker gains the ability to use the time jump ability to jump over a number of years instead of hours, days, or months, if they choose to do this then the save DC changes to (25+the number of years attempting to be travelled), the time walker cannot be any more specific than "years" if they uses this version of the jump.

Paradox of Time (Ex): If a time walker encounters themselves, it is not required for the time walker to later go out of his way to fill the shoes of the other version of himself, if a time walker dies after encountering a version of himself older than he was at death, nothing out of the ordinary happens, this is explained more thoroughly in the time walker class ability "a second dimension of time".

Time Sickness (Ex): A time walker cannot be within 100 ft. of a number of alternate versions of themselves greater than ¼ his time walker level, rounded down, if he is, then he immediately becomes fatigued and takes 4d8 points of Con and Str damage, to a minimum of 1, until the number of alternate versions of himself within 100 ft. drops to an acceptable number, all alternate versions of a time walker are considered npcs.

Temporal Strike: A time walker is a man who has it within his power to see time, and even affect it, this ability truly makes him a dangerous foe upon the battlefield. At 2nd level a time walker gains the ability to make the first attack he makes in any given round a temporal strike by slashing through the temporal existence of a creature instead of it's physical existence, this attack is considered a touch attack and has a +1 distortion bonus to both attack roll and damage, additionally, on a successful temporal strike the target becomes fatigued for a number of rounds equal to the distortion bonus. If a fatigued character is struck by a time walkers temporal strike ability, then they do not become exhausted, and the duration of the fatigue overlaps. This distortion bonus increase by +1 at every even level after 2nd (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th, 12th, etc.).

Delay: At fourth level a time walker gains the ability to make a single attack as a standard action, if this attack lands then no damage is dealt, instead, the target of the attack drops one place in order of initiative.

Moment Stop: At eighth level a time walker gains the ability to take one 5 ft. free step as an immediate action that does not actually count against the total immediate actions or swift actions he can take in a round. If this ability is used after an opponent has moved to a square where they threaten the time walker, but before the opponent makes an attack, then the opponent counts as having used his move action for the turn unless he has the spring attack feat and his total movement doesn't exceed this total speed. This ability can only be used once every 1d4 rounds.

A Second Dimension of Time (Ex): At tenth level a time walker realizes that there is not one single timeline, but instead an unfathomable web of ever branching timelines, a new one being born with each individual choice that is made, and with this new found knowledge, he is capable of using the time jump ability to jump "sideways" into another timeline, one perhaps where a war was won by a different side, or maybe one where his companion decided not to do something stupid. Whenever a time walker makes such a "sideways" jump, the save DC is always 25.

A time walker who makes a jump into an alternate timeline may seek out an alternate timeline version of himself, and due to the fact that either version is actually from another timeline entirely, his actions have no hold whatsoever over their respective pasts and futures. This concept also stretches to the aspect of a time walker merely traveling back in time and encountering a younger version of himself, the younger version could very well take a completely different timeline and never travel back in time to encounter himself at all.

Improved Moment Stop: At sixteenth level a time walker gains the ability to move at their full base land speed as an immediate action that does not actually count against the total immediate actions or swift actions he can take in a round (provoking attacks of opportunity as normal). If this ability is used after an opponent has moved to a square where they threaten the time walker, but before the opponent makes an attack, then the opponent counts as having used his move action for the turn unless he has the spring attack feat and his total movement doesn't exceed this total speed. This ability does not replace the moment stop class feature, but only either this class feature or moment stop can be used in a given round. This ability can only be used once every 1d4 rounds.

Dichotomy (Ex): At eighteenth level a time walker gains such an understanding of the second dimension of time than he gains the ability to travel down two different timelines silmutaneously for a split second, when doing this the Time Walker has enough control of either counterpart to make one of themselves take a "sideways" jump into the other timeline they travelled down (the save DC for this jump is always 25), to the eyes of another being this manifests itself as two of the same person appearing where there had only been one, each version doing a different thing.

In games terms the player character has created an alternate version of himself that he is control of, this is the only ability that will allow a time walker to make an alternate version of himself that is not an npc, this alternate version has all equipment, ability scores, and hit points as the original at the point they used dichotomy, this alternate version does not count when determining whether time sickness applies, if one of the two versions of themselves dies, nothing happens to the other, an attempt at dichotomy can only be made once every 12 hours, dichotomy cannot allow for there to be more than 2 non-npc versions of any one person in a single timeline at once.

Epic Time Walkers

Table: The Epic Time Walker

Hit Die: d8

22ndTemporal Strike +11
23rdBonus Feat
24thGreater Moment Stop, Temporal Strike +12
25thTime Jump (Decades) (Ex)
26thBonus Feat, Temporal Strike +13
28thTemporal Strike +14
29thBonus Feat
30thTime Jump (Centuries) (Ex), Timeless (Ex), Temporal Strike +15

4 + Int modifier skill points per level.

Temporal Strike: The distortion bonus for a time walkers temporal strike increase by 1 at every even level after 20th.

Greater Moment Stop: At 24th level a time Walker gains the ability to move up to 4 times their full base land speed as an immediate action that does not actually count against the total immediate actions or swift actions he can take in a round (not provoking attacks of opportunity). If this ability is used after an opponent has moved to a square where they threaten the time walker, but before the opponent makes an attack, then the opponent counts as having used his move action for the turn unless he has the spring attack feat and his total movement doesn't exceed this total speed. This ability does not replace the moment stop or the improved moment stop class features, but only either this class feature, moment stop, or improved moment stop can be used in a given round. This ability can only be used once every 1d4 rounds.

Time Jump (Ex): At 25th level the time walker gains the ability to use the time jump ability to jump over a number of decades instead of hours, days, months, or years, if they choose to do this then the save DC changes to (30+the number of decades attempting to be travelled), the time walker cannot be any more specific than "decades" if they uses this version of the jump.

At 30th level the time walker gains the ability to use the time jump ability to jump over a number of centuries instead of hours, days, months, years, or decades, if they choose to do this then the save DC changes to (35+the number of centuries attempting to be travelled), the time walker cannot be any more specific than "centuries" if they uses this version of the jump.

Timeless (Ex): A 30th level the time walker has travelled through time so often that it becomes meaningless to them, at this point the time walker no longer ages and is immune to all aging affects, additionally their creature type changes to outsider for the purpose of eating and sleeping, the time walker also gains a mode of sight that duplicates the effects of a true seeing out to 30 ft., a time walker can still be resurrected normally.

Bonus Feats: The epic time walker gains a bonus feat (selected from the list of epic time walker bonus feats) every 3 levels after 20th.

Epic Time Walker Bonus Feat List: Blinding Speed, Epic Dodge, Epic Fortitude, Epic Will, Fast Healing, Great Constitution, Great Wisdom, Polyglot, Superior Initiative

Half-Elf Time Walker Starting Package

Armor: Chain Shirt

Weapons: Halberd, Longbow

Skill Selection: Pick a number of skills equal to 4 + Int modifier.

Gather Information4Cha
Sense Motive4Wis

Feat: Great Fortitude.

Gear: Backpack, Bedroll, Belt Pouch, Firewood ×5, Flint and Steel, Hooded Lantern, Iron Pot, Pint of Oil ×3, Small Steel Mirror, Trail Rations ×5, Waterskin.

Gold: 50 gp.

Playing a Time Walker

Religion: A time walkers faith (if any) is usually shaky at best, due to the fact that if they are faced with the wrath of a deity, they can simply time jump away from danger, making it much more difficult for a time walker to be god fearing, but if a time walker worships a deity because they actually agree with the ideals of that god, they will more than likely carry a religious symbol relating to that god.

Other Classes: A time walker is usually a very passive, absent-minded character, tending to get along well with talkative bards, clerics, or sorcerers, put not very well with preachy, overbearing classes, such as paladins, for instance.

Combat: Time walkers change the way the game is played, they have the ability to slow down lines of enemies using temporal strike while more fragile support characters put some distance between themselves and the enemy, while their delay ability can put off a 1 on 1 battle forever, and their moment stop class ability grants them a chance to be in two crucial places in a single round.

Advancement: Sometimes a time walker travels for a different reason than to find a home, sometimes the travel for the sake of traveling, and look to take levels in eternal walker, or to find art, and multiclass into bard or possibly take levels in temporal dancer. Another time walker may seek out to impress people with their abilities, or attempt to somehow influence them, and will usually tend to take a few levels in moment breaker. While a time walker who has decided to get rid of someone just to do so might become a rogue, making something of a time assassin.

Time Walkers in the World

There's lots of times like the present
—Oskar Thay, Human Time Walker

Time walkers can be found anywhere, and at any point in history, it's their nature to be fleeting due to the fact that if they don't like the way the world is, it's actually a possibility for them to leave, but occasionally it's possible to find a steady time walker, a person who is tired of trying to find the perfect timeline and so is trying to make time be what he wants, one way or another.

Daily Life: A time walkers day to day life is always changing, one day they may be trecking through a dank, overgrown swamp, and the next day they could be in the streets of a menchant city that existed in the same swamp, only in a different timeline. One day they may bury a friend, and the next day be shaking that same friends hand. A time walkers life is a chaotic search for peace, a peace that only a few manage to find.

Notables: Seth Laria, the oldest time walker ever (judging from date of birth)

Organizations: Time walkers are loners, they don't intentionally organize with others of their kind in any way, mainly because the world would just become that much more confusing.

NPC Reactions: Time walkers are fleeting beings, therefore it is very unlikely for a person to recognize one on sight, unless of course an alternate timeline version of them has passed through town recently.

Time Walkers in the Game

Time walkers are travellers, they will hardly ever stay in one place for very long, if they even stop in the first place, unless of course they enjoy the location, in which case they may just spend some time enjoying it, while the world passes them by, if they miss an oppurtunity, they can always just jump back and take it.

Adaptation: Time walkers can be seen as anything, pure minded police of eternity who will save someone, not because it was their duty, but because they wanted to, or plotters of complex scemes who plan on manipulating time to create a world that they deem to be pleasing.

Sample Encounter: Orin Maske grew up in a cold world, always shunned out into the freezing darkness of the night, always powerless as he saw atrocities acted upon those closest to him, always wishing death upon the evil people of the world, but never getting his wish. Until that is, the day he turned 13 he realized that he had a strange power, the ability to go back in time at will. The possibilities rushed through his mind, and so he trained himself, learning to jump back farther and farther in time, until he reached the time of his own childhood, once he was there, he destroyed everything that had once caused him pain, fire leaping into the sky as he slaughtered those evil people from his past, but then he came across a young boy, cowering in a shadowy corner of a filthy room, it was himself, and something clicked in his mind at that point, he did not remember cowering in a corner, and he still remembered the evil people of his past, he wasn't changing his past, he was just killing people, he needed to find a place where he could find happiness for himself, he couldn't just kill things expecting to be happy, so now he wanders time, looking for peace.

EL 14:

Orin Maske (Timeline 1)

CR 14

Male Human Time Walker 14
LN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init/Senses +6/Listen +20, Spot +20
Languages Common, Infernal, Abyssal
AC 25, touch 15, flat-footed 23
(+3 deflection, +2 Dex, +10 armor)
hp 122 (14 HD)
Fort/Ref/Will +15/+6/+14
Speed 30 ft. (6 squares)
Melee +3 Adamantine Brilliant Energy Falchion +14/+9 (2d4+5/1520)
Base Atk/Grp +10/+11
Atk Options Temporal Strike +7, Delay
Special Actions Time Jump (hours, days, or months), Moment Stop
Abilities Str 12, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 10
SQ Paradox of Time, Time Sickness, A Second Dimension of Time
Feats Combat Expertise, Great Fortitude, Improved Critical (Falchion), Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Quick Draw
Skills Balance +18, Climb +17, Jump +17, Listen +20, Sense Motive +20, Spot +20
Possessions +5 Glamered Mithral Breastplate of Light Fortification, +3 Adamantine Brilliant Energy Falchion, Ring of Protection +3

A Note for Dm's

This class requires a great deal of intelligence on both the DM and the PC's part in order for it to be played effectively, and therefore is not recommended for people who do not take the game very seriously or who do not think about their actions in game. It is also not recommended for multiple people in a campaign to take this class, seeing as it would make the game a great deal more complex than a single member of the party taking it would. It is highly stressed that a DM who is allowing this class to be played makes sure that the PC who is going to play this class fully understands the consequences and implecation it presents.

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gollark: I will NOT name a price, as it would be DISHONEST to sell you things which DO NOT exist.
gollark: Well, economics says I should charge you as much money as you're willing to pay, hypothetically.
gollark: You said £100 earlιer.
gollark: Consider also "frogs".
gollark: Hypothetical.
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