Power Feats (D20 Modern Variant Rule)

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Power Feats

Power feats are feats that allow the possesing character, who have ranks in a Power Skill to gain access to new ways to use their powers. These feats can only be taken when you have the Evolved feat and a character has enough ranks in the apropriate Power Skill.

A list of power feats sorted by prerequisite Power Skills can be found here: Sorted Power Feats

Here is a complete list of power feats

Power Feat NamePrerequisitesShort Description
Intuitive AptitudeInt 13+, Evolved, Power (empathy) 6 ranksYou understand the structure and operation of complex systems without special education or training. However, it also compels you to understand as much as you can, resulting in a β€œhunger” which can manifest as a need for more powers.
Dual PowerCha 17+, Evolved, Increased Holding, Power (empathy) 18 ranksThe character can manifest two powers that they are holding simultaneously.
Empathy ResistanceCha 15+, Evolved, Power (empathy) 15 ranksThe character is resistant to the effects of any power that they are holding.
Increased HoldingCha 15+, Evolved, Power (empathy) 6 ranksThe character can hold more powers at one time.
Ranged EmpathyCha 15+, Evolved, Power (empathy) 9 ranksThe character can acquire powers at a range.
Feat MimicCha 13+, Evolved, Power (empathy) 12 ranksThe character gains improvements on the powers they acquire.
Power AbsorptionCon 17+, Evolved, Power (empathy) 21 ranksThe character can take the powers of others.
Fast MovementDex 13+, Evolved, Power (speed) 6 ranksThe character can move at extraordinary speeds.
CloningCon 13+, Evolved, Power (illusion or body control) 6 ranksThe character can make clones in her own image.
ShiftingCon 15+, Evolved, Power (animal control or body control) 6 ranksThe character can change shape.
Strong ArmStr 15+, Evolved, Power (strength) 9 ranksThe character deals more damage with melee attacks.
Super StrengthStr 13+, Evolved, Power (strength) 6 ranksThe character gains additional strength bonuses.
Improved PowerEvolved, One other Power Feat, Power (Any) 12 ranksThe character can access his powers quicker.
Greater PowerEvolved, Improved Power, Two other Power Feats, Power (Any) 21 ranksThe character can access his powers even quicker.
TeleportInt 15+, Evolved, Power (space/time control) 15 ranksThe character can use his space/time control abilities to relocate nearly anywhere.
Teleport OtherInt 17+, Evolved, Teleport, Power (space/time control) 15 ranksThe character can use his space/time control abilities to relocate others nearly anywhere.
Time StopInt 15+, Evolved, Power (space/time control) 12 ranksThe character can use his space/time control abilities to stop time.
Time TravelInt 17+, Evolved, Time Stop, Power (space/time control) 18 ranksThe character can use his space/time control abilities to travel through time into the past or future.
PuppetInt 15+, Evolved, Power (mental control or telekinesis) 9 ranksThe character can manipulate the actions of others.
Modify MemoryInt 15+, Evolved, Power (mental control) 9 ranksThe character can modify others memories.
Memory EditInt 17+, Evolved, Power (mental control) 12 ranksThe character can modify stronger memories and from a distance.
LeechCon 15+, Evolved, Power (healing or regeneration) 6 ranksThe character can transfer the life force of others with touch.
Fear StrengthCha 15+, Evolved, Power (strength or emotion) 12 ranksThe character gains power from those that are fearful.
FearCha 15+, Evolved, Power Skill (mental control or emotion) 9 ranksThe character can cause another to feel emotions of extreme fear.
Metal BodyCon 15+, Evolved, Power (energy control metal or alchemy) 9 ranksThe character can cover his body in metal.
Lesser MagnetismCon 13+, Evolved, Power (energy control metal) 6 ranksThe character can control metal to some degree.
Metal ProjectilesCon 13+, Evolved, Power (energy control metal) 6 ranksThe character can shoot metal from your hands.
Greater MagnetismCon 15+, Evolved, Lesser Magnetism, Power (energy control metal) 12 ranksThe character can control metal to a greater degree.
Lie DetectionWis 15+, Evolved, Power (mental control or enhanced hearing) 9 ranksThe character can detect the lies of others.
ClairvoyanceWis 15+, Evolved, Power (enhanced sight) 9 ranksThe character can detect the location of others.
Precognitive ReflexesWis 15+, Evolved, Power (accelerated probability or precognition) 6 ranksThe character has enhanced reflexes.
Precognitive DefenseWis 15+, Evolved, Power (accelerated probability or precognition) 9 ranksThe character has enhanced defenses.
Sonic WaveCon 15+, Evolved, Power (energy control sonic) 6 ranksThe character can create sound waves.
Sound MimicCon 15+, Evolved, Power (energy control sonic) 6 ranksThe character can mimic any sound they have heard.
Power SuppressionInt 17+, Evolved, Power (mental control) 15 ranksThe character can suppress others powers.
Wall ClimbStr 15+, Evolved, Power (body control or strength) 12 ranksThe character can climb walls with ease.
Rapid RegenerationCon 15+, Evolved, Power (Regeneration) 9 ranksThe character regenerates faster.
Advanced AlchemyInt 15+, Evolved, Power (alchemy) 6 ranksThe character can turn objects into elements other than gold.
Superior AlchemyInt 17+, Evolved, Power (alchemy) 12 ranksThe character can turn objects into chemical mixtures.
Alchemy MasteryInt 19+, Evolved, Power (alchemy) 18 ranksThe character can turn objects into chemical compounds.
Power FocusEvolved, Power (any) 4 ranksThe character excels in the use of their power.
Greater Power FocusEvolved, Power Focus, Power (any) 9 ranksThe character excels further in the use of their power.
RadioactiveCon 17+, Evolved, Power (energy control microwaves) 9 ranksThe character is radioactive.
Melting PointInt 15+, Evolved, Power (alchemy) 9 ranksThe character can turn objects that touch them into a puddle of there former self.
Anti-MatterInt 17+, Evolved, Power (alchemy) 6 ranksThe character can turn objects into anti-matter causing an explosion.
PersuasionCha 15+, Evolved, Power (illusion or emotion) 9 ranksThe character can persuade others to do as they ask.
ClairsentienceWis 15+, Evolved, Power (precognition) 9 ranksThe character can see the past of an object touched.
Precognitive DreamingWis 15+, Evolved, Power (precognition or enhanced sight) 12 ranksThe character can dream of the future.
Precognitive DrawingWis 15+, Evolved, Power (precognition or enhanced sight) 12 ranksThe character can draw pictures of the future.
Adoptive Muscle MemoryCon 15+, Evolved, Power (body control) 12 ranksThe character can mimic the actions of others.
Water Form[Prerequisite][Description]
Extreme Darkness[Prerequisite][Description]
Flash Run[Prerequisite][Description]
Rapid Turn[Prerequisite][Description]
Liquid Run[Prerequisite][Description]
Read Data[Prerequisite][Description]
Erase Data[Prerequisite][Description]
Mental Image[Prerequisite][Description]
Implant Thought[Prerequisite][Description]
Telekinetic Bullet[Prerequisite][Description]
Super Health[Con 13+, Evolved, Power (strength) 15 ranks][The character gains additional Constitution bonuses.]
Constitutional MarvalCon 13+, Evolved, Power (strength) 15 ranks]The Character gains a more capable body
Super ConstitutionCon 18+, Evolved, Power (strength) 15 ranksThe Character Gains Improved Health
Power Control25+ In atleast Three Ability scores have the Empathy power and atleast 15Ranks in it, and already be in prosession of Intuitive AptitudeObtaining this allows the user even greater control over his powers.
Unnatural MovementDex 15+, Evolved, Power (speed) 15 ranksThe character can move with extraordinary speeds and cunning. Stabbing his enemy's in the back.
Water Acrobatic (D20 Modern Feat)Dex 15+, Evolved, Power (speed) 6 ranks The character can move so agile that she can pass surfaces such a water for a few feet.
Elemental BodyCon 20+ Evolved, Power (Energy Control) 13RanksTurns your body into your Chosen element
Reverse Gravity[Energy Control Gravity - 10ranks][Allows the user to fly, or make other objects fly]
Ranged Energy control[Energy Control, ranks 8][This allows for a character to make ranged attacks with his energy type]
Rock BarrierEvolved, power (Earth control) ranks 8The character launches a mighty punch at the ground, forcing rocks to emerge from the ground and act as cover.
TremorEvolved, power (Earth control) Strength 30+ Earth control ranks +15Creates a Earthquake
SupersonicEvolved, power (Flight) 10+ ranks, 14+ DEXThe character launches him/herself forward with a tremendous burst of speed. You may move at 5x normal Flight speed as a full-round action, as long as it is in a straight line.
Phase DefenseEvolved, power (Phasing) 15+ ranks, 14+ CONWith quick reflexes and enough skill in controlling your phasing power, you can phase out and in while in combat to avoid incoming attacks while still dealing a few blows yourself.
Adamantine SkeletonPower (Regeneration) Ranks 12, 20+ Str, 22+ ConYour skeletal system has undergone an incredibly painful procedure in order to produce an indestructible fame
Improved TelekinesisEvolved, Power (Telekinesis) Ranks 8, Concentration 12+ Ranks, 22+ IntYou have the ability to move objects with your mind
X-Ray VisionEvolved, 15+ Int, 14+ WisYou have developed the ability to see through solid objects
Improved Weather ControlEvolved, Power (Weather Control) Ranks 14, 22+ Wis, 18+ Int[Unleash the devastating power of the elements upon your foes]

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gollark: I try and do the trendy "responsive design" thing of making it look basically the same.
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