Tag: sequence

30 Count up folks! 2016-04-25T12:04:11.443

30 Output the nth rational number according to the Stern-Brocot sequence 2016-08-18T12:32:39.830

30 Stewie's sequence: + * - / + * - / 2016-11-25T22:25:45.700

30 Digital Sum Fibonacci 2017-02-02T19:28:41.107

30 Number triangle flip 2017-04-28T00:11:49.687

30 Fibtraction - Fibonacci but with subtraction 2017-07-08T17:01:55.023

29 Josephus problem (counting out) 2012-05-20T07:19:19.520

29 Generate Keyboard Friendly Numbers 2015-05-12T04:58:46.287

29 The Squaring Sequence 2016-12-02T18:53:53.703

29 Display OEIS sequences 2017-01-18T02:14:41.843

29 Stackable sequences 2017-10-01T22:35:06.100

29 Clearing the most significant bit from an integer 2017-11-14T18:59:57.710

29 A spiral sequence 2018-12-12T20:49:05.060

29 Smallest number such that concatenation is a square 2020-01-17T12:07:37.650

28 Monday Mini-Golf #1: Reverse Fibonacci Solver 2015-09-21T20:31:05.423

28 Four steps to the left: vipers. Four steps to the right: a cliff. Don't die! 2015-10-04T06:56:18.657

28 Parenthifiable Binary Numbers 2015-11-16T03:27:33.653

28 Prime counting function 2016-09-23T19:49:27.680

28 Absolute Sums of Sidi Polynomial Coefficients 2016-12-26T03:00:05.007

28 Negative Fibonacci Numbers 2016-12-31T10:43:52.013

28 Output the Euler Numbers 2017-01-21T00:14:20.750

28 A sequence of sums of integers that aren't in the sequence 2017-02-19T02:53:16.387

28 Smallest unseen, but no sharing digits! 2017-08-10T15:03:15.687

28 Square pyramidal numbers 2017-10-17T11:53:55.173

28 Help pannenkoek count A presses 2018-01-06T20:50:12.737

28 Find number of ones to get a number using + and * 2018-01-28T00:38:32.183

28 Hardcoding the Cops and Robbers (Cops) 2018-06-29T15:07:41.120

28 Inverse Colombian Function 2019-07-22T22:56:05.780

27 Flipping pancakes 2013-07-10T21:14:36.910

27 Is this a candidate Calvin Number? 2015-09-13T22:03:38.087

27 Sums of Consecutive Integers 2015-12-10T02:19:53.070

27 Matching Adjacent Words 2016-01-25T02:40:42.757

27 Output the van der Corput sequence 2016-02-09T11:32:59.053

27 The plus-minus sequence 2016-04-03T20:29:56.413

27 Numbers with Rotational Symmetry 2016-04-15T19:31:47.397

27 Calculate A190810 2016-07-14T14:09:35.607

27 Invalid Invali Inval 2016-09-03T20:54:18.960

27 Who's that PRNG? 2016-11-02T00:41:11.277

27 Change the Code, Change the Sequence: Cops 2017-02-13T17:22:14.660

27 Find Diffy Games 2017-03-30T18:48:27.120

27 Kolakoski Reduction 2017-06-28T19:32:36.753

27 Seqindignot sequence 2017-11-08T09:06:04.277

27 Modulus Summation 2017-12-14T01:23:59.903

27 The Add-Multiply-Add Sequence 2018-05-04T12:52:04.347

27 Smallest region of the plane that contains all free n-ominoes 2018-06-26T18:02:26.730

27 Infinitely many primes 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

26 Adding up the digits and the digits reversed 2016-02-22T21:11:02.640

26 Swap bits with their neighbours 2016-06-03T22:42:34.207

26 Automate the OEIS 2016-08-10T15:28:05.463

26 Find the sortable years 2016-12-14T16:13:29.167

26 Arranging Bubbles 2017-01-12T18:12:53.280

26 Smallest n-digit prime containing only these digits 2017-02-09T22:08:08.363

26 Bitflip-resistant composite numbers 2017-02-22T05:58:46.430

26 Golf a Custom Fibonacci Sequence 2017-05-17T13:45:49.483

26 A083569: Smallest m not occurring earlier such that m+n is prime 2017-06-19T03:14:30.400

26 Is it a semiprime? 2017-08-07T18:23:02.987

26 Многочлены Чебышёва (Chebyshev Polynomials) 2017-08-10T18:43:45.747

26 Euro coins and notes 2017-09-02T14:47:36.087

26 Don't repeat yourself in Rock-Paper-Scissors 2017-10-30T17:57:38.527

26 Superpermutations 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

26 The Nth Gryphon Number 2019-04-19T15:52:14.113

26 What's my telephone number? 2020-01-20T17:05:51.220

25 Evaluating Dotty Strings 2015-04-26T15:19:56.983

25 An infinite FTW 2015-11-06T15:31:45.067

25 Hofstadter Q-sequence 2016-07-29T15:25:42.053

25 Compute the kangaroo sequence 2016-10-16T05:18:37.537

25 Numbers divisible by the sum and product of their digits 2016-11-29T09:30:49.410

25 Big numbers: Ultrafactorials 2016-12-19T22:07:03.343

25 Find the original string, without the repetition without the repetition in the middle 2017-03-04T19:26:25.407

25 Answer-Chaining Fibonacci 2017-04-06T17:22:07.980

25 The sequence is too meta 2017-06-20T07:00:11.880

25 Dizzy integer enumeration 2017-09-15T15:20:49.087

25 Draw some expanding arrows 2018-12-12T15:56:57.300

25 Make me a metasequence 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

25 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, ... 33? 2019-09-19T12:10:49.870

25 Print the sequence 2019-10-02T05:58:07.710

24 Code Golf: 6174 - Kaprekar's mythical constant 2011-06-06T21:38:41.077

24 Decimal concatenation of squares 2015-11-13T20:59:51.217

24 All together now 2016-04-11T23:14:11.577

24 Alternating Power Fibonacci Sequence 2017-01-31T18:26:46.087

24 Can even numbers become prime? 2017-08-03T14:58:44.887

24 Polyglot the (non constant) OEIS! 2017-08-14T18:27:36.270

24 Count forth and back then double up 2017-08-22T22:41:41.547

24 Pascal's Triangle (Sort of) 2018-02-07T13:51:21.443

24 Bertrand's Primes 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

24 Integers sorted by their digital roots 2018-06-17T11:22:16.493

24 Minimal Power Root 2018-10-14T20:20:55.233

24 New Neighbour Sequence 2018-10-25T18:00:00.800

24 Two palindromes are not enough 2019-06-26T21:56:25.373

24 Fermat's polygonal number theorem 2019-10-07T17:13:49.750

23 Different Way Forward 2015-02-23T21:47:45.847

23 Iterated partial sums 2015-10-20T19:28:10.350

23 Bernoulli Numbers 2015-11-30T20:51:09.963

23 Compute the Binary Sierpinski Triangle Sequence 2015-12-23T13:36:23.953

23 Find the capacity of 2D printed objects 2016-01-13T01:17:53.287

23 The Möbius Function 2016-01-24T13:54:37.050

23 Rearranging the sequence 2016-02-03T21:49:26.677

23 Highly composite numbers 2016-02-29T22:26:04.020

23 Equality in the sum of digits 2016-03-11T22:01:44.170