



You're a criminal tasked with stealing some secret plans from the new tech startup Dejavu. You sneak in over the back wall, but find a door that requires a pin to open it. You recognize the make of the lock and know that it takes a 5 digit pin using all numbers from 0 to 4. After each digit entered, the lock checks the last 5 digits entered and opens if the code is correct. You have to get past this lock, and fast.

Superpermutations in a Nutshell

A permutation is all possible combinations of a certain set of digits. for example, all the permutations of the digits 0, 1, 2 are:

012, 021, 102, 120, 201, and 210.

If we concatenate all these permutations together, we get a superpermutation:


this superpermutation contains all the permutations of 0, 1, 2, but it's possible to make one shorter than this. I'm going to skip a bit here, but the shortest superpermutation of these digits is:


For our intents and purposes, this is essentially the shortest string of digits that contains all possible permutations of those digits, i.e. a superpermutation.


Your task is a bit harder than the superpermutation example as shown above, because you have two more digits to worry about. - If you haven't read about superpermutations, or my example above was a bit unclear, I highly suggest you read this great article by Patrick Honner on the subject (this challenge was quite heavily inspired by his article, so kudos to him): Your goal is to write the shortest program possible that generates a superpermutation of the digits 0 to 4.


Your program does not take any input of any sort, and produce a superpermutation of the digits from 0 to 4. This resulting superpermutation must be printed to the console or visibly displayed to the user to the extent provided by your language of choice. This doesn't have to be the shortest permutation possible, it just has to be a valid superpermutation. Because of this, the goal is to write the shortest program with the shortest superpermutation, so you should calculate your score like so:

file size (bytes) * generated superpermutation length (digits)

for example, if I had a 40 byte program, and my superpermutation is 153 digits long, my score will be:

40 * 153 = 6120

as always, the goal is to get this score as low as possible.


Here is how you should post your answer:

Language | Score

link to code in working environment (if possible)

code snippet

code explanation, etc.


This is one of my first questions on this site. So please tell me if I'm missing anything or a section of my challenge is unclear. Thank you, and have fun golfing!

Isaac C

Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 369

Can we know the length of the shortest superpermutation to get an idea of the lowest score? – Fatalize – 2019-02-07T08:20:37.980

1@Fatalize 153 is the shortest – TFeld – 2019-02-07T08:21:48.033


@Fatalize See A180632.

– Arnauld – 2019-02-07T08:22:58.770

Is there any sort of time limit on the program? – Jo King – 2019-02-07T09:35:54.287

Here is a script to test a superpermutation. – Arnauld – 2019-02-07T09:46:18.990

@JoKing no, as long as it eventually provides the correct answer and terminates. – Isaac C – 2019-02-07T10:08:30.563

1At first glance, this looks like it just asks for a de Bruijn sequence; however, the scoring criterion makes this challenge interesting. Well done! – Erik the Outgolfer – 2019-02-07T20:02:41.123


@EriktheOutgolfer It’s not just a scoring difference: a superpermutation includes all permutations of some length, while a de Bruijn sequence includes all strings of some length.

– Anders Kaseorg – 2019-02-07T21:03:37.153

Just ran into this Standup Maths video about a 4chan poster providing a new proof for a lower-bound superpermutation length that was tighter than the previous one. Yes, the primary author on the paper is "Anonymous 4chan Poster"

– Draco18s no longer trusts SE – 2019-02-28T23:34:23.533



05AB1E, score = 1673 (7 bytes · 239)


Try it online!

How it works

žB          push 1024
  œ         permutations: ["1024", "1042", …, "4201"]
   ∊        vertically mirror: ["1024", "1042", …, "4201", "4201", …, "1042", "1024"]
    {       sort: ["0124", "0124", "0142", "0142", …, "4210", "4210"]
     3      push 3
      ý     join: "01243012430142301423…3421034210"

Pyth, score = 1944 (9 bytes · 216)


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How it works

 +R   .p4   append to each permutation d of [0, 1, 2, 3]:
   +4d        [4] + d
s           concatenate

Anders Kaseorg

Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 29 242

1vy3yJ saves a byte – Emigna – 2019-02-07T11:22:48.200

1In the Pyth code, m+d -> +R saves a byte. – isaacg – 2019-02-07T13:21:33.060

8Wouldn't it be better to post this as two separated answers, since the approaches and programming languages are both different? – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-02-07T13:21:52.007

@KevinCruijssen Meh, they’re both variations on the theme of joining permutations of 4 elements with the remaining element; my 05AB1E answer actually has about as much in common with my Pyth answer as it does with different versions of itself. So I didn’t want to ask for twice as many upvotes just for switching languages. – Anders Kaseorg – 2019-02-07T21:09:44.157


Brachylog, score = 2907 (19 bytes × 153)


Too slow to see anything, but if you change 4 by 2 you can test it: Try it online!

This finds the shortest superpermutation as such:

4⟦                   The range [0,1,2,3,4]
  pᶠP                P is the list of all permutations of this range
      ~l.            Try increasing lengths for the output
         g;Pz        Zip the output with P
             {sᵈ}ᵐ   For each permutation, it must be a substring of the output


Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 32 976


Python 2, Score: 24327 15147 12852 12628 (154*82 bytes)

print S+S[::-1]

Try it online!


Python 2, 12628 (154*82 bytes)

print S+S[::-1]

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Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 19 246


05AB1E, score: 5355 2160 (216 * 10 bytes)


Port of @AndersKaseorg's Pyth answer, so make sure to upvote him!

Try it online.


3Ý           # Push a list in the range [0,3]: [0,1,2,3]
  œ          # Get all possible permutations of this list
   J         # Join each inner list together to a single string
    ε        # Map each string `y` to:
             #  (Push string `y` implicitly)
     4       #  Push 4
      y      #  Push string `y` again
       J     #  Join all three together
        }J   # After the map: Join all strings together to a single string
             # (and output it implicitly as result)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 67 575


JavaScript (ES6), 26975 (325 * 83 bytes)

With this scoring system, there's little room for something between 'hardcode the optimal supermutation' and 'just use a short built-in to concatenate all permutations', at least in non-esolangs.

Here's an attempt anyway.


Try it online!

It generates a string of 325 bytes:



Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 111 334

You have a valid point, I will say I was a bit worried about the scoring system. In the future, I'll try to be more considerate and score in a way that allows for a wide variety of methods. :D – Isaac C – 2019-02-07T10:18:58.083

If you can return a string for less than 23 bytes boilerplate, hardcoding scores better than this solution (26975/153-153>23) – Sanchises – 2019-02-07T16:03:13.967

@Sanchises We need 5 bytes boilerplate for a string, or 4 for a BigInt.

– Arnauld – 2019-02-07T16:24:52.827

@Sanchises We can compress the string slightly: Try it online! (or less if you don't count the default n suffix that console.log outputs)

– Neil – 2019-02-07T20:07:56.843


Octave, 27 x 442 = 11934


Try it online!

So, it turns out, naively generating all the permutations and then truncating to the shortest substring that is still a valid superpermutation is shorter than generating the shortest superpermutation. Sadly, this time the score is not a palindrome.

Octave, 97 x 153 = 14841

a=sym(9);while i<120
i=0;a+=1;q='01234';for t=q(perms(1:5))'

Try it online!

Entry updated for a few things

  • a++ is not implemented for symbolic numbers.
  • contains() is not implemented in Octave. Replaced with any(regexp()).
  • In the online link, I manually entered an a very close to the 153-length superpermutation. This allows for the solution to be verified.


Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 8 530


CJam (6 * 240 = 1440)


Online demo, validation (outputs the index at which each permutation of 0..4 can be found; it needs to flatten the output because the original program gives suitable output to stdout but what it places on the stack is not directly usable).

Approach stolen from Sanchises, although the permutation order of CJam is different, giving a different substring.

CJam (22 * 207 = 4554)


Online demo, validation.


This uses a simple recursive construction.

0a       e# Start with a superpermutation of one element, [0]
4{       e# for x = 0 to 3:
  )      e#   increment it: n = x+1
  W@+W+  e#   wrap the smaller superpermutation in [-1 ... -1]
  1$)ew  e#   split into chunks of length n+1
  \a*    e#   insert an n between each chunk
  W-     e#   remove the -1s from the ends

Peter Taylor

Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 41 901


Jelly, 3000 (600*5 bytes)


Try it online!


Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 111 334


Japt -P, 2376 (11 x 216)

4o ¬á Ë+4+D

Try it!

-1 byte thanks to @ Shaggy!

Port of Anders Kaseorg's Pyth answer.


Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 2 541

1There's a shortcut for q<space> ;) – Shaggy – 2019-03-05T08:29:20.463


Charcoal, 29 bytes, output length 153, score 4437

”)⊞⧴�r3⁼H⁴↓¦σ✳LïpWS [T↑ZωÞ”‖O

Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Explanation: Like @TFeld, I just print half of a superpermutation and mirror it. I calculated the superpermutation using the following code:

Push(u, w);
for (u) {
    Assign(Plus(Plus(i, Length(i)), i), h);
    Assign(Ternary(i, Join(Split(w, i), h), h), w);
    Assign(Incremented(Length(i)), z);
    if (Less(z, 5)) for (z) Push(u, Slice(h, k, Plus(k, z));

This translates to a 45-byte program in Charcoal so would have scored 6885.


Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 95 035


MATL, 16 x 442 = 7072


Try it online!

MATL port of my Octave answer. -442 thanks to Luis Mendo


Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 8 530


Perl 6, 7191 (153*47 bytes)

say first *.comb(permutations(5).all.join),0..*

Try it online!

Finds the first number that contains all permutations of the digits 0 to 4. This will take a long time to execute, but you can test it with the first two permutations 0 and 0,1

Jo King

Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 38 234


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 153*95 bytes, 14535


Try it online!


Posted 2019-02-07T08:00:44.317

Reputation: 15 931

9936 – ASCII-only – 2019-02-20T04:26:27.547

9504? – ASCII-only – 2019-02-20T04:27:47.730

8424? – ASCII-only – 2019-02-20T05:32:33.167

Nice! I just wanted to post a 153-solution. You can post a new answer if you like – J42161217 – 2019-02-20T09:42:26.180

Oh, also... explanation pls :P – ASCII-only – 2019-02-20T13:06:02.620

The Recursive Algorithm is here..

– J42161217 – 2019-02-20T13:11:36.107

I meant the Mathematica code :P although I should probably stop being lazy and figure it out myself – ASCII-only – 2019-02-20T13:25:44.913