Is this a candidate Calvin Number?



This challenge is a tribute to our Legendary Challenge Writer™, Calvin's Hobbies — now renamed to Helka Homba —, in the same spirit as Generate Dennis Numbers.

Calvin is a pretty impressive contributor to PPCG, with the 6th most reputation overall and probably indisputibly the best challenge writing skills out of all of us. However, of course, for this challenge, we will focus on his user ID.

26997 might not look very interesting at first. In fact, it's almost interesting in a few ways. For example, here's a chart of 26997 mod <n> for certain values of n:

n   |  26997 % n
3   |  0
4   |  1
5   |  2
6   |  3
7   |  5 :(
8   |  5
9   |  6
10  |  7

However, 26997 is one of the few numbers that can be represented by (n * 10)n - n, where n is an integer > 0.

Here are the first few numbers which can be expressed in this way, which we will henceforth call Calvin Numbers:


These Calvin Numbers have some interesting properties. More patterns emerge when we right-align them and highlight all the 9s:


The ones that we're interested in for this challenge are:

  • Regardless of n, every Calvin Number ends with 10n - n.

    So, Calvin(1) ends with 9, Calvin(2) ends with 98, and the pattern continues 997, 9996, 99995, etc., with each successive Calvin Number counting down and adding an extra 9 to the beginning.

  • For values of n where n % 10 == 0 (i.e. n is divisble by 10), Calvin(n) ends with 102n - n.

    That is, the pattern extends for twice as many digits as normal, with an extra number of 9s at the beginning equal to n.

  • When n is a power of 10 (10, 100, 1000, etc.), the pattern extends even further—every single digit is either a 9 or a 0.

    This pattern is the following: (n + 1) * 10n - n nines, and n zeroes. This is easier to understand in a chart (your solution will only have to handle numbers up to 10000 anyway, so this is all you need):

    n      |  Calvin(n)
    10     |  19 nines, 1 zero
    100    |  298 nines, 2 zeroes
    1000   |  3997 nines, 3 zeroes
    10000  |  49998 nines, 4 zeroes

    The number of nines even exhibits several properties of Calvin Numbers itself, but that's too much detail for this challenge.


Calvin Numbers get far too big, far too quickly, for a "get the nth Calvin Number challenge to be feasible in languages without arbitrary-precision integers. Therefore, the challenge is to determine whether a number fits the above patterns—that is, whether a number is a "candidate Calvin Number" or not.

Here are the criteria for a number to be considered a candidate Calvin Number (hereafter referred to as a CCN for short):

  • It ends with a number that fits the pattern 10n - n for an integer n.

    So, to be a CCN, a number must end with 9, or 98, or 997, 9996, 99995, etc.

  • If the last digit is 0, it must also end with 102n - n, for the same n as in the previous point.

    This means that 12312312399999999999999999999999999999999999980 is not a CCN, but 10485759999999999999999999999999999999999999980 is (it's the correct one, in fact).

  • If the value of n in the previous two steps is a power of 10, the entire number must fit the third pattern described above.

Input / Output

The input will be provided as a string, and it will always represent a number that is less than Calvin(10000) + 10000 (which can also be expressed as 1050000). (To clarify, the greatest possible input is 50000 nines, and the least possible input is 1.)

The output should be a truthy value if the input represents a number which is a CCN, and a falsy value otherwise. For the definitions of these terms, see meta.

Test cases

Inputs that should result in a truthy value:


Inputs that should result in a falsy value:



  • You may not, at any point in your program, handle integers larger than 18446744073709551615 (264), if your language has support for arbitrary-precision integers (or number types with a high enough precision to allow storing numbers greater than this).

    This is simply to prevent solutions that loop through all possible Calvin Numbers (or all possible values of 10n - n).

  • This is , so the shortest code in bytes will win.


Posted 2015-09-13T22:03:38.087

Reputation: 68 138

"If the value of n in the previous two steps is a power of 10, the entire number must fit the third pattern described above." What does the 'third pattern' refer to? – feersum – 2015-09-14T00:53:05.747

@feersum There's a bulleted list of three things—it's the last one. – Doorknob – 2015-09-14T01:16:16.217

I don't understand why the second-to-last falsy test-case is falsy. What rule does it violate? – Alexis King – 2015-09-14T04:51:26.423

@AlexisKing Good catch; anything that ends in 9 should be truthy. Fixed. – Doorknob – 2015-09-14T10:56:21.153

@Doorknob Even with that change, the number still seems to fit the criteria. Shouldn't a number ending in 845 have 152 nines? It seems to have more than enough. Were there supposed to be half the number? – Alexis King – 2015-09-14T20:45:15.273

@AlexisKing Gah, you're right. Fixed again, thanks. – Doorknob – 2015-09-14T20:51:16.997

Is this in the OEIS? – dkudriavtsev – 2017-07-16T09:43:50.267



Racket, 353

(require srfi/13)(let([s(~a(read))])(for/or([n(range 1 999)])(and(let*([y(string-length(~a n))])(string-suffix?(string-append(make-string(-(if(=(modulo n 10)0)(* 2 n)n)y)#\9)(~r #:min-width y #:pad-string"0"(-(expt 10 y)n)))s))(let([n(inexact->exact(/(log n)(log 10)))])(or(not(integer? n))(string-prefix?(make-string(-(*(+ 1 n)(expt 10 n))n)#\9)s))))))

Accepts a number from stdin, outputs #t or #f.

Ungolfed version:

(require srfi/13)

(define (calvin? str)
  (for/or ([n (in-range 1 10001)])
    (and (10^n-n$? n str)
         (or (not (integer? (/ (log n) (log 10))))
             (expt-of-ten-check? n str)))))

(define (10^n-n$? n str)
  (let* ([div-by-ten? (zero? (modulo n 10))]
         [digits (string-length (~a n))]
         [nines (- (if div-by-ten? (* 2 n) n) digits)]
         [suffix (string-append (make-string nines #\9)
                                (~r #:min-width digits #:pad-string "0" (- (expt 10 digits) n)))])
    (string-suffix? suffix str)))

(define (expt-of-ten-check? n str)
  (let* ([n (inexact->exact (/ (log n) (log 10)))]
         [nines (- (* (add1 n) (expt 10 n)) n)]
         [prefix (make-string nines #\9)])
    (string-prefix? prefix str)))

I normally don't do code golf, and Racket certainly isn't the most suitable language for it, but nobody had answered yet, so I figured I'd give it a shot. ;)

Alexis King

Posted 2015-09-13T22:03:38.087

Reputation: 225

They might've been waiting for me to answer, but given my post history it's probably best that you didn't wait around ;) – Calvin's Hobbies – 2015-09-15T21:19:06.157