Bertrand's Primes


Bertrand's Postulate states that for every integer n ≥ 1 there is at least one prime p such that n < p ≤ 2n. In order to verify this theorem for n < 4000 we do not have to check 4000 cases: The Landau trick says it is sufficient to check that

2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 23, 43, 83, 163, 317, 631, 1259, 2503, 5003

are all prime. Because each of these numbers is less than twice its predecessor each interval {y : n < y ≤ 2n} contains at least one of those prime numbers.

This sequence of numbers are the Bertrand Primes (OEIS A006992) and they are defined as follows:

a(1) = 2
a(n) = largest prime below 2a(n-1)


Implement this sequence. You may write

  • a function or program that given some n returns a(n) (0 or 1 indexed),
  • a function or program that given some n returns the first n (or n-1 or n+1) entries of this sequence,
  • an infinite list or stream or generator or similar equivalent in your langauge.


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 40 560



Octave, 32 bytes

do k=primes(k+k)(end)until 0

Keeps printing the values indefinitely (each value is preceded by k =).

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Octave, 42 bytes

for i=2:input('')k=primes(k+k)(end)end

Takes n as input and outputs the n first values (each value is preceded by k =).

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Octave, 51 bytes

k=2;for i=2:input('')k=primes(k+k)(end);end

Similar to Luis Mendo's MATL answer. Takes n as input and outputs a(n) (1-indexed).

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Octave, 60 bytes

k=2;for i=2:input('')k*=2;while~isprime(--k)

Takes n as input and outputs a(n) (1-indexed).

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Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 15 798


J, 11 bytes


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_4&(p:+:)2:  Input: integer n
         2:  Constant 2
_4&(    )    Repeat n times
      +:       Double
_4  p:         Find the largest prime less than the double


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 15 654


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 27 bytes

Saved one byte thanks to Martin Ender.



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Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 23 988


05AB1E, 14 7 6 bytes


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1-indexed answer (unless 0 is supposed to output 1), explanation:

$       # Push 1 and input (n)...
 F      # n-times do... 
  ·     # Double the current prime (first iteration is 1*2=2).
   .ØØ  # Find prime slightly less than double the current prime.

It's 1-indexed because all iterations have a 'dummy' iteration with n=1.

Magic Octopus Urn

Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 19 422

Fx.ØØ is so close... Works for anything above n > 2. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-02-13T16:09:22.903

1I had $F·ÅPθ for the same byte count. – Emigna – 2018-02-13T17:27:46.243

@Emigna had? That's like 0% the same haha. I mean, technically the same, but not. Could still post it ;P. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-02-13T17:35:36.910


Haskell, 50 bytes

f p|sum(gcd p<$>[1..p-1])<p=p:f(2*p)|1>0=f$p-1
f 2

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Outputs an infinite list.

Haskell, 40 bytes?

f p|mod(2^p-2)p<1=p:f(2*p)|1>0=f$p-1
f 2

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This works if Bertrand's primes don't contain any Fermat pseudoprimes for 2.


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 115 687


MATL, 9 bytes


Inputs n, outputs a(n), 1-indexed.

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1       % Push 1
i       % Push input n
:"      % Do the following that many times
  E     %   Multiply by 2
  Zq    %   Primes up to that
  0)    %   Get last entry
        % End (implicit). Display (implicit)

Luis Mendo

Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 87 464


Jelly, 6 bytes


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2ḤÆp$¡  Main link. Input: n
2       Constant 2
    $¡  Repeat n times
 Ḥ        Double
  Æp      Find the largest prime less than the double


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 15 654

poke you need another byte now ;)... – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-02-13T17:01:54.323

@MagicOctopusUrn An input of 0 returns 2, 1 returns 3, and so on. I don't see any issue. – miles – 2018-02-13T18:22:10.287

I meant you need to save a byte on this answer to win because I tied you at 6-bytes, your answer itself is fine. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-02-13T18:25:13.280


Stax, 10 bytes


Run test cases

This problem has exposed a bug in stax's implementation of :p, which is an instruction that gets the greatest prime less than its input. If it worked correctly, there would be a 5 6 byte solution. But alas, it does not, and there is not. As the language's creator, I will fix it, but it seems kind of cheap to fix and use it after the problem was posted.

Anyway, here is the corresponding ascii representation of the program above.


It's a relatively straight-forward implementation of the problem statement. The only thing possibly interesting about it is the use of the gs generator form. Generators are a family of constructions that combine an initial condition, a transform, and a filter, to produce one or more satisfying values. In this case, it's used in place of the broken :p instruction.

O               Push integer 1 underneath the input number.
 D              Pop the input and repeat the rest of the program that many times.
  H             Double number.
   {|p}         Predicate block: is prime?
       {vgs     Decrement until the predicate is satisfied.
                Output is implicitly printed.

Edit: here's the 6 byte solution, but it requires a bug-fix that was only applied after this challenge was posted.


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 8 616

Nice language! I've added it to my list of golfing langs. Let me know if you see anything wrong, or if there's anything else you'd like to add.

– ETHproductions – 2018-02-14T00:22:49.160

@ETHproductions: Nice, thanks! If you don't mind, could you change the interpreter url to I decided to get a domain for it.

– recursive – 2018-02-14T06:41:52.630

1Wow, a whole domain just for a golfing language? Lucky esolang ;) Updated! – ETHproductions – 2018-02-14T12:19:03.777

@recursive WOW, $1.99 for each xyz domain? I'm in. – Magic Octopus Urn – 2018-02-14T19:11:28.730


Python 2, 63 bytes

while k:
 if k>m:print r;m=r*2
 if P%k:r=k

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Prints forever.

Uses the Wilson's Theorem prime generator even though generating primes forward is clunky for this problem. Tracks the current largest prime seen r and the doubling boundary m.

Two bytes are saved doing P*=k rather than P*=k*k as usual, as the only effect is to claim that 4 is prime, and the sequence of doubling misses it.


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 115 687


Japt, 16 14 13 12 bytes

Two solutions for the price of one, both 1-indexed.

Nth Term

Finally, a challenge I can write a working solution for using F.g().

_ôZ fj Ì}g°U

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                 :Implicit input of integer U
_       }g       :Starting with the array [0,1] take the last element (Z),
                 :pass it through the following function
                 :and push the returned value to the array
 ôZ              :  Range [Z,Z+Z]
    fj           :  Filter primes
       Ì         :  Get the last item
          °U     :Repeat that process U+1 times and return the last element in the array

First N Terms

ÆV=ôV fj ̪2

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                 :Implicit input of integer U
                 :Also makes use of variable V, which defaults to 0
Æ                :Create range [0,U) and pass each through a function
  ôV             :  Range [V,V+V]
     fj          :  Filter primes
        Ì        :  Get the last item
         ª2      :  Logical OR with 2, because the above will return undefined on the first iteration
 V=              :  Assign the result of the above to V


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 24 623


CJam (15 bytes)


Online demo. Note that this is 0-indexed.

A more efficient approach would be to search backwards, but this requires one character more because it can't use implicit , (range):


Peter Taylor

Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 41 901


Python 2, 64 bytes

while 1:
 if all(n%i for i in range(2,n)):print n;n*=2

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Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 21 408


Pari/GP, 34 bytes


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Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 23 988


Haskell, 58 bytes

a 1=2
a n=last[p|p<-[2..2*a(n-1)],all((>0).mod p)[2..p-1]]

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Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 15 345


Python 2, 68 bytes

Prints the sequence indefinitely (you have to click "Run" the second time to stop the execution).

while 1:
 print k;k+=k
 while any(k%u<1for u in range(2,k)):k-=1

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Python 3, 90 bytes

Returns the nth term.

f=lambda n,i=1,p=1:n*[0]and p%i*[i]+f(n-1,i+1,p*i*i) 
a=lambda n:n and f(2*a(n-1))[-1]or 1

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Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 39 774


C (gcc), 97 87 86 80 79 bytes

  • Saved ten bytes by inlining a non-primality checking function P into the main loop.
  • Saved a byte by moving the printf call.
  • Saved six bytes by returning the i-th sequence entry (0-indexed) instead of outputting a never-ending stream.
  • Saved a byte thanks to ceilingcat.

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Jonathan Frech

Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 6 681

@ceilingcat Thank you. – Jonathan Frech – 2019-09-18T09:51:20.260


Attache, 38 bytes


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0-based; returns the nth Bertrand prime.

There is currently no builtin to find the previous/next primes, so I use the Series builtin to calculate all primes up to 2*$[_-1]. This last expression uses implicit recursion (bound to $) to easily define the recurrence relation. The if condition is used to determine a base condition.

Conor O'Brien

Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 36 228


Perl 6, 35 bytes


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This expression is an infinite list of Bertrand primes.


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 4 136


Retina, 39 bytes



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Start with 1.


Repeat the loop using the input as the loop count.


Double the value.


Find the highest prime less than the value.


Print it out.


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 95 035


Ruby, 51 + 7 (-rprime) = 58 bytes


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A lamba accepting n and returning the nth Bertrand prime, 0-indexed. There's not much here, but let me ungolf it anyway:

  x=2                       # With a starting value of 2
  n.times{                  # Repeat n times:
    x=(x..2*x)              # Take the range from x to its double
      .select(&:prime?)[-1] # Filter to only primes, and take the last
  x                         # Return

Ruby, 48 + 7 = 55 bytes

loop{puts x

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For fun, here's an infinite-loop solution. It prints as it goes, and requires an interrupt. Depending on exactly when you interrupt, you may or may not see the output. Ungolfed:

  puts x
    (x-=1).prime? && break


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 801


APL (Dyalog Extended), 12 bytes

Takes input from user as N, returns Nth element of the sequence (0-indexed).


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{¯4⍭2×⍵}⍣⎕⊢2 ⍝ Full program
          ⎕   ⍝ Get input from user - call it 'N'
         ⍣ ⊢2 ⍝ Repeat the left function N times, beginning with 2
    2×⍵       ⍝ Double the function input
 ¯4⍭          ⍝ Find the largest prime less than above


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 1 796


R, 87 bytes

Given n outputs a(n)

j=scan();n=2;while(j-1){for(i in (n+1):(2*n)){n=ifelse(any(i%%2:(i-1)<1),n,i)};j=j-1};n

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I'm still working on "Given n output a(1), a(2)... a(n)". I thought I could just modify this code slightly, but it seems more difficult than that.


Posted 2018-02-13T15:27:27.247

Reputation: 1 334