Make me a metasequence




For this challenge, a 'metasequence' will be defined as a sequence of numbers where not only the numbers themselves will increase, but also the increment, and the increment will increase by an increasing value, etc.

For instance, the tier 3 metasequence would start as:

1 2 4 8 15 26 42 64 93 130 176


    1 2 3  4  5  6  7  8   9       >-|
      ↓+↑ = 7                        | Increases by the amount above each time
  1 2 4 7  11 16 22 29 37  46  >-| <-|
                                 | Increases by the amount above each time
1 2 4 8 15 26 42 64 93 130 176 <-|


Given a positive integer, output the first twenty items of the metasequence of that tier.

Test cases

Input: 3 Output: [ 1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 26, 42, 64, 93, 130, 176, 232, 299, 378, 470, 576, 697, 834, 988, 1160 ]

Input: 1 Output: [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ]

Input: 5 Output: [ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 63, 120, 219, 382, 638, 1024, 1586, 2380, 3473, 4944, 6885, 9402, 12616, 16664 ]

Input: 13 Output: [ 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16383, 32752, 65399, 130238, 258096, 507624 ]

As you may realise, the first \$t+1\$ items of each sequence of tier \$t\$ are the first \$t+1\$ powers of 2...


  • Standard loopholes apply
  • This is , so shortest answer in bytes wins

Geza Kerecsenyi

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 1 892

2I assume you mean 20 terms, not digits? – Quintec – 2019-03-04T17:09:43.023

What do you mean by "tier"? – DavidC – 2019-03-04T17:26:44.253


By the way, the tier three metasequence is OEIS A000125

– Embodiment of Ignorance – 2019-03-04T17:31:48.213

Quintec - correct, fixed. @DavidC - A 'tier' is the amount of levels of addition: on tier 1, the numbers increase by one each time. On tier 2, the amount the numbers increase by increases by one each time. On tier 3, the amount the increase value increases by is increases by 1 each time; etc. I will add an example in un-golfed JS to demonstrate how the algorithm could work. – Geza Kerecsenyi – 2019-03-04T17:32:26.397

6You may want to clarify if solutions have to work for input 20 or greater. – FryAmTheEggman – 2019-03-04T17:46:49.000

4Can we choose to 0-index (so, output tier 1 for input 0, tier 2 for input 1, etc.)? – Lynn – 2019-03-04T18:06:03.407

@Lynn if you must; as long as the answers are correct. – Geza Kerecsenyi – 2019-03-04T18:07:02.910

I found this in diagonals along Pascal's triangle, if that may help anybody – MilkyWay90 – 2019-03-04T23:17:54.940

1@MilkyWay90, it's not very clear what you mean: 219 (from level 5) only occurs in Pascal's triangle as $\binom{219}{1}$ and $\binom{219}{218}$. – Peter Taylor – 2019-03-05T11:04:04.690

@PeterTaylor Oh, oops, sorry about that – MilkyWay90 – 2019-03-05T13:50:30.813



Jelly, 8 7 bytes


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   cþ       Table of binom(x,y) where:
20Ḷ           x = [0..19]
     Ż        y = [0..n]    e.g.  n=3 → [[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,  …]
                                         [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,  …]
                                         [0, 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, …]
                                         [0, 0, 0, 1, 4, 10, …]]

      S     Columnwise sum.           →  [1, 2, 4, 8, 15, 26, …]

This uses @alephalpha’s insight that $$\text{meta-sequence}_n(i) = \sum_{k=0}^n \binom ik.$$


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 55 648

That is brutally succint. Just awesome. – don bright – 2019-03-06T02:54:45.307


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 34 bytes


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The tier \$n\$ metasequence is the sum of the first \$n+1\$ elements of each row of the Pascal triangle.


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 23 988


There's almost a built-in for that, but unfortunately it's longer.

– Peter Taylor – 2019-03-05T12:41:12.967

1I don't know enough WL to do anything useful in it, but it seems to me that it might benefit from the identity $$T(n,k) = \begin{cases}1 & \textrm{if }k=0 \ 2T(n,k-1) - \binom{k-1}{n} & \textrm{otherwise}\end{cases}$$ – Peter Taylor – 2019-03-05T15:13:57.603


Haskell, 34 bytes


Uses 0-indexed inputs (f 4 returns tier 5.)

Haskell, 36 bytes

f 1=[1..20]
f n=init$scanl(+)1$f$n-1

Try it online! Uses 1-indexed inputs (f 5 returns tier 5.)


scanl (+) 1 is a function that takes partial sums of a list, starting from (and prepending) 1.

For example: scanl (+) 1 [20,300,4000] equals [1,21,321,4321].

It turns out that tier \$n\$ is just this function applied \$ (n-1) \$ times to the list \$[1,2,3,\dots]\$.

(Or equivalently: \$n\$ times to a list of all ones.)

We use either init or [1..20-n] to account for the list getting longer by \$1\$ every application.


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 55 648

1[1..20-n] isn't going to work for $n > 20$ – Peter Taylor – 2019-03-05T11:30:01.820

take 20.(iterate(scanl(+)1)[1..]!!) would only cost a byte more to fix that – H.PWiz – 2019-03-05T16:27:10.147

1Your pointfree answer can be back to 34 bytes using your other answer: (iterate(init.scanl(+)1)[1..20]!!). – xnor – 2019-03-06T01:52:32.690


Brain-Flak, 84 82 bytes


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<>               Switch to the off stack
((()()()()()){}) Push 10
{({}[((()))])}{} Make twice that many 1s
<>               Switch back
{                While ...
({}[(())]<       Subtract one from the input and push 1
<>               Switch
{                For every x on the stack
({}<>({}))<>     Remove x and add it to a copy of the other TOS
}                End loop
<>{}             Remove 1 element to keep it 20
{({}<>)<>}       Copy everything back to the other stack
>)}<>            End scopes and loops

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Post Rock Garf Hunter

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 55 382

3you know its funny how this is shorter than Rust – don bright – 2019-03-06T03:06:13.837


R, 36 bytes


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Thanks to @Giuseppe for suggesting outer.

This is based on the approach @alephalpha described

Nick Kennedy

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 11 829

you might be able to use Map instead of outer? – JDL – 2019-03-07T14:05:55.033

@JDL I can’t see how that would work. I need every possible combination, not just pairs of combinations. – Nick Kennedy – 2019-03-07T14:38:12.513


Python 2, 69 58 55 bytes

Saved bytes thanks to ovs and Jo King; also, it works in Python 3 now as well.

m=lambda t:[1+sum(m(t-1)[:n])for n in range(~t and 20)]

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The math

Let \$a(t,n)\$ be the \$n^{th}\$ term (0-indexed) of the sequence at tier \$t\$. A little analysis leads to the following recurrence formula:

$$ a(t,n) = 1+\sum_{i=0}^{n-1}a(t-1,i) $$

Working backwards, we define \$a(0,n) = 1\$ and \$a(-1,n) = 0\$ for all \$n\$. These definitions will simplify our base case.

The code

We define a function m(t) that returns the first 20 elements of the sequence at tier t. If t is nonnegative, we use the recursive formula above; if t is -1, we return an empty list. The empty list works as a base case because the result of each recursive call is sliced ([:n]) and then summed. Slicing an empty list gives an empty list, and summing an empty list gives 0. That's exactly the result we want, since tier \$-1\$ should behave like a constant sequence of all \$0\$'s.

m=lambda t:                     # Define a function m(t):
 [          ]                   # List comprehension
     for n in range(         )  # for each n from 0 up to but not including...
                    ~n and 20   # 0 if n is -1, else 20:
  1+sum(          )             # a(t,n) = 1 + sum of
              [:n]              # the first n elements of
        m(t-1)                  # the previous tier (calculated recursively)


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 21 213

61 bytes as a recursive lambda function (Significantly more inefficient). – ovs – 2019-03-04T22:34:45.830

@ovs Thanks! I found a couple more bytes by using a different base case, too. – DLosc – 2019-03-04T22:49:16.050

:( the nice way is too long – ASCII-only – 2019-03-04T23:13:09.550

or a combinations builtin, yeah – ASCII-only – 2019-03-04T23:18:06.893

closer (with stolen combinations function) – ASCII-only – 2019-03-04T23:19:39.387

:P – ASCII-only – 2019-03-04T23:28:25.190

1(t>=0)*range(20) saves a byte, though there's probably a yet shorter expression. – xnor – 2019-03-06T01:53:41.487

1if~t saves two more over @xnor – Jo King – 2019-03-07T11:12:46.540


dzaima/APL REPL, 14 bytes


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(       )⍣⎕     repeat the function below input times:
 +\               cumulative sum of
   1,             1 prepended to
     19↑          the first 19 items of the previous iteration
           ⍳20  starting with the first 20 integers


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 19 048

-1 byte using dzaima/APL: 1∘,1, – Adám – 2019-03-04T17:59:59.890

@Adám oh duh.. right – dzaima – 2019-03-04T18:02:59.083

Full program at 17: (≢↑(+\1∘,)⍣⎕)20⍴1

– Adám – 2019-03-04T18:04:46.577

14 bytes by using the REPL (add the -s flag). – Erik the Outgolfer – 2019-03-04T19:26:18.783

If you use the flag, language becomes -s btw (unless -s is repl flag?) – ASCII-only – 2019-03-05T00:08:28.130

@ASCII-only the -s flag indicates to read stdin as a REPL, which being mentioned in the title is IMO sufficient (as it's the way to start a REPL) – dzaima – 2019-03-05T13:50:17.453


Pari/GP, 39 bytes


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Pari/GP, 40 bytes


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The generating function of the tier \$n\$ metasequence is:



Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 23 988


Perl 6, 34 32 bytes

-2 bytes thanks to Jo King

{(@,{[\+] 1,|.[^19]}...*)[$_+1]}

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{                              }  # Anonymous block
   ,                ...*  # Construct infinite sequence of sequences
  @  # Start with empty array
    {              }  # Compute next element as
     [\+]     # cumulative sum of
          1,  # one followed by
            |.[^19]  # first 19 elements of previous sequence
 (                      )[$_+1]  # Take (n+1)th element


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 10 037

29 bytes (the $^a instead of $_ is necessary) – Jo King – 2019-03-04T22:18:11.060

1@JoKing Nice, but this assumes that $_ is undefined when calling the function. I prefer solutions that don't depend on the state of global variables. – nwellnhof – 2019-03-05T09:47:19.417


Python 3.8 (pre-release), 62 bytes

f=lambda n:[t:=1]+[t:=t+n for n in(n and f(n-1)[:-1]or[0]*19)]

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f=lambda n:     # funtion takes a single argument
     [t:=1]     # This evaluates to [1] and assigns 1 to t
                # assignment expressions are a new feature of Python 3.8
       +        # concatenated to
     [  ....  ] # list comprehension

# The list comprehesion works together with the
# assignment expression as a scan function:
[t := t+n for n in it]
# This calculates all partial sums of it 
# (plus the initial value of t, which is 1 here)

# The list comprehension iterates
# over the first 19 entries of f(n-1)
# or over a list of zeros for n=0
 for n in (n and f(n-1)[:-1] or [0]*19)


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 21 408


R (63 47 bytes)


Online demo. This uses the regularised incomplete beta function, which gives the cumulative distribution function of a binomial, and hence just needs a bit of scaling to give partial sums of rows of Pascal's triangle.

Octave (66 46 bytes)


Online demo. Exactly the same concept, but slightly uglier because betainc, unlike R's pbeta, requires the second and third arguments to be greater than zero.

Many thanks to Giuseppe for helping me to vectorise these, with significant savings.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 41 901


Ruby, 74 bytes

a=->b{c=[1];d=0;b==1?c=(1..20).to_a: 19.times{c<<c[d]+(a[b-1])[d];d+=1};c}

Ungolfed version:

def seq num
    ary = [1]
    index = 0
    if num == 1
        ary = (1..20).to_a
        19.times{ary << ary[index]+seq(num-1)[index]; index+=1}
    return ary

Quite resource-intensive--the online version can't calculate the 13th metasequence.

Try it online

CG One Handed

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 133


R, 59 49 bytes


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Recursively Reduce with +, init=1 and accumulation=TRUE to avoid having to subset. Thanks to Criminally Vulgar for suggesting the recursive approach!


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 21 077

tio this is only 39 bytes (using binomial approach) – Nick Kennedy – 2019-03-05T22:37:07.977

@NickKennedy that's a separate approach, so I'd recommend posting it yourself, and it's golfier to use outer than sapply for 36 bytes

– Giuseppe – 2019-03-05T22:51:27.690


Converting this approach to a recursive function gives 53 bytes (I think in recursives we need to include the assignment? If not, 51) TIO

– CriminallyVulgar – 2019-03-06T12:27:25.847

1@CriminallyVulgar we can get to 49 bytes :-) – Giuseppe – 2019-03-06T16:34:02.153

@Giuseppe Haha I knew it was golfable, just couldn't see it! I messed with cumsum for a while to try and make it work, but that Reduce is so slick.

Nice to be able to drop the index by 1 as well, didn't see that in the comments. – CriminallyVulgar – 2019-03-07T08:41:33.880


Wolfram Language (Mathematica), 42 bytes


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Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 126


JavaScript (Node.js), 58 bytes


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It is trivial to write down following recursive formula based on the description in question $$ g(t,i)=\begin{cases} g(t,i-1)+g(t-1,i-1) & \text{if} \quad i\cdot t>0 \\ 1 & \text{if} \quad i\cdot t=0 \\ \end{cases} $$ And you just need to generate an Array of 20 elements with \$[g(t,0)\dots g(t,19)]\$


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 13 072


05AB1E, 11 9 bytes



Try it online or verify all test cases.


20L        # Create a list in the range [1,20]
   IF      # Loop the input amount of times:
     .¥    #  Get the cumulative sum of the current list with 0 prepended automatically
       >   #  Increase each value in this list by 1
        ¨  #  Remove the trailing 21th item from the list
           # (after the loop, output the result-list implicitly)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 67 575

1Nice use of ! – Emigna – 2019-03-05T09:03:16.920


JavaScript (ES6),  68  67 bytes


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JavaScript (ES6), 63 bytes

NB: this version works for \$n\le20\$.


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Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 111 334


Ruby, 49 bytes


Recursive definition: Tier 0 is 1,1,1,1... and each subsequent tier is 1 followed by a sequence whose first differences are the previous tier. Annoyingly this would give me 21 values if I didn't explicitly slice out the first 20; seems like there should be a way to shorten this by avoiding that.


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 20 600 pls – ASCII-only – 2019-03-04T23:45:29.807

also 49 – ASCII-only – 2019-03-04T23:46:04.883

46 – ASCII-only – 2019-03-05T00:03:37.147


J, 24 bytes


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NOTE: Turns out this is a translation of dzaima's APL answer, though I actually didn't notice it before writing this.


<: (1 +/\@, ])^:[ (1+i.20)"_
<:                           NB. input minus 1 (left input)
                  (1+i.20)"_ NB. 1..20 (right input)
   (         )^:[            NB. apply verb in parens 
                             NB. "left input" times
   (1     , ])               NB. prepend 1 to right input
   (  +/\@   )               NB. and take scan sum


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 8 729


Retina, 59 bytes


Replace the input with 19 1s (in unary). (The 20th value is 0 because it always gets deleted by the first pass through the loop.)


Repeat the loop the original input number of times.


Remove the last element and prefix a 1.


Calculate the cumulative sum.


Convert to decimal.

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Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 95 035


C# (Visual C# Interactive Compiler), 120 bytes

n=>{for(long i=-1,h=0,m=0;++i<20;Print(i<1?1:h))for(m=h=0;m<=n;)h+=f(i)/(f(m)*f(i-m++));long f(long a)=>a>1?a*f(a-1):1;}

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Based off of alephalpha's formula.

Embodiment of Ignorance

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 7 014


K (oK), 17 bytes

-1 byte thanks to ngn (switching from 0-indexed to 1-indexed)


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K (oK), 18 bytes


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Galen Ivanov

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 13 815

1make it 1-indexed and save a byte: 1+!20 -> 20#1 – ngn – 2019-03-06T10:36:35.897

@ngn Thanks, as always there's something I've missed :) – Galen Ivanov – 2019-03-06T11:59:33.917


R (60 59 bytes)


Online demo

Straightforward implementation of the observation

T(n,k) = 2 T(n-1,k) - binomial(n-1,k). - M. F. Hasler, May 30 2010

from OEIS A008949. The arguments to Reduce are the function (obviously), the array over which to map, the starting value, a falsy value (to fold from the left rather than the right), and a truthy value to accumulate the intermediate results in an array.

Peter Taylor

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 41 901


Rust, 135 bytes

fn t(m:u64)->Vec<u64>{let f=|y|(1..=y).fold(1,|a,n|a*n);(0..20).map(|i| (0..=u64::min(i,m)).fold(0,|a,x|a+f(i)/f(x)/f(i-x))).collect()}

used @alephalpha 's idea, like several others. there is no builtin factorial so that takes up at least 36 bytes, (plus dealing with negatives). no builtin choose, another 16 bytes. iterator->declared vector type, 20 bytes.. etc etc.

Ungolfed at

don bright

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 1 189

1There's a better way to calculate binomial coefficients for the same cost but which allows removing the min: fn t(m:i64)->Vec<i64>{let b=|n,k|(1..=k).fold(1,|a,j|a*(n-j+1)/j);(0..20).map(|i|(0..=m).fold(0,|a,x|a+b(i,x))).collect()} (122 bytes) – Peter Taylor – 2019-03-06T11:27:27.107

1In fact, the binomial can be inlined: fn t(m:i64)->Vec<i64>{(0..20).map(|i|(0..=m).fold(0,|a,x|a+(1..=x).fold(1,|a,j|a*(i-j+1)/j))).collect()} (104 bytes). What would be nice is to combine the two folds, but I'm not sure how succinct tuples are. – Peter Taylor – 2019-03-06T14:36:46.383

1Succinct enough: fn t(m:i64)->Vec<i64>{(0..20).map(|i|(0..=m).fold((0,1),|a,b|(a.0+a.1,a.1*(b-i)/!b)).0).collect()} (98 bytes) – Peter Taylor – 2019-03-06T15:59:05.993

thats amazing... i struggle to even understand how it works but its amazing. – don bright – 2019-03-07T00:02:53.090

It just uses one algebraic trick: $$\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!} = \frac{n!}{(k-1)!(n-(k-1))!} \times \frac{n-k+1}{k}$$ – Peter Taylor – 2019-03-07T10:23:34.510


Jelly, 10 bytes


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Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 38 134


Perl 5, 48 bytes

$x=1,@A=(1,map$x+=$_,@A[0..18])for 0..$_;$_="@A"


Nahuel Fouilleul

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 5 582


Japt, 15 bytes

0-indexed; replace h with p for 1-indexed.

ÈîXi1 å+}gNh20õ

Try it


Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 24 623


CJam (20 bytes)


Online demo. This is a program which takes input from stdin and prints to stdout; for the same score an anonymous block (function) can be obtained as



This applies the definition literally:

1aK*      e# Start with an array of 20 1s
{         e# Loop:
  1\      e#   Push a 1 before the current list
  {1$+}/  e#   Form partial sums (including that bonus 1)
  ;]      e#   Ditch the last and gather in an array (of length 20)
q~*       e# Take input and repeat the loop that many times
p         e# Pretty print

Peter Taylor

Posted 2019-03-04T17:07:15.703

Reputation: 41 901