Infinitely many primes


Since Euclid, we have known that there are infinitely many primes. The argument is by contradiction: If there are only finitely many, let's say \$p_1,p_2,...,p_n\$, then surely \$m:=p_1\cdot p_2\cdot...\cdot p_n+1\$ is not divisible by any of these primes, so its prime factorization must yield a new prime that was not in the list. So the assumption that only finitely primes exist is false.

Now let's assume that \$2\$ is the only prime. The method from above yields \$2+1=3\$ as a new (possible) prime. Applying the method again yields \$2\cdot 3+1=7\$, and then \$2\cdot 3\cdot 7+1=43\$, then \$2\cdot 3\cdot 7\cdot 43+1=13\cdot 139\$, so both \$13\$ and \$139\$ are new primes, etc. In the case where we get a composite number, we just take the least new prime. This results in A000945.


Given a prime \$p_1\$ and an integer \$n\$ calculate the \$n\$-th term \$p_n\$ of the sequence defined as follows:

$$p_n := \min(\operatorname{primefactors}(p_1\cdot p_2\cdot ... \cdot p_{n-1} + 1))$$

These sequences are known as Euclid-Mullin-sequences.


For \$p_1 = 2\$:

1 2
2 3
3 7
4 43
5 13
6 53
7 5
8 6221671
9 38709183810571

For \$p_1 = 5\$ (A051308):

1 5
2 2
3 11
4 3
5 331
6 19
7 199
8 53
9 21888927391

For \$p_1 = 97\$ (A051330)

1 97
2 2
3 3
4 11
5 19
6 7
7 461
8 719
9 5


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 40 560



JavaScript (ES6),  45  44 bytes

Takes input as (n)(p1), where \$n\$ is 0-indexed.


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n =>                // n = 0-based index of the requested term
  g = (             // g is a recursive function taking:
    p,              //   p = current prime product
    d = 2           //   d = current divisor
  ) =>              //
    n ?             // if n is not equal to 0:
      ~p % d ?      //   if d is not a divisor of ~p (i.e. not a divisor of p + 1):
        g(p, d + 1) //     increment d until it is
      :             //   else:
        --n ?       //     decrement n; if it's still not equal to 0:
          g(p * d)  //       do a recursive call with the updated prime product
        :           //     else:
          d         //       stop recursion and return d
    :               // else:
      p             //   don't do any recursion and return p right away


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 111 334


05AB1E, 6 bytes

This produces and infinite output stream.


Try it online! (link includes a slightly modified version, λ£λP>fW, which instead outputs the first \$n\$ terms)


Very straightforward. Given \$p_1\$ and \$n\$, the program does the following:

  • Starts with \$p_1\$ as an initial parameter for the infinite stream (which is generated using the first λ) and begins a recursive environment which generates a new term after each interation and appends it to the stream.
  • The second λ, now being used inside the recursive environment, changes its functionality: Now, it retrieves all previously generated elements (i.e. the list \$[\lambda_0, \lambda_1, \lambda_2, \ldots, \lambda_{n-1}]\$), where \$n\$ represents the current iteration number.
  • The rest is trivial: P takes the product (\$\lambda_0\lambda_1\lambda_2 \cdots \lambda_{n-1}\$), > adds one to this product, and fW retrieves the minimum prime factor.

Mr. Xcoder

Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 39 774


J, 15 bytes

-10 bytes thanks to miles!

Returning the sequence up to n (zero-indexed) – thanks to @miles


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J, 25 bytes

Returns the n th item


Try it online!

Galen Ivanov

Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 13 815

1(,0({q:)1+*/)^: for 15 bytes, returning the sequence up to n (zero-indexed) – miles – 2019-09-05T09:20:36.520

@miles Thank you! – Galen Ivanov – 2019-09-05T09:24:54.033

Very nice. @miles what exactly is happening there grammatically? we put a verb and a conjunction together and get a dyadic verb back. I thought verb conj produced an adverb.

– Jonah – 2019-09-06T01:43:58.797

1@Jonah it's a trick I learned from golfing. I think it's one of the older parsing rules that's still valid – miles – 2019-09-08T22:08:27.233

@miles I just realized it is an adverb (or adnoun). It modifies the noun to its left, which "attaches" to the right of the ^:, and then that becomes a verb that applies to the right arg. I think that's what's happening grammatically. – Jonah – 2019-09-08T23:45:49.373


Python 2, 56 bytes

while 1:
 k*=i;print i;i=2

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i=input() # the initial prime
k=1       # the product of all previous primes
while 1:  # infinite loop
 k*=i     # update the product of primes
 print i  # output the last prime
 i=2      # starting at two ...
 while~k%i: # find the lowest number that divides k+1
            # this our new prime

Try it online!


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 21 408

I just started with Python, but do you need int(input()) otherwise i is a str? – Anthony – 2019-09-05T15:37:36.323

2In Python 3 this would be true as input() always returns strings. In Python 2 input() tries to evaluate the input. I'm using Python 2 in this case because the resulting code is slightly shorter. For real code you should try to use Python 3 as it is the newer and more supported version of Python. – ovs – 2019-09-05T15:48:17.287

How does this terminate after n steps? – sintax – 2019-09-06T20:12:10.543

@sintax it outputs the sequence for a given p1 indefinitely, as allowed by the default sequence rules.

– ovs – 2019-09-06T22:29:14.483


Jelly, 8 bytes


A full program (using zero indexing) accepting \$P_0\$ and \$n\$ which prints a Jelly representation of the list of \$P_0\$ to \$P_n\$ inclusive. (As a dyadic Link, with n=0 we'll be given back an integer, not a list.)

Try it online!


P‘ÆfṂṭµ¡ - Link: integer, p0; integer n
      µ¡ - repeat the monadic chain to the left n times, starting with x=p0:
P        -   product of x (p0->p0 or [p0,...,pm]->pm*...*p0)
 ‘       -   increment
  Æf     -   prime factors
    Ṃ    -   minimum
     ṭ   -   tack
         - implicit print

Jonathan Allan

Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 67 804


05AB1E, 8 bytes


First input is \$n\$, second is prime \$p\$.

Try it online or very some more test cases (test suite lacks the test cases for \$n\geq9\$, because for \$p=2\$ and \$p=5\$ the builtin f takes too long).


G         # Loop (implicit input) n-1 amount of times:
 Dˆ       #  Add a copy of the number at the top of the stack to the global array
          #  (which will take the second input p implicitly the first iteration)
   ¯      #  Push the entire global array
    P     #  Take the product of this list
     >    #  Increase it by 1
      f   #  Get the prime factors of this number (without counting duplicates)
       ß  #  Pop and only leave the smallest prime factor
          # (after the loop: implicitly output the top of the stack as result)

Kevin Cruijssen

Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 67 575

I had λλP>fW (6 bytes) with output as an infinite list and λ£λP>fW (7 bytes) for the first $n$ terms. However getting the $n^{\text{th}}$ should be 9 bytes... If only we had a flag like £ but for the last element! – Mr. Xcoder – 2019-09-05T08:21:41.530

@Mr.Xcoder "If only we had a flag like £ but for the last element!", like ? ;) EDIT: Actually, it doesn't work exactly like £ for lists.. using a list like [1,2] with results in two loose items with the last 1 and 2 items (i.e. 12345 becomes [5,45] instead of [45,3] or [3,45], with 12S.£).. – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-09-05T08:27:47.650

Umm, no, I don't see how λ.£ should work. I used flag as in additional function associated with λ (see this conversation with Adnan). I basically want some flag è such that when running λè...} it would generate the n-th element rather than the the infinite stream (just like λ£ would work for generating the first n elements).

– Mr. Xcoder – 2019-09-05T08:31:39.663

@Mr.Xcoder Ah sorry, you've used the £ for the recursive environment. Yeah, then λ.£ is indeed not gonna work, my bad. Nice 6-byter regardless. Now you just have to wait for @flawr's response whether it's allowed or not (it probably is). – Kevin Cruijssen – 2019-09-05T08:33:56.353


Japt, 12 11 bytes

Struggled to get this one right so may have missed something that can be golfed.

Takes n as the first input and p1, as a singleton array, as the second. Returns the first n terms. Change h to g to return the nth 0-indexed term instead.

@Z×Ä k Î}hV

Try it

@Z×Ä k Î}hV     :Implicit input of integer U=n & array V=[p1]
@               :Function taking an array as an argument via parameter Z
 Z×             :  Reduce Z by multiplication
   Ä            :  Add 1
     k          :  Prime factors
       Î        :  First element
        }       :End function
         hV     :Run that function, passing V as Z, and
                : push the result to V.
                : Repeat until V is of length U


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 24 623


Retina, 56 bytes



Try it online! Takes input as the number of new terms to add on the first line and the seed term(s) on the second line. Note: Gets very slow since it uses unary factorisation so it needs to create a string of the relevant length. Explanation:


Replace the commas in the seed terms with *s and append a *. This creates a Retina expression for a string of length of the product of the values.


Repeat the loop the number of times given by the first input.


Temporarily replace the number on the first line with a $ and prepend a _ to the second line, then evaluate the result as a Retina program, thus appending a string of _s of length 1 more than the product of the values.


Find the smallest nontrivial factor of the number in decimal and append a * ready for the next loop.


Delete the iteration input.


Delete the last *.


Replace the remaining *s with ,s.


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 95 035


JavaScript (Node.js), 54 bytes


Try it online!


F=(p,n=2)=>            // Helper function F for finding the smallest prime factor
  p%n                  //   If n (starting at 2) doesn't divide p:
    ?F(n+1)            //     Test n+1 instead
    :n                 //   Otherwise, return n
f=(p,n,P=p)=>          // Main function f:
  --n                  //   Repeat n - 1 times:
    ?f(p=F(P+1),n,P*p) //     Find the next prime factor and update the product
    :p                 //   Return the last prime

Herman L

Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 3 611


bash +GNU coreutils, 89 bytes

IFS=\*;n=$1;shift;for((;++i<n;));{ set $@ `factor $["$*+1"]|cut -d\  -f2`;};echo ${@: -1}


Nahuel Fouilleul

Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 5 582


Ruby 2.6, 51 bytes


(2..), the infinite range starting from 2, isn't supported on TIO yet.

This is a recursive function that takes a starting value s (can be a prime or composite), returns it when n=0 (edit: note that this means it's zero-indexed), returns the least number l that's greater than 1 and divides -(s+1) when n=1, and otherwise recurses with s=l*s and n=n-1.


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 20 600


You should probably mention that you're doing zero-indexed; I replaced (2..) with 2.step (just 1 byte longer) to allow it to work on TIO and everything was off by one. Try it online!

– Value Ink – 2019-09-05T21:21:48.360


APL (Dyalog Extended), 15 bytes

This is a fairly simple implementation of the algorithm which uses Extended's very helpful prime factors builtin, . Try it online!




             ⊢⎕  First get the first prime of the sequence S from input.
{         }⍣⎕    Then we repeat the code another input number of times.
     1+×/⍵       We take the product of S and add 1.
    ⍭            Get the prime factors of product(S)+1.
   ⊃             Get the first element, the smallest prime factor of prod(S)+1.
 ⍵,              And append it to S.


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 11 664


Pari/GP, 47 bytes


Try it online!


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 23 988


Stax, 9 bytes


Run and debug it

Takes p0 and (zero-indexed) n for input. Produces pn.


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 8 616


C (gcc), 54 53 bytes

p;f(x,n){for(p=x;--n;p*=x)for(x=1;~p%++x;);return x;}

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-1 byte thanks to ceilingcat


Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 3 089


Perl 6, 33 32 bytes

-1 byte thanks to nwellnhof


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Anonymous code block that takes a number and returns a lazy list.


{                              }  # Anonymous codeblock
                           ...*   # That returns an infinite list
 $_,                              # Starting with the input
    {                     }       # Where each element is
     1+(2...             )          # The first number above 2
                      %%*           # That cleanly divides
               [*](@_)                # The product of all numbers so far
            -+^                       # Plus one

Jo King

Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 38 234


Haskell, 49 bytes

g 1
g a b=b:g(a*b)([c|c<-[2..],1>mod(a*b+1)c]!!0)

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Returns the infinite sequence as a lazy list.


g 1                                            -- Initialise the product as 1
g a b=                                         -- Given the product and the current number
       b:                                      -- Return the current number, followed by
         g                                     -- Recursively calliong the function with
          (a*b)                                -- The new product
               (                             ) -- And get the next number as
                [c|c<-[2..],             ]!!0  -- The first number above 2
                            1>mod       c      -- That cleanly divides
                                 (a*b+1)       -- The product plus one

Jo King

Posted 2019-09-05T07:38:39.810

Reputation: 38 234