Tag: optimization

301 Write Moby Dick, approximately 2018-01-09T09:25:31.847

183 What is the smallest positive base 10 integer that can be printed by a program shorter (in characters) than itself? 2015-12-28T14:14:40.930

54 Is this even a word? 2015-02-03T11:08:30.620

49 Shortest universal maze exit string 2015-07-17T16:09:56.477

45 Minimal keystrokes needed to type a given text 2014-03-06T02:27:33.220

43 Island Golf #1: Circumnavigation 2017-03-22T23:35:47.277

42 How small can it get? 2017-12-27T12:26:57.533

36 Domino Circuits 2014-08-18T12:54:29.150

31 Plurality Voting with Cellular Automata 2016-01-12T21:58:04.263

31 Choose the last card in a poker hand 2016-11-15T20:30:35.327

30 Uniquely separated pixels 2015-07-01T20:23:30.510

28 Given a list of circles, output the area of the smallest containing rectangle 2016-08-30T01:36:39.203

27 Make me a minimum magic sum 2019-05-04T19:14:24.830

27 Heavy Box Stacking 2019-08-30T21:05:52.320

26 Can a neural network recognize primes? 2019-04-11T16:43:00.077

24 Compute the maximum number of runs possible for as large a string as possible 2016-07-06T08:49:46.147

24 Optimize Compiler for simple Reverse Polish Notation Programming Language 2018-08-01T11:42:06.633

23 Optimize sorting, using "Sub-vector reversals" 2017-04-14T20:30:13.553

23 Trigger the chutes and protect the jackpot 2017-07-10T18:31:43.070

23 Minimum rectangle cover 2017-11-11T14:41:23.907

22 Integer Linear Programming 2018-02-20T17:06:19.037

22 Create a uniquely solvable crossword ... without clues 2019-09-18T13:26:31.040

21 Find a maximal rectangle of 1s 2016-05-06T01:25:55.827

21 Fruit bagging factory 2018-04-16T16:41:55.133

20 Optimize the Scralphabet 2015-05-15T12:52:40.657

20 "Finish work" as early as possible 2016-02-17T19:51:50.403

20 Find the maximum deviation 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

20 Piet (Mondrian)'s Puzzle 2016-12-03T04:14:44.643

19 Shortest 2-Player Game of Halma 2013-02-16T18:46:57.013

19 Mastermind strategy 2014-06-17T12:10:24.477

19 Island Golf #2: The Eccentric Hermits 2017-03-27T18:09:39.830

19 Optimal path through a matrix 2017-08-17T17:48:09.900

18 Advent Challenge 1: Help Santa unlock his present vault! 2017-12-01T15:30:10.393

18 Sort by shuffling blocks 2018-03-04T09:35:09.160

18 Permutations in Disguise 2019-09-13T12:15:45.510

17 Compact a Befunge program 2013-01-01T23:39:53.280

17 Travelling Salesman 2014-06-16T21:45:46.477

17 An optimization challenge with strange coins 2015-11-04T14:08:02.803

17 Playing Billiards 2015-12-16T18:30:59.457

17 Actually Integer Metagolf 2016-05-11T20:27:40.073

17 We do tower hopping 2018-02-22T18:32:50.587

17 1D Hopping Array Maze 2018-02-22T21:15:54.663

17 Optimize my wings order 2018-10-26T21:25:20.320

16 Build a minimum-clue Sudoku unsolver 2015-04-07T00:51:27.053

16 Find the largest independent set in a high-dimensional lattice-like graph 2015-08-07T07:59:09.067

16 Optimizing swiping across a 1D keyboard 2018-12-19T15:28:00.883

16 Plight of the Concorde 2019-02-01T16:41:39.780

16 Sort with a neural network 2019-09-27T11:42:21.090

16 Gerrymander North Carolina 2019-10-10T11:53:44.460

15 Build a top-front-side puzzle solver 2015-03-28T04:55:42.570

14 Fastest python code to find a set of winning words in this game 2011-04-29T13:18:48.417

14 Go and make it starry 2015-01-09T12:06:28.013

14 Solve the Trolley Problem 2017-07-28T19:27:08.687

13 Tetris Tangrams 2015-03-07T02:46:58.087

13 A determinant optimization challenge 2015-07-15T20:17:51.337

13 Count how many distance sequences are far from all others 2017-03-13T09:16:13.153

13 Can you outgolf Bill Gates? 2018-02-13T11:55:26.647

12 Program my microwave oven 2012-10-24T00:24:50.533

12 Creasing for Loot 2015-07-26T22:22:01.627

12 Choose Scenes for a Movie 2016-02-03T09:55:44.320

11 Implement superoptimizer for addition 2013-09-27T18:14:10.063

11 Frogger Champion 2014-09-19T15:44:29.937

11 5 Seconds to Find Pie 2014-09-23T01:38:58.263

11 Approximate Square Formation 2015-08-24T18:49:13.250

11 An optimization version of the Hadamard problem 2015-08-31T07:00:38.730

11 Egg hunting in Collatz style 2018-03-29T19:33:28.840

11 Find the largest root of a polynomial with a neural network 2019-09-29T21:03:27.200

10 Split arrays and programs in half 2017-01-16T11:08:08.453

9 Numbers, Sums, Products 2011-02-23T23:28:10.100

9 Restricted memory optimization 2014-09-11T10:32:03.950

9 +- knapsack problem 2018-04-13T17:37:39.030

9 Minimum-cost flow problem 2019-02-01T18:32:57.630

8 Piles and Piles of Pebbles 2017-09-08T04:12:15.557

7 Project Euler Problem 12: optimize memory usage 2011-01-31T23:11:36.587

7 Build a program that creates a minimal one-ohm resistor diagram for a given resistance 2014-02-09T15:37:57.627

7 Build a drug testing scheduler 2014-05-20T23:49:02.920

7 Crafting Canonically Cöcher Crosswords 2014-10-27T08:14:13.327

7 Shortest example of code that is compiled and increasing the optimization level makes it take longer 2017-03-23T21:51:25.000

7 Minimize Least Used Binary Bits in Fractions 2018-03-25T13:41:15.877

6 Who brings the croissants? 2013-07-28T21:29:08.530

6 Implement multiplication by a constant with addition and bit shifts 2015-03-23T20:05:08.177

6 Fuzzy distances to coordinates 2017-10-08T21:29:14.057

6 Optimizing edge selection from a list of numbers 2018-10-07T19:10:12.143

5 Help at an IOI problem! 2011-07-01T18:37:47.237

5 Organize a tournament 2011-09-13T08:40:34.830

5 Fastest array-by-array nearest neighbour search 2015-02-12T07:19:51.487

5 Bobby's Booby-Trapped Safe 2017-11-14T17:40:11.170

5 Swaps to Sort an Array 2019-12-28T03:12:11.003

4 Add two vectors modulo 5 2011-07-04T04:59:47.083

4 Fastest python implementation of multiplication table 2011-11-21T21:38:34.373

4 Minimum number of transactions so everyone has paid the same 2012-09-06T10:15:49.387

4 Using dictionaries, thesauruses, and similar databases, construct as large of a "See also" loop as possible 2014-04-19T11:41:10.777

4 Saying a number in the shortest way 2014-05-30T22:22:28.760

4 Check If Two or More Variables Are All Equal to Zero in JavaScript 2014-06-06T12:58:41.850

4 Finding the smallest grid of squares 2015-12-12T16:32:55.327

3 Minimum of a Polynomial in Python 2015-05-26T04:45:37.497

3 Robot optimization 2015-12-16T18:26:58.387

3 Multiplication in Brainfuck - minimum number of evaluations 2019-07-09T12:36:20.560

2 What's so great about 1729? 2016-05-27T02:44:22.077