Given a list of circles, output the area of the smallest containing rectangle



You will be given a list of radii, you must output the area of the smallest rectangle which they will all fit in.

For example, given the list [5,3,1.5] you would output 157.460.

This is the image:

The width is 15.7460 and the height is 10, so the area is 157.460


  • You get the list via stdin or function argument, output the answer via stdout or function return.

  • The radii will have at most 2 decimal places.

  • The list will have a length between 2 and 6.

  • The output should be accurate to 3 decimal places or more.

  • If you need, π = 3.1416.

Test cases:

  • [5,3,1.5] = 157.460

  • [9,4,8,2] = 733.431 - working here.

  • [18,3,1] = 1296.000

Shortest code in bytes wins.


Posted 2016-08-30T01:36:39.203

Reputation: 2 789

Related – James – 2016-08-30T01:44:47.497

1i don't see an objective winning criterion – Maltysen – 2016-08-30T01:50:36.540

that's one of our most central rules – Maltysen – 2016-08-30T01:52:36.260

2@Tim Most are code golf, with the goal of coding it in the fewest bytes. I think this would make a good code golf challenge, as it has an exact spec. – xnor – 2016-08-30T01:56:08.573

I recommend getting rid of the "rounded not truncated" condition because it's peripheral to the task, and some languages can just do it while others need extra coding to make it happen. I'm not sure if you intend it to be OK to output more than 3 decimal places, but I'd suggest allowing that too. – xnor – 2016-08-30T01:58:46.643

@xnor I've gone for code golf, although I'm a little worried it's too tricky to get exact answers. And yes, updated the 3dp thing. Do you think "Into your program, try the three test cases. Your score is the absolute difference between the sum of the three test cases your code outputs, and the correct sum - 2186.891. This means you are aiming for a score of 0." would be suitable / better? – Tim – 2016-08-30T01:59:49.333

@Tim It's on the harder side for a golf challenge, but I think that's fine. I expect many answers to try to brute force all packings to get the optimum and be really inefficient in run-time. Some larger test cases would be nice if you can generate them, in particular the upper limit of 6. – xnor – 2016-08-30T02:03:39.220

@xnor I would love to, but I'm making these by hand. I'll attempt a 6 one, but each circle added makes my wolfram alpha time increase dramatically. – Tim – 2016-08-30T04:39:36.420

@xnor More test cases! :-)

– Anders Kaseorg – 2017-07-27T10:24:30.747



Python 2 + PySCIPOpt, 267 bytes

from pyscipopt import*
for r in R:
 for u,v,s in P:C((x-u)**2+(y-v)**2>=(r+s)**2)

How it works

We write the problem as follows: minimize c over variables a, b, c, x1, y1, …, xn, yn, where

  • abc;
  • rixiari and riyibyi, for 1 ≤ in;
  • (xixj)2 + (yiyj)2 ≥ (ri + rj)2, for 1 ≤ j < in.

Obviously, we’re using an external optimization library on these constraints, but you can’t just feed them to any old optimizer—even Mathematica’s NMinimize gets stuck at local minima for these tiny test cases. If you stare closely at the constraints, you’ll see that they constitute a quadratically-constrained quadratic program, and finding the global optimum for a non-convex QCQP is NP-hard. So we need some incredibly high-powered magic. I chose the industrial-strength solver SCIP, which is the only global QCQP solver I could find with so much as a free license for academic use. Happily, it has some very nice Python bindings.

Input and output

Pass the radius list on stdin, like [5,3,1.5]. The output shows objective value: rectangle area, x1, x2 rectangle dimensions, x3 rectangle area again, x4, x5 first circle center coordinates, x6, x7 second circle center coordinates, etc.

Test cases



SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 0.04
Solving Nodes      : 187
Primal Bound       : +1.57459666673757e+02 (9 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +1.57459666673757e+02
Gap                : 0.00 %
objective value:                     157.459666673757
x1                                                 10   (obj:0)
x2                                   15.7459666673757   (obj:0)
x3                                   157.459666673757   (obj:1)
x4                                                  5   (obj:0)
x5                                                  5   (obj:0)
x6                                                  7   (obj:0)
x7                                   12.7459666673757   (obj:0)
x8                                                1.5   (obj:0)
x9                                   10.4972522849871   (obj:0)


This is better than the OP’s solution. The exact dimensions are 18 by 29 + 6√3.


SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 1.07
Solving Nodes      : 4650
Primal Bound       : +7.09061485909243e+02 (6 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +7.09061485909243e+02
Gap                : 0.00 %
objective value:                     709.061485909243
x1                                                 18   (obj:0)
x2                                   39.3923047727357   (obj:0)
x3                                   709.061485909243   (obj:1)
x4                                                  9   (obj:0)
x5                                   30.3923047727357   (obj:0)
x6                                                 14   (obj:0)
x7                                   18.3923048064677   (obj:0)
x8                                                  8   (obj:0)
x9                                                  8   (obj:0)
x10                                                 2   (obj:0)
x11                                  19.6154311552252   (obj:0)



SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 0.00
Solving Nodes      : 13
Primal Bound       : +1.29599999999900e+03 (4 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +1.29599999999900e+03
Gap                : 0.00 %
objective value:                       1295.999999999
x1                                   35.9999999999722   (obj:0)
x2                                                 36   (obj:0)
x3                                     1295.999999999   (obj:1)
x4                                   17.9999999999722   (obj:0)
x5                                                 18   (obj:0)
x6                                   32.8552571627738   (obj:0)
x7                                                  3   (obj:0)
x8                                                  1   (obj:0)
x9                                                  1   (obj:0)

Bonus cases



SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 401.31
Solving Nodes      : 1400341
Primal Bound       : +2.30244214912998e+02 (16 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +2.30244214912998e+02
Gap                : 0.00 %
objective value:                     230.244214912998
x1                                   13.9282031800476   (obj:0)
x2                                    16.530790960676   (obj:0)
x3                                   230.244214912998   (obj:1)
x4                                                  1   (obj:0)
x5                                   9.60188492354373   (obj:0)
x6                                    11.757778088743   (obj:0)
x7                                   3.17450418828415   (obj:0)
x8                                                  3   (obj:0)
x9                                    13.530790960676   (obj:0)
x10                                  9.92820318004764   (obj:0)
x11                                   12.530790960676   (obj:0)
x12                                                 5   (obj:0)
x13                                                 5   (obj:0)



SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 90.28
Solving Nodes      : 248281
Primal Bound       : +5.53918025310597e+02 (18 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +5.53918025310597e+02
Gap                : 0.00 %
objective value:                     553.918025310597
x1                                   21.9544511351279   (obj:0)
x2                                   25.2303290086403   (obj:0)
x3                                   553.918025310597   (obj:1)
x4                                                  3   (obj:0)
x5                                   14.4852813557912   (obj:0)
x6                                   4.87198593295855   (obj:0)
x7                                   21.2303290086403   (obj:0)
x8                                   16.9544511351279   (obj:0)
x9                                                  5   (obj:0)
x10                                                 6   (obj:0)
x11                                                 6   (obj:0)
x12                                  14.9544511351279   (obj:0)
x13                                  16.8321595389753   (obj:0)



SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 218.29
Solving Nodes      : 551316
Primal Bound       : +7.77874555444870e+02 (29 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +7.77874555444870e+02
Gap                : 0.00 %
objective value:                      777.87455544487
x1                                   29.9626413867546   (obj:0)
x2                                   25.9614813640722   (obj:0)
x3                                    777.87455544487   (obj:1)
x4                                   13.7325948669477   (obj:0)
x5                                   15.3563780595534   (obj:0)
x6                                   16.0504838821134   (obj:0)
x7                                   21.9614813640722   (obj:0)
x8                                   24.9626413867546   (obj:0)
x9                                   20.7071098175984   (obj:0)
x10                                                 6   (obj:0)
x11                                  19.9614813640722   (obj:0)
x12                                                 7   (obj:0)
x13                                                 7   (obj:0)
x14                                  21.9626413867546   (obj:0)
x15                                  8.05799919177801   (obj:0)

Anders Kaseorg

Posted 2016-08-30T01:36:39.203

Reputation: 29 242

Shame the last one gives a slight rounding error, but nice work! – Tim – 2017-07-27T09:55:58.353

It looks to me like [1,2,3,4,5] could be improved by making the radius 3 and radius 5 circles touch also, then rotating the radius 4 / radius 5 diagonal clockwise slightly (the radius 1 circle would have to be moved out of the way but there is plenty of dead space for that. Both my instinct and my calculations indicate that a long, thin rectangle can contain the radius 4/ radius 5 circles more efficiently than a squarer one. – Level River St – 2017-07-30T01:16:47.783

@LevelRiverSt I don’t agree. Moving 3 up to touch 5 would push 4 away to the right (counterclockwise from 5), not let it move left (clockwise from 5). My program’s configuration is (7 + 4√3) × (9 + √(29 + 16√3)) ≈ 13.9282 × 16.5308 ≈ 230.244, while your suggested configuration is (30 + 15√3)/4 × (36 + 3√5 + 6√15)/4 ≈ 13.9952 × 16.4865 ≈ 230.732. – Anders Kaseorg – 2017-07-30T04:08:36.190