Find the maximum deviation



This problem is "inspired" from a question that was originally asked on Quora (not for code golfing). I just want to make it a challenge for you guys (and my first problem submission here).

Given an array of integer elements v and an integer d (we assume that d is lower or equal to the array's length), consider all the sequences of d consecutive elements in the array. For each sequence, compute the difference between the maximum and minimum value of the elements in that sequence and name it the deviation.

Your task is to write a program or function that computes the maximum value among all deviations of all the sequences considered above, and return or output that value.

Worked-through Example:

v: (6,9,4,7,4,1)
d: 3

The sequences of length 3 are:
6,9,4 with deviation 5
9,4,7 with deviation 5
4,7,4 with deviation 3
7,4,1 with deviation 6

Thus the maximal deviation is 6, so the output is 6.

This is code golf, so the shortest answer in bytes wins.


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 353



Dyalog APL, 7 bytes


Test it on TryAPL.

How it works

⌈/⌈/-⌊/  Dyadic chain. Left argument: d. Right argument: v

     ⌊/  Reduce v by d-wise minimum, yielding the minima of all slices of length d.
  ⌈/     Reduce v by d-wise maximum, yielding the maxima of all slices of length d.
    -    Subtract, yielding the ranges of all slices of length d.
⌈/       Take the maximum.


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 196 637


JavaScript (ES6), 73 bytes



Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 95 035

+1 for TIL that you can use with on an entire lambda function – Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub – 2016-10-21T15:18:30.860

Actually, Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token with. Can you post a working snippet? – Bassdrop Cumberwubwubwub – 2016-10-21T15:21:04.843

@BassdropCumberwubwubwub If you want to name the lambda you need to put the assignment after the with(Math), or use f=eval("with(Math)(v,d)=>max(...a)))"). – Neil – 2016-10-21T15:43:04.723


Python, 60 bytes

Saving 5 bytes thanks to Neil

f=lambda v,d:v and max(max(v[:d])-min(v[:d]),f(v[1:],d))or 0

My first recursive lambda!


print f([6,9,4,7,4,1], 3)

Karl Napf

Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 4 131

1I think you can just use v and; the range isn't going up if you remove elements. – Neil – 2016-10-21T14:48:31.490


R, 63 62 56 bytes

Billywob has already provided a great R answer using only the base functions. However, I wanted to see if an alternative approach was possible, perhaps using some of R's extensive packages. There's a nice function rollapply in the zoo package designed to apply a function to a rolling window of an array, so that fits our purposes well. We use rollapply to find the max of each window, and we use it again to find the min of each window. Then we take the difference between the maxes and mins, which gives us the deviation for each window, and then return the max of those.



Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 3 689

1Nice, I knew there was a function for generating the subsequences but couldn't find it. Also behind a proxy at work so can't use any external packages. – Billywob – 2016-10-21T15:25:00.667

1Some googling informs me that there's also gtools::rolling, but that's one more byte and I'm not familiar with it. I'm always in two minds about using non-base packages: on the one hand, it feels like cheating when there's a simple solution; on the other hand, the packages (and the community) are one of R's strengths as a language, I think. – rturnbull – 2016-10-21T15:30:40.227


Perl, 48 bytes

Includes +5 for -0pi

Give the width after the -i option, give the elements as separate lines on STDIN:

perl -0pi3 -e '/(^.*\n){1,$^I}(?{\$F[abs$1-$&]})\A/m;$_=$#F'

Just the code:


(use a literal \n for the claimed score)

Ton Hospel

Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 14 114

I see a regex, and then I get lost. 0.0 What's going on here? – Addison Crump – 2016-10-21T19:09:34.573

@VTCAKAVSMoACE Basically I match 1 to width consecutive lines. $& will contain the whole match which will evaluate as the first number in arithmetic context. $1 will contain the last number. I then forcefully fail the regex with \A. So it will try all starting positions and lengths up to width. I use absolute value of the difference as an array index and see how big the array grows. Perl has no builtin max so I have to improvise – Ton Hospel – 2016-10-21T19:13:31.960

That's extremely clever. Any way you can put the -0pi3 -e into -0pi3e? Just an assumption about a possible reduction, I don't use perl (thus my question). – Addison Crump – 2016-10-21T19:16:14.290

@VTCAKAVSMoACE No unfortunately. -i eats everything after it as its value, including any e – Ton Hospel – 2016-10-21T19:18:37.790

And I'm assuming that -e has to go just before the code? Bummer. – Addison Crump – 2016-10-21T19:21:07.867

I count 44 + 5 bytes, not 43 + 5. – Addison Crump – 2016-10-21T19:30:18.230

@VTCAKAVSMoACE Use literal newline for \n which is only 1 byte – Ton Hospel – 2016-10-21T19:48:33.907


R, 80 77 bytes bytes

Edit: Saved 3 bytes thanks to @rturnbull



Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 3 363

1You can replace 1:(length(s)-d+1) with d:sum(1|s)-d+1. – rturnbull – 2016-10-21T14:44:06.907

@rturnbull Nice catch! – Billywob – 2016-10-21T14:47:20.953


05AB1E, 12 10 bytes

Uses CP-1252 encoding.


Try it online!


Π             # sublists of v
 ù             # of length d
  €{           # sort each
    ø          # zip
     À         # rotate left (last 2 lists will be largest and smallest)
      `        # flatten (lists with smallest and largest item will be on top)
       -       # subtract largest from smallest
        Ä      # take absolute value (as we will have negatives after the previous step)
         Z     # take the largest


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 50 798


PowerShell v2+, 68 bytes


Iterative solution. Loops through $v, but really we're just using that as a counter rather than actually going through the values. Each iteration, we're slicing $v by $i..($i+++$d-1), where $i defaults to 0. We |sort those elements, and store the result into $x. Then we take the biggest [-1] and subtract the smallest [0]. We then |sort those results and take the biggest [-1] of that. That number is left on the pipeline and output is implicit.


PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> .\find-the-maximum-deviation.ps1 @(6,9,4,7,4,1) 3

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> .\find-the-maximum-deviation.ps1 @(1,2,3,4,5,6) 3

PS C:\Tools\Scripts\golfing> .\find-the-maximum-deviation.ps1 @(7,2,3,4,5,6) 3


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 41 581


Mathematica, 41 37 bytes


JungHwan Min

Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 13 290

Couldn't you use the dot product with {-1,1} to avoid the Abs? – miles – 2016-10-21T19:16:30.507

@miles Thanks! Edited answer. – JungHwan Min – 2016-10-22T02:55:29.937

@JHM One byte saved with Max[BlockMap[MinMax,#,#2,1].{-1,1}]&. – None – 2016-10-23T22:11:23.747


Java 8, 140 128

Shaved a bunch off, in part thanks to VTCAKAVSMoACE.

int l(int[]a,int d){int x=0,i=0,f,j,k;for(;i<=a.length-d;i++)for(j=i;j<i+d;j++)for(k=i;k<i+d;)x=(f=a[j]-a[k++])>x?f:x;return x;}


int l(int[]a,int d){
    int x=0,i=0,f,j,k;
    return x;


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 151

You're missing a end bracket. ;) – Addison Crump – 2016-10-21T19:20:24.087

@VTCAKAVSMoACE oops. Copy and paste error :( – dpa97 – 2016-10-21T19:26:42.403

15 byte reduction: int l(int[]a,int d){int x=0,i=0,f,j,k;for(;i<=a.length-d;i++)for(j=i;j<i+d;j++)for(k=j;k<i+d;)x=(f=a[j]-a[k++])<0?-f:f>x?f:x;return x;} – Addison Crump – 2016-10-21T19:29:20.847

@VTCAKAVSMoACE I don't believe what you have will work- could be wrong. Try switching the 7 and the 1 in the test case. However, I can use it to shave a few off my new idea! – dpa97 – 2016-10-21T19:41:33.290

1I got rid of the need for abs (making the algo much worse in the process, of course) by starting k at i as well. Pretty nifty trick having x=(f=...) in the same line, thanks for that – dpa97 – 2016-10-21T19:49:54.033

Shaved a byte (this doesn't work, but it might lead to something new): int l(int[]a,int d){int x=-1,i=x,f,j,k;for(;i++<a.length-d;)for(j=i;j<i+d;j++)for(k=i;k<i+d;)x=(f=a[j]-a[k++])>x?f:x;return x;} – Addison Crump – 2016-10-21T20:05:25.170


Ruby, 45 bytes


I feel like this could be a lot better.

Lee W

Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 521


MATL, 10 bytes


Try it online!


Consider inputs [6,9,4,7,4,1], 3 as an example.

       % Implicitly take the two inputs: v, d
       % STACK: [6,9,4,7,4,1], 3
YC     % Matrix of overlapping d-blocks of v
       % STACK: [6 9 4 7
                 9 4 7 4
                 4 7 4 1]
S      % Sort each column
       % STACK: [4 4 4 1
                 6 7 4 4
                 9 9 7 7]
5LY)   % Keep first and last rows
       % STACK: [4 4 4 1
                 9 9 7 7]
d      % Differences along each column
       % STACK: [5 5 3 6]
X>     % Maximum
       % STACK: 6
       % Implicitly display

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 87 464


MATLAB with Statistics and Image Processing Toolboxes, 33 bytes

@(v,d)max(range(im2col(v,[1 d])))

This defines an anonymous function. Example use:

>> f = @(v,d)max(range(im2col(v,[1 d])));
>> f([6,9,4,7,4,1], 3)
ans =

You can also try it on Octave at Ideone (but Octave, unlike Matlab, requires explicitly loading the image package).


im2col(v,[1 d]))   % Takes overlapping blocks of size d from v, and arranges them as
                   % columns of a matrix
range(...)         % Maximum minus minimum of each column. Gives a row vector
max(...)           % Maximum of the above row vector

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 87 464


PHP, 89 87 bytes


Not particularly clever or pretty but it works. Use like:

php -r "for($i=1;$r=array_slice($argv,++$i,$argv[1]);$d=max($r)-min($r))$o=$d>$o?$d:$o;echo+$o;" 3 6 9 4 7 1

for v=6,9,4,7,4,1, d=3

Edit: 2 bytes saved thanks to Jörg Hülsermann


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 1 007

echo+$o; instead of echo$o?:0; – Jörg Hülsermann – 2016-10-23T11:46:47.020


Scala, 48 bytes





(_:Seq[Int])   //define a function with a seq of ints as an argument
sliding(_:Int) //get the sequences with the length of an int argument
map(s=>        //map each sequence
  s.max-s.min    //to its deviation
)max           //and take the maximum value


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 1 889


Actually, 13 bytes


Try it online!

-6 bytes from the observation in nimi's Haskell answer, that slices shorter than d don't affect the maximum deviation.


╗              store d in register 0
 ╜@            push d, swap so v is on top
   V           push all slices of v whose length is in [1, d]
    `;m@M-`M   map (for each slice):
     ;m@M-       get minimum and maximum, subtract min from max
           M  get maximum of list of deviations


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 32 998


Clojure, 73 67 bytes

Edit: Using #(...) instead of (fn[...]) and for instead of map.

#(apply max(for[p(partition %2 1 %)](-(apply max p)(apply min p))))


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 2 361


Pyth, 11 bytes



eSms.+Sd.:FQ   Implicit input
          FQ   Unpack the input (v, d)
        .:     Get all subsequences of length d
  m   Sd       Sort each
   s.+         Take the sum of differences to get the deviation
eS             Get the maximum


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727



Jelly, 8 bytes


Try it online!

Uses the same algorithm as Dyalog APL, but I figured this myself before looking at it.


ṡµṂ€ạṀ€Ṁ ḷ“Main link. Arguments: v d.”
ṡ        ḷ“Overlapping sublists of x of length y.”
 µ       ḷ“Start a new monadic chain.”
  Ṃ€ạṀ€  ḷ“Find the deviation of each of the elements of x.”
       Ṁ ḷ“Take the maximum of x.”

Note: x, y are left, right arguments respectively.

Erik the Outgolfer

Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 38 134


Perl 6, 44 bytes


$^a and $^b are the two arguments to the function, called v and d respectively in the problem statement. The rotor method returns the sequence of subsequences of v of size d.


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 4 136


Python 3, 80 bytes

lambda v,d:max(map(lambda g:max(g)-min(g),[v[i:i+d]for i in range(-~len(v)-d)]))


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 101

you can use (max(v[i:i+d])-min(v[i:i+d])for i in range(-~len(v)-d) instead of map(lambda g:max(g)-min(g),[v[i:i+d]for i in range(-~len(v)-d)]) – Post Rock Garf Hunter – 2017-01-03T04:19:57.420


CJam, 17 bytes


(Also q~ew:$z)\(\;.-:e>)

Try it online!


q~                   e# Read the two inputs. Evaluate
  ew                 e# Overlapping blocks
    {       }%       e# For each block
     $               e# Sort
      )              e# Get last element (that is, maximum)
       \(            e# Swap, get first element (minimum)
         \;          e# Swap, delete rest of the block
           -         e# Subtract (maximum minus minimum)
              :e>    e# Maximum of array

Luis Mendo

Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 87 464


Java 7,159 bytes

Java = expensive(i know it can be golfed much more)

int c(int[]a,int d){int[]b=new int[d];int i,j,s=0;for(i=-1;i<a.length-d;){for(j=++i;j<i+d;)b[i+d-1-j]=a[j++];Arrays.sort(b);s=(j=b[d-1]-b[0])>s?j:s;}return s;}


static int c ( int []a , int d){
    int []b = new int[ d ];
    int i , j , s = 0 ;
    for ( i = -1 ; i < a.length - d ;) {
        for ( j = ++i ; j < i + d ;)
        b[ i + d - 1 - j ] = a[ j++ ] ;
        Arrays.sort( b ) ;
        s = ( j = b[ d - 1 ] - b[ 0 ] ) > s ? j : s ;
    return s ;


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 885


Haskell, 56 bytes

d#l|m<-take d l=max(maximum m-minimum m)$d#tail l

Usage example: 3 # [6,9,4,7,4,1] -> 6.

Considering ranges less than d doesn't change the overall maximum, so we can run take d down to the very end of the list (i.e. also include the ranges with the last d-1, d-2, ... 0 elements). The recursion stops with the empty list where we set the deviation to 0.


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 34 639


Java, 126 bytes

I got inspired by dpa97's answer and found this:

int f(int v[],int d){int m=0,i=0,j,t,l=v.length;for(;i<l;i++)for(j=i;j<l;j++)m=j-i<d&&(t=Math.abs(v[i]-v[j]))>m?t:m;return m;}

Expanded, golfed and example code


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 979


Racket 121 bytes

(let p((v v)(j 0))(let*((l(take v d))(k(-(apply max l)(apply min l)))
(j(if(> k j)k j)))(if(= d(length v))j(p(cdr v)j))))


(define (f d v)
  (let loop ((v v)
             (mxdev 0))                     ; start with max deviation as 0
    (let* ((l (take v d))                   ; take initial d elements in v
           (dev (- (apply max l)            ; find deviation
                    (apply min l)))
           (mxdev (if(> dev mxdev)          ; note max deviation
      (if (= d (length v)) mxdev            ; if all combinations tested, print max deviation
          (loop (rest v) mxdev))            ; else test again 
      )))                                   ; with first element of list removed


(f 3 '(6 9 4 7 4 1))




Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 1 635


q, 25 bytes

{max mmax[y;x]-mmin[y;x]}

mmax and mmin are sliding window maximum and minimum respectively


q){max mmax[y;x]-mmin[y;x]}[6 9 4 7 4 1;3]


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 4 139


C#, 131 bytes

here is a verbose linq solution

int c(int[]a){var x=from j in Enumerable.Range(0,a.Length-2)let p=new[]{a[j],a[j+1],a[j+2]}select p.Max()-p.Min();return x.Max();}


Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 1 152


C#, 163 bytes


int m(List<int> v,int d){var l=new List<List<int>>();for(int i=0;i<v.Count;i++){if(v.Count-i>=d)l.Add(v.GetRange(i,d));}return l.Select(o=>o.Max()-o.Min()).Max();}


public int m(List<int> v, int d)
  var l = new List<List<int>>();

  for (int i = 0; i < v.Count; i++)
    if (v.Count - i >= d)
      l.Add(v.GetRange(i, d));

  return l.Select(o => o.Max() - o.Min()).Max();


var maximumDeviation = new MaximumDeviation();
Console.WriteLine(maximumDeviation.f(new List<int> {6,9,4,7,4,1}, 3));



Pete Arden

Posted 2016-10-21T14:12:12.727

Reputation: 1 151