< Yandere

Yandere/Anime and Manga

Naturally, the term of Yandere is of Japanese origin, so it's not surprising that there are so many of them in anime and manga.

  • Gasai Yuno (seen smiling on the main page) of Mirai Nikki; throughout the course of the story, she becomes both Type 1 AND Type 2! She will do anything to make Yukiteru stay with her, and is very good at everything short of not freaking him out. This is why her body count is higher than the rest of the cast combined. And she's one of the main characters. Indeed, Yuno is the rare heroic example of this trope, given how completely screwed up and outright evil the rest of the main cast are.
    • Also, Akise Aru really really likes Yukiteru. He's shown to be immensely interested in him, and follows him around, sticking his nose into Yukiteru's business. Not to mention the new development, which looks like a sort of form of Murder the Hypotenuse, where he tries to get Yuno away from Yukiteru by digging up dirt on Yuno and exposing her secret to Yukiteru.
      • Chapter 50 seems to have confirmed this. When Yuno shows up, Akise glares at her, declares "I won't hand over Yukiteru to you!", and forcefully kisses Yukiteru. This sends Yuno into a rage and she comes at Akise with a knife. Akise tries to kill Yuno, because he believes she's trying to kill Yukiteru, and destroy her diary but ends up failing, because it turns out Yuno had two diaries, and she ends up stabbing him. And in the following chapter despite having just been stabbed by Yuno and sliced across the throat, Akise gets back up out of sheer determination (and love for Yukiteru) and texts an important message to Yukiteru, because he can't speak due to being sliced across the throat, even though Yuno ends up cutting off his head completely anyway.
    • There's also Mao Kousaka, Hinata Hino's best friend. She helps Hinata in her scheme to kill Akise, despite the fact that Hinata was only doing it to gain her father's approval. After Hinata apologizes for taking advantage of Mao's feelings, she actually tries to kill Yukiteru. Hinata herself doesn't really snap until Yuno stabs Mao.
  • Yumemi Takanashi from the audio drama cd series: Yandere no Onna no Ko. The title's there for a reason, to say the least.
  • Monster gives us a platonic male example with Johan Liebert. His behavior towards his twin sister Anna is pretty darn creepy.
    • Johan is an interesting example. While it is clear that Johan cares about her on some level (even showing what might have been remorse when she forgives him for what he's done), one has to question whether Johan is capable of feeling love anymore.
    • Of course, it is obvious he cares for her, considering his whole "perfect suicide" plot was an attempt to eradicate his own existence to make her happy. As Anna puts it, this "suicide" was the "only expression of love" that Johan could convey. It mirrored Bonaparta's murder of everyone at the Red Rose Mansion (which Bonaparta orchestrated purely out of love for the twins' mother).
    • Also taking into account the attempts of Johan to reunite with his sister. He kills her foster parents as part of his methods. Not to mention his pleading with the officials at Kinderheim 511 to not let him "forget about Anna". He even considers her his "other half".
    • Eva Heinemann in general, over Tenma and other guys.
  • Onii-Chan Control features Noa, the little sister to the Main Character, who just revealed she's willing to stab a girl she thought was interested in her brother. Of course, she never shows that side of her whenever her brother is around.
  • Wrath from the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime is this for Sloth, who took care of him once he was awakened as a homunculus. He believes she is his mother, and is willing to kill anyone who threatens to hurt her. Justified because they're connected in two ways: one, Wrath has the arm and leg Ed sacrificed during the botched attempt to resurrect his and Al's mother; two, said botched attempt resulted eventually in Sloth herself.
  • Suzu becomes obsessed with Tetsunosuke in the manga version of Peacemaker Kurogane, after being raped at the hands of an older male. He has Tetsunosuke's every action monitored, and becomes jealous and scared when Ryoma decides to take Tetsunosuke away with him, taking drastic action to kill Ryoma and frame it on Tetsunosuke so Tetsunosuke won't be able to get away from him.
    • You just know somethings wrong when his response to another characters question of why he hates/obsesses over Tetsunosuke so much is "this isn't hate--this is love".
    • He's also quite the Yandere for his dead master Yoshida who he was hinted to be in love with. He went nuts after he found Yoshida dead and carries his head around while talking lovingly to it.
  • Saikano: While Chise technically isn't one, her characterization certainly plays with this trope.
  • Momo from To LOVE-Ru shows a slight psychopathic side a couple of times even before meeting Rito, whom she develops an infatuation with.
    • Run is also willing to go to rather...extreme lengths to get Lala out of the way so she can have Rito for herself. It would be kind of creepy if it didn't always backfire horribly.
  • Goshuushou-sama Ninomiya-kun: Reika, hiding as a Tsundere-ish Ojou. To be fair, it's her alternate personality which is the ruthless one, the "real" Reika is just a incredible pervert who Cannot Spit It Out and ends up in lesbian situations a lot.
  • In the School Days anime, it's Sekai who kills Makoto, but Kotonoha who kills Sekai her rival for Makoto's love.
    • This was reversed in the manga, where Kotonoha is the Hypotenuse that ends up killed, and in some new bad endings of the PS 2 game. In one of these, Sekai openly tries to push Kotonoha in the way of a train right after Makoto chooses Kotonoha over her, but ends up hit instead. Another strongly hints that Sekai stabbed Kotonoha and left her to bleed to death in the streets... and Makoto knows that (and may have helped).
  • Mizore Shirayuki, at least at first, in Rosario Plus Vampire though Kokoa seems to have taken the spot ('course, not for Tsukune but for dear Moka onee-sama~!)
  • Nagasarete Airantou: The women are determined to have Ikuto, the only male, to themselves, to an often violent degree.
  • Misa Amane from Death Note. Light killed her parents' murderer. Misa becomes completely devoted to him.

"If I see you with another girl, I'll kill her!"

    • There's also Kiyomi Takada, who was once Light's girlfriend. She really hates Misa for her involvement in Light's life and has suggested to Light numerous times that he should kill her.
      • And then when Misa and Takada have dinner together, Misa says that if Takada goes too far, she'll get the death penalty. Oof.
  • Peach Girl: Sae, in a way, towards whoever may be the current object of her "affection", most obvious in regards to Toji. Though she could be acting two-faced solely because of the fact that she is severely jealous of Momo and wants to ruin her life.
    • Later on, Sae gives up on Toji and falls in love with Ryo. After finding out that he could care less about her and only loves Misao she becomes extremely hateful and rude towards Misao, and, at one point, tried to push her into the path of a oncoming bus. However, Kairi restrained her at the last second so she wasn't able to.
    • Then there's Kairi's trio of Clingy Jealous Girl's who are always quick to let Momo know how much they hate her for winning Kairi's affections. They harass/bully her regularly, accuse her of being a whore, and of not caring for Kairi's feelings. They threaten her with physical force and at one point, hold her down, and tell her that she has to sign a contract swearing that she'll stay away from Kairi or they'll burn all her hair off, and try to beat her up later on. (all while holding a lighter to her hair.) In addition, they take the threat even further with "We'll burn your face so badly that no guy will ever look at you again," and "Don't worry, we'll push you into the pool before your whole body catches fire."
  • Leonard Testarossa from Full Metal Panic! falls in love with Kaname and pursues her despite knowing that she doesn't like him, believing that she'll eventually come around. Personality wise he is an all-around nice guy, calm and gentlemanly. And when he kidnapped Kaname after besting Sousuke, he personally assured him that despite his attraction to her, he won't force anything, and will see to that nothing would happen to her. Later on, however, he becomes so enraged with Kaname not giving in to him, and "betraying" him by finally declaring to Sousuke that she loves him, that he slaps her hard enough to make her fall to the ground, speaks to her very rudely, and generally tortures her (more mentally than physically) in order to weaken her mind so that she won't be able to resist him.
  • Mimi from Lovely Complex. Sweet and kind to Otani, malicious and hateful to Risa whenever Otani is not around. This includes threats, insults, violent scuffles, and attempting to stab Risa through the hand with a pen. She even employs the usage of a Slasher Smile.

Mimi: (to Risa) If you get any closer to A-chan, I'll make whatever is left of your life extremely painful.

  • Kaede Fuyou from SHUFFLE! starts out as a gentle and domestic childhood friend, but breaks down completely when the main lead starts pursuing another girl (their sempai and local Genki Girl, Asa Shigure), revealing a disturbing past with him that finally drives her over the edge. Her crazy side is known as "Boxcutter Kaede," after her... Weapon of Choice.
    • Though she completely averts this trope in her Visual Novel counterpart, where in Asa's route, Asa apologizes to Kaede as soon as it becomes apparant that Asa and Rin are a couple. Kaede is depressed, but says it's okay and lets go of Rin.
  • Shiho Munakata and Shizuru Fujino in My-HiME. Shiho's crush stemmed from a mad obsession with wanting to be with her childhood friend Yuuichi Tate, while Shizuru's innocent one-sided crush on her best friend Natsuki Kuga and unfortunate mythological symbolism led her to take some rather...questionable measures for the sake of their happiness. Both characters got retooled in Mai-Otome, with Shiho becoming far less clingy and Shizuru becoming a calmer and respected woman of action.
  • Akito Sohma from Fruits Basket, who has a pathological fear of being left alone due to Parental Abandonment and an Evil Matriarch mother's horrendous psychological abuse.
    • Said Evil Matriarch? An absolutely epic and monstruous Yandere. Ren started as a maid in the Sohma house who fell for the Ill Boy leader of the clan, Akira, and had the luck of marrying him. Once she got pregnant with the girl who'd become Akito and feared that the child would take her husband's affection away from her, she went completely nuts with jealousy and apparently threatened to abort the child if the clan didn't approve of her raising a possible female heir as a male. And when Akira died with only little!Akito as his company, Ren's envy reached a peak...and you should know what happened next.
  • The Gundam series loves applying the trope to their characters, with the more obvious examples being:
  • Keroro Gunsou has Momoka, who uses her family's money for convoluted schemes to get closer to Fuyuki. She's mirrored with her associated alien Tamama, who is absolutely obsessed with getting the attention and praise of Sargeant Keroro and insanely jealous of anyone else, especially Angol Moa, who does so. Incidentally, Tama is male, but seems to get this role because he is the youngest and most cutesy of the group.
  • Certain characters in Ranma ½ display various Yandere trait. See Yandere Discussion
    • Shampoo generally acts upbeat, friendly, and affectionate around Ranma, but is also known to use manipulation, subterfuge, brainwashing, bullying, and assassination if it suits her purposes or she finds it sufficiently amusing. Among other things she is known to beat on her "groom", or cheerfully punish him through manipulation when he doesn't do as she wants, has tried to brainwash him into loving her a couple of times, will gladly murder anyone who might get in her way for claiming him, including pretending to be there to help during the first Taro story, but really planning to assassinate a bound & gagged Akane and blame Taro, has also at least tried to kill Ukyo, Nabiki, and Hinako, and even faked being kidnapped by Pink and Link to make Ranma "romantically" rescue her... from a forest of deadly poisonous man-eating plants. Of course, Akane eventually helped to rescue them both after they were captured for real.
    • Ranma himself/herself when under the influence of the Fishing Rod of Love becomes a truly terrifying Yandere towards Ryoga. Yes, it is hilarious. --"Now you've hurt my feelings."
  • Shuichi Shindou from Gravitation qualifies when the stress of Yuki being outed puts him into the hospital, and Shuichi, in the polar opposite of I Want My Beloved to Be Happy, talks at length about how he would rather Yuki die than leave him.
    • White-haired Tohma Seguchi is obsessed with Yuki too, to the point where he pushes Taki Aizawa in the path of a car (which runs him down in the manga) when he threatens to uncover Yuki's past and tells Shuichi that if he doesn't break up with Yuki, he'll fire his band from NG Studios—all without losing his smile. Oh, and he's married to Yuki's older sister Mika. Take from that what you will.
    • Tohma is much further down this road than Shuichi in the manga, where he not only displays it far more often, but at one point also attacks Kitazawa's sister Yoshiki while dressed up as her brother with an axe for giving Yuki trauma.
      • Also in the manga, Yuki and Mika (his sister and Tohma's wife) acknowledge that Yuki's break-up with Shuichi was for Shuichi's own protection; had Yuki not ended it, it's heavily implied that Tohma would have killed Shuichi. And that this may not be the first incident of this happening.
  • Ibuki Yagami from Maison Ikkoku flirts on the edge of this. Obviously a Stalker with a Crush to her substitute teacher Godai, she is extremely manipulative and aggressive in getting what she wants. She often makes use of her girlishly innocent appearance to deceive people. In keeping with Maison Ikkoku being more realistic than Takahashi's other works, I think Ibuki fits as a slightly saner Yandere.
  • Lucy from Elfen Lied, who tries to suppress her instinctive desire to Kill All Humans so she can live happily with Kouta.
    • She also isn't above acts of jealousy, once using her vectors to shove Yuka down when she saw her holding hands with Kouta. After killing many people, including Kouta's father and sister in a fit of psychotic rage when she was younger, she starts to go after Yuka, voicing her intent to kill her but only stops once Kouta tackles her and she sees his tear-streaked face. She still wants to kill Yuka, but refrains from doing so because she knows that Kouta would absolutely despise her if she did.
    • In her defense, her Yandere qualities are partly her genetic heritage, but mainly because everything about her life conspired to leave her very, very, very broken. Not that it excuses killing innocent people, of course.
  • Hiroko "Hiro-chan" Kaizuka from Narutaru, as a side effect of Break the Cutie. In her madness, apart from violently killing everyone who ever abused her, she also tries to eliminate any and all perceived obstacles to the friendship between herself and main character Shiina Tamai... even if that means trying to kill Shiina's father.
  • Romeo X Juliet has the polite, naïve Hermione, Romeo's fiancée through family arrangement. She looks cute, sweet and harmless even with the Princess Curls hairstyle, right? Watch episode 16 and you'll see what a Break the Cutie process and some anger management issues can do to her... Fortunately, she gets better in that same episode.
  • Slightly, Hikaru Hiyama from Kimagure Orange Road. Her normal self is a mix of Kawaiiko and Clingy Jealous Girl, but the latter part gets more played out in The Movie. She gets better, though.
  • The Omake spoof of Shakugan no Shana, called "Shakugan No Shana-tan," plays with the idea of Yoshida Kazumi secretly harboring these tendencies.
    • Played really straight by, of all people, Sakai Yuji after he becomes Snake of the Festival. He's going to destroy the universe and recreate it in his image just so he can be together with Shana.
      • Though it is later subverted when we learn he really wants to end the never ending war between the Flame Hazes and Denizens by creating a perfect world for the Denizens to live in without having to consume humans so that Shana would not die pointlessly in the eternal fight. He was also willing to sacrifice his own life for his actions and did not think he deserved a happy ending with Shana for his actions.
  • Aqua Crimson, Martian Successor Nadesico's one and only Villain of the Week (that is, one not directly related to the Jovians, the UEAF, or Nergal), was one. She's a charming, wealthy, beautiful Yamato Nadeshiko who uses these traits to ensnare the first guy she sees, paralyze him with her (excellent, yet poisoned) cooking, and get them both blown up so she can end her boring existence and become a "tragic heroine". It's a good thing Akito's regular Unwanted Harem is so heavily armed, or he might not have survived.
  • Hibari Ginza, the Badass Biker Dark Action Girl who pursues her old friend Saiga, from Speed Grapher.
  • In Basilisk, we have the gorgeous and emotionally broken Kagerou. Madly in love with her cousin and leader Gennosuke Koga, but unable to be with him due to her Death by Sex powers. Now, let's throw little cute Oboro Iga as Gennosuke's fiancée through Arranged Marriage, have him fall for her genuinely, and you'll have an angry, despaired and hurt as Hell Femme Fatale ready to try killing poor Oboro countless times so she can have Gennosuke for herself.
    • Then there's Hotarubi who wanted to kill Saemon as revenge for the death of her beloved Yashamaru, and when Koshiro died, Akeginu wanted vengance as well. This lead to both of their downfalls.
      • I'd hesitate about pegging Akeginu as a Yandere, as she had shown no signs of possessiveness/obsession beforehand and was among the most levelheaded members of the Iga—the whole revenge for Koushiro's death seems to be more about the Iga/Koga war finally breaking her. Now Hotarubi, on the other hand, had been shown as extremely touchy (and often downright violent) about her and Yashamaru ever since the beginning, so she definitely counts as one.
  • Code Geass loves to apply this trope to both genders.
    • At first, Nina Einstein, the shy and quiet glasses wearing nerd from Lelouch's school, is only noticable for her exaggerated paranoia regarding Japanese people, perhaps because of a traumatic incident where she was left behind in a ghetto and ended up traumatised. After Rebellious Princess Euphemia blows her civilian cover to stop some Japanese terrorists from teaching Nina a "lesson" (aka, raping and killing her), she becomes fixated on her, masturbating to a picture of her and attempting to blow up herself and the school after the Euphinator Incident. She gets better. Not smarter, but at least more sane... after going even madder for more than a while, that is.
    • The telepathic Mao went insane from being unable to control his powers, and unceasingly listens to recordings of C.C.'s voice to comfort him. He wants to fly to Australia with C.C. and live happily ever after together, but she's just too big to fit in the plane's cargo hold. That's why, in his own words, he'll have to make her compact!!!
    • Rolo Haliburton/Lamperouge starts as a Cute Psycho raised in the Geass cult, then he goes 100% Yandere for Lelouch. This gets mixed with his Tyke Bomb nature and leads to LOTS of tragedy for himself, Lelouch, and Shirley, whom he kills when she mentions Nunnally.
    • V.V., Rolo's boss and master, is one too. He killed Empress Marianne simply because she and Charles were getting too close and he was afraid that Charles would "forget their contract".
    • As well as Lelouch and Nunnally themselves. Lelouch, after all, has a plan to make the kind world Nunnally wants... by killing everyone who's a threat to it. Starting with a couple of his elder brothers and their father... and ending with himself. And when she finds out, Nunnally joins one of those elder brothers and starts firing nukes to create it instead. Of course, that's a bit of a stretch, as Nunnally doesn't really have that kind of personality and only did that after a full blown Break the Cutie process... Unless we're talking about her Nightmare of Nunnally self, where Nunnally gets a Knightmare, and thinking that her brother died, starts trashing everyone in a violent rage, stopping only because she decides not to kill yet another of her brothers. Of course, they might not be Yandere, as their relationship is, while loving, not romantic... well, at least they claim so, but Lelouch is repeatedly accused of being a siscon by two of his romantic interests, and their backstory kinda looks like the backstory of a "cousin's romance" eroge if you tilt it right.
  • Bleach: Loly and Menoly, two arrancars from Aizen's army, are both infatuated with him. When Orihime attracts the interest of Aizen due to her powers, Loly and Menoly are shown getting incredibly jealous (especially Loly). Thus, they harass her and beat her up, all while ordering her to "stay away from Aizen-sama".
      • During Ichigo's fight with Ulquiorra, they show up again to torture Orihime once more. When Ichigo notices this he charges at them in anger, and Loly threatens to tear out Orihime's eye.
    • Homura from the third movie. She wants to kill all the shinigami to keep them from coming between her and Rukia.
    • Orihime's hollowfied brother Sora also qualifies, trying to kill Ichigo and Tatsuki for taking his place in Orihime's heart. He then says he'll kill Orihime just so no one else can have her.
  • A subversion appears in a second season episode of Hell Girl. A sweet young girl is deeply in love with the boy next door, and the girls at school call her a stalker for following him so closely, even now that he has a girlfriend. She seeks out the power of Hell so that she can... be able to take revenge. She's fine with the boy next door dating the other girl and is totally supportive of whatever makes him happiest, but she's going to hang onto the ability to damn someone to Hell just in case the other girl isn't so good for him after all. The Replacement Goldfish ending may have pushed her a bit further this way, however.
  • L.A. from El Cazador de la Bruja That is all. Rosenberg might also fit the bill...
  • Fushigi Yuugi had Yanderes of both genders: Yui Hongo is the female (for Tamahome and Miaka), Suboshi is the male (for Yui).
    • In Eikoden, there's Mayo Sakaki. She's obsessed with her coach Taka (Tamahome's Earth persona), and goes even more crazy when she finds out him and Miaka were married and are expecting a baby. She steals The Universe of the Four Gods book, intending to rewrite the story so that she becomes the priestess of Suzaku, along with making Tamahome her husband. Poor Miaka goes into a coma, and her unborn baby girl Hikari is transferred inside Mayo. When Tamahome confronts Mayo, she points a dagger to her stomach and threatens to kill his unborn child if he doesn't agree to be with her She also outright lies to Empress Houki (Hotohori's widow) about her and Tamahome's relationship, with Tamahome standing right next to her and protesting about it. She's easily hated amongst the fans of the series, especially since she doesn't get any sort of comeuppance for the trouble she causes.
  • Nanami Kiryuu from Revolutionary Girl Utena, who generally presents herself as the Alpha Bitch, but drops into this whenever somebody takes her Big Brother's attention away from her. The most notable displays of this is when she tries to outright kill Utena during a supposedly formulaic duel, and when she kills a kitten that her brother Touga had taken to liking a bit too much as a little girl. She's also proven willing to beat her 'troops' back into line, should they fail to obey her Libby Powers... we're not talking about just a couple of bruised cheeks here, but more like a trip to the hospital and several yards of bandages. One of them, Keiko Sonoda, gets fed up and ends up backstabbing her.
    • There's also Kozue Kaoru who is shown to be rather obsessed with her twin brother Miki. In the anime, she resents Miki's affection for Anthy Himemiya and is prone to "acting out" to grab her brother's attention, most notably by exercising loose sexual morals. She is very protective of Miki and is the reason that he does not have a girlfriend (despite the affections of many of his schoolmates). She's also worse in the movie version, at one point holding a razor to Miki's throat and calling him a traitor when he refused to divulge details of his personal affairs to her.
  • Kazuki Ibuse, self-proclaimed girlfriend of the male protagonist of Bitter Virgin acts like a normal, if flashy, girl in front of her desired beau, Daisuke Suwa, but is downright psychotic towards anyone who appears to stand between them. Such as the female protagonist, Hinako Aikawa. To her credit, she's willing to (at least temporarily) give up when she realizes just how strong the feelings between the two leads are.
    • And she claims that the male lead raped her, and he STILL is willing to date her.
  • Faina Shinozaki from Infinite Ryvius. When her boyfriend breaks up with her, she tries to kill him. When her previous boyfriend broke up with her, she did kill him. She also killed an old friend just for mentioning his name.
  • Manami Anzai from Life, who first appears as a cute and childish click leader who snaps utterly when she suspects Ayumu is trying to steal away her boyfriend. she goes so insane that she then dates a gang leader on the side to use him to get back at both Ayumu and her boyfriend, and then promptly screws her boyfriend and the gang leader both over. Not to mention her vow to kill Ayumu with her bare hands. Then she crosses into Cute and Psycho territory.
  • Prince Julius, adopted brother/stepbrother of prince Ludwig in Kaori Yuki's Ludwig Kakumei. Hilarity Ensues when he creeps out his servants by laughing maniacally while surrounded by all the creepy manga effects existing in this world and the next. However, SURPRISE, FOLKS! "He" is a true yandere girl, Princess Julianna!. But YUKI-ESQUE SURPRISE AGAIN: Julianna was biologically male all along and was born as Julius, which also explains her lack of breasts. The manga strongly implies she's a Transsexualism girl, but the other characters mistake her for a Cute Shotaro Crossdresser who's gay for Ludwig. Hilarity Ensues, I say...
  • Another male: Tokigawa from the Boys Love series Okane ga Nai.
    • Also, Kanou clearly stated to Ayase that he is not getting away from him. Ever. And if he tries to, then he will find him and repossess him, by force if necessary.
  • Belarus of Axis Powers Hetalia is a Yandere for her older brother Russia. The reason why she treats the Baltic brothers so badly is that Russia spends too much time with them and gives her little attention, so she's hurt and jealous like Hell - specially of Lithuania, who happens to have a crush on her and be Russia's "favorite". As a little girl, Belarus shows jealousy towards her and Russia's own older sister, Ukraine, in the scene where she gives Russia the Scarf of Asskicking he still keeps (though this can be seen as mere childish rivalry, before Belarus was even aware of her upcoming crush on her brother).
  • Pretty much the entire main cast of Higurashi no Naku Koro ni go Ax Crazy occasionally, but they're more likely to be cute psychos. However, there is at least one true Yandere: Shion Sonozaki, whose Start of Darkness involved her old crush, Satoshi, and her feelings of abandonment when he "transferred." While she's more or less normal in several arcs, the ones where she does snap tend to be some of the most disturbing in a show that has a Nightmare Fuel page to itself, and even in the last arc, where everyone's sane she gets very, very... intense when she finds out where Satoshi is.
    • Mion may also count. Though she doesn't do it during the events of the game, one of the TIPS in other games reveal that she was driven to kill as a result of jealousy over the attention Keiichi was getting from others, and as a result decided to eliminate the "competition" and keep Keiichi for herself.
    • Natsume is insane even by Yandere standards, she kills people who might embarrass her in front of her love interest.
    • Umineko no Naku Koro ni gives us Battler's stepmother Kyrie Ushiromiya, who tells her niece Jessica in episode 6 that if Battler's mom Asumu didn't die on her own then she would have just killed her, all to be with Rudolf.

"No, her death was a predetermined fact. If she hadn't died, I would have killed her. The miracle was that I didn't have to stain my own hands."

      • Don't forget that being a huge Yandere actually saved Kyrie's life in the duel with Leviathan of Envy. When Levi tells her how she envies her sisters for being born faster, Kyrie just says "So you envied your sisters for six months? Okay, that's fine and dandy. But what about me? I envied some bitch for eighteen years for being the wife of my man! HOW IS THAT?!" and shoots Leviathan dead.
    • Also, EP 6 hits that Shannon might have more than one Yandere whiff... for Battler. The deal, however, is much more complex than it seems.
    • How about Lambda and Bern? There we have a relationship of two Yandere.
  • Yukako Yamagashi from Part 4 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is in love with Koichi and is determined to make him love her back. She kidnaps him and tries to hold him hostage until he loves her back. Koichi develops a stand and she decides to let him free rather than fight it. She gets better...sort of. She decides to pursue a more consensual relationship, though she is no less aggressive in her attempts.
  • Another male example: Harry MacDougal of Outlaw Star. Seems fairly normal in his first appearance, but goes insane pretty much as soon as he meets Melfina.
  • Meet Magari Tamao from Nora; ditz, loving mother, knife-wielding crazy woman.
  • Creed Diskenth from Black Cat follows the Magnificent Bastard Big Bad archetype and seems like your average calm, scheming villain... until he hears something about Train or sees Train. Then all hell breaks loose. He seriously loses all his cool and rationale when there's anything to do with Train, letting his jealousy and obsession make him go out of his way to kill anyone getting in the way of him and Train... including making a serious effort to kill Train himself, by the end. Luckily for Train, he's a little better equipped to deal with a psycho stalker than most.
  • Mitsuki from Doubt is of the Cute and Psycho variety (although, if you're into that kind of stuff, you could say she's yandere for her father).
  • Mahou Sensei Negima gives us Tsukuyomi, who really has issues regarding Setsuna. And Fate and Negi, too.

Chisame: Oh yeah, you're gonna get stabbed and killed one day! No, I'm going to stab you and then I'll die too.

  • Griffith from Berserk acted a lot like a Yandere towards Guts in the past. Especially noticeable in their battle before Guts left the Band of the Hawk. Telling Guts, "you are mine," and thinking, "do you really want to leave? This badly... you want to get out of my hands?! No way... there's no way! I will not permit it -- I will not let you go!" He is even shown considering his possible actions of attacking Guts, which culminates in thoughts reminiscent of an If I Can't Have You moment, where he decides he'd rather attack Guts lethally than let him get away.
    • And then there's how it's heavily implied that he decided to go visit Princess Charlotte and have sex with her immediately after Guts left out of frustration and depression. It's pretty obvious that he mainly did it as a rebound. Disturbing, much?
    • And then there's his behavior toward Casca soon after his rescue. He had hoped to settle down with her and maybe even have a kid, as shown in the pre-Eclipse flashback immediately after the event which drove him over the Despair Event Horizon—learning that Guts and Casca were in a relationship together and were discussing the possibility of leaving him behind. One could really say that Griffith during the Eclipse was yandere for both Guts and Casca, which may have been the motivator for raping Casca in front of Guts as his first act upon sacrificing his people and being reincarnated as Femto, particularly since he's staring straight into Guts' eyes the entire time he's doing this to her. Make no mistake; this guy has serious problems.
    • Also, Dark Magical Girl Rosine. Platonic or not, she has a very strong obsession with having her Morality Pet Jill stay with her after being separated for so long. Which she demonstrates by telling Guts that Jill is "hers" after realizing that Jill has somewhat of a crush on him. While attempting to kill him. And later, when Jill definitely refuses her We Can Rule Together offer, Rosine captures her and tries to turn her into one of her pseudo-Elves by force.
  • Henrietta and Elsa di Sica from Gunslinger Girl:
    • Elsa kills first her handler Lauro and then herself because not only he never returned her affection, but he completely neglected her.
    • During the same arc, when Henrietta figures out and then explains what actually happened, she strongly insinuates that if Giuseppe ever treated her that way, she'd do exactly the same thing. ("Don't worry, I'd never do something like that - Giuseppe is much too kind to me.")
  • Black Butler's version of Queen Victoria, to the point where she merges her body with that of her dead husband.
    • Grell Sutcliff. The anime plays it as a (attempted) Black Comedy Rape, but in the manga, Grell comes off as just plain demented for Madame Red (who dies by Grell's hands) and Sebastian.
    • Baron Kelvin for Ciel. When he first met a 7-year-old Ciel at a party held by Vincent Phantomhive, he immediately fell in love with him and came to worship him, viewing him as special and beautiful. However, he decided that only special people can touch other special people, and decided to undergo numerous plastic surgeries on his face with parts taken from actual children in order to become more beautiful to suit Ciel.
    • In the second season, Alois Trancy appears to be one of these for Claude. For example, the reason he stabbed out Hannah's eye was because he possibly wanted to impress Claude. It backfires horribly when Claude kills him.
  • Negishi/Krauser from Detroit Metal City. Usually rather meek and virginal, he tends to exhibit insane, violent thoughts and/or behavior, often prompting a transition into his Krauser persona, when he feels that his one-sided love for Aikawa is being threatened, while shifting back into a more 'dere dere' version when things are going well between them.
  • In as much as a draconic hermaphrodite Duel Monster can be a Yandere, Yubel from Yu-Gi-Oh! GX fits this trope to a tee. S/he tortures and "kills" all of Judai's friends, possesses the object of his Ho Yay-implied interests, tries to cause The End of the World as We Know It, and does his/her very best to make Judai suffer as much as possible. Why? Because in a past life, Judai pledged to love only him/her, s/he's jealous that he's forgotten him/her in favor of his other friends, and an unfortunate trip through space has severely screwed up his/her concept of love and pain, leaving him/her unable to distinguish the two and having him/her believe that only through suffering can you truly feel love. S/he gets better, tho.
  • Tokyo Mew Mew gives us Kish, who goes from being a nuisance to a major threat to Ichigo, as his behavior and mentality grow increasingly unstable as he continues his pursuit of her. At various times throughout the series, he flat-out threatens and attempts to kill Ichigo's boyfriend Masaya and even Ichigo herself should she fail to agree to his wish of "becoming his".
  • Nova from Magic Knight Rayearth. She is Hikaru, loves Hikaru, wants to be Hikaru, and hates everything Hikaru loves because it keeps Hikaru from loving her and only her. "Be your own person" doesn't even begin to apply here.
    • In the first season finale, when Zagato is defeated and killed by the Knights, Princess Emeraude's last streak of sanity disappears. She then unleashes her powers fully and battles the Knights herself, loudly calling them out for murdering Zagato and going hell-bent for revenge. After her subconscious appears before the Knights and explains what happened (and how Emeraude wanted them to kill her), the girls have to battle the now psychotic princess and kill her. In the OVA's, the poor lady is even more unhinged: she pines for an already dead Zagato and throws herself at his feet, as he still sits on his throne.
    • All of this, and there's no mention of Alcyone? The woman betrayed her master and followed Zagato despite knowing that he'd never love her, all because of her obsessive love for him. It really, really didn't work for her: either Zagato offed her himself (manga) or she ended up Brainwashed and Crazy by Debonair (anime).
  • Hitagi Senjougahara from Bakemonogatari nearly stabs Koyomi Araragi in the eye with a pen after he so much as talks about another female using her first name without an honorific, and asks him, with a murderous aura surrounding her, if there was anything between them.. And only stops once he screams, "Stop it! There's nothing guilty about it! I didn't mean it like I knew her well! I'm only devoted to you, Senjougahara!" Afterwards, when he comments that she'll kill someone, she promises that he will be her first and only victim. Unless someone else kills him, in which case, she'll kill his killer. She then goes on to say how romantic it is because then he would truly belong to her and she would be able to be near him while he's on his death bed. This is made even worse when when you realize that Hitagi knows that Suruga isn't oriented towards Koyomi, so the chances that anything happened between them are very small.
  • Played for laughs (at times, other times it's just creepy as hell) with Lisa and Yukina (both Yandere for Yukinari) and Kosame and Hijiri (both Yandere for Kirie) in Girls Bravo.
  • Kaori Aihara in Mamotte Shugogetten. She's much more saner than most examples, however.
  • From Welcome to The NHK, Misaki in the manga. She's much more innocent in the anime.
  • Fumio Kirisaki from Saitama Chainsaw Shoujo: After being dumped by her boyfriend she declares "Alright, I'll kill him... Then I'll die."
  • In Bamboo Blade we have the nuclear holocaust of a yandere that is Sakaki Ura. The word "obsession" doesn't even begin to describe her secret infatuation with an actor named Takigawa Junya, who just so happens to be completely oblivious to Ura's existence. Then Ura discovers the object of her affection is in a sexual scandal with an actress he works with, and the yandere mode kicks off like the Wrath of God in a way that only Bamboo Blade could do.
    • Rewind a to the second episode: you get Dan Eiga's girlfriend, Miyazaki "Miya-Miya" Miyako. She is simply Cute and Psycho most of the time, though, and not terribly good at hiding it.
  • Pandora Hearts: Lottie, Will of the Abyss definitely.
    • Also Vincent for his brother Gilbert.
    • And possibly also Gilbert, for his master Oz and his earlier master Jack.
      • As of Retrace 50, Leo is also one. Stating that "If Elliot has an enemy, no matter who he may be, I'll kill him! Even, for example, if it is you [Oz] or even myself."
    • And Oz (A Subverted Genki Boy) for Alice as of Chapter 57.
      • "Alice, don't cry. Whoever makes you sad, whoever hurts you, I will destroy them. All of them...With my own hands!"

He was already yandere for her from back when he almost tore apart the Abyss in order to get rid of everything that hurts Alice and causes fear within her, including Alice herself.

"To me...this world is like a dark night that swallows everything. But since you came into my life...and you were so kind, to find me. I don't need friends or status anymore. I only need...to have you by my side!"

Seimei: You see, I just want to be loved by Ritsuka. But I'm so insecure. That's why I have to test his love. Is this normal?
Nisei: It's normal for you.

  • Liang-Qi from Canaan towards her adoptive "nee-sama", Alphard. She's always attempting to kill Canaan because she believes that Canaan 'changed' her beloved "Nee-sama".
  • Queen Joukaku, Youko's predecessor, from The Twelve Kingdoms. While seemingly normal at first, she falls madly in love with her kirin, Keiki. Already unstable from the stresses of an empress job she never wanted and didn't feel qualified for, her jealousy made her snap, prompting her to exile and execute all other women in Kei in order to remove "competition". Then, Keiki got struck with shitsudou, a deadly disease that strikes kirin when their chosen emperors rule poorly, diving her even more to the edge. Ultimately, she decided to sacrifice herself to save Keiki and the kingdom. And that's when the civil war started...
  • Lethal Chef Bianchi from Katekyo Hitman Reborn goes into a homicidal rage whenever she sees adult Lambo who looks exactly like her deceased ex-boyfriend Romeo...who apparently died of food poisoning. She also has an unrequited crush on Reborn and is perfectly willing to eliminate anybody who has a 'bad influence' on him.
  • Genkaku from Deadman Wonderland. It starts off a bit more subtle, with Genkaku seeming a bit too intense and obsessed with getting Nagi to join the Undertakers (along with an interrogation scene between the two, where Genkaku is shown licking the blood from Nagi's arm, after his hand had been cut off, and saying that Nagi's hand has become very "cute"). Followed by how he is shown getting incredibly turned on by Nagi killing some poor sap, saying that Nagi is a "red flower that has bloomed." After that, he later pretty much gives Nagi a love confession telling him that the murderous side of him was beautiful and exquisite, and that he loved him. (He even tries to kill Nagi, once Nagi makes it clear that he absolutely refuses to join him.)
    • And that's not even mentioning how annoyed and angry Genkaku gets whenever he sees the possibility of a girl getting close to Nagi (in regards to Shiro, he is shown being extremely agitated, wondering what relationship she has with Nagi, and saying that Nagi never learns, and that he'll just have to punish him again (which he tries by attempting to have Shiro and Karako raped). In regards to Karako, he stabs her when she hugs Nagi, telling her, "Don't touch my carnage, you shitty girl"). And later, Nagi does a double suicide with Genkaku, holding him down so Ganta can kill him. Genkaku appears extremely happy, and calls Nagi his "savior". It's especially interesting to note that he was also the one that killed Nagi's wife in the beginning.
  • Ryoki Tachibana from the manga Hot Gimmick. He's utterly obsessed with Hatsumi and while he at first just wants her to be his "slave" he eventually makes her his girlfriend. She's reluctant about getting involved with him because he always seemed "scary" and she was genuinely terrified of him for a bit, due to an incident when they were younger where she suspected that he pushed her down the stairs. She gradually develops feelings for him, but still has moments where she feels extremely put off and scared of his overly possessive and violent nature. His violent obsession over her develops to the extent where he firmly states that she's not allowed to even think of/love any other guy except him, even if it's her own brother. He also demands that she should keep conversations with all men under one minute, answer the phone on the first ring when he calls, show up at least an hour early to all dates, and often overreacts when a male's name is mentioned in conversation, even if it's just her little brother. If he happens to see her with another guy he tends to go off on a jealous rage and hit her. And, at one point, she tells him she can't be with him anymore when he orders her to make the impossible decision of choosing between him or her family. When she leaves him he states "That stupid woman...If she can't be mine she should just die." She eventually gets back together with him though and even agrees to marry him at the end in the hope that he'll start being nicer to her if she stays with him. However, in the novels it's stated that Hatsumi has left him to be with Shinogu, her Unlucky Childhood Friend.
  • Gilbert from Kaze to Ki no Uta. Make sure to befriend Auguste at your own risk. Auguste himself is an even worse offender.
  • Karasu from Yu Yu Hakusho. He's infatuated with Kurama and wants to own him. Therefore, he considers killing him slowly and painfully to be the very best and most intimate way to do so.
  • Sakurako Saiki from Sakura Gari is frighteningly possessive of her brother Souma, tortures every single servant boy/girl that Souma takes as a lover, and hates Masataka (who's temporarily infatuated with her) because he is the object of Souma's affections. The reasons why she is like that are MUCH more fucked up, however.
    • Souma himself showed these traits towards Masataka, but later mellows out. However his possessiveness does to to horribly creepy levels, involving raping Masataka and then blackmailing him to have sex with him to work off the debt that Masataka's beloved older brother has with the Yakuza. It's only after Masataka snaps on him and Souma attempts to commit suicide over it that he shows Masataka how much he really cares for him and their relationship somewhat stabilises. And then we get to see WHY he went Yandere...[1]
    • Katsuragi is revealed to be a crazy Yandere for Souma as well, so much so that he rapes and tortures Masataka, ordering him to stay away from Souma and sticks his hand in boiling hot water. Katsuragi later holds Souma down and tells him "you belong to me" and attempts to strangle him when Souma starts talking about Masataka. It's later revealed that he tried to help Souma kill his abusive stepmother (Sakurako's mom) when Souma was angry with her for her abuse. However, when Souma ultimately couldn't go through with it, Katsuragi grabbed Souma's hand (that held a knife) and made him slice his mother's wrists, and raped him that same night.
    • And then there's Asayo, Katsuragi's much abused wife. After Souma immobilizes Katsuragi with poison, brutally humiliates and definitely abandons him, the poor woman snaps due to all the abuse that she withstood for years... and sets her abusive husband on fire.
  • Eliade from D.Gray-man. So very much. Justified, as she is genuinely in love with Krory, but is being driven crazy by the conflict this presents with her Akuma programming.
    • Also, Road Kamelot. She's a psychopathic loli with a constant Slasher Smile on her face who sings about killing people, acts like an excited child, and messes with your mind to turn you insane. She likes the taste of blood, and often cracks into hysterical laughter when maiming people. Also, as well as possessing a number of creepy dolls, she herself can transform into a creepy doll. And she has a crush on the main character, which she expresses by, within an hour of each other, a) glomping and kissing him and b) trying to force him to kill his friends. (She even professed her love to him not long after stabbing him through his left eye with a sharpened candle and licking off the blood). And if ALL THAT wasn't enough it gets even creepier due to the fact she has in fact looked about twelve years old for the past thirty-five years, which means that she's biologically at least 45 and Allen is fifteen-years old.
      • She has also shown signs of extreme sadism and enjoys causing/watching the suffering of others, especially if it's Allen who's suffering, which includes Mind Raping Lavi, one of Allen's friends, in order to get him to momentarily turn on Allen, killing an Akuma subordinate for no other reason then to anger Allen, and nailing Miranda's hands to a clock while writing profanity on the wall in her blood.
  • Yuna from Maburaho is one of these, or rather she morphs into one of these as the series progresses. It gets to the point where she threatens physical violence against Kazuki for merely being in the presence of other girls, even when he's only in their presence because they've kidnapped him.
  • Male example: Cho Hakkai from Saiyuki. His twin older sister/lover, Kanan, was kidnapped, gang-raped, forcibly impregnated and Driven to Suicide by demons; in his quest to find her, he murdered 1,000 demons of the same clan, another clan responsible for her kidnap and transportation, and, in the manga, the entire village that stood around and didn't stop the poor girl's kidnapping. But wait, there's more! When confronted by a survivor who wants revenge, Hakkai freaks him out by offering his eye as penance---by plucking it out of the socket. And he runs into this survivor while muttering about wishing he could have Kanan's corpse. The series proper, starting a few years after this incident, usually lets him off with being a male Yamato Nadeshiko and Team Mom with shades of creepy Stepford Smiler in the rare times he gets upset, but is it any wonder the other characters are freaking terrified of Hakkai?
  • Adorably Precocious Child Maki in Darker than Black. He'd be a little creepy even if he was just a sociopath with the power to make stuff blow up, but he also has a massive, crazy stalker-crush on his boss, Amber. Such an insane crush, in fact, that he completely abandons the usual Contractor "emotionless" act when he finds the guy Amber's in love with, and tries to kill him even though if he'd succeeded, it would have ruined Amber's entire plan, resulting in a genocide.
  • In one chapter of Nightmare Inspector, there's a male example with the stepfather of one client, who is originally portrayed as much more gentle and helping than the girl's abusive mother, a rather sympathetic character. Then it turns out that he's actually the cruel one, so obsessed with the client's mother that he locks the young girl up to keep her from stealing the mother's love. He then tries to brick Hiruko's client into a wall, and when her mother stops him, he bricks her up instead and leaves her rotting arm sticking out, which he talks to while claiming she is 'all his now'. And then he bricks Hiruko's client up anyway.
  • Although Kirishima Kotone from Nyan Koi hasn't attacked anyone yet, she frightens Junpei and her own sister with her stalker tendencies. She doesn't get jealous of him when he flirts with other girls though, this is probably because it ends with him getting beat up, and she likes unlucky guys.
  • Yuka from 11eyes is this for her childhood friend, Kakeru. He is the one to cause her powers to awaken. When one of her friends is killed and another is having is a breakdown, she acts completely uncaring about it explicitly tells Shiori that she doesn't care what happens to anyone, as long as she and Kakeru will be together forever. She also puts a razorblade into Misuzu's tea, only because Kakeru addresses her on a first-name instead of last-name basis. She corrects Kakeru at the same time: "It's Kusakabe-sempai, not Misuzu-sempai, OK?"
  • Maki of Seto no Hanayome sometimes acts in a rather Yandere fashion towards San.
  • Miyuki Asaka of Game X Rush is this in regards to her own son. Who isn't actually her son, but is in fact the boy she adopted who seems to Miyuki to be her son. Non-romantic... We think.
  • The StrikerS Yonkoma show Caro as just a little too possessive toward her "husband," Erio.
  • Sakurako from Psyren. Especially when her darker side emerges.
  • Princess Princess has Sayaka Kouno, the cousin of main character Tooru Kouno. Tooru's parents died in an accident, Sayaka's parents adopted him and Sayaka and Tooru became close when they were kids. However, while Tooru just thinks of Sayaka as a sister, Sayaka always had stronger feelings for Tooru than just that of a sister to a brother. She is quite insistent about them getting married one day, despite Tooru's reluctance to the idea and is shown to have an unhealthy obsession towards him. This is to the point that she once shoved one of Tooru's previous girlfriends down a flight of steps out of jealousy, literally stalks Tooru, keeps tabs on his phone calls, and stabs Tooru's prospect girlfriends with scissors. Her fragile grip on reality was damaged by Yuujiro's claim that he and Tooru are lovers- and that Tooru is not interested in girls. (He kissed Tooru in front of Sayaka in order to get her to leave Toru alone when she showed up to harass him.) She eventually tried to kill herself by jumping off a cliff saying that it would be too painful for her to live if Tooru didn't return her feelings. It's only when Tooru slaps her and has a long talk with her that she decides to back off.
  • Jagara from Wolf's Rain towards Darcia. Particularly notable since Jagara killed her twin sister Harmona, Darcia's lover who had essentially been on life support for years, in order to get her out of the picture. (In all fairness, as said, Harmona had been on life support for years and Jagara didn't know that Darcia had probably found a way to bring Harmona back. It's still an example of crossing the Moral Event Horizon, however.) Later, during a confrontation between the two, Jagara stabs Darcia with a poisoned dagger when he refuses her.
    • Also Darcia himself, who donates everything he has in the series towards his singleminded devotion to his true love, Hamona. When Hamona dies, Darica goes insane with grief and not only tries to kill off the entire main cast of characters, but also ensure that the next world has no chance of being perpetuated as well.
  • Osanai from Paprika.
  • Ruon from Mnemosyne.
  • Seiji Yagiri from Durarara!!. It's generally a bad idea to get between him and his girl; the girl in question being Celty's detached head.
    • There's also Namie Yagiri and Mika Harima towards Seiji. They're so yandere that they're willing to get rid of Celty's head if it means they can have Seiji for themselves.
      • Though Mika actually out-yanderes Namie, as when Seiji smashes her face when she takes a glimpse of Celty's head, Mika gets plastic surgery to fix her grievous injuries... and also makes herself look exactly like Celty with her head on. Can we say, yikes?
    • Saika is Yandere for all of humanity, but especially for Shizuo. Luckily, Anri is not.
    • And now we have Haruna Niekawa, who really doesn't like it when her boyfriend and teacher takes interest in Anri.
    • The novel gives us a yandere that no one could suspect. Mikado is this toward Anri AND Kida.
    • Saki Miyajima, Kida's ill girlfriend, isn't as ultra-violent as the others but has more than one whiff of this. Especially when she's willing to become Kida's Honey Trap (which includes faking her injuries) and follow Izaya's instructions, if it means that she and Kida will stay together forever.
    • Volume 9 of the novel reveals that Izaya is a yandere for Shinra, in the rare not romantic mode. However, this is explained because Shinra is his only friend and the only one that walked up to him and befriended him as well as being one of the few people that could read him easily. The stabbing incident was actually Shinra taking a knife wound for Izaya when a student called Nakura demanded that Izaya give him the money that he lost when gambling on him. In exchange for lying saying that Izaya himself stabbed his only friend Izaya swears that Nakura will regret this for the rest of his life. In other words, his motivation for becoming an information broker is hinted to be because of Shinra.
  • Yashahime from Kurohime. Funnily enough, the person who ends her lover for good? HER.
  • Kaworu becomes something of this for Shinji in the Neon Genesis Evangelion manga.
    • The non-canon work Neon Genesis Evangelion: Angelic Days makes it more obvious. You know, the sweet guy who decided not to destroy the human race so his boyfriend could live? In this telling, he's "a friend to Shinji...and only to Shinji".
    • Gendo is one for Yui. Everything that this Magnificent Bastard has done, is to be reunited with her.
  • Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu: Shouko acts like one towards Yuji in a rather blatant fashion.
    • There's also Miharu. Her reaction to seeing anyone trying to come between her and Minami (who is not even interested in her) is to chase that person down and try to kill them.
    • Even the shy and easily embarrassed Himeji is one of these towards Yoshii. She will often emit a murderous aura and display yandere-like eyes whenever she hears that Yoshii is with some other woman like when Yuuji claimed that Yoshii was with a college girl. This side of her tends to increase more and more as the series goes on.
  • Part 4 - Extreme of the Hentai manga series introduces Urushira, whose nighttime personality is very much Yandere over Pamila. She's the antagonist of the Extreme arc.
  • Konuma Ryuuko of Wolfen Crest. She's a nymphomaniac middle-schooler with what appears to be profound psychological damage from repeated rapes in her past, but she's become such a nihilistic sociopath that even this isn't enough to make her sympathetic. Notable acts include breaking into the protagonist's apartment to masturbate and (unsuccessfully) seduce him, climaxing on a school rooftop during a bloody shooting, and thinking madly about raping the protagonist while having sex with her boyfriend, gigantic and bloody terrifying school gang leader Haguro Dou. Who, incidentally, is the only man who has ever slept with her without dying shortly afterwards. Originally, she came off as one of the manga's more playful and sympathetic characters; now, she's pretty much a fountain of Fan Disservice and downright creepiness.
    • Haguro himself towards Inugami. He cuts himself all over his arm and carves the word "Inu" onto his hand and has an orgasm while thinking about Inugami when having violent sex with his girlfriend. He beats down, craps on and rapes his own subordinate, Chiba and tears out his tongue as he's kissing him. The poor guy gets put into the hospital because Haguro beat him to the point that all his organs ruptured and his bones break and he ends up dying. Though he gets better. All because Chiba ran into the protagonist on the street and talked to him for, maybe, 15 minutes, when Haguro wasn't around. He also rapes Aoshika while recording it so that Inugami can see, practically talking to the camera (and, therefore, to Inugami) through the entire thing hoping to provoke Inugami into coming back to him, and then keeps her prisioner as his Yakuza goons repeteadly gang-rape her and he drugs her to screw with her mind as well as with her body. . If you thought Yuno Gasai was Yandere...
  • Oniisama e...: Mariko Shinobu threatens to kill Nanako and herself when the latter tries to decline staying overnight, then holds the door closed so she can't get out. Luckily Mariko's mother provides enough distraction for Nanako to escape, but Mariko still protests. She then sort-of starts getting better afterwards, but it's clear that she has serious issues stemming from her parents's horrible relationship. And as such, when the local Alpha Bitch Aya mocks her over the last "detail", Mariko reacts by attacking her with a boxcutter.
    • Fukiko Ichinomiya has shades of this, in another way. Rather than turning her disappointment against the object of her affections, Takehiko Henmi (Nanako's Big Brother Mentor, and the titular "Oniisama"), she turns it against others. Also, the anime reveals that a certain room at her summer house is full of creepy dolls and obsessively arranged items of memorabilia from the day she first met Takehiko, which she has since kept completely unchanged for six years and forbids anyone else to enter unless it's the maid that keeps it clean.
    • Rei Asaka aka Saint-Juste also has more than one whiff of this, mixed with her Love Martyr tendences towards her abusive older sister Fukiko. She's completely obsessed and devoted to Fukiko, which does not mixes well with her already present emotional unstability, drug abuse and suicidal tendences, and as a result she's the most self-destructive character in the series.
  • Zetsuai1989 is all about this trope:
    • When Takuto Izumi was five, his mother discovered his father was cheating on her, and murdered him in front of Izumi so that she could "possess him completely". Years after this, after getting out of prison, Mrs. Izumi goes to her son, explains her reasons and kills herself in front of him.
    • Then there's the Loony Fan Eri, who reacts badly to Kouji announcing his retirement and tries to stab him to death at his farewell concert.
    • And that's without even mentioning the multiple examples of Kouji himself being driven to despair, self-mutilation, or generally self-destructive behaviour because of his love for Izumi — he is aware that I Want My Beloved to Be Happy is a better attitude, but he can't quite bring himself to feel that way, and often talks about how he'd like to lock Izumi away. In fact, his behaviour tends to stop short of full-on If I Can't Have You, but he angsts quite a bit about how he resents anything that makes Izumi happy if it takes Izumi's attention away from him. Oh, and at one point Kouji cuts off his own left arm so that his family will leave Izumi alone.
  • Skip Beat!: Between the voodoo dolls, random rages, intimidating stares, and focused obsession, if Kyoko wasn't the heroine, she'd probably be the psycho ex.
  • Ai no Kusabi has Guy. Riki's Unlucky Childhood Friend. He is so in love with Riki, not only does he give Riki a penectomy to remove the pet ring that was on his penis upon being told that as long as Riki wears Iason's pet ring he'll never be free of him, but he also blows up an entire fortress in a successful attempt to kill Iason.
    • Iason Mink himself is one of these, and like Guy, he becomes extremely obsessed with Riki. It's not touched upon in the OVA, but the novel and audio drama have scenes where Riki slept with a female pet and he was subsequently brutally tortured by Iason. Not to mention the number of times Iason forces Riki into having sex with him.
  • Mayu Okada from Kaguyahime. She is very possessive of Akira, and doesn't let men or women near her. She has a sweet appearance but will do anything to get her way, such as pretending to be sick and fainting on the spot to get attention.
  • Naoe from Mirage of Blaze expresses tendencies of this sort towards Kagetora. He was prepared to kill Kagetora and himself so that Kagetora will "never belong to anyone else". He also murders the hypotenuse by raping Kagetora's lover and later on forcing Kagetora to possess her to save his life.
  • Heroic Sociopath Blood Knight Ryougi Shiki in Kara no Kyoukai is a special case, as under her outer layer of "kuu" she is both "yan" and "dere" at the same time, as she seems to confuse her feelings for Kokuto Mikiya as a desire to kill him.
  • In the manga Desire Climax both Hina and Shoei demonstrate some Yandere tendencies towards Mio. Hina even more so, since on many occasions, despite his cute and angelic appearance, he has demonstrated a chilling cruel streak and a manipulative personality; basically he wants Mio and is apparently willing to use tricks, blackmail, lies, and outright attempted rape to separate her from Shoei. He has even gone so far as to trick a half-blind Shoei into thinking he was Mio so he could attempt to seduce him, later telling Mio that he didn't do that because he loves Shoei, rather he did it because he would be "willing to do anything if it means I could separate you from that guy". He himself proudly admits that he's crazy when Mio calls him out on his actions and attempts to seduce her. Thankfully, both he and Shoei mellow out eventually.
  • Dai Lee from the manhwa Let Dai. And he will be very violent if you spend too much time around his boyfriend.
  • Cristine Hanakomachi from Daa! Daa! Daa! is a very quiet and cute girl, but she can become very dangerous when she gets jealous, like when she saw Kanata (whom she has a crush on) with Miyu.
  • Lain Brody from the yaoi manga Under Grand Hotel. In the first few scenes we see him in he gives Sen a blowjob, strips him, drugs him and outright molests him as he's drugged (including telling him "No way in hell am I letting Sword Fish kill you. Because he doesn't love you. I'm the only one that can kill you."), rapes him with a mop handle, ties him up and hides him in a dryer. And when Swordfish finds Sen he gives him CPR. Lain responds to this by stabbing Fish in the arm with a fork and tries to stab him again while screaming at him, "Get off of Sen! He belongs to me!" Immediately after that Lain is shot and killed by security guards.
    • Also, Swordfish becomes one of these for Sen. He threatens anyone who expresses an interest in Sen with death, has sex with Sen to the point where it nearly kills Sen, tries to strangle him, kills the guys who raped Sen saying that he did it for Sen's sake even after Sen told him not to kill them, moves out of Sen's room and lets a rapist move in when angry with Sen, and slices the throat of another one of Sen's rapists right in front of him while saying "I love you, Sen." This being after he tried to get Sen to kill the guy himself but Sen refused. And his unhealthy obsession with Sen only continues and increases throughout the manga.
    • And Norman's in love with Swordfish but pretended to be in love with Sen so he could get closer to Swordfish. He tried to persuade Swordfish to kill Sen but that didn't work. So, on one occasion when there was a scuffle going on he tried to get Sen out of the way by stabbing him with a pencil but accidentally ends up stabbing his inmate Walter instead who was trying to protect Sen in the hope of getting protection from Swordfish. When he finds this out, Norman holds a knife to Walter's neck telling him, "If you don't want to die, don't butt in again Walter!"
  • Inuyasha has Onigumo/Naraku who's so yandere that half of him wants to have Kikyou, the other half wants to kill her, and they both halves want to kill Inu Yasha... and each other. Not to mention Jakotsu.
  • Saint Beast has Shiva.
  • Domina no Do: Ayako. To elaborate a bit she straps her loved ones to a bed and feeds them a bento...made of various parts of her body because she doesn't want him to suffer at the hands of another.
    • Although to be more specific, said "body parts" consist of blood, spit, and public hair, which is not as bad as what most people think of when they see that sentence. So, crazy and disturbing, but at least functionally so.
    • Or the fact that she makes him drink his own urine that she had been saving up for weeks in bottles, because the school doesn't have a boys restroom.
  • Rokuna of Mon Colle Knights both gets this Played for Laughs and mixes it with Tsundere.
  • Gankutsuou: Madame Vilefort.
  • In Ergo Proxy the Cogito virus makes infected Auto Reivs experience human emotions. Entourage-class robots can arrive at psychotic jealousy from their initial quiet obedience.
    • Also, Iggy. An Entourage Auto Reiv belonging to Re-l Mayer, Iggy contracted the Cogito Virus and grew to become enraged at Re-l's lack of regard for him. He despises Proxies and blames Vincent for taking Re-l - his sole reason for existence - away from him. He develops an unusual state of both loving and hating Re-l, and locks her up to "protect" her, while he attempts to kill Vincent. However, an Auto Reiv belonging to a Proxy that Re-l killed, attempts to kill Re-l at the same time, causing Iggy to return to Re-l. The Auto Reiv goes into a self-detonation mode and destroyed much of Iggy except for part of his head (which left Iggy "conscious" to some extent). In the end, not wanting to see Iggy suffer due to the virus, Re-l shoots him and buries his head.
    • Daedalus also qualifies as this, especially when Re-l runs off with Vincent, and he decides to clone himself a new Re-l as a replacement.
  • Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok: Freya for Loki.
  • In the shoujo manga Stepping on Roses (Hadashi de Bara wo Fume), Nozomu was originally a sweet gentleman who had been the merciful one that donated money to Sumi when her kid brother got really sick. However, his character becomes increasingly possessive and eventually an out-and-out Yandere for her. He eventually goes so far as to try to rape her, only to decide to commit a double suicide with her when the place gets set on fire.
  • Kanako in Love Hina, as a contrast to the Tsundere Naru and The Ditz Mutsumi.
  • Naruse Fuuta in the yaoi manga Kawaii Akuma.
  • Shiki has Megumi who started as a Stalker with a Crush, but after turning into a vampire murders her crush's best friend, because she's jealous of how close they are.
  • Mutsuki Koharu of Koharu no Hibi already was a Stalker with a Crush to her crush Akira but as the series goes on she exhibits Sanity Slippage as a result of her love for Akira and shows more and more signs of becoming a Yandere those she has yet to kill her love rival but she did sexually assault her as a way to take back her first kiss that she took from Akira.
  • Shaina from Saint Seiya is this for Seiya. She gets better, tho.
    • Hagen from the (Filler) Asgard saga is this for Princess Freya. He blames Hyoga for Freya trying to escape from her Brainwashed and Crazy sister Hilda, refuses to listen to Hyoga when he tries to reason with him, almost kills Freya when she tries to calm him down with a Go Through Me... and blames Hyoga for it.
  • Karakuridouji Ultimo. A rare male-gay example with Rune. He was a princess in his past life, who was in love with the main character, Yamato. In the present, he threatens to kill both Sayama (the girl Yamato has a crush on), Yamato, and himself if he can't love him back. It doesn't help that he's the master of a dangerous robot named Jealous, who revealed all of this to him in the first place.
    • Then after Yamato hits the Reset Button, partly in order to prevent Rune from finding out about his past life, It Got Worse. Rune once again becomes the master of Jealous, and ties Yamato to the bed before trying to rape him.
      • Now it seems that Rune magically doesn't like him anymore. Somewhat justified, as we find out that the reason why Rune's so Yandere in the first place is because Yamato's robot, Ultimo, killed him in his past life - violently at that. But Rune not loving Yamato is a very bad thing. In fact, he declares war on Yamato and Ultimo.
  • Possibly Revy of Black Lagoon. She's more of a very trigger-happy mix of Sociopathic Hero, Broken Bird and Tsundere, but then she gets pretty creepy when Jane considers seducing Rock.
  • Patty/Penny from Gash Bell. Upon meeting him on Earth she becomes homicidally angry once she learns that Gash/Zatch doesn't remember her from the Mamodo world at all (he technically doesn't remember anything from the Mamodo world at all, but I don't remember if they ever actually mentioned this to her). She even ends up being a straight villain and working for Zofis soon after. The irony being that she was so stalker-from-the-shadows when crushing on Gash/Zatch back in their world that he almost certainly wouldn't remember who she was even if he hadn't lost his memories.
    • Suzume can get a little out of hand at times, too; When Kiyomaro is away for too long, she draws his face on an orange and talks to it as if it were him. Also upon meeting Megumi she immediately starts to interrogate Kiyomaro with a lie detector about their relationship. She was unhappy with his responses.
  • This is one explanation for Kabuto's behavior towards Orochimaru in Naruto. After Orochimaru died, Kabuto had an existential crisis, but he claims that the person who inspired him to continue was Naruto. Notice that Kabuto's goal currently appears to be killing Sasuke, ostensibly for revenge, but he might be trying to Murder the Hypotenuse as well.
    • And then we have Karin, who at first seems to be mainly a Tsundere over Sasuke. Then she starts considering drugging Suigetsu and Jugo to rape Sasuke while he's wounded and weak, and carries around his sweaty, discarded clothes on occasion. Let's not even go into her letting him suck her blood for its healing properties...
  • In Knights, both of the women in Mist's life are revealed to be Yanderes for Mist as the series progresses. One even tries to kill him when her rival gives her the false impression that she and Mist are already involved.
  • The entire DearS race in DearS. They are a slave race that needs the love and appreciation of a master race to survive. If they stop feeling appreciated, they wipe out their "masters" and look for new ones.
  • Vampire Princess Miyu: Chisato doesn't start as one, but she becomes this after her awakening as a Shinma, triggered by her brother Tokiya's own Shinma awakening as well as his death.
    • Arguably, Lemures is a male example... towards Larva.
      • And Carlua, again for Larva.
  • Ayaka from Re:Birth - The Lunatic Taker. It should also be noted that many of the other girls are yandere too, or at least axecrazy.
  • Count Cain: Mikaila. Anyone who gets between her and Cain would meet a horrible death in the form of poisonous spiders.
  • Giriko from Soul Eater, for his boss Arachne. After Arachne's death, the already Ax Crazy Giriko had a Villainous Breakdown and, in the Book of Eibon he proceeded to try to rape Maka and then attempt to kill both her and Soul. But Soul kicked Giriko in the head (we wouldn't be shocked if it caused further brain damage) before he could even touch Maka, so no worries. Then he and the released Maka team up to defeat him... but by then Giriko was so pissed off at Arachne's death, that his soul literally exploded mid-battle.
    • Also Gopher toward Noah, which can be considered a Cargo Ship considering that Noah is just the human embodiment of the Book of Eibon. He cries whenever he does something wrong by Noah and spends his free time taking his frustrations out by beating the shit out of the then-captured Kid or trying to kill Maka. And all because Noah doesn't want to add Gopher to his collection. It seems to be Played for Laughs.
  • Hakuouki: Okita for Kondou.
  • Togainu no Chi: Keisuke as a result of not having his feelings toward Akira being acknowledged as well as the effects of Line making him insane. One of the endings has Keisuke ripping out Akira's guts while proclaiming that he loves Akira. He's also sporting a look that seems similar to an orgasm.
  • Steel Angel Kurumi 2: Uruka for Nako. Uruka sees Kurumi as an obstacle to Nako and will try anything to remove Kurumi, even if it means asking her father to call upon the family's private army to take her down.
  • Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai!: In episode 5, Ayase provides us with a textbook example when she demonstrates just how much she hates being lied to.
  • Subverted with Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. She did showing signs of this after having broken down as an after effect of her Break the Cutie stry (showing it via Laughing Mad at some point, fighting more and more recklessly, and going Ax Crazy when the witches come in episode 7), but despite even seeming to kill two misogynistic guys, and later turning into a Witch, she (or better said, Oktavia Von Seckendorff) did not attack her crush Kamijou nor her apparent rival Hitomi (and when she does ponder it for a second, the poor girl is completely horrified at the mere thought), limiting herself to create a witch's barrier reflecting her desire to be loved and noticed by Kamijou: the barrier in itself resembles a music theater, one of her familiars looks like a violinist -just like the guy- (and in another timeline she has other familiars who look like Hitomi), and there are several posters on the wall that say "look at me, look at me, LOOK AT ME!".
    • Though in Episode 10, Oktavia has a new set of familiars: Klarissas, which are basically a series of effigies of Hitomi that just play second fiddle to Oktavia and dance in the background, to the point where they're basically background noise. A few even get caught in the crossfire.
    • On the other hand, Kirika Kure from Oriko Magica seems to be the real deal. She'd do anything for her best friend Oriko... absolutely anything. Even killing other Magical Girls, willingly becoming a witch, and releasing her own witch familiars out in the open to help her with her plans to kill Madoka so she won't become Kriemhild Gretchen and destroy the world.
  • Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess, normally a straight-up Yamato Nadeshiko, has been known to cause everything from minor explosions to freak weather changes whenever someone tries to go after Keiichi, and that's when she's trying to hold her Yandere tendencies back. It's to the point that other goddesses know to duck for cover when they see some girl try to get sweet on Keiichi.
    • And for good reason! Mind you, Belldandy is one of the most genuinely nice charas in the whole cast. And henceforth, she's been given access to an absolutely insane amount of godly powers, since she's unlikely to abuse them consciously. To have Bell getting mad for any reason is one of the worst ideas possible, as she will unlock said powers and attack—it means her self-control is slipping, and such slippages mean Very Bad Things. Since her Berserk Button is seeing Keiichi in danger and/or seeing him with another girl...
    • She's been getting worse too! Belldandy has stood up to Hild, the ruler of demonkind as well as Urd's mother, over Keiichi, i.e., Very recently Tamiya and Otaki are taken over Hagall and attack Keiichi... and Belldandy strikes them down with an attack spell. No warnings, no crying out to them to remember themselves, no 'I can't attack our friends', they get ZAPPED, instantly. Belldandy is in no mood to faff around when it comes to Keiichi anymore.
    • This was actually a plot-point in The Movie. Belldandy's first love and former mentor, Celestine, exploits Belldandy's possessiveness of Keiichi via sending out his Dragon Morgan Le Fay to pose as a New Transfer Student and throw herself at Keiichi to drive them away. When Morgan sorta manages to catch Keiichi with his guard low and gives him a Forceful Kiss, Celestine uses Belldandy's hidden inner turmoil about it and some Laser-Guided Amnesia he had given her to get her Brainwashed and Crazy, and soon It Got Worse.
    • Played for Laughs with Skuld, who has shades of the non-romantic kind... for Belldandy herself.
  • Akari from Girl Got Game is Type 2 for poor Kyo. She'd never try to hurt "him", no matter how much "he" refuses, but she is willing to threaten suicide for a date.
  • Hidan no Aria: Shirayuki — early in episode 2 she displays Dull Eyes of Unhappiness when she suspected Kinji is with someone else. Upon discovering that Aria is freeloading with Kinji, she decides to "exorcise" her twice (first, by cutting her down with her katana; second, by blowing hundreds of holes through her with an M60). Even when she was forced to take Aria as a bodyguard, she still shows her contempt for her.
  • Reika from Gantz is so in love with Kurono that, when he rejects her, she decides to make a copy of Kurono for herself and she goes though with it.
  • Shizuri Mugino, the Meltdowner, from A Certain Magical Index falls in love with Shiage Hamazura after he kills her and she is brought back to life. She decides to express this by hunting him down and trying to blow him up or burn his junk off, while at the same time becoming obsessed with protecting him from other threats and trying to kill his girlfriend, Rikou Takitsubo. Eventually, Shiage manages to bring her back to sanity, and they start having a more normal relationship.
  • Mawaru Penguindrum has Ringo Oginome, who looks normal, but in her off time stalks Shoma and Kanba's teacher Tabuki, planting bugs in his room and sleeping in the crawlspace under his floor as she listens to him go to sleep. We like that. Until we learn that she has her reasons. Painful, heartbreaking reasons. And she won't stop at ANYTHING to get her wish.
    • It looks like Ringo is a rather... odd version of this. She seems to be less of a yandere for Tabuki as a person and more for what he represents, being extremely fixed into being the mother of his kid to live the life that her dead sister Momoka (Tabuki's first love) would've possibly lived, had she not perished early in her life.. which, in her view, would bring her broken family back together. (To the point of actually considering herself as Momoka, as she tells Shouma at some point.) When she slips Tabuki an odd Love Potion and he is willing to have sex with her under its effects, Ringo backs off. Not to mention, she also seems to have some traces of Tsundere as well... but for Shouma instead of Tabuki.
    • Masako also seems to be this... for Kanba. It's specially shown via erasing the memories of Kanba's ex girlfriends (after apparently pushing one of them down a flight of stairs!) and later staging a whole Hostage Situation both to get Ringo's half of the Diary... and to steal a kiss from him. OTOH, she seems to be far more calculating and manipulative than the standard Yandere... and has another agenda of her own.
    • Tabuki's girlfriend/fiancée Yuri also veers towards this by episode 14, trying to rape Ringo because she resembles her older sister and Yuri's childhood friend/crush Momoka so much. She too has an extreme Freudian Excuse behind her actions.
    • Tabuki is shown to have some whiffs of this as well, as of the end of episode 17 and the whole of episode 18 -- he actually tries to kill Himari to punish the Takakura family for the death of Momoka. Again, he has an extreme Freudian Excuse.
  • Sharon Apple of Macross Plus is a mix of this and A.I. Is a Crapshoot. Sharon inherited her feelings for protagonist Isamu from his Love Interest, Broken Bird Myung, whom her consciousness is derived from. She thus becomes obsessed with not letting anyone stand between herself and Isamu, and orchestrates pretty much the entire course of the film just to give him what she thinks he wants: the ultimate rush: Death.
  • Shion from No. 6 shows signs of being this in his Ho Yay-riffic relationship with Nezumi. Just look at his reaction to Rikiga suggesting that Nezumi should become a gigolo.
    • Also, in the novels, Shion is close to strangling a man because he tried to kill Nezumi. Only when Nezumi tells him to stop he snaps out of it. And then there's his explanation of what he was doing:

That man tried to kill you, so he had to receive punishment.

  • Nakagawa Kanon from The World God Only Knows. She's the epitome of the sweet, adorable idol... as long as you don't get on the wrong side of her stun guns, as Keima did. She also obsessively sends Keima messages, the second email of which being nothing but "yoroshiku" (Please take care of me) repeated for multiple pages.
  • Chiharu from Virgin Love. Once, when Daigo and Kazuki become good friends, he almost kills Daigo. He was 2 seconds away from beating his skull in, and would have succeeded if it hadn't been for Kazuki. Another time, he tries to kill Kazuki by choking him to death. Again, he would have succeeded if not stopped, this time by Kaoru who calls him on it with a What the Hell, Hero?. Health tip: never ever make Chiharu jealous. You'll live longer.
    • He does try his best to hold himself in check though. For example, when he kidnapped Kazuki he only put him in a second-floor apartment with a bolted door, and removed the handles from the inside, something which Kazuki could obviously escape from... Yep. That's Chiharu's idea of holding back. Did we mention that he runs an intelligence division that is more efficient than the government's and is constantly feared by everyone other than Kazuki as being one of the coldest most ruthless bastards on earth? And Kazuki is the only one stopping him from being worse.
  • Sengoku Otome has Akechi Mitsuhide, who is so yandere for her master, Oda Nobunaga, that after catching her "kissing" supposed-rival Hideyoshi (but she was just giving her medicine), she torches the temple that Nobunaga's passed out drunk in, then goes in after her "so they can always be together." Fortunately, the plan is thwarted, everyone survives, and although Mitsuhide passed out from smoke inhalation, she wakes up in the middle of getting mouth-to-mouth from Nobunaga.
  • Saori from Wandering Son isn't creepily obsessive or Ax Crazy but she can be pretty violent, especially when it comes to her unrequited love Shuuichi.
  • Kamisama Dolls resident Yandere Hyuga Mahiru plays this trope very straight, in fact the only thing she might love more than Kyohei is Kuuko's Stun gun.
  • Haou Airen: Hakuron, Reilan, and Kaafai after he ends up Going Mad From The Revelation.
  • Ben-To has Ume Shiraume, crossing over with Psycho Lesbian for Hana Oshiroi.
  • Hatori in Sekaiichi Hatsukoi has shown to be this toward Chiaki. Normally, he's Kuudere until his buttons are pressed, and then the gloves are off.
    • To sum up the things he had done when in Yandere mode include brutally raping Chiaki when he thinks that Yanase got to him first, constantly telling Chiaki that he's not allowed to see Yanase again and later tried to beat up Yanase when Yanase told him that he wasn't going to hand Chiaki over. However, in order to do this, he broke into Yanase's house, but at this point, Yanase was rejected and was already broken.
  • Sailor Moon: Prince Diamond is this for Usagi and Fiore for Mamoru. Emerald is also one for Diamond. All of them attempted to Murder the Hypotenuse in order to have a shot at the one they love.
  • Angel Beats!: Naoi can be seen as one towards Otonashi depending on your interpretation.
  • Reimei no Arcana: Loki has quite a few elements of this, from threatening Caesar for insulting Nakaba and regretting that he didn't kill Caesar due to Nakaba's and Caesar's growing closeness in earlier chapters to killing Bella for threatening to have Nakaba either killed or raped by soldiers.
    • Bella towards Loki.
  • Mayuri Konishi/Sarashina from Bungaku Shoujo has traits of a yandere character. She is crazy about Akutagawa, with whom she went to elementary school. She admits being jealous of Kanomata, who Akutagawa used to protect. When she suspects Akutagawa has feelings for his classmate Nanase Kotobuki, she says: "If so, I'll cut Nanse Kotobuki into ground beef!!!".
  • Tactics: The yuki-onna in the first episode (When she's possessed by an aradama, anyway.) Also, Psycho Lesbian.
  • Rin of Infinite Stratos has attempted to kill her love interest multiple times for perceived acts of infidelity. While wearing her Power Armor.
  • Manami from Life is a more realistic version of this trope. She's an Alpha Bitch Turned Up to Eleven.
  • Watashi ni XX Shinasai: Mami has her moments. She's extremely clingy towards Shigure and is trying to ruin Yukina's relationship with Shigure. Akira himself can be considered one, giving his love rival the Death Glare quite occasionally and telling Yukina "I want to be with you until I die."
  • Sunako in The Wallflower occasionally tries to kill people she's attracted to.
  • In Haru To Natsu Makoto finds himself stuck between the two twins Haruna and Natsumi who viciously fight over who will win him, to the point of tying him up, threatening him with a knife, and attempting to rape him.
  • In Mamotte Shugogetten Kaori and Ruuan show tendencies of this sort towards Tasuke.
  • Barajou no Kiss: Haruto Kisugi after he reveals himself to be the Yellow Knight.
  • Perfect Blue has Me-Mania (real name Uchida) for Mima. He has a thing for Mima that she doesn't even notice. When she publicly announces that she's quitting her singing job and moving to something else, Me-Mania takes this as rejection. Being the crazed fan that he is, he sends her a fax message simply saying "TRAITOR" over and over again. Then he stalks her, murders people connected to her, and attempts to rape and kill her.
  • In Air Gear the Agito side of Akito's personality is normally the rather Ax Crazy one but Akito is even shown to have a dark side of his own, becoming jealous to the point of scaring Kururu when she gets too close to Ikki.
  • Ayashi no Ceres: Miori Sahara is the non-romantic version, and she goes completely mad after her mother dies in Ceres's first rampage. Mikagi mixes this and With Great Power Comes Great Insanity.
  • One of the creepiest examples comes from Minoru Murao's Knights manga. Of all people, Nina, the cute little girl of the cast goes nuts when she assumes that the object of her affection Mist is physically involved with his Ms. Fanservice companion Euphemia. Her response is to lead a supernatural agent of the Corrupt Church (the same Church that nearly burned her at the stake after accusing her of being a witch) to kill him. She even shoots him in the leg with a crossbow. Her motivation? To send his soul to Hell, where it will be "purified", then join him in death so they can be together for all eternity. Keep in mind that this guy saved her life in the first few chapters, which is why she's so hung up on him in the first place. This is borderline Love Makes You Evil. To her credit, she does eventually realize just how utterly screwed up she was, and works to undo her actions.
  • Threads of Time: Sali Tayi. He explicitly tells Atan Hadas that if she runs away with Moon-Bin and doesn't marry him, he'll kill them both.
  • Kazutaka Muraki of Yami no Matsuei.
  • Elegy of The Betrayal Knows My Name towards Luka.
  • Kare Kano: Arima has a dark side that shows up at times. You slowly see his thoughts morph from wanting to be with Yukino, to wanting to isolate her from everyone and keep her just for himself. His fighting with these thoughts proves that Arima is a good guy, but him imagining tying Yukino in chains does not bode well for their relationship.
  • In Claudine, the local Hot Teacher Louis Lacques was the lover of Auguste de Montesse (father of the main character, the female-to-male Transsexualism Claudine). And when he finds out that his older sister and local Hot Librarian Cecilia was now sleeping with Auguste, he snaps and ends up killing both Cecilia and Auguste.
  • Ryoko Asakura of Haruhi Suzumiya, already something of an adorable psycho in the Light Novel and anime, becomes this in the movie for Yuki. She stabs Kyon and tells Yuki that she'll eliminate anything that threatens her while caressing her face.
  • Barry for Rayflo in Vassalord. With a liberal helping of Squick.
  • Sugou's attempts at "courting" Asuna in Sword Art Online amount to putting her in a cage, outright molesting her, and threatening her memories.
    • Kyouji fell in love with Shino because she shot a robber with his own gun. He becomes a Serial Killer out of revenge for being tricked into ruining his character in a gun-based video game/gambling site. He tells all this to Shino while trying to seduce her while holding a syringe full of poison against her skin and planning to rape and then murder her if she doesn't love him.

D-darling! Yo-you can't be finished! Please! Keep going! Keep going or I'll plunge a knife into your cold, dead heart

Keep... going...


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