Watashi ni XX Shinasai

"Fall in love with me!"—--Yukina Himuro
Watashi ni XX Shinasai! (English Title: Do XX To Me! or XX Me!) is a manga series by Ema Toyama.
It revolves around Yukina Himuro, nicknamed "The Snow Woman" and feared by everyone in her school--except her cousin Akira Shimotsuki--for her glaring eyes and cold skin.
Unknowingly to them, Yukina is really the famous cell phone novelist Yupina. However, as Yukina learns that her readers want more "love" in her story, Yukina decides to personally experience love in order to write a good novel.
Her target is Shigure Kitami--a nice Bishounen adored by both students and teachers, but secretly gets girls to like him as a fun pass time. Yukina blackmails him into doing love "missions" with her to experience love.
- Accidental Pervert:
- Yukina purposely makes Shigure look like one when she takes a picture of him on her cell phone looking through her gym shorts (Shigure was misled by Yukina into thinking that her "weakness" was hidden in her gym clothes). Lampshaded in second four-panel of Chapter 15.5.
- Shigure was strictly against Akira sleeping over Yukina's house, which is somewhat Justified since this was only a day after Akira confessed to Yukina, so Akira's intentions could have questionable. Shigure is shocked when he finds out it was a typical familial sleepover than the one he had in mind. Akira hilariously calls him out on it.
- Alliterative Name: Mami Mizuno.
- Becoming the Mask:
- Both Yukina and Shigure end up "dating" for their personal benefit (or lack of), Yukina for her love novel ideas and Shigure to keep his womanizer ways a secret. Eventually, they both start falling for each other.
- Averted with the "mask" Shigure puts up with to make his life easier.
- Belligerent Sexual Tension: Yukina and Shigure have shades of this. When they're at each other's throats, of course.
- Betty and Veronica: Akira and Shigure for Yukina; Mami and Yukina for Shigure.
- Big Eater: Akira.
- Bishounen: Shigure and Akira.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Shigure, at first.
Shigure: It's just easier that way to live, isn't it? If I treat them nicely, the girls like me. If I try to go along with their conversations, the boys like me. If I act like a good boy, the adults place their trust in me without a second thought! Reading between the lines and acting accordingly is the easiest way to get along in life.
- Blinding Bangs: Akira. It later leans between this and Peek-a-Bangs as Akira's feelings for Yukina shows.
- Bridal Carry: Shigure carries Mami when he finds her "fainted." Yukina, seeing this, later uses it as a love mission with Shigure; Shigure enjoys carrying Yukina, but Yukina realizes she does not like heights.
- Broken Bird/Dark and Troubled Past: The reason for Yukina's fear of not having her glasses is implied to stem from an incident when she was a child involving her teacher, who makes an appearance in Chapter 29.
- Brutal Honesty: Yukina. It works well when she is fending off Shigure's vapid fangirls.
- The Caretaker: Shigure towards Mami.
- Chapter Drop: Every chapter title is usually said in the chapter.
- Chick Magnet: Shigure. Mami is a gender-flipped version of this.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: Mami.
- Contemptible Cover: This isn't the cleanest shojo manga, but the manga covers make this seem like softcore porno.
- The Cutie: Mami. To a Tastes Like Diabetes degree.
- Dating Catwoman: In the novel-universe, Princess Lilia and The Earl.
- Death Glare: Yukina's eyes are often mistaken for this.
- Defrosting Ice Queen: It's a very, very slow process, mind you.
- Erotic Eating: In a more inverted example, Shigure licks a melting popsicle off of Yukina's fingers in Chapter 26.
- Every Girl Is Cuter With Hair Decs: Mami.
- Everything's Better with Princesses: In Chapter 15.5, where Yukina decides to dress up as a princess because her novel persona Princess Lilia is one, much to her parents' delight. Akira even dresses up as a princess too. However, Yukina with an upwards-styled hairstyle isn't her best look in the world...
- Expy:
- Shigure resembles Hinata from Ema Toyama's previous work, Koko ni Iru yo!.
- Likewise, Mami resembles Hiyori from a one-shot in the above example and Momo from Hyakuen
- Fan Service Pack: Yukina's breasts are noticably bigger than when the manga fist started.
- First Love: Mami's first love is Shigure, Shigure's and Akira's first love is Yukina, and Yukina's first love is Kirishima-sensei.
- Forceful Kiss:
- Shigure spreads Malicious Slander that Yukina pulled this on him, in hopes that this will stop her blackmailing him.
- Shigure tries to pull one on Yukina in Chapter 18, but Yukina stops him.
- In Chapter 23, for a new love "mission," Yukina requests for Akira to force kiss her. Naturally, Shigure interrupts this and tries to pull one on Yukina himself, but it's not on the lips and she slaps him afterward.
- Genki Girl: Mami.
- The Glasses Gotta Go: Averted. Yukina's one weakness is her glasses. Without them, Yukina is weak and helpness against everyone staring at her, and it has been a terrifying thing for her since she was little.
- Green-Eyed Monster:
- Shigure is more or less in denial of his feelings for Yukina, often going back and forth with it, but when Akira starts displaying more affection towards Yukina, Shigure demands for Yukina to only fall in love with him (after having previously told her that he'd never fall in love with her, no less).
- As Akira notices the growing closeness between Yukina and Shigure, his jealousy grows and his feelings for Yukina become more evident.
- Yukina's jealousy towards Shigure's childhood friend Mami. As a result, Yukina nearly breaks off her "love" missions with Shigure. Her jealousy surfaces again after Mami confesses to Shigure, which momentarily keeps him preoccupied from Yukina and makes the latter realize her feelings for him.
- Mami very much towards Yukina's closeness with Shigure. So much that she tries to ruin their growing relationship.
- Hot-Blooded: Shigure.
- Ice Queen: Yukina, who's literally called "The Snow Woman," and her novel persona, Princess Lilia of the Ice Country.
- Ill Girl: Mami.
- I Want My Beloved to Be Happy:
- Surprisingly averted. Every contender is actively struggling to get their respective love interest to reciprocate his or her feelings.
- Shigure, mistakenly tells Akira to take care of Mami after noticing how "close" they are. Akira's really blackmailing Mami, hence the forced "friendship."
- Yukina tells Shigure that their relationship isn't like her relationship with Akira or his relationship with Mami and tells him to take care of Mami and to not go to her unless it's for love missions.
- Averted in Chapter 25. Realizing that if Shigure and Mami got together, then that would mean Yukina and Shigure wouldn't be able to do love "missons" anymore and their "bond" will end, Yukina slowly realizes her feelings for Shigure and flat-out tells Mami that she will not hand over Shigure to her.
- Jerkass/Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Shigure.
- In the most recent chapters, he definitely is a Jerk with a Heart of Gold. Shigure re-evaluates his strange relationship with Yukina and his confused feelings throughout the later chapters. He comes to the conclusion that he really likes her and trusts her enough to ask her out in Chapter 22. From this point on, he makes an honest effort to at least make Yukina understand what falling in love with and dating him would really entail and actually tries to train her to overcome her weaknesses. He really can be quite nice, but his methods are a bit misdirected.
- Kidanova: Shigure.
- Kissing Cousins: It isn't quite that noticeable at first, but it soon becomes evident that Akira has a crush on Yukina and isn't taking Yukina's and Shigure's growing closeness with kind. Yukina initially only sees Akira as her cousin and doesn't understand his love for her (or love in general), but she is slowly taking notice of him.
- Knight in Shining Armor: Akira's novel persona, Knight Cain.
- Kuudere: Yukina.
- Lap Pillow: In Chapter 23, Yukina does this with Akira to test what kind of "bond" they have and if her feelings for him are out of love.
- Love Confession: Akira in Chapter 6 and Chapter 8. Shigure asks Yukina out in Chapter 22, and Mami confessing to Shigure in Chapter 24.
- Love Dodecahedron: Mami likes Shigure, who likes Yukina, who also likes Shigure back but might also like Akira, who likes Yukina back.
- Love Triangle:
- Shugire, Yukina, and Akira.
- In the Yupina novel-universe (mirroring the above triangle): The Earl, Princess Lilia, and Knight Cain.
- Yukina, Shigure, and Mami.
- Shugire, Yukina, and Akira.
- Malicious Slander: Shigure attempts to get out of Yukina blackmailing him by doing this twice. And both attempts hilariously backfire on him:
- He tells everyone that someone stole his notebook and the teacher orders a search of everyone's belongings, and Yukina is the only one left. She admits that she does have a notebook and reveals some contents of Shigure's notebook that insults their homeroom teacher and claims she has no idea "whose" notebook it is, irritating Shigure.
- Tries this again when Shigure slips it out to the girls that Yukina pulled a Forceful Kiss on him, leading a bunch of his fangirls to antagonize Yukina, who then reveals all of Shigure's fangirls' secrets because she has observed the girls so much, causing the girls to run off in embarrassment.
- The Masochism Tango:
- Yukina and Shigure go through elements of this when they're at each other's throats trying to expose the other's secrets.
- Especially evident in Chapter 18 where Shigure actually picks Yukina up and throws her onto a piano, (which no one really notices even when she hits the keys with her full weight), in an attempt to kiss her.
- Meaningful Echo: "Fall in love with me!" Said by Shigure to Yukina in an attempt to stop Akira from "stealing" Yukina away from him.
- Meganekko: Yukina.
- Moment Killer:
- Akira is often one for Shigure/Yukina, just as Shigure is often one for Akira/Yukina.
- This happens a lot in the more recent chapters (Chapters 17-20s) in the form of Mami, some sudden loud noise, or other contrived interruptions.
- Name of Cain: Averted with Akira's novel persona, Knight Cain, who's role is simply Princess Lilia's protector and The Earl's love rival.
- Nice Guy:
- Shigure uses this as a facade around his classmates and teachers to make his life easier. The only people he doesn't show this facade around is Yukina (having revealed his true personality), Akira (his rival), and Mami (his childhood friend). Though, it begins breaking and he starts accidently showing a bit more of his Hot-Blooded self when it concerns Yukina.
- Akira is one... unless you're his love rival or trying to mess with Yukina.
- Oblivious to Love: Yukina, out of her lack of experience in love.
- One Head Taller: Both Shigure and Akira with Yukina.
- Only Six Faces: Tooyama's style seems limited to certain looks, especially within this series.
- Parental Abandonment: Akira's parents were killed in a car accident when he was four-years-old.
- Pen Name: In-universe example--Yupina.
- Pinky Swear: Shigure and Mami made a promise as kids not to seriously like a person.
- Poor Communication Kills:
- Mami plays a game with Yukina: if Yukina doesn't talk to Shigure for a week, Mami will tell her a secret about Shigure's "mask." Yuki agrees without Shigure knowing of it, and Mami convinces Shigure that Yukina's mad at him because of his "mask." Naturally, Yukina's confused when Shigure questions her about it.
- The "kissing" incidents between Akira/Yukina and Shigure/Mami on the ferris wheel ride. It only looked like it happened to the other parties.
- Precocious Crush/Teacher-Student Romance: Chapter 30 reveals that Kirishima-sensei was Yukina's first love.
- Red Oni, Blue Oni: Shigure and Yukina; Shigure and Akira; Mami and Yukina.
- Relationship Sabotage: Though they aren't technically a couple yet, Mami tries to sabotage the growing relationship between Shigure and Yukina.
- Raven Hair, Ivory Skin: Yukina.
- The Rival: Akira for Shigure; Mami for Yukina.
- Secret Keeper: Akira is the only person who knows Yukina is the famous cell phone novelist Yupina.
- Shallow Love Interest: Yukina lampshades her relationship with Shigure as this in Chapter 22.
- Shojo
- Sickeningly Sweethearts: Yukina's parents.
- Single Girl Seeks Most Popular Guy: Though, the context isn't in the normal conventions of the trope. Yukina didn't want to use Shigure as her target at first because she found his perpetually smiling face boring and had no interest in him. When Yukina discovers Shigure's womanizing secret, she changes her mind and decides to use him.
- Stepford Smiler: Shigure and Mami.
- The Stoic: Yukina.
- Student Council President: Shigure.
- Super-Deformed
- Triang Relations:
- The Shigure/Yukina/Akira triangle can be seen as either Type 4 or Type 7 (though not in the typical "affair" concept unless you think Yukina is leading both boys on), whether Akira's feelings for Yukina is unrequited (Type 4) or Yukina is reciprocating some of Akira's feelings while also having feelings for Shigure (Type 7).
- The Yukina/Shigure/Mami triangle can be seen as Type 4 with Mami having unrequited feelings for Shigure, who has feelings for Yukina, who is subconsciously/unconsciously reciprocating them.
- Tsundere: Shigure is anything but pleased with being Yukina's "fake lover," but he eventually develops feelings for her, and goes back and forth between admitting and denying any feelings for her.
- Unlucky Childhood Friend: Mami. Whether Akira will follow in suit or not remains to be seen.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: A fair amount between Shigure and Yukina.
- What Is This Thing You Call Love?
- White-Haired Pretty Boy: Akira.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: Shigure uses this several times on the girls to gang up against Yukina to get Yukina to stop blackmailing him. A worse case was early into the story when he even took her glasses--Yukina's weakness--leading Yukina to nearly break down in front of a group of bitter girls.
- Write What You Know: The main idea of Yukina's cell phone novel. She observes her classmates and uses them as models for her story. The whole plot even revolves around Yukina personally experiencing love so that she can write a good love novel. In said novel, Princess Lilia is based on herself, The Earl/Count Louie is based on Shigure, and Knight Cain is based on Akira.
- Yandere: Mami has her moments. She's extremely clingy towards Shigure and is trying to ruin Yukina's relationship with Shigure. Akira himself can be considered one, giving his love rival the Death Glare quite occasionally and telling Yukina "I want to be with you until I die." Just a tad bit creepy, no?
- Zettai Ryouiki