Sengoku Otome
Ordinary High School Student Hideyoshi (real name: Yoshino Hide) can't do anything right. She's a trouble magnet who is in danger of failing, and with a test on the Sengoku period coming up, her future isn't looking bright. One night, she stops by a shrine and finds herself, through a series of accidents, being transported back to the actual Sengoku period. Only most of the major historical figures are now women, and Hideyoshi has no idea what to do or how to get home, so all she can do is help Nobunaga obtain the pieces of the Crimson Armor so she can take over Japan.
Originally a pachinko game, Sengoku Otome was adapted into an anime, Sengoku Otome Momo-iro Paradox in the spring of 2011.
Tropes used in Sengoku Otome include:
- Absolute Cleavage: Oda Nobunaga
- Action Girl: Just about the entire cast. Even Hideyoshi has her moments.
- Alternate Universe: The Sengoku era Hideoyoshi landed in is not Earth's. For one, men don't exist. Literally (Except Shiro but he is an animal so its more of a world without human men).
- The clincher is the outcome of the Battle of Okehazama, which in reality would be about a small force overcoming the enemy's greater numbers with superior strategy, ended in Yoshimoto Imagawa's death and signalled the beginning of Nobunaga's conquest. Here, it was a recreation tournament, with kite fighting done as a tie-breaker and ended with Yoshimoto just giving Nobunaga the Crimson Armor's left leg piece. This is lampshaded by Hideyoshi and Shiro.
- The Incident at Honnou-ji still happens but in actual history, happens after years of suffering repeated insults from Nobunaga, but was ultimately tipped when Nobunaga's actions resulted in the death of Mitsuhide's mother. This caused him to divert from reinforcing Toyotomi Hideyoshi to attacking Honnou-ji, and the rest is history. In the show, Mitsuhide was enduring an Unrequited Love for Nobunaga and jealous of the attention she constantly gave Hideyoshi. Not only that, but Date-sensei pushed her into actually going along with the whole incident as a ploy to steal the Crimson Armor. Nobunaga doesn't die (in fact, no one does) and she helps Mitsuhide resolve the issue, but they later find that the Crimson Armor is gone.
- And the Adventure Continues...
- And You Were There: Hideyoshi's friends in the modern day resemble the people she'll meet in the past to an uncanny degree. Except for Nobunaga, who has no modern day counterpart.
- She does have one. Her face isn't shown, her hair is not red, but she sounds and speaks exactly like Nobunaga. Hideyoshi passes her on the street.
- Animal Motifs: The Monkey for Hideyoshi and in Episode 2 Nobunaga is going to give Monkey as Hideyoshi's nickname but Hideyoshi hates it and prefers to have Hideyoshi as her nickname.
- Badass Cape: Nobunaga
- Bad Boss: Ieyasu
- Bare Your Midriff
- Beam Spam: Nobunaga's method of fighting.
- Berserk Button: Lay a hand on Hideyoshi and Nobunaga will massacre you.
- BFG: Otomo Sourin's Don Frankie cannon.
- BFS: Nobunaga's sword is pretty big.
- Big Bad Ensemble: For the most part, there wasn't one, until Ieyasu pulls a Face Heel Turn and fights the rest of the cast. Date-sensei tried to be this for about half of episode 13, but never really picked up, especially after Nobunaga destroys The Helmet of The Crimson Armor.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Ieyasu
Hideyoshi: "She's cute, but sharp-tongued."
- Blade on a Stick: Kenshin
- Blood Knight: Shingen and Kenshin
- Book Dumb: Hideyoshi
- Calling Your Attacks
- Cerebus Syndrome: Episode 9, definitely.
- Chainmail Bikini: Nobunaga. Other characters don similar armor, but wear extra clothing underneath. Not Oda.
- Chekhov's Gun: Hideyoshi has a history book containing detailed information about the Sengoku era.
- Clothing Damage: Ayup.
- CPR: Clean, Pretty, Reliable: Done by Nobunaga to Mitsuhide when the latter was knocked out by smoke inhalation.
- Dark Is Not Evil: Oda Nobunaga has a black outfit and dark cape and she is one of the good guys.
- Death Glare: Nobunaga does one after the Saigoku Three kidnaps Hideyoshi. It's pretty scary.
- Despair Event Horizon: Happens to poor Ake-rin at the end of episode 9, when she finally realizes that Nobunaga will never love her.
- Dojikko: Hideyoshi and Hanzo
- Distress Ball: Hideyoshi has a knack for getting into trouble and be tied up. She even laments about it in episode 10 for being tied up for about 4 times in the show.
- Eats Babies: Mitsuhide was supposed to spread the rumor that Nobunaga was a Friend to All Children, but thanks to Gossip Evolution, the only thing that made it through was that Mitsuhide was responsible.
- Easily Forgiven: Ieyasu and later Date.
- Eternal Japanese
- Evolving Credits: Hideyoshi's phone goes through some changes the first episode full bars and the next two no bars until it's finally broken a few episodes later.
- Eyepatch of Power: Date Masamune, obviously.
- Faceless Goons: Hanzou. Or rather, the Hanzou tribe, which is a group of about 10 identically dressed kunoichi.
- Faceless Masses: Grayed-out generic character designs in the present. Also, don't expect most people without brightly colored hair to have speaking lines.
- Facial Markings: Nobunaga
- Fan Service
- Fiery Redhead: Nobunaga
- Fish Out of Temporal Water
- Foregone Conclusion: Anyone familiar with the Incident at Honnou-ji knows how things are likely to turn out. Subverted: Hideyoshi landed in an Alternate Universe, and all bets are off.
- However in Episode 10 it does happen, if for entirely different reasons, and Nobunaga survives the event and resolves the issue with Mitsuhide.
- Gender Flip: Lampshade Hanging by Hideyoshi.
- Giant Waist Ribbon: Hideyoshi and Ieyasu have them
- Girls Are Really Scared Of Horror Stories: In episode 5, when the cast was trapped in a forest and the only way out was to tell the circle of ghosts a hundred horror stories, Mitsuhide was shown to freak out at every story so easily, she couldn't finish her own and the party had to tie and gag her twice.
- Girlish Pigtails/Odango: Hideyoshi
- Girl-On-Girl Is Hot: Shiro definitely thinks so.
- Gotta Catch Em All: The Dismantled MacGuffin, the Crimson Armor.
- Gratuitous English: "UNJUST ACCESS" flashes on Date-sensei's device when the Crimson Armor activates.
- Green-Eyed Monster: Mitsuhide is jealous of all the attention that Nobunaga gives Hideyoshi.
- Headbutt Thermometer: Nobunaga performs this on Hideyoshi in Episode 8 to make sure her fever has broken. It doesn't help matters that there was an awkward kiss the previous night that was actually anything but.
- The Heart: Hideyoshi
- Hey, It's That Voice!: There's Eri Kitamura as Akechi Mitsuhide, Megumi Toyoguchi as Oda Nobunaga. Although, to the surprise of Super Sentai fan, there's Yuka Hirata (Mele) as Date Masamune.
- Last Order is Hideyoshi.
- Shiro is Johan Liebert. Tropers, we're all fucked.
- The moment Otomo Sourin opened her mouth, fans immediately recognized Ai Nonaka's puffy voice.
- Hidden Agenda Villain: Date
- Historical Domain Character: All based on characters from the Sengoku era. Hideyoshi even fits, being based on a general who came out of nowhere historically.
- Historical In-Joke: Nobunaga famously said: "If a bird does not sing, kill it." She repeats this when Hideyoshi insists on keeping her broken cellphone.
- When Ieyasu mugs Date-sensei for the Crimson Armor after biding her time for the circumstances to lead thusly, she says "If a bird does not sing, wait for it to sing."
- Hot Amazon: Nobunaga and Shingen
- Hot Chick with a Sword: Nobunaga
- Hot Springs Episode
- How We Got Here: Episode 9.
- I Ate What?: Hideyoshi realizes a little too late what Sengoku-era medicine consists of. Primarily horse manure, with a few other things mixed in.
- I Know Mortal Kombat: Hideyoshi sucked at nearly everything Mitsuhide challenged her at, except for the staff fighting, where she emulated a Show Within a Show Kung Fat. She still lost, but she impressed Nobunaga and showed that she wasn't completely unskilled.
- In the Name of the Moon: Motonari, Motochika and Sourin introduce themselves with an elaborate roll call that, as soon as it finishes, causes them to be blown up by Nobunaga.
- Intimate Healing: Happens in episode 8 when Nobunaga gives medicine to an unconscious Hideyoshi.
- Large Ham: Nobunaga
- Layman's Terms: Date goes into a long stream of Techno Babble about time travel. Nobunaga cuts it off with "You guys are from another country?". Hideyoshi goes with that.
- Les Yay: Mitsuhide for Nobunaga.
- Hideyoshi's play based on Yoshimoto's novels.
- Hideyoshi and Nobunaga
- In episode 11 Hanzou blushes at Ieyasu when she looks at her before Ieyasu throws Hanzou to trigger the traps
- Ieyasu and Nobunaga at the end of episode 12
- Yoshimoto and Ieyasu
- Hachimaki: Hidayoshi
- Mitsuhide in episode 9, during her Let's Get Dangerous moment against Motochika and Sourin.
- Meganekko: Mitsuhide
- Miko: Ieyasu Tokugawa, or at least, that's how she dresses.
- Nerd Glasses: Hanzou
- Noblewoman's Laugh: Yoshimoto Imagawa's laugh can match Nobunaga's own Evil Laugh.
- Not What It Looks Like: Nobunaga giving Hideyoshi some medicine looks like a kiss. It turns out Nobunaga didn't even know what a kiss was.
- More like Nobunaga didn't know what the term "kiss" since it's an English word commonly used by people in Hideyoshi's time. As soon as Hideyoshi explains what it is, Nobunaga promptly blushes and denies doing such a thing.
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Ieyasu is engaged in a plan to let Nobunaga complete the Crimson Armor and then take it for herself when that is done. Hideyoshi notices the difference in personality when she comes back from the woods behind the group.
- Oblivious to Love: Nobunaga really does not see that Mitsuhide admires her to the point where she wants to go all the way with everything the practice of shudo entails.
- Ominous Opera Cape: Nobunaga
- One-Gender Race and Fundamentally Female Cast: There are no men in the world. As Hideyoshi notices.
- "On the Next...": Notably, done in live action, with Rina Hidaka (Hideyoshi) and Yuka Hirata (Date) having a brief discussion about something sort of related to the next episode.
- The One Guy: Shiro
- Potty Failure: Mitsuhide wet herself some time during the ghost story telling.
- Punny Name: Hide Yoshino
- Rapunzel Hair: Nobunaga again and Ieyasu
- Sarashi: Nobunaga in her regular clothes.
- Scary Shiny Glasses: Mitsuhide, on some occassions, showing off her jealousy of Hideyoshi for being the favorite of Nobunaga.
- Sick Episode: Episode eight.
- Shock and Awe/Spam Attack: Kenshin's Lightning Spear Flurry.
- Slasher Smile: Ieyasu at the end of Episode 10.
- Stealth Mentor: Masamune Date to Hideyoshi. Maybe. Likely, since she is the same Date-sensei from the other world.
- As it turns out, she's something of a Hidden Agenda Villain who only looks out for Hideyoshi as she's concerned for her student, but the character that better fits the mentor role is Shiro.
- Stock Footage: When using Nobunaga's special move, Cruel Blade.
- Stripperiffic
- Talking Animal: Shiro, but only to Hideyoshi. He shuts up whenever there's someone else around. Until episode 11, where he breaks his silence when he tries to stop Ieyasu.
- The Talk: Unusual in that both parties already know the mechanics and outcome of the deed, but Hideyoshi was asking Shiro how it worked because there are no men around and she was wondering how the people in that world reproduce. He bullshits her with three Delivery Stork answers (that babies were delivered by storks, were found in cabbage patches and found inside bamboo shoots), which Hideyoshi actually takes for truth, not because of immediate stupidity, but because she has no other idea how else it could work in a world without men.
- Tall, Dark and Bishoujo: Imagawa Yoshimoto and Mori Motonari
- This Loser Is You: Oh, Hideyoshi...
- Tickle Torture: Used on the Saigoku Three, who in turn use it on Hideyoshi.
- Tomboyish Ponytail: Nobunaga
- Trapped in Another World: Lampshaded by Hideyoshi.
- Tsundere: Hideyoshi has Mitsuhide pegged as one.
- Unrequited Love: Poor Mitsuhide. Coincidentally, she's heading the same path as that other tragic character voiced by Eri Kitamura. This is also the reason fans use to back up the Foregone Conclusion noted above.
- Unusual Eyebrows: Nobunaga
- Welcome Back, Traitor: Masamune Date Twice
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Masamune Date
- White-Haired Pretty Girl: Takeda Shingen
- Wolverine Claws: Mouri Motonari wields a sinister one in her left hand called the Triple Soul Claw that's able to read into people's emotions.
- X Meets Y/Recycled in Space: Koihime Musou meets Fushigi Yugi IN THE Sengoku Period!
- Yandere: Mitsuhide is showing signs of it.
- You Will Be Beethoven: Happends to Hideyoshi and Date-sensei.
- Yuri Fan: A given, considering there are no men around, but Yoshimoto and Mitsuhide stand out.
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