Girls Bravo

Girls Bravo is a Shonen Manga series written and illustrated by Mario Kaneda and serialized from 2000 to 2005 in Shōnen Ace by Kadokawa Shoten. The series was made into an anime in 2004, with a second season made in 2005. There are 24 episodes total. It also inspired a Visual Novel.
Yukinari Sasaki fears girls, having been teased and bullied by them to the point that he breaks in hives upon mere contact with them. One day, having come home from school, his Tsundere neighbor Kirie Kojima kicks him into his bathtub and is transported to "Seiren", a mysterious world with a mostly female population. Much hilarity follows.
- Abuse Is Okay When It Is Female On Male: Kirie constantly brutally beats up Yukinari (in Episode 1 she knees him in the face, and he bleeds profusely) and it's (supposed to be) Played for Laughs. If the genders were reversed, this would not be seen as funny. She also regularly abuses Fukuyama, which at first seems reasonable because he is a giant pervert, but she later meets even more perverted psycho lesbians that she prefers to run away from instead of fight unless they hurt either Fukuyama or Yukinari.
- Accidental Pervert: Yukinari
- Ascended Extra: Kosame makes far more appearances in the anime then in the manga.
- Allergic to Love
- Yukinari gets rashes whenever he is touched by a girl, as a result of bullying. Miharu apparently doesn't trigger this.
- Inverted with Fukuyama, who's allergic to men, as is Yukina, which is the reason she wants to Kill Them All.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Yukinari's been bullied by girls since he was a child.
- And I Must Scream: At the end of one episode, Fukuyama's conscience is trapped in a wooden board. Subverted in that after screaming for his sister Lisa to help him, he sees an upside to his predicament as he can now see up the skirts of women that walk over him.
- Attractive Bent Gender: Yukinari is forced to dress up as a girl in order to host a gaming tournament. His disguise is so convincing even the local pervert Fukuyama mistakes him for a pretty girl, which makes the metaphorical bridge all too heavy for Fukuyama.
- Bare Your Midriff: Dammit Fukuyama.
- Berserk Button: Kirie is apparently a really nice person unless one of two things happen: 1) somebody hurts one of the boys she likes; and 2) seeing said boy in question.
- Big Brother Complex: Tomoka and Fukuyama develop this sort of relationship and she by the end she is the only character to refer to him by his given name Kazuharu.
- Big Eater: Miharu
- Bishonen: Fukuyama and Yukinari.
- Bizarro Universe: The world on the other side of the magic mirror in Chapter 16 of the manga.
- Black Comedy Rape
- Kosame sexually assaulting Kirie in the anime.
- Also the reason why Fukuyama never gets arrested.
- Bland-Name Product
- Bratty Half-Pint: Tomoka
- Butt Monkey
- Yukinari and Fukuyama are constantly beat up and abused by Kirie and to a lesser extent the other girls beside Miharu, and they both have allergic reactions to members of a certain gender.
- Kirie herself sometimes becomes one when she is around a Psycho Lesbian.
- Casanova Wannabe: Kazuharu Fukuyama. He has a habit of feeling up women whenever he so much as talks to them, and he has the resources to have a mansion with such features as central air in the flooring to blow up skirts, and an elevator that takes women's measurements.
- Celebrity Paradox: The game expo episode, featuring Chiwa Saitou, Mamiko Noto, and Ayako Kawasumi, who voice Kirie, Yukinari, and Miharu, respectively. Talking to Herself ensues in the case of Noto.
- Censor Steam: In copious amounts. Quasi-Trope Namer. Removed in the DVD release.
- Chekhov's Gun: Remember Yukinari's being dressed as a girl early on? Not only does he accidentally knock the big bad down, his costume even down to the hair color and fake name he uses is foreshadowing her.
- Chew Toy
- Chick Magnet: Yukinari. By the end of the series he has four girls after him.
- Chivalrous Pervert: Fukuyama—not that Kirie cares about the chivalrous part.
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Lisa and Yukina over Yukinari. Kirie and Miharu are more subtle about their affections towards Yukinari.
- Kirie also acts this way to Fukuyama, even attacking him one time after some of his female admirers rescued him from drowning.
- Character Development: By the time the second season rolls around, Kirie becomes considerable more nicer to Yukinari and actually uses her fist on Fukuyama, someone who really deserves a beating.
- Clothing Damage
- Cry Cute: Kirie has already done this in the first episode.
- Dark Magical Girl: Yukina; Lisa to an extent.
- Does Not Like Men: Fukuyama; Koyomi; Yukina
- Distaff Counterpart: Yukina
- Does Not Like Women: Yukinari himself.
- Effortless Amazonian Lift: Carrying around Yukinari doesn't seem to be a problem for Kosame. Must be because she's a hitwoman.
- Erotic Eating: Miharu does this in the anime.
- Even the Girls Want Her: Kirie
- Fan Service: And how. The first piece of it is shown within the first 10 seconds of the first episode. Hell, the opening of the second season of the anime is a nude roll call of the female cast.
- Friendly Enemy: The Fukuyama siblings to the rest of the cast; how many other shows are there where the main antagonists are also Drop-In Character? Of course, sometimes they get a little too friendly.
- Furo Scene
- Gag Boobs: Kirie, again.
- Gender Bender: In one episode Lisa uses her magic to switch various people's bodies, although the body-switching gets out of hand (she didn't actually intend for gender-bending to occur).
- Gendercide: Despite the fact that Seiren is already 9/10th female, Yukina wants to kill all the remaining men to turn it into, in her words, a "women's only paradise".
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: Subverted as both Kirie and Fukuyama attempt this on Yukinari after Miharu is kidnapped only to discover that when you have spent years beating up a man for fun, slapping him when he is severely depressed and crying will not do much. He is eventually snapped out of it by a speech on Manly Tears by The Boss.
- Girl Watching
- The Glomp
- Glowing Eyes of Doom
- Guilty Pleasure: Nonetheless, it still has its fans.
- Handsome Lech: Fukuyama
- Hypocrite: In the first episode, Kirie once again prepares to pound Yukinari for walking in on her while she was in the shower. Yukinari points out that since he's so afraid of women, he has no reason to want to peep on her. Kirie then turns this around and accuses him of not liking her body, which only make her want to beat him up even MORE.
- I'll Kill You!: Adding to the surrealism of this scene is the fact that this... um, character? says all of its lines in English, even in the original Japanese version. Which qualifies it as Gratuitous English.
- Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: Other than Hayate, Kosame, and Lilica, most of Fukuyama's Bodyguard Babes Ninja Maids seems to be only trained to be as good as stormtroopers. The only good thing about them is that they give you some Panty Shot.
- Incompatible Orientation: Kirie is straight—not that Kosame and Hijiri care.
- Innocent Fanservice Girl: Miharu has no qualms about showing up naked in front of Yukinari and once tried forcing him to bathe with her. At one point in the anime she even walks around only wearing an apron because she thought Yukinari seeing her in something from his porn stash would make him happy. Also, the banana scene from the second episode. Good lord.
- Instant Cosplay Surprise: Fukuyama is a master at this, with Kirie as his favorite victim.
- Intergenerational Friendship: Tomoka the youngest cast member, who clams to be the most mature person on the show, and Lisa's henchman Hayate who actually is the most mature strike up a strange friendship.
- Karma Houdini: Kirie. She never gets called out on her behavior towards Yukinari, and nobody ever stops her when she's beating him up. However, she does get a few humiliation moments here and there, getting close to Butt Monkey status when Kosame is around.
- Lethal Chef: Kirie
- Living with the Villain: It turns out that the kids homeroom teacher Hijiri is actually a spy for the series Big Bad Yukina.
- Lord Error-Prone: Mamoru Machida, wanna-be superhero and self-proclaimed savior of the neighborhood; since he's oblivious to what's really going on, he's easily the most destructive of the minor characters.
- Lovable Sex Maniac: Fukuyama. Kirie would disagree. Most of the women of Seiren wouldn't. Oddly enough, he's quite popular there, but YMMV.
- Love At First Punch: Both Kosame and Hijiri fall in madly love with Kirie after she attacks them, and by mad we mean in a Psycho Lesbian Black Comedy Rape kind of way.
- Love Dodecahedron: It's a harem anime, after all.
- Lover Tug of War
- Maid Corps: They serve Fukuyama.
- Male Gaze
- Marshmallow Hell: Maharu does this to Yukinari, which she insists he likes even though she punched him out.
- Megaton Punch: Frequently executed by Kirie against Fukuyama and Yukinari on occasion.
- Naughty Nurse Outfit: Season 1, episode 4; Fukuyama pretends to be sick and asks Kirie to wear a nurse outfit.
- Naughty Tentacles: Season 2, episode 1.
- Never Live It Down: Kirie. Most people tend to overlook the fact that she outgrows her abusive tendencies by the second season, behaves more like an actual friend to Yukinari and even has a heartwarming moment with Yukinari near the end of the series.
- Ninja Maid: Fukuyama has some at home, most notably one that was a former mercenary which he states is a trained killer (Lilica), and he doesn't appear to be exaggerating.
- Nosebleed: At times, also the result of getting punched (and kneed) so hard in the face. One episode used this to show that the guys were excited about what the girls were doing....
- Panty Shot: Pretty much a given in every episode.
- Parental Abandonment: Despite almost all the major characters being school age the only parent talked about is Koyomi's Disappeared Dad.
- Playboy Bunny: Subverted by Fukuyama.
- Pre-Mortem One-Liner: Nonlethal variant; Kirie almost always yells "(Verb) IN HELL!!!" before unleashing a Megaton Punch on Fukuyama or (occasionally) Yukinari. Tomoka also starts doing this as well (much to Kirie's approval).
- Product Placement: Honda motorcycles among others.
- Psycho Lesbian: Hijiri and Kosame for Kirie.
- Serious Business: Mamoru asks a maid with military training for advice on cleaning.
- Shallow Love Interest: Miharu; but she's still the one he displays the most signs of romance with, since she's always nice to him.
- Shotacon: Miharu's older sister Maharu openly gropes and flirts with Yukinari.
- Shrinking Violet
- Koyomi
- Yukinari is something of a male variation, especially around girls.
- Skinship Grope
- Stalker with a Crush: Lots. Lisa for Yukinari; Fukuyama for any pretty girl but mostly goes after Kirie or Koyomi; Kosame for Kirie, Hijiri was obsessed with Miharu since they were children but later switches over to Kirie, and by the end of the series Yukina for Yukinari.
- "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Kirie to Yukinari in the first episode:
Kirie: You've always been a midget, a klutz and a blockhead. Not to mention slow in the head and snow on the uptake... I mean, I knew you were a hopelessly lame and worthless shell of a man, but to peep at me just because you can't get a girl...
- The Stoic: Hayate (except when someone asks him to marry him), Kosame (when she isn't around Kirie), and Lilica (unless told that Fukuyama has friends).
- Stupid Sexy Flanders
- Fukuyama, when he was baring his midriff in one episode.
- Yukinari, when he was dressed as a pretty girl.
- Talking the Monster to Death: When Yukinari confronts Yukina in The Grand Finale, instead of fighting they have a heart-to-heart talk and he convinces her to not commit Gendercide. Unfortunately for him, it also turned her into a Stalker with a Crush.
- Too Kinky to Torture: Lisa, Kosame, and Fukuyama—unfortunately for Yukinari, Kirie, and Koyomi.
- Fukuyama has actually been bothered by pain on three accessions, one, Kirie tied him out left him in an oil drum full of boiling water, two, he was hit by truck, and three, when Maharu KOed him with a kick to the face.
- Too Hot for TV
- Tsundere: Kirie; for instance she shows concern for Yukinari and gives him her handkerchief to help him clean up after he was badly beaten, however she was the one who beat him because she walked in on Miharu changing in the living room. It is also heavily implied that she secretly likes Fukuyama. The first episode pretty much served as the best example. Yukinari accidentally walks in on Kirie in the bathroom when she's naked which results in her kneeing him in the face. He then goes through the process on how it was an accident and how, because of his symptom, wouldn't even want to see her naked. She attacks him regardless for not wanting to see her naked. The worst part? It's his own FREAKING BATHROOM. IN HIS OWN HOUSE. WHICH SHE DID NOT ASK TO USE.
- Unsettling Gender Reveal: Occurs between Fukuyama and Yukinari, when Fukuyama grabs Yukinari by the groin when he was dressed as a girl.
- Unwanted Harem: Three girls have feelings for Yukinari, one is a bully who has beaten him up almost every day for years, another is an insane Yandere Dark Magical Girl who tries to abduct and rape him, the final one is a kind and sweet girl who does not set off his woman allergy, guess which one he returns his feelings for. Actually four if you include the Big Bad, another Yandere Dark Magical Girl. In most other harem comedies, it'd have been the bully. Plus, we never get to know why there are so few males in Seiren...
- Waterfall Puke: Fukuyama after eating Kirie's cooking.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Kirie
- Zettai Ryouiki: Miharu in the manga as does in the anime.