
Five years ago, Kakeru Satsuki's older sister committed suicide. Since then, his right eye has become a shade of gold, and he wears an eyepatch to cover it. The only person he's friends with is his childhood friend Yuka and classmates Kaori and Tadashi. But inside, he has no interest in anything. While walking home with Yuka one day, the world suddenly changes. The sky becomes red, the moon becomes black and Eldritch Abominations called Laruva roam the street. This is just the beginning of what is about to unfold.

A unique feature of the game is the Cross Vision mode, which allows the player to see events that have already happened from a different character's perspective. This is necessary, since Kakeru's narrative alone can't capture the whole story.

11eyes -Sin, damnation and the atonement girl- is a Visual Novel released by Lass in early 2008. In early 2009, a second story was created, titled 11eyes -The Story of Another side-. The second story has an almost entirely new cast, and promotes minor characters like Shiori and Kaori to main character status. These two stories were grouped together into an Updated Rerelease for the Xbox 360 titled 11eyes CrossOver.

The series also has a Gaiden Game, 11eyes -Resona Forma-.

The game is a indirect sequel to 3days, an earlier novel. Several characters between the games are related.

An anime adaptation, covering Sin, damnation and the atonement girl's story, aired in the fall of 2009 and is playing on the Anime Network.

Can also be viewed legally at Crunchyroll here.

Tropes used in 11eyes include:
  • Action Girl: Yukiko, Kusakabe, Kukuri
  • All the Myriad Ways
  • Almost Kiss: When Kakeru and Yuka think they're the only ones left the first time they enter the Red Night, this takes place. It's broken only by their sudden return to the real world. When Yuka tries it again, Takahisa arrives.
  • Anti-Magic: Yuka's late blooming ability. Problem is, it cancels out her friends' powers too. She decides to call it "Hands of Glory". Though she doesn't actually know what that means...
  • A Man Is Not a Virgin: Or a woman, if some of Misuzu's dialogue is anything to go by.
  • Artificial Human: Shiori. Although in truth she was born a human, but her family line is cursed with weak bodies and have no eye balls, to accomplish her missions, she is given a artificial body.
  • Bath Suicide: Kukuri's death.
  • Beethoven Was an Alien Spy: Major revolutions in history, like the two World Wars, the French and Russian Revolutions, etc, were caused by Liselotte Werckmeister. Liselotte was even an acquaintance of Hitler.
    • Famous holders of the Eye of Aeon include Teucer, Cyrus the Great, Rollo and Solomon.
  • Berserk Button: Takahisa's gets pressed early on in episode 9.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Kukuri, at the end of the game, you'll see some explanation for who is the most powerful of the cast.
    • Applies to Yukiko later on.
  • Big Bad: You'd think it was the Dark Knights, but in actuality, it's the girl in the crystal.
  • Big Damn Heroes: Almost all of the main characters invoke it at least once when saving their friends from the Dark Knights.
  • Big Eater: Takahisa.
  • Bittersweet Ending: by the end of the anime Yukiko, Takahisa, Shiori and Saiko are dead. Even if they seem to be alive, those are not the same characters as the ones we're familiar with. But at least Liselotte is defeated.
  • Bleached Underpants: Applies to CrossOver and the anime (mostly).
  • Body Horror: When Misuzu uses her strongest blade, her right arm turns black, swells up and sprouts spikes.
    • No, that's just the anime messing things up again. Canonically, the blade does harm to the user by sticking needles into their flesh.
  • Broken Bird: Practically all of the main female characters. Some are worse than others, but they all have a tragic backstory.
  • Bromantic Foil: Tadashi. He never gets involved in the plot in any meaningful way, and is the Butt Monkey of the story. In Story of Another side, that changes a bit.
  • The Brute: Gula, one of the Black Knights. He uses a massive club and attacks with strength alone. However, he is the first to fall.
  • But Not Too Foreign: Yukiko
  • Cat Smile: Yukiko displays one occasionally, usually when groping the other girls.
  • Child Soldiers: Yukiko
  • Clingy Jealous Girl: Yuka. She actually imposes a Final Temptation on Kakeru out of jealousy. Hands of Glory isn't her true power.
    • By episode 9, she's well on her way to become a Yandere.
      • Averted in the VN; she's a Clingy Jealous Girl but still has everyone's best interests at heart.
  • Club President: Yukiko creates the Modern Society Studies Club and ends up roping every one of the chosen ones into it.
  • Conveniently an Orphan: Everyone, to a degree, though Misuzu's mother is still alive and Yuka is living with a nice adopted mother and father. Takahisa is a Self-Made Orphan. Life was not kind to the six chosen ones.
  • Continuity Nod: Misuzu is descended from Ryuuichi Kusukabe, a character who first appeared in 3days. Yukiko makes a reference to Tsukiko, her older sister, who also appeared in 3days.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: Yukiko seems like a ditz most of the time, until the glasses come off.
  • Crystal Prison
  • Cursed with Awesome: Kakeru and his eye's ability to see future events. It plays a big role in stopping the Big Bad in episode 12.
  • Cute Mute: Kukuri.
    • In a less cute way - Lisette in the introduction, when her throat was torn and she was trying to scream.
  • Damsel in Distress: Yuka.
  • Dark Action Girl: Pretty much all the female Dark Knights.
  • Dark Chick: Superbia
  • Dark Is Not Evil: The Black Knights.
  • Dark World: The Red Night.
  • A Day at the Bizarro: The Baker's Dozen episode for the anime, which takes the main cast into the Pink Night, and perverts their powers in various ways.
  • Dead Little Sister: Older sister, but the effect is much the same.
  • Death by Origin Story: Kukuri. Turns out she's still alive.
  • Deus Sex Machina: The seal on Shiori's body can be removed by these means. Misuzu also explains that it's a way to transfer power among the Kusakabe, and Kakeru does have some Kusakabe blood in him.
  • Dissonant Serenity: In the anime, Yuka becomes increasingly calm as the tension rises.
  • Doppelganger: Kukuri Tachibana looks exactly like (and has the same name as) Kakeru's sister Kukuri. In the Xbox 360 version, a real doppelganger is a sub-boss.
  • Downer Ending: Episode 11 in the anime, also a case of The Bad Guy Wins. Averted if you continue onto episode 12.
  • Driven to Suicide: Kakeru's sister in the very beginning. Turns out there are parallel worlds, and in at least two of them, Kakeru's sister, Kukuri, knew about Liselotte's plan, which needed Kakeru's golden eye to succeed. So in one world, she had the spirit of Abraxas, which had a chain whip attack, which she used to kill him, then herself. But that world didn't have the golden eye, and instead the Kakeru in Yuka's universe/world had it, while Abraxas didn't exist in that version of Kukuri. So instead of killing both of them, Kukuri in Yuka's world only killed herself since she lacked the chain-whip attack of Abraxas. Yeah, it's kind of confusing.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Early on in the anime, you can see at least one instance of a pillar of flame lighting up in the background while Kakeru/Yuka are in the Red Night area. Takahisa can also be seen in the school and in the Red Night area, but we're not introduced to him properly until about episode 4.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Episode 12 can be viewed as this. Episode 11 can be considered "the bad ending", and is probably what Kakeru saw at the beginning of episode 12 had he done what he did in episode 11, where everyone ends up dying.
  • Eldritch Location
  • Enemy Mine: After learning the truth about Liselotte, the girl trapped in the crystal, the main characters help the surviving Dark Knights to fight Liselotte. They fail in episode 11, but succeed in 12.
  • Epic Flail: Kukuri's guardian angel, Abraxas, weilds some wicked maces. Abraxas is also a case of Chained by Fashion.
  • Evil Tower of Ominousness: Landmark Tower in the real world is replaced by six pillars where the Black Knights reside.
  • Expy - Kakeru Satsuki bears more than a passing semblance to Minato Arisato from Persona 3. And someone capitalized on the fact that Misuzu resembles Mitsuru, and came up with this. (Warning Danbooru link)
  • Eyepatch of Power: To cover Kakeru's Mismatched Eyes.
  • Eyes of Gold: Known specifically as the Eye of Aeon. It allows Kakeru to see the future. The real value of the eye is that it allows the user to assimilate previous users' experience, memories and above all, to see different possibilities of the future and realize the one that the user desires.
  • Fan Service with a Smile: There's the entire ongoing subplot to get everyone who's not Yukiko into the outfits of Cyberiada, the cafe where Kakeru and Yukiko work. It ends up succeeding.
  • Fan Web Comic: Pixiv user Zouazarashi drew fancomics featuring the Black Knights around the time of the game's debut, and is now drawing them for the anime's website. The Black Knights act a lot goofier in these than they do normally.
  • First-Name Basis: Yuka worries about this between Kakeru and Misuzu in the anime, noting a change in dynamics between them.
  • Genki Girl: Yukiko Hirohara
  • Gory Discretion Shot: Played straight for many of the characters that get killed. Strangely averted for Yukiko, we get to see Superbia rip the fragment out of her, and get to hear her scream and die. Probably why Kakeru loses it and charges Superbia before Yuka "intervenes".
  • Gotta Kill Them All: The Black Knights appear to have this goal for the heroes. The reason is because each of them (except for Kakeru) holds a fragment of Liselotte's soul or to be exact, a smaller fragment of Liselotte's fragment of the Emerald Tablet.
  • Gratuitous Hungarian: In the anime version; the most noticeable location being the episode subtitles. There's also a bit of Gratuitous Italian in episode four when Tadashi is trying to get close to Shiori and failing horribly.
    • The episode subtitles are getting worse after each episode. The opening narration though is really good, thanks to being voiced by a hungarian, András Faragó. Which begs the question why no one asked for his opinion on the translations.
  • Healing Factor: Yukiko shrugs off some pretty serious damage during the course of events. That she was a child soldier who had this ability exploited really reveals what she's gone through.
  • Healing Hands: Another of Kukuri's powers. She even equates it to an RPG.
  • Heel Face Turn: Velad in episode 12, after seeing Kakeru talk about how there can be hope for a better future, and ends up helping to banish Liselotte.
  • Heroic BSOD: Misuzu, after she learns the truth about the Fragments.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Avaritia holds Liselotte from behind in episode 12 to ensure that she gets banished to an alternate dimension where she hopefully can't escape. Unfortunately he gets sucked in as well.
  • Hot for Student: Saiko-sensei, the school nurse, though she smokes, drinks and is frequently sniffing around for virgins. Kakeru wonders how she became the nurse in the first place.
  • Hot Chick with a Sword: Misuzu Kusakabe. Five different swords, in fact. Misao Kusakabe/Superbia has the other two.
  • Humans Are the Real Monsters: Liselotte's motivation for wanting to Kill'Em All.
  • I Cannot Self-Terminate: When Takahisa starts to lose control of himself, he asks Yukiko to kill him.
    • Lisette before the final battle, begs for Kakeru to kill her.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Yukiko does this a couple of times, has it happen to her as well, and later a possessed Yuka does it to Kakeru in episode 11.
  • Instant Runes: Acedia, Yuka, Misuzu, Shiori
  • "I Know You're in There Somewhere" Fight: Kakeru to Liselotte in her final Cross Vision view. "Lisette Weltall!" "No, I'm Liselotte Werckmeister--" "Lisette Weltall! Listen to me!"
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: In episode 11, after learning Yuka may still be alive, Kakeru vows to find her. Then Misuzu mentions this trope in her mind.
  • I Will Protect Her: Kakeru's motivation for learning how to fight and protect Yuka.
    • Interesting, Yuka gender-flips this trope when invoking it on Kakeru later in the anime.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Takahisa acts cold towards most people, but he does save them occasionally in the other world.
  • Karma Houdini: Incoming apocalypse be damned, how can someone get away with brutally murdering three of the most sympathetic characters, one of whom was completely innocent. Well, Misao managed to pull it off somehow.
    • Despite becoming overly clingy, putting a razor blade in another of the cast's tea and willingly unleashing the Big Bad, Yuka somehow gets out of punishment without one single character calling her out.
  • Kill'Em All: The bad ending. It rivals End but is revealed to only be a possible scenario.
  • Light Is Not Good: The girl in white trapped in the crystal seems like an innocent person, but in actuality she's Liselotte, a pretty evil person bent on destroying all of mankind due to losing her lover. Doesn't help that the Dark Knights look evil and continually attack the main characters without bothering to tell them why.
  • Little Miss Badass: Yukiko, when she takes her glasses off.
  • Little Miss Snarker: Shiori Momono, a returnee from Italy. Frequently wishes death on Tadashi. Then again, so does Kaori, but in a much more physically violent manner.
  • Lovecraftian Superpower: The strongest of Misuzu's blades has some elements of this, including being powered by her own life force, that proves why she doesn't use it very often.
  • Love You and Everybody: Done by Kakeru.
  • Magitek: Syu, the protagonist of CrossOver's new story, makes use of this, as he's been seen casting Instant Runes from his cell phone.
  • Merged Reality
  • Mood Whiplash: "Kakeru-kun, I've made you lunch and FREAKY MASK BLOBS!!"
  • Multiple Endings: Interestingly, episode 11 is a "What if" bad ending, and is pretty damn depressing. Episode 12 can be viewed as an "alternate/happy" ending, or maybe at the start of episode 12, Kakeru used his foresight ability to see what would happen in episode 11 if he took the action he did in trying to save Yuka.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: In Yukiko's after story, Ema's thanking Kakeru for all the help in getting the school festival ready. Takahisa becomes furious.
  • Nice Hat: Kukuri wears one.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: After all but two of the Black Knights are defeated, it turns out they were the ones who were trying to stop the world from ending, not cause it.
  • Nice Job Fixing It, Villain: After the Dark Knights gloat about taking the fragment out of Yukiko, thus killing her, and taunting the main characters, Kakeru loses it and begins to attack. Shiori seems to be assisting him, but Avaritia blocks her attack with his arm, and knocking it off in the process. It goes to hit Superbia, causing her to lose the fragment, and before anyone else can do anything Yuka suddenly shows up and throws the fragment into the crystal seal holding the witch. So from the POV of the Dark Knights, the "bad guys" just released the Big Bad, while from Yuka's POV, she was helping to release an innocent person, and also, "protecting" Kakeru since the Dark Knights were attacking him.
  • Not What It Looks Like: In episode six of the anime, Yuka walks in on Kakeru and Misuzu in what looks to be a compromising position. Some Intimate Healing was involved after the Eye of Aeon was used for the first time.
  • Official Couple: Unless her route is chosen, Yukiko and Takahisa end up together.
  • Ominous Latin Chanting: The OP ("Lunatic Tears...") has ominous chanting of the Seven Deadly Sins. Until it's revealed that these are, in fact, the names of the Black Knights. Theme Naming runs among them. Ominous Chanting is present in CrossOver's OP ("Endless Tears...") and the anime's OP ("Arrival of Tears") as well.
  • One-Man Army: Verard. Though he has some help for the second one.
  • "On the Next Episode of..." Catchphrase: "Is there an answer at the end of the nightmare?"
  • Oral Fixation Fixation: Takahisa always has something in his mouth, be it a cigarette or food.
  • Ordinary High School Student
  • Paint It Black: Lisette's outfit turns from white to black when she becomes Liselotte.
  • Panty Shot: Yuka has the most, though the other girls aren't immune.
  • Pinch Me: Episode 11 is what might have happened had Kakeru not been prepared. His vision comes to an end just after the credits, leading to him snapping back into action.
  • Phantom Zone: Time comes to a halt during the Red Night, and any property damage that occurs there doesn't transfer back to the real world.
  • Playing with Fire: Takahisa
  • Quirky Miniboss Squad: The Black Knights, with Avarita functioning as The Dragon.
  • Red Sky, Take Warning
  • Ruritania: The nation of Drasuvania, which figures into the backstories of Verard and Yukiko.
  • Say My Name: Yuka says Kakeru's name. A LOT, to the point that it's her only dialogue, even.
  • Scaled Up: For the final battle, Avaritia turns into a giant black dragon.
  • Scars Are Forever: Invidia
  • School Festival: Putting on one is a major subplot in Yukiko and Takahisa's after stories in Resona Forma.
  • School Nurse: Saiko-sensei. Though with her smoking and chasing after students, she's not very good at the job.
  • Screw Destiny
  • Seven Deadly Sins: A very prominent motif in the story.
  • Shipper on Deck: Saeko, the nurse, seems a bit too interested in trying to hook up Kakeru and Yuka, and later gets mad at Takihasa when he didn't come home. Until she thinks that the reason why was because he spent the night with Yukiko, then seems okay with it, much to his dismay.
  • Shout-Out - There is a room full of shout outs in the visual novel. Here's the image .
  • Shut UP, Hannibal
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: Takahisa and Ema
  • Simultaneous Arcs: Essentially what Cross Vision does.
  • Sleep Cute: After the first Red Night, Kakeru decides to stay at Yuka's house. She holds his hand as they sleep beside each other. Aww...
  • Split Personality: When Yukiko removes her glasses, she goes from a genki girl to an emotionless, cold blooded Knife Nut.
  • Stepford Smiler: Yukiko
  • Stop or I Shoot Myself: In episode 12, Kakeru, having foresaw the future had he of done what he did in episode 11, instead threatened to commit suicide, and thereby killing the lover Liselotte was trying to meet up with again.
  • Sugar and Ice Personality: Misuzu
  • Take a Third Option: Instead of trying to do the episode 11 plots, Kakeru pretty much stabs himself. It ends up working and he recovers later.
  • Taking You with Me: Invidia plans to kill everyone in Kakeru's gang by exploding herself, but she fails due to Yuka's power awakening.
  • Talking in Your Dreams: Verard, a knight with the same kind of Mismatched Eyes as Kakeru, appears in his dreams every time that the Red Night occurs.
  • Talking with Signs: Kukuri Tachibana.
  • Tears of Blood: Kakeru, usually when weird supernatural stuff starts happening.
  • Theme Tune Cameo: Kakeru's ringtone is a midi version of the OP. Yuka's cell has the ED.
  • True Companions: "For our friends and tomorrow!"
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: Yuka and Kakeru, Tadashi and Kaori.
  • Unstoppable Rage: Takahisa after Saiko is killed. He asks for a Mercy Kill from Yukiko while he's still himself.
  • Weird Moon: The moon is black, three times larger than normal, and once Kakeru and Yuka leave the strange otherworld, still visible.
  • Wham! Episode: Episode 9. Things are not the same anymore for the main characters after that.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Interesting trope for this series. Turns out that the main characters are actually "the bad guys", and the Dark Knights are the "good" ones, trying to keep the evil witch from achieving her goal to collect the fragments within the main characters and destroy humanity. However, a lot of it probably could have been avoided, had the Dark Knights not of attacked them and continually tell them "we need to kill you", which justified the main characters in defending themselves and killing the Dark Knights, so this trope applies to both sides if you think about it.
  • When All You Have Is a Hammer: Takahisa's method of fighting is with fire, since that's all he has in the Red Night area.
  • Whip Sword: Invidia. It resembles a human spine.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever??: Lisette/Liselotte, because of what she went through in the Crusades, became immortal, fell in love with Verard, went crazy when he died and then decided to wipe out all of humanity.
  • White Gloves: Misuzu, when she's not using her powers.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Liselotte, or rather, Lisette. After what she's gone through in the Crusade...
  • Yandere: Yuka. Specifically, episode 10 of the anime, with her handing that cup of tea to Misuzu with the razor blade at the bottom of it, and how she corrects Kakeru gently about using Misuzu's last name.
  • Zettai Ryouiki: Yuka, Shiori, Yukiko, and Kaori.
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