< World Wrestling Entertainment < Brand Extension

World Wrestling Entertainment/Brand Extension/YMMV

Lists the various WWE wrestlers active during the Brand Extension Era, from 2002 to 2011. Please limit associated tropes to that wrestler's time in the WWE.

Alberto Del Rio (Alberto Rodríguez) 2010-

  • Narm Charm: "I'm handsome! I'm powerful! I'm RICH! I'M EVERYTHING!!"

Alex Riley (Kevin Robert Kiley, Jr.) 2010-

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Of course Riley would be cheered after beating the crap out of The Miz the week before, but the fact that he got to enter to this new theme doesn't hurt him one bit.
    • Irony: The track is performed by Downstait, the same band that does Miz's AAAAAWWWWWWWWWEEEESSSOOOOMMMMEEE Villain Song, "I Came To Play".

Batista (David Michael Bautista, Jr.) 2002-2010

  • Badass Decay: While he can still be considered as one, he's not as Badass as he once was during Evolution. At least, until his recent Face Heel Turn where he regained his badass status in a big way.
  • Draco in Leather Pants: During his time in Evolution back in 2004-2005.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Wrestlemania 21 was supposed to be HHH vs. Orton for the World Heavyweight title, but Batista's popularity at the time was unexpectedly increasing rapidly. So much that they put him in the main event instead.
  • Memetic Mutation: Batista's very much Photoshop fodder.

"That's my title, and coming this Sunday, I'll be taking it back!"
"Basketballs don't hold grudges!"
"Weapons aren't only encouraged. They're allowed."

Bobby Lashley (Franklin Roberto "Bobby" Lashley) 2005-2008

Brock Lesnar (Brock Edward Lesnar) 2002-2004

Brodus Clay (George Murdoch), 2010-

  • Ear Worm: WE GONNA RIP IT UP!
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Was kicked off of NXT despite winning every challenge. Soon after cut a promo calling out the fans for voting him off because of his appearance rather than his ability, triggering his quest to completely annihilate the "do-good" superstar look.
  • What the Hell, Casting Agency?: Some people's reaction to his repackaging as the 'Funkasaurus.'

Carlito (Carlos Edwin "Carly" Colon, Jr.) 2004-2010

  • He Just Didn't Care: When Carlito is dissatisfied with his standing in the company he tends to phone in his matches. This was notable between 2007 and 2008, he stepped his game back up while teaming with Primo, but after they broke up went back to not trying.

Chris Masters (Christopher Todd Mordetzky) 2005-2007, 2009-2011

CM Punk (Phillip Jack Brooks) 2006-

Cody Rhodes (Cody Runnels) 2007-

  • Ear Worm: "WOOOOOOOAH-OH! YOU'RE ONLY SMOKE AND MIRRORS!" (Which lasted as long as the "Dashing" prefix.)
    • Returned, in altered form, on the November 14th, 2011 episode of Raw.
  • Ham and Cheese

Curt Hawkins (Brian Myers) 2007-

Daniel Bryan (Bryan Danielson) 2010-

David Hart Smith (Harry Smith) 2007-2008, 2009-2011

David Otunga (David Daniel Otunga Sr) 2010-

Dolph Ziggler (Nick Nemeth) 2005, 2006, 2008-

Drew McIntyre (Drew Galloway) 2009-

Evan Bourne (Matthew Joseph Korklan) 2008-

Ezekiel Jackson (Rycklon Stephens) 2008-

Finlay (David Finlay) 2006-2011

Goldberg (William Scott "Bill" Goldberg) 2003-2004

The Great Khali (Dalip Singh Rana) 2006-2011

  • Alternate Character Interpretation: In India, Khali was always presented as a Face. Even when Heel in the USA.
  • Badass Decay: So much after losing the World Heavyweight title.
    • His alliance with newcomer (and fellow Indian) Jinder Mahal looks to reverse this trend.

Heath Slater (Heath Miller) 2010-

Jack Swagger (Jacob "Jake" Hager) 2008-

John Cena (John Felix Anthony Cena, Jr.) 2002-

John Morrison (John Randall Hennigan) 2004-2011

Justin Gabriel (Paul Lloyd Jr.) 2010-

Kaval (Brandon Silvestry) 2010

  • Badass Decay: In the indies as Lo-Ki he was a GIANT badass. A Stoic's Stoic who rarely talked and just wrestled, plus he had the hardest kicks in wrestling. But when WWE brought him in as Kaval, he became a "rookie" with Laycool of all people, as his mentors despite having ten years of experience,only won NXT because of his popularity and wore a pink shirt. And his treatment at Smackdown got even worse! where he only won a single match against Dolph Ziggler. His last match with WWE was with Drew Mcintyre and lasted only 26 seconds.
  • Narm Charm: His entrance consists of him stalking out to the ring in a manner similar to Goldberg, except he's around half Bill's size.
  • What an Idiot!: Accepted a match for his spot on Team Smackdown at Bragging Rights against Tyler Reks right after lasting five minutes against The Big Show. Guess how that ended...

Ken Kennedy (Ken Anderson) 2005-2009

Kofi Kingston (Kofi Sarkodie-Mensah) 2008-

  • Badass Decay: Not horribly, but definitely noticeable. He started getting a serious push around '08 and, at one point, was hammering on Randy Orton and leg-dropping him through the Spanish Announcers Table. After apparently botching the ending of a match with Orton, he slipped back to the upper-midcard. Granted, he's won both the IC and US titles since, but he's had a hard time making it past that point.

Michael McGillicutty (Joseph Curtis "Joe" Hennig) 2010-

The Miz (Michael "Mike" Mizanin) 2006-

Montel Vontavious Porter (Alvin Burke, Jr.) 2006-210

  • Fashion Victim Villain: The Power Ranger costume. In reality, he has a tattoo of Malcolm X and Vince was worried about offending more conservative viewers. As if that's ever stopped him before...
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: His Inferno Match with Kane. My God, who'd have thought MVP had that kind of a match in him?

Muhammad Hassan (Mark Copani) 2004-2005

Primo Colon (Edwin "Eddie" Carlos Colón) 2008-

Randy Orton (Randal "Randy" Keith Orton) 2002-

Rey Mysterio, Jr. (Oscar Gutierrez) 2002-

R-Truth (Ronald "Ron" Killings) 1999-2000, 2008-

  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Right Time definitely. Subverted, in that the song didn't get over with the crowd & he went back to "What's Up" in around a month.
  • Fan Hater: Of John Cena fans, as a heel.
  • The Scrappy: His current character plays with this - He was popular with the younger fans, but various points in his face run (Such as his tag team with John Morrison) highlighted a lack of charisma or had him acting like a brat (John Cena is unwillingly in The Nexus, R-Truth says he should just quit the WWE but Cena refuses, Truth runs away & tells Randy Orton that he thinks Cena's going to screw him over because he refused to quit); since his heel turn, he's been convinced that he's deserving of a WWE title shot despite (In-universe) not actually doing anything to deserve one & even the other heels (Who usually join in when a face is being mocked) think he's annoying. Given the number of times the WWE has tried pushing him & then dropped him back to the low-mid card after he didn't get over as well as they wanted, he may also qualify as a legitimate Scrappy.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Subverted. R-Truth gets victories over Randy Orton and John Morrison during a Gauntlet match, before wrestling John Cena to a double disqualification, winding up with his first shot at the WWE Championship. However the next week John Morrison, who's supposed to be Truth's friend, comes out and mocks him for being unfit (Due to his drinking water during a match and smoking cigarettes) & only getting his shot because the New Nexus attacked Randy Orton & The Miz caused a double disqualification to try amd get out of defending the title. R-Truth then points that all John's trying to do is get into his head, so that he challenges John to a match & puts his title shot on the line, a challenge which John then accepts. However, R-Truth then tries to back out of the match (He doesn't say that he never actually challenged John to a match, he starts trying to back out of the match), before Morrison points out that Truth had just said that if he won the WWE title, he would be a fighting champion. R-Truth then tries to get the fans to agree with him, only for them to cheer in response to the idea of the match & R-Truth to agree because of that. Morrison then beats Truth quickly, taking his spot in the title match; he snaps & beats up Morrison. The next week he tells the fans that doing things "for them" has gotten him nowhere and actively cost him his chance at the gold. Keep in mind that whilst R-Truth has a point in his reasoning for his Face Heel Turn, Morrison also had a valid point by pointing out that Truth had really earnt the shot due to the interference in his matches.
  • What an Idiot!: On the 02-07-2011 episode of Raw, airing from Milwaukee, he tried to get his customary Cheap Pop and got the city wrong, referring to Green Bay instead. This was probably because it was the day after the Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl that weekend. The crowd almost immediately started "Milwaukee" chants, and Michael Cole joined in and started inciting the crowd.
    • Getting goaded into a match by John Morrison putting his WWE title contendership on the line. Losing the match cue his Heel Turn

Santino Marella (Anthony Carelli) 2007-

  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Arguably became one once the WWE (and, by extension, the fans) figured out his gift for comedy.

Sheamus (Stephen Farrelly) 2009-

Ted Dibiase (Theodore Marvin "Ted" DiBiase, Jr.) 2008-

Tyler Reks (Gabriel Allan Tuft) 2009-

Tyson Kidd (Theodore James "T.J." Wilson) 2009-

Vladimir Kozlov (Olyeg Olyeksandrovich Prudius) 2008-2011

Umaga (Edward "Eddie" Solofa Fatu) 2002-2003, 2005-2009

Wade Barrett (Stuart Alexander Bennett) 2010-

  • Magnificent Bastard: Probably too early to tell, but his huge charisma, intelligence, and skill at implementing his plans put him on the road to being one.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: Despite being portrayed as villains, the rookies do have legitimate complaints against WWE management.

Yoshi Tatsu (Naofumi Yamamoto) 2009-

Zach Gowen 2003-2004

Zack Ryder (Matthew Cardona) 2007-

  • Crowning Moment of Funny: His entire Youtube show, Z! True Long Island Story, can definitely count. Especially humor related to his woes regarding his placement in the company (such as a skit of him trying to climb a fence while declaring he's trying to "get over").
  • Ear Worm / Memetic Mutation: "Ohhhh radioooo, tell me everything you know."
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: A jobber who rarely appears on TV yet thanks to his twitter and especially his Youtube series has garnered a tremendous fan following. And those fans (either of him, his series or both) include The Miz, John Cena, Stone Cold Steve Austin, CM Punk, Arn Anderson and The Rock.
    • Now makes regular appearances on both Raw and Smackdown, wins matches, and has been appointed Teddy Long's assistant.
  • Fashion Victim Villain: Thankfully got better over time.
  • Narm Charm: He should not be able to be convincing as a wrestler.
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