The characters of the television series Victorious:
Tori Vega
Portrayed by: Victoria Dawn Justice
- Alliterative Name: One of her posts on the states that if she had been a boy her parents would have named her Victor, so her nickname would have been Tor. This implies that her full name is Victoria Vega, and therefore fits this trope.
- Almost Kiss:
- An one-sided one with Andre in "Jade Gets Crushed".
- Another one with Beck in "Tori Goes Platinum", but she refuses out of respect for Jade's feelings.
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: With Trina, the most significant moment being the end of "Helen Back Again".
- Beware the Nice Ones: Go too far towards her or one of her friends and she will make you pay. A lot of one shot villains have found this out the hard way.
- The fact that she was about to taze a cop in "Stage Fighting" who was prepared, yet reluctant, to pull a stun gun on her.
- Just being called a grunch by one of the girls in Beck's car in "Driving Tori Crazy", provoked her enough to attack her.
- Bigger Is Better: Tori's fan in "Survival Of The Hottest".
- Butt Monkey: To a certain extent.
- Catch Phrase: "I DON'T TALK LIKE THAT!" Said whenever someone (usually Jade) mocks something she said while affecting a Southern Belle accent. You know, to make Tori sound stupid.
- Cat Fight: With Jade twice in The Wood. Also with those four girls in Beck's car in "Driving Tori Crazy".
- The Danza
- Dance Battler: Defeats the Gorilla by doing the Hammer Dance before kicking it off the crate.
- Deadpan Snarker: While nowhere near the level of Jade, she can dip into this on occasion. Jade is generally the one to bring this side of her out.
- Dreadful Musician: Do not let Tori put her hands on a musical instrument.
- Fascinating Eyebrow: Tori in particular is quite fond of it.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Phlegmatic.
- Genki Girl: Not to the same extreme as Cat, but still qualifies.
- Hypocrite: She has no problem kissing other girls' boyfriends (even those of her friends), yet wants revenge towards anyone who cheats on her or just uses her to fulfill their own goals.
- To be fair, she felt genuinely guilty the second time. The first one's...rather debatable.
- In Andre's horrible girl, she tried to convince Andre not to date a girl just so he could sing for her dad, a famous music producer. At least, until he said she could sing with him.
- Idiot Ball: Tori thinking it was a good idea to trust Trina and Cat to get her solvent by the time the play started. This is hinted in one of her status updates on The Slap: "Never send Trina and Cat to do ANYTHING!!!"
- I Just Want to Be Normal
- Kick the Dog: If anyone takes it that way. "Jade Dumps Beck", during Jade's breakdown, Tori outright tells Jade that they're not friends.
- Let Us Never Speak of This Again: Tori's armpit cream in "Robarazzi."
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The light to Trina and Jade's dark.
- Meaningful Name / Punny Name: Her name is part of the word Vic tori ous. In Japanese, her name means Bird, referring to songbirds. (Could also refer to "The Bird Scene" which Tori must successfully complete in order to be in Moonlight Magic.)
- Stellar Name: Also her last name Vega is the brightest star in the constellation Lyra.
- Malaproper: In the "Stuck in an RV" episode, Tori berates Jade with a vicious "Thank you, Catherine Obvious." Cue confusion from the other characters. After they correct her, she weakly tries to defend herself by pointing out that Catherine could be a captain.
- Meganekko: She has glasses on in a scene in "Helen Back Again" where she and her mother are exercising.
- New Transfer Student
- Nice Girl: Notably, refuses to ever lash out at Jade despite the latter's horrible attitude towards her, even to the point where she won't kiss Beck out of respect for Jade's feelings, even though Jade and Beck are no longer together. However, she can have her Jerkass moments too.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Most of the time (i.e. "Beck's Big Break", "Rex Dies" and "Wok Star" to name a few), but she fixes it.
- Subverted in Tori Tortures Teacher where Sikowitz' depression is not because Tori took him to a play that made his life look worthless, but because he misses his girlfriend's pet cat.
- Oh Crap: When Ms. Lee outright tells her she will get her revenge on Tori what she did to her daughter in "Wok Star".
- Overdrawn At the Blood Bank: in Tori Gets Stuck.
- The Rival: Jade, though she makes it clear that she'd prefer to be Jade's friend.
- Running Gag: Ever since "Rex Dies", people really can't stop mentioning Tori's cheekbones.
- She's Got Legs
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Trina.
- Silent Snarker: Her signature reaction to Jade insulting her.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After long hours of chopping squid, Ms. Lee lets Tori and Robbie leave seeing they paid off their bill. Robbie hops over the counter, only to break the plates, thus having Ms. Lee demand them to work some more. Tori says to hell with that and immediately ditches Robbie.
- Took a Level in Jerkass: Debatable in "How Trina Got In".
- Ungrateful Bitch: Even after all of the nice things Robbie's done for her, she still ditches him at Nozu in "How Trina Got In" after he breaks the dishes. Trina's an on-and-off case, seeing Tori actually does appreciate that she got into Hollywood Arts because of her.
- Victorious Loser: in "Stage Fighting". Which is interesting considering her name and the name of the show.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: With Jade.
- Woman Scorned: She's fine if you just breakup with her. Cheating on her or just using her will end with you getting a Humiliation Conga.
- With Friends Like These...: With Jade.
- The Watson: She's constantly asking what this, that and the other thing mean. At one point, she asks what an understudy is. This infuriates Jade.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: She gets the lead in "Tori Gets Stuck", but we all know why she never gets to star in her debut. "The Gorilla Club" has her defeating the gorilla, only to be tackled off of the crate. She also passes her movie audition, but because of her "gorilla injuries", she doesn't get the part.
André Harris
Portrayed by: Leon Thomas III
- Almost Kiss: Almost kisses Tori due to her posing as Jade in "Jade Gets Crushed".
- Black Best Friend: To most of the group, but most prominently to Tori, Beck, and Robbie.
- The Cast Showoff: Almost rivaling the main character herself.
- Cloudcuckoolander: Has his moments from time to time.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Genre Savvy: Comes from his Only Sane Man position.
- Grumpy Bear: Over a bad grade, he takes his anger out on Robbie in "A Christmas Tori" by shoving him out of his chair and knocking him to the ground.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Beck.
- Jack of All Trades: Can sing, act, and is gifted on multiple instruments.
- Large Ham / No Indoor Voice: Notably whenever he gets upset/stressed out.
- My Name Is Not Durwood: Trina can never get his name right.
- This running gag trails off after the first few episodes.
- Nice Guy: Except in "A Christmas Tori".
- The Not Love Interest
- Only Sane Man: Trades off with Tori and Beck at times.
- The Perfectionist: When it comes to his music.
- Recycled Premise / Status Quo Is God: Most of his B-plots involve (a) performing to get the attention of a very famous record producer, which he actually does (b) with Tori's help. Episodes later, he performs for another producer to the point he could have signed for multiple producers while in Hollywood Arts. What happened to these producers and Andre's music are never brought up anyway.
- Stunned Silence: Andre's reaction in “Freak The Freak Out” when he hears Tara and Hayley sing. In this case, he is actually shocked by how bad they are compared to Cat and Jade.
- Happened again, this time as stunned amazement when he heard Jade sing.
Cat Valentine
Portrayed by: Ariana Grande
- Anime Hair
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Girl loves her candy.
- Badass Adorable: In "The Gorilla Club", where she completes the balls of pain with ease.
- Beware the Nice Ones: More so than Tori and Beck; she broke Tori's nose in one punch, had Hayley and Tara babysit a drugged-up, crazy Trina, and coldly points their severe lack of talent when they cheer about their rigged karaoke victory, even outright stating Hayley's father doesn't love her.
Hayley: We won, because we rock.
Cat: Yeah, don't believe everything your daddy says.
- Bibble in "Tori Goes Platinum" made her a bit edgy.
- Breathless Non-Sequitur: Occasionally.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: In a way, Cat. A little bit odd and excitable but her musical talent is extremely noticeable.
- Butt Monkey
- Catch Phrase: "What's that supposed to mean?" in an anguished voice and usually to a completely innocent statement by the other person.
- "Yay, I love X!" in an excited voice when action or object is suggested/discussed.
- "One time, my brother...", followed by a story about something crazy her brother did.
- Cassandra Truth: Cat tells Robbie she can't go to Prom with him because she has a date, who happens to be from another school. Robbie doesn't believe her, but it turns out he does indeed exist.
- Chekhov's Skill: Cat's costume class helps save the day in "Beck Falls For Tori".
- Cloudcuckoolander
- Cute Bruiser: Cat is undeniably cute, yet she managed to almost break Tori's nose in one punch.
- Dyeing for Your Art: Confirmed by Word of God.
- Expy: Of Misty from Moody's Point on The Amanda Show.
- Flanderization: The biggest victim of being turned into The Ditz most of the time.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Sanguine.
- Genki Girl
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- In-Series Nickname: “Little Red” by Andre.
- Mood Swinger
- Ms. Fanservice: All the girls do their share from time to time but she gets the most, witness "Trapped In An RV"
- Odd Friendship: She and Jade. Her friendship with Trina also counts.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: Her full first name is Caterina, but only her grandma calls her that.
- Potty Emergency: Cat in Stuck in an RV, "gotta-pee gotta-pee gotta-pee!"
- Redheaded Heroine
- Scary Black Man: Her parents had one follow her around to keep her from eating bibble.
- She's Got Legs
- Strange Girl
- Suspiciously Specific Denial: “We were not watching you kiss that girl”
- "We didn't even notice your lack of hair."
- The Tease: Completely good natured, but Cat is known to flirt quite a bit with boys.
- Verbal Tic: Her nervous giggle.
- Who Wears Short Shorts?: Most of her outfits.
- You Gotta Have Red Hair
Robbie Shapiro
Portrayed by: Matt Bennett
- Abhorrent Admirer: Towards Trina and later Cat in Episode 3. Subverted in Cat's New Boyfriend, when Trina seems to be warming up greatly towards him, and how it hints he and Cat may like each other.
- Adorkable
- The Alleged Car: That car Robbie got from his uncle
- Acquired Situational Narcissism: During Robarazzi, he embarrasses his friends to gain internet fame, and says they're overreacting when they're upset. Luckily, this is the only instance of this from him, and his friends helped him see the error of his ways.
- Ambiguously Bi: He has commented that Beck looked "really good" in a tight pair of jeans in A Film by Dale Squires. See Rex Powers (his alter-ego) below for more examples.
- Bring Me My Brown Pants: Was once searching for adult diapers, and considering he recently peed himself when Jade simply glared at him, one can assume he gets scared easily enough to need extra protection.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: He's actually extremely talented in many different ways, despite being one of the most eccentric members of the cast and having Rex.
- Butt Monkey: The infamous Ice Cream Mother incident, Jade risks his life while he's in the hospital to get a spot in the play, gets beat up by Trina to help her stay in the school (which Trina never knows, so he is never given credit for helping), helps Tori with her exam and she beats him by one point for the school record, leaving him a crying heap as his picture is thrown out, and basically every episode sees him either injured, insulted, or otherwise shown in an unfairly negative light.
- The Chew Toy: Once spent a whole episode working on his car with Beck. Almost as soon as they're done, its promptly stolen, but not before a group of girls who come to flirt with Beck repeatedly spray him with a hose until he's begging for mercy. Bought a bike for $400, which was instantly destroyed less than ten seconds later by Helen hitting it with her car. Tori starts to defend him, then tells him to be more careful and runs away after she finds out the new principal hit it. Later in that same episode, Tori basically makes Robbie get beat up by Trina, while she ignores his saying he's always beaten and hates it. Cue laugh track.
- Disproportionate Retribution: A big victim of this. Robbie goes to a park (on his bike) to give away some ice cream that would have otherwise been thrown out. He willingly screams out "Free ice cream!" and all the moms chase him into an alley and beat him with sticks. Accidentally kills the Chancellor of Yerba's pet octopus, and it lands him, Trina, Cat, Jade, Beck, and Andre all in prison(Though possibly justified, as Festus later comments the octopus was like the Statue of Liberty to Yerba). He is also threatened bodily by Trina when he gives a review of her play that she doesn't like, and was once thrown out of a window by Andre's cousin Kendra for accidentally stepping on her toe.
- Extroverted Nerd: Sikowitz calls him "Urkel"" in Locked Up (see above), a reference to Family Matters which had a well-known example of the trope, one Steve Urkel.
- The first season even had him dressing similar to Urkel, with strange patterned and colorful cardigans.
- Flanderization: Somewhat in Season 2 and the beginning of season 3 on the subjects of him being cheap/selfish, having incredibly bad luck(especially with girls) and being a near Sinjin-level loser. Luckily, they pulled back and he's back to his geeky but sweet personality from season 1, if not a little more characterized.
- Important Haircut
- Jewish and Nerdy: Also a Nice Jewish Boy.
- Helpless Good Side
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Rex.
- He Really Can Act: In-universe, he's arguably the single most talented member of the main cast, skilled in every venue - but has one little issue that causes problems...
- Large Ham
- Moment Killer: Robbie does this to Tori's parents on their anniversary after getting kicked out of Sikowitz's house. If that wasn't bad enough, he then invites Cat and a guy she has just been on a date with over as well.
- Indirectly the reason for Tori spraying Cat and Daniel with cheese at the Annual Throwback. He did tell Tori where the cheese fountain was.whether or not he wanted that to happen or if it was a freak thing is up for debate...
- Nerd Glasses- The actor portraying him, Matt Bennett, sports an even nerdier pair in real life.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero - He has also been known to make things worse on occasion (i.e. "The Great Ping Pong Scam" and "Locked Up"). Sikowitz even lampshades it in the latter's case: "Way to go, Urkel".
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Tries to give free ice cream to kids at the park instead of wasting it all, and all their mothers chase him into an alley and beat him up. In order to help Trina stay in Hollywood Arts, he has to get beat up by her and is nearly killed when Helen rips off a locker door, ready to bash his head in. Makes a portable battery from car batteries so Tori can use her phone. She later gets frustrated with it and electrocutes him with them. He is the only one who rushes to see if Sikowitz is okay when he falls through his window, and by being concerned for his teacher's safety, breaks character and is sent away. He and Cat deliver some bad news to kids in song to keep them cheerful, and when they do it for Trina, she takes Robbie's guitar and smashes it. Trains Tori for her tech theater exam, and his school record is beaten by one point, leaving him broken. Gives a review on Trina's play, and is threatened bodily because Trina doesn't like the review.
- Noodle Incident: Met Andre's cousin once and accidentally stepped on her toe. She threw him out of a window.
- Real Men Wear Pink: While not exactly the manliest guy out there, you gotta give points to a kid his age who came shamelessly flaunt his male make up and $40 pedicures while not being all Camp about it.
- Running Gag: Since the beginning of the show, characters have been known to confuse Robbie for a girl.
- Usually gets a unique one once an episode, such as his zipper falling down for no reason or being snubbed a compliment every time he asks for feedback on his part in a play.
- Stalker with a Crush: He apparently has made a routine out of hiding in the bushes at Tori's house and watching her.
- Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive Guy to Rex's Manly Man.
- Unprovoked Pervert Payback: Never seen on the show itself, but he mentions once that he was sprayed with mace when he simply asked a girl out on a date.
- Wardrobe Malfunction: His pants are always unzipped for some reason.
- With Friends Like These...: Everybody will usually give him this treatment, how harshly depends on the episode. They have very little patience with him for no good reason, (he's annoying but still a good friend and person) and don't seem to mind much when he's in pain, insulted, or upset.
Rex Powers
Voiced by: Jake Farrow
- Ambiguously Bi: In Beggin' On Your Knees he says Rider Daniels is hot, when everyone stares he merely replies "Stare all you want, I'm secure", which can be taken one of two ways, but even when a straight man compliments another man's looks he usually wouldn't use such a description. Then in iParty With Victorious after André yells at him, his response is to say he has beautiful skin as he (André) leaves.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall: Rex posts a worried question about the episode "Rex Dies" on The Slap.
- Narrates in between commercial breaks during 'April Fools Blank'.
- Casanova Wannabe: Yes, the puppet.
- Companion Cube: For Robbie. The others also treat Rex as if he were real, but it's implied in "Rex Dies" that they do so to humor Robbie.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Disproportionate Retribution: Rex sabotaged the harness which lead to Trina being injured. All because she punched him in the face, and he deserved it, considering what he said.
- Evil Counterpart: For Robbie, verging on Evil Twin, but Robbie is the only member of the cast who sees him this way.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Robbie.
- Jerkass
- Kavorka Man: Closest you could get to on a kid's show...yeah..the puppet 'consorts' with a great number of North ridge girls and even has a hickey from their prom that he went to.
- Lemony Narrator: Briefly, in 'April Fool's Blank', Rex narrates at the first commercial break, telling the audience to come back..."or don't, I still get payed either way.'
- Mandatory Line: Ever since 'Blooptorious', he only appears once or twice in an episode and gets a line. In 'Car, Rain, and Fire' he doesn't even appear.
- N-Word Privileges: At the end of "Who Did It To Trina," Rex says that it's only okay if he calls himself a puppet. And yet, in iPartyWithVictorious, he didn't take offense to Sam calling him one. In fact, when Robbie told her not to say that, Rex just responded "Nah, nah, it's cool."
- He once mentioned on the Slap something along the lines of "rights for Puppet-Americans".
- Pet the Dog: This exchange with Tori about her waiting for the announcement of the announcement of a new phone.
Rex: You mean you're waiting for the announcement of the announcement?
Tori: Yeah.
Rex: Girl, you're better than that.
- Sensitive Ventriloquist and Manly Puppet: Watch any episode from seasons 1 or 2 and wait for Robbie and Rex to show up.
- Snarky Non-Human Sidekick
- The Friend Nobody Likes
- What You Are in the Dark: Subverted in Beck's Big Break; while dreaming, Robbie sees Rex as a separate being and not as an extension of himself.
Jade West
Portrayed by: Liz Gillies
- Audio Erotica: Andre ended up developing a crush on her, after hearing her sing.
- Anti-Hero: Type V
- Berserk Button: She has a number of these, but topping the list would be flirting with and/or kissing her ex-boyfriend.
- Brainy Brunette
- Brief Accent Imitation: Whenever she thinks Tori said something stupid, she repeats it back with a Southern Belle accent.
- Brutal Honesty: She tends to tell the truth in situations where other people would sugarcoat it.
- Cat Fight: With Tori twice in The Wood. The second was staged though.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: More than justified in-universe, as most new female characters (even Tori!) have made eyes at him, and lampshaded by Sikowitz in Freak The Freak Out.
- Dark Chick: To an extent.
- Deadpan Snarker: She goes into Sarcasm Mode a lot
- Defrosting Ice Queen: In several episodes, particularly "Tori and Jade's Play Date".
- The Determinator: Not even suffering from a blistering burn on her palm could break her out of character in "Sleepover at Sikowitz".
- Disproportionate Retribution: Jade went out of her way to keep Tori from playing the lead in "Tori Gets Stuck." The biggest part of this was leafing through Tori's medical records and exploiting them to make her donate two pints of blood in one night (Jade purposely misplaced the first pint).
- Easily Forgiven: By Tori in "Stage Fighting", which she lampshades. Tori tends to treat her this way in general really.
- Even Evil Has Standards: The only person she won't harm is Cat.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good: "Well, you can't be nice to me when I've been mean to you! That's not how it works!"
- Fascinating Eyebrow
- Faux Dark Action Girl: Jade can come across as hardcore (smashing Andre's apple in Tori Gets Stuck, kicking in Beck's door in Wi-Fi In The Sky, slicing up the garbage can in Wok Star), but when real danger seems afoot (most prominently in Locked Up!), Jade either bluffs or bolts. A talker, but not much of a fighter.
- She is, however, willing to throw down whenever Beck is involved. She actually attacked Tori in The Wood, due to the edited phone call scene; when the show comes back from commercial break, Tori's living room is practically wrecked due to Jade manhandling her.
- On her Slap Profile, if someone gets her angry, she won't fight them, but will retaliate in a way that will make them sad for a really long time (ex: destroy her peers socially).
- Fetish Fuel Station Attendant
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Melancholic.
- Freudian Excuse: Established in Wok Star, in that she gets it from her father because she doesn't get his respect for her career choice., it's also why she seems to try and push everyone away literally at every meeting. do it to them before they do it to her - and why she went to Tori for help to get Beck back.
- Her relationship with her father is shown to be even worse, as a video on The Slap revealed that in addition her father ignores her, rather spends his time with her stepmom and dog, and never kept one promise to her. And the one (and only) time he cooked her breakfast, she spent the whole morning throwing up.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: Mix of Type 1, Type 4, and Type 5: The rest of the group has known Jade for two years, she's dating Beck, and she's so known for viciously retaliating against people that it's unlikely anyone would make her leave even if those other two things weren't true.
- Pushed further in "The Worst Couple," the only person in the group she actually considers her friend is Andre.
- She didn't even say that she considered Andre a friend, she just didn't mention him when listing why she doesn't consider the people she hangs out with friends.
- And considering how earlier he said that if they invite Beck to play cards, they'd have to 'deal with Jade', he doesn't find her a very good friend either.
- Pushed further in "The Worst Couple," the only person in the group she actually considers her friend is Andre.
- Genre Savvy: Jade is at least somewhat Genre Savvy concerning Tori's lack of knowledge about anything theater related.
- Goth: Her appearance is gothic, but not so much her as a character.
- Heel Face Revolving Door: She is definitely the character the writers are not sure whether she should pound Tori/Trina/Cat anytime or to be their Vitriolic Best Buds at best.
- Hidden Depths: If we're to take her fourth "What I Hate" video at face value, she still believes in Santa Claus, which is the last thing you'd expect from someone like Jade.
- Hypocrite: She does everything in her power to cultivate an image of herself as scary and dangerous, but strongly objects if anyone expresses that sentiment to her face. Also, even though she says she wants friends she can count on (see I Just Want to Have Friends below), she refuses to treat Tori and the gang as her friends.
- Hypocritical Heartwarming: Never expressed out loud, but she does some things that imply that only she is allowed to mess with Tori, damn it! (For example: Celebrating when Tori gives Ryder Daniels his well-deserved Humiliation Conga, looking shocked and irritated when Robbie said Tori was "freaking out" in Robbarazzi, etc.)
- I Just Want to Have Friends: Implied. In one of her "Jade with Tots" videos, she bitterly asks her interviewee why she doesn't have any friends she can count on. (Odd perspective, considering the amount of effort Tori puts into trying to be friends with her.)
- Jerkass: Oftentimes, especially in "Jade Dumps Beck," but also in the RV episode of turning into a Jerkass Woobie.
- But takes more levels in Season 2. The biggest example was trying to sabotage Tori, the lead in Steamboat Susie (the play in "Tori Gets Stuck"), while Jade was the understudy. This meant sniffing through Tori's medical records and forcing her to donate blood to Robbie by purposely misplacing the first bag — putting two people's lives in danger and invading one person's privacy simply because she didn't get the lead in a play. Compare that to the bigger-name play in Season 1's "Tori the Zombie," where all Jade does is insult the way the director's dressed when he tells her there's no understudies for her role. Could be signs of Flanderization, but is often balanced by karma.
- Her Jerkass behavior is taken Up to Eleven in "Driving Tori Crazy", where it's heavily implied that she'd planned to kill and bury Tori or at least wanted Tori to think she would.
- Jerkass Facade: Hinted at, but not confirmed one way or the other.
- Karma Houdini: Often.
- Justified in "Stage Fighting," when Tori goes out of her way not to punish Jade.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Much more common from Season 2 on. Beck chews her out for trying to snark at Tori in "Beggin' on Your Knees." For trying to sabotage the prom, Tori ignored the votes and made Jade prom queen against her wishes and made the sabotage entertainment prom king. Sikowitz also denied Jade the lead part in "Steamboat Susie" when he caught onto her trying to take out Tori. And in "A Christmas Tori," he told her to her face that he wouldn't change the Secret Santa assignments (hers was Tori) just so she'd get what she wanted.
- Kawaiiko: Surprisingly, Jade in iParty With Victorious, as the blue swimsuit she wears seems cute, modest, and quite out of character for her. Perhaps she's not as hard-boiled as she lets on...?
- Knife Nut: Her scissors obsession.
- Laser-Guided Karma: Several times, with Prom Wrecker being the best example.
- Let Us Never Speak of This Again: Jade's sweating at the end of "Survival of the Hottest".
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The dark to Tori's light. (One of two).
- Make Up or Break Up: This tends to be Jade and Beck's relationship in a nutshell, as Jade dumps him over a small argument in "Jade Dumps Beck". They do make in the end. The second time in "The Worst Couple", however...
- Meaningful Name: She's very cynical and jaded, and is as mean as The Wicked Witch of the West. (Also, the skin of The Wicked Witch of The West is green, jade happens to be a shade of green.)
- Menstrual Menace: Sorta. Jade gets through "that time of the month" by talking about stuff she hates.
- Nightmare Fetishist: "I like to pretend I've been kidnapped by witches and they're using me to make human soup."
- Nerves of Steel: Doesn't flinch easily despite real danger, and can sleep through a war.
- Noble Demon
- Odd Couple: Her and Tori, in the rare instances where they get along.
- Odd Friendship: Jade and Cat.
- Pet the Dog: Sometimes. She shows a bit of compassion for Tori when she has a breakdown in "Ice Cream for Ke$ha" and she's greatly concerned for Cat when she's worried that her mom's boss will find out about the damage to his things in "Andre's Horrible Girl." She was even holding Robbie back from hurting himself to save Rex in "Rex Dies" and was holding Rex's hand in the hospital. She also seems to have a soft spot for Sikowitz and Cat. She does this in a major way in "Tori Goes Platinum", by giving up her shot at a major performance that could make her famous so that Tori could perform instead.
- The Rival: To Tori.
- She's Got Legs
- Smug Snake
- Took a Level In Kindness: Well, not really. She's still a Jerkass, but doesn't seem to be as bitchy as she was in earlier seasons.
- Ungrateful Bitch: When Tori saves her life in Locked Up.
- Vitriolic Best Buds: May become this to Tori. On her bad days, she can act this way to Cat.
- What the Hell, Hero?: To Tori in "Beck's Big Break."
- With Friends Like These...: With everyone.
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: In "Stage Fighting."
Beck Oliver
Portrayed by: Avan Jogia
- Almost Kiss: On Tori, but she refuses because she doesn't want to hurt Jade's feelings.
- Auto Erotica: Beck tried for this, but Jade wasn't in the mood. Probably for the best, seeing how there was a guy with a camera in the backseat.
- Base on Wheels: Beck's trailer.
- Beware the Nice Ones: He's not very pretty when pissed off, as seen in "Tori Tortures Teacher", when Tori and Andre intervene in the text-fight between him and Jade. It was kinda out of his character, though.
- He's also not very nice when he's sleep deprived and running on caffeine.
- "The Worst Couple" has Jade mentioning something about smashing her face into a car door or something of the sort, while insulting and during her grouchy moments with Beck. Beck reminds her of the fact that he has a car. Jade, of course, is offended.
- Character Development: He was pretty generic when the show started, but became more fleshed out in Robarazzi.
- The Charmer
- Chick Magnet
- Comically Serious
- Conspiracy Theorist
- Deadpan Snarker:He does have his moments.
- Even the Guys Want Him: At least when he's in drag.
- Flat Character
- Grease Monkey
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Andre.
- Implied Love Interest: Even though Tori kissed him, it's not really gone beyond an implication that they might like each other. Especially since he's already with Jade.
- It Amused Me: In a way, Beck seems to greatly amused by Jade’s possessiveness and jealousy and sometimes goes as far as to induce it a bit in a slight Trickster way.
- Make Up or Break Up: This tends to be Jade and Beck's relationship in a nutshell, as Jade dumps him over a small argument in "Jade Dumps Beck". They do make in the end. The second time in "The Worst Couple", however...
- Morality Chain: Seems to be this to Jade, as he often tries to stop her from doing more awful things and when he went to Canada for a few episodes she got a good bit worse in the meantime, only returning to normal when he came back.
- Nerves of Steel
- Nice Guy: More interesting than usual, but he still fits.
- Only Sane Man: Although the fact that André is there kinda destroys the purpose of the trope.
- Satellite Character: Early on in the show, then he got more characterization.
- "Shut Up" Kiss: Beck on Jade when she's saying sorry.
- The Stoic: "He's unscareable".
- Straight Man: Usually to Jade, though he had played it to other characters as well.
- Except for that little quirk about not drinking bottled water from mountain streams because fish urinate in it.
- Stunned Silence: Beck's reaction in “Freak The Freak Out” when he hears Tara and Hayley sing. In this case, he is actually shocked by how bad they are compared to Cat and Jade.
- Unwanted Harem: Inverted. He has no problems with random girls popping up at his doorstep and asking for rides to school. Now if he and Jade were still together, she'd flip.
Trina Vega
Portrayed by: Daniella Monet
- Action Girl: This seems to be what Trina actually does best, as she appears to make up in physical strength, agility and fighting skill, even when drugged up to the gills (Freak The Freak Out) what she lacks in singing ability.
- Her uniform, which was blue with a yellow belt, is actually a Vovinam Gi, not a Karate Gi. Also, unlike Karate, a yellow belt is the equivalent of a black belt; Trina Vega of all people is a highly skilled martial artist.
- According to "Freak The Freak Out" and "Andre's Horrible Girl", she knows some stealth techniques as well.
- Attention Whore
- Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other: With Tori, the most significant moment being the end of "Helen Back Again".
- Be Careful What You Wish For: In Survival of the Hottest, she always wished that she was hotter.
- Big Sister Instinct: She did not take it well when Tori was locked up in prison.
- She's also shown it at other times to, such as warning Tori about Ryder. She does seem to genuinely care about Tori when someone else is the one hurting her.
- Bratty Teenage Daughter
- Butt Monkey
- The Chew Toy
- Characterization Marches On: Can go from nice and sweet to bratty and vice-versa; sometimes during the same episode.
- Combat Stilettos: Though this is what she wears most of the time, she never wore them in combat, as in "Helen Back Again", she's shown wearing sneakers for the first time upon attacking Robbie. However, concerning her heels, Cat states that Trina can walk in them very gracefully despite the fact that they're too tall.
- Cool Big Sis: Though only on good days. However, it's clear that she genuinely loves her sister.
- Dance Battler: Played with: she's a skilled dancer and martial artist, but both of these skills were performed separately in different episodes, and had never been incorporated together.
- Does Not Understand Sarcasm: In Locked Up.
- Drives Like Crazy: Even does yoga and shaves while driving. Oh, and speeds.
- Four-Temperament Ensemble: The Choleric.
- The Friend Nobody Likes: Stated outright by Jade in "Stuck in an RV" and again in "Terror on Cupcake Street." Mostly Type 2 whenever she tags along with Tori's group.
- Nowadays, they seem to tolerate her.
- Good Bad Girl: Trina had no problem stealing Tori's date in Freak the Freak Out and in The Worst Couple, she was ready to take Beck the very minute he said he didn't want to be Jade's boyfriend if they were just going to keep fighting. She even tackled him in an attempt to prevent him from going to the door and after Jade leaves and Beck sits down, the final shot in the house is of Trina resting her head on Beck's shoulder.
- Good Is Not Nice: She truly is a well-intentioned person, but is too obnoxious, selfish, and irritating for that to even be acknowledged.
- Handicapped Badass: Even when drugged up to the gills (Freak The Freak Out), she's still capable of fighting.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: To drive the point home, she does most of the back-up vocals for Tori's songs. According to Tori on The Slap, Trina can actually sing.
- It's been implied that the problem isn't so much she can't sing, but that she believes she's so talented, she doesn't need to practice doing it.
- Hypocritical Heartwarming: She's done some mean things to Tori herself, but on several occasions, most notably with Ryder and when Tori is arrested, she's shown to genuinely care about Tori when someone else is being mean to her.
- Hypocritical Humor: "You have to be more careful with people's feelings." (Before turning and yelling at the annoying kid behind her for kicking her seat.)
- I Call Him Mr. Happy: Trina refers to her boobs as "the girls".
- I Just Want to Be Special
- I'll Kill You!: Trina to Robbie, upon calling her show a comedy.
- Implausible Deniability: Trina early in "Freak the Freak Out".
- Informed Flaw: Trina's bad singing is Hollywood Tone Deaf at worst. Other than too much scooping and being flat at times. Trina could sing well if she would just accept that she's not perfect and maybe some lessons would do her some good. And Trina's audition with the submarine scene was pretty good, but it was implied she didn't get the role because of her bad acting, while all she did was say one word wrong.
- She stage kissed well enough to make Robbie believe that she actually liked him.
- That's probably more Robbie's cluelessness than Trina's talent...
- Supposedly, we're supposed to believe Trina has no talent whatsoever. Yet, she's not too bad at acting, as pointed out here, and also seems to be a good dancer (note how in Locked Up, even Jade doesn't seem to mind Trina dancing with them, as long as her mic was off). Helen Back Again also shows us she has some skill in martial arts.
- She stage kissed well enough to make Robbie believe that she actually liked him.
- In the Back: Has taken out two characters from behind through the show (Hayley in "Freak The Freak Out", when Trina appears from behind the couch and grabs her from behind before taking her to the floor. The second time (Andre's Horrible Girl) was when she sneaked into Hope's party by knocking out a hostess and stealing her uniform via wrapping her arms around her neck and simply dropped her body.
- It's All About Me: She gives herself a birthweek instead of a birthday.
- Jerkass: At her worst.
- Kick Chick: Subverted. She is seen using kicks more than punches whenever she's shown fighting, but she does use her fists.
- Lethal Chef: Not that anyone has eaten her cooking, but she didn't know how to cook a turkey and decided to shove it into the microwave. Justified, seeing her father didn't want to help her.
- Let's Get Dangerous: In "Helen Back Again", and "Freak The Freak Out".
- Large Ham
- Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: The dark to Tori's light. (One of two)
- Never My Fault
- Odd Friendship. She and Cat.
- Parody Retcon: Trina's one-woman show is an In-Universe example.
- Pet the Dog: There are moments when Trina is shown to be less selfish than she appears to be. Instances such as Trina setting the solvent for Tori's face, warning her about Ryder, and being outraged about her being in prison shows a lot of Character Development for her.
- Potty Emergency: Trina apparently had a really bad one when she was six, due to a bladder infection. Poor shopping mall Santa.
- Sibling Yin-Yang: With Tori.
- She's Got Legs
- The Scrappy: In-Universe. She was referred to as "talentless and irritating" in "Helen Back Again", while "Locked Up" demonstrates that her parents would be perfectly happy if Tori took her to Yerba and never brought her back. In "Freak The Freak Out", her parents went to Santa Barbara for the sole purpose of avoiding her and Jade has stated quite plainly that nobody likes Trina.
- Small Name, Big Ego
- Spicy Latina
- Spoiled Brat
- Stalker with a Crush: If Trina doesn't get what she wants, hide.
- Straw Loser: Seems to exist solely to make Tori look better at times.
- The Unfavorite: Shows some shades of this. Such as her parents going on vacation after she gets her wisdom teeth taken out to avoid having to take care of her and demanding that she goes with Tori and her friends to Yerba as a condition to allowing them to go.
- Throw the Dog a Bone: Averted hard in "How Trina Got In".
- Took a Level in Badass: In "Freak The Freak Out" and "Helen Back Again", where Daniella Monet's talents are displayed. Trina, herself as well, as she fends off Beck, Andre, and Robbie (Freak The Freak Out), whom she uses her martial arts upon (Helen Back Again).
- Ungrateful Bitch: "So where's my present?" This is not something you say to your sister who performed a song dedicated to you.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: "Helen Back Again" was her second day in the spotlight and Crowning Moment of Awesome other than "Freak The Freak Out", until the episode after has her in the hospital because her harness was slashed during a play. Just as it couldn't get any worse, as Trina falls hard and crashes through the table after flailing around in the air, the stage wall collapses on her.
- 0% Approval Rating: And how.
Sinjin van Cleef
Portrayed by: Michael Eric Reid
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Apparently, 'he gives great crew' - he can operate lights/sound boards, and build props that are realistic enough to fool people (as he did for Tori in The Great Ping-Pong Scam). In iParty With Victorious, he also proves to be extremely good at a surfing simulator (until it malfunctioned and threw him out the window).
- Butt Monkey
- Casanova Wannabe
- Fake Guest Star-Has been absent for about only five or six episodes, not much more than Beck or Trina, yet is still considered a guest star.
- It Runs in The Family: Has a younger sister who is just as strange as him.
- No Sense of Personal Space: Falls into this territory rather commonly.
- Real Men Wear Pink: Actually has worn pink a few times. He is a bit ambiguously bi though ...
- Stalker with a Crush: To Jade.
- He also tried to make a move on Tori and/or Trina when he suggested that Tori get Trina a bobble-head of himself in "The Birthweek Song," and Cat in "Robarazzi," despite the fact that she was obviously more interested in his credit card so she could maintain a shopping addiction.
- He was also shown to be in Jade's house in WiFi in the Sky.
- Yank the Dog's Chain: In "iParty With Victorious," he seemed to be on his way to beating a surfing simulator on Expert Level (With everyone cheering him on), but a malfunction sent him flying out the window.
Hollywood Arts Staff
Erwin Sikowitz
Portrayed by: Eric Lange
- Brutal Honesty: Telling Jade "too bad" when she says she doesn't want to be Tori's Secret Santa in "A Christmas Tori." Earlier in the same episode, he even called Sinjin's sister a little weirdo right in his presence and outright told him his parents "should've stopped with him".
- In "Freak The Freak Out", when he tells Jade that she's lucky to have Beck as a boyfriend, and also slams Robbie for his lack of weekend plans.
- Played with in one episode, where he uses brutal honesty (disparaging Tori's singing and her chances of becoming a professional singer; however, he just says that to kit for reactions from the students) to demonstrate how playing against expectations in a way to draw the audience into an actor's performance.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Despite seeming rather insane, he's actually a great acting teacher most of the time.
- Catch Phrase: "Dear Gandhi!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: Very out there, but surprisingly skilled as a teacher.
- Cool Teacher
- Does Not Like Shoes: Though he does wear them at times.
- Deadpan Snarker: He's right up there with the best of 'em.
- Dressing as the Enemy: Sikowitz dresses as a prison guard in "Locked Up”.
- Heroic BSOD: Falls into this in "Tori Tortures Teacher."
- Hippie Teacher:He fits this really well.
- Intoxication Ensues: Sikowitz reputedly gets visions from coconut milk.
- Noodle Incident: Caused him to have his driver's license suspended. All we ever find out about it is that it was in Vegas and involved a female circus performer with six fingers on one hand.
- Noodle Implement: In "Cat's New Boyfriend", several people ask what the sausages Sikowitz is serving at the Hollywood Arts 'kick-back' are made of. He just laughs and laughs...
- Only Sane Man: Played with. He's not just the only teacher that the kids feel they can trust (as stated outright in "The Great Ping-Pong Scam"), but it's been shown that he has many famous and influential connections in the entertainment industry. Sikowitz has a very good idea of what the kids would be best for in the real world, his crazy teaching methods are in fact preparing them for that world, and they trust him enough to go along with what he does. His MENTAL sanity, however...
- Secret Test of Character: Is prone to using these in his class, in fact, anyone who wants to be in a play has to do the Bird Scene, which they'll only pass if they realize the hidden meaning of it.
- Shipper on Deck: He seems to be for Jade and Tori, always been them together. In "A Christmas Tori", he makes Jade act as Tori's 'Secret Santa', and in "Tori and Jade's Play Date" he deliberately has them play a couple and makes them go out on a date.
- It's also telling that Tori and Jade are always set in the male/female dynamic when placed together.
- Team Dad
- Trademark Favorite Food: Coconut, especially the milk.
Portrayed by: Marco Aiello
- The Alleged Car: So much so that Jade and Tori mistake it for a car they ordered from a junkyard in The Wood.
- Funny Foreigner
- Ruritania: Yerba, the country he comes from, as demonstrated in Locked Up!
- Unknown Rival: Apparently has never liked Robbie, and after he accidentally killed the chancellor's octopus, vowed to spit in Robbie's food everyday he orders from the Grub Truck.
Lane Alexander
Portrayed By: Lane Napper
- Beware the Nice Ones: As seen in The Wood and iParty With Victorious, though it may seem to be reasonable seeing his anger was triggered by Trina. The Wood, had him really go berserk on the TV crew.
- The Danza: Played by Lane Napper.
- Meaningful Name / Stealth Pun: You could say that Lane guides students down the right roads since he is the guidance counselor.
- Nice Guy: Most of the time.
- Only Sane Man: He's one of the saner teachers on Hollywood Arts.
- Until "Jade Gets Crushed", with that sour cream and onion scented/flavored body lotion.
- Satellite Character
Helen Dubois
- Catch Phrase: "That is not my job!"
- Former Child Star: Said phrase actually made her famous.
- Charles Atlas Superpower: Tore the door off of someone's locker with ease in assisting Trina in beating up Robbie who was posing as a mugger.
- Hey, It's That Gal: Guess what show she's from?
- Pointy-Haired Boss: Brutally subverted; Helen immediately proves her talent and great competence to Jade who questions her whether she knew about it about it all. However, having everyone re-audition did seem to be kinda a dick move.
- Sassy Black Woman
- You Might Remember Me From
Vice Principal Dickers
- Disproportionate Retribution: Gives Tori another week of detention because of Jade's snarky comment directed towards her, although it was more to do with the comment itself pissing him off.
- Hair-Trigger Temper
- Jerkass: He's just a complete douchebag.
- Meaningful Name: Dickers.
- One-Shot Character
- Pointy Haired Vice Principal: He's not very bright to be an administrator.
- Too Dumb To Have Authority: He confiscates the kids' cellphones, only to put them in a box on a shelf where they could just walk over and retrieve them. Sure, Tori only uses it to call Trina to bring tacos, but still...
- Would Hit a Girl: He didn't exactly hit Tori, but he did drag her into the janitor's closet and threatened her.
Parents and Guardians
David And Holly Vega
- Abusive Parents: Not physically, but when Trina gets her wisdom teeth out and is in immense pain, they suddenly have a vacation they need to go on and leave Tori to deal with it.
- Only Sane Parents: Besides their less than warm treatment of Trina, David and Holly seem to be the only parental figures on this show that are respectable adults, treat their kids well, and are still a family that loves each other.
- Pet the Dog: "The Birthweek Song" was probably the only moment in which they are seen being nice to Trina.
- It actually seems to be more of a case of Flanderization. The pilot episode and "The Birthweek Song" showed them being kind to and caring about Trina. As the show went on, they began to have little care for her. Now in one of the newest episodes, "Driving Tori Crazy", Holly is shown being rather indifferent to Tori. It seems the show is trying to have them slowly slip into being uncaring parents.
- Only Sane Parents: Besides their less than warm treatment of Trina, David and Holly seem to be the only parental figures on this show that are respectable adults, treat their kids well, and are still a family that loves each other.
- Hot Mom and Dad: Arguably, but Holly is actually very gorgeous.
- Parental Neglect: Have been doing this throughout the show, but Holly is shown neglecting her children the most, making breakfast only for herself in "Driving Tori Crazy".
Charlotte Harris
- Catch Phrase: "I DON'T KNOW YOU!"
- Cloudcuckoolander: More so than Cat.
- Everything Trying to Kill You: Destroyed Andre's webcam in a single punch in "Wifi In The Sky".
- Go Mad from the Revelation: Though it's unknown what exactly made her go insane.
- The Conspiracy: Charlotte believes that the post office is "run by aliens trying to enter your home and steal your ketchup." What.
- They Look Just Like Everyone Else: Convinced that her 7-year old neighbor is plotting to kill her because he was holding a plastic knife.
- Hysterical Woman: And HOW.
- I Thought You Meant: From Tori's perspective: Charlotte asks her to stick her hands out so she could hold her oatmeal. Tori puts out her hands, only to have oatmeal poured over them because Charlotte didn't want her to touch her mug.
- Satellite Character
- Supreme Chef: Andre' stated that "she makes a mean french toast."
Mr. West
- Ice King: Tori described her as "cold and judgmental."
- Defrosting Ice King: Actually admits that Jade's play was excellent.
- Jerk Dad Artistic Daughter: Hates everything concerning creative activities and believes that anyone who performs them are stupid.
- Resentful Guardian: According to Jade, he practically hates her and disapproves of her tattoos and piercings.
- Sugar and Ice Personality: Very aloof and cold towards his own daughter, but rather spend time with his new wife and her dog.
- The Stoic
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: In Jade's second "What I Hate" video, she says that she hates people who say, "Have a nice day", before something else along the lines that implies her father can't keep a job:
Jade: How do you know that my father didn't get fired? Again?
Other Characters
Hayley Ferguson and Tara Ganz
- Alpha Bitch: Hayley seems to have this trope down perfectly.
- Blonde and Brunette: Tara, blonde. Hayley, brunette.
- Curb Stomp Battle: On the receiving end and brutally stomped upon by Cat and Jade during the karaoke contest.
- Daddy's Girl: Yet they both stood victorious in the end because Hayley's father was the owner of the club. Cat flat out implies that Hayley's father doesn't love her. It took another curb-stomping from Tori to have her father reconsider that decision.
- Hollywood Tone Deaf: Their singing is so awful it actually makes Trina's sound bearable. That, and it sends Beck and Andre into stunned silence.
- Hot Girls Are Bitches
- Jerkasses: Oh, yeah.
- One Shot Characters
- Spoiled Brat: Hayley.
- Those Two Gals
- The Vamps: Both girls had no qualms with flirting with a taken man (Beck) and Andre until they found out they went to Hollywood Arts.
Ryder Daniels
- Hot Guys Are Bastards
- Jerkass: Practically told his friend that once he's done with Tori, he could have her.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He basically toyed with Tori's emotions just for a thrill and a decent grade.
- A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: The fact that he's did this to several girls before Tori came in the picture upgrades him to this. Trina even warned Tori about him from the beginning!
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He basically toyed with Tori's emotions just for a thrill and a decent grade.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: Every girl he's screwed over accompanies Tori during their performance, humiliating him in front of the entire student body.
- One-Shot Character
- Wounded Gazelle Gambit: When Tori searches through his cellphone.
Hope Quincy
- Berserk Button: "Sassing" her is a definite way to set her off.
- Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Within the first minute of her appearance, she happily invites Tori, Beck, and Robbie to sushi with her and Andre. By her second appearance, she's a full-blown bitch who questions Tori's presence at her party and outright tells her to keep her mouth shut.
- Clingy Jealous Girl: It's pretty clear later on that she is indeed jealous of Tori, most likely her friendship with Andre.
- Daddy's Girl: More so than Hayley, as it's visibly see how spoiled she is. It's brutally subverted though, when she gains a minor concussion from falling debris during the earthquake, her father prefers to watch Tori's and Andre's performance for a second time than to meet her at the hospital. The party-goers actually did the same thing.
- Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead: The fact that she gets knocked out during the earthquake right in front of Andre puts a smile on his face.
- One-Shot Character
- Sassy and Scary Black Woman
- Spoiled Brat: Flipped out on the hostess over the food at her party.
- Too Dumb to Live: During the earthquake, she's worried about her presents instead of taking covers like everyone did. You can guess how that went.
- Tsundere and/or Yandere: If Yandere, she's not too far from the typical, murderous example; even when Andre dumps her, she's still hell-bent on having him sing at her birthday party. Those mood-swings don't help her much, either.
Wing Lee
- Affably Evil
- All Asians Are Alike: Wok Star was a Chinese restaurant and Nozu is a Japanese/sushi restaurant, leading to Tori to ask her which ethnicity she is.
- Asian People Are Funny, but Rude
- Dragon Lady: Upon her makeover since opening Nozu's, though her actual ethnicity is unknown.
- Deal with the Devil: She was only going to invest in Jade's play if her daughter was to star as an singing angel. Unfortunately, her daughter was known as "talentless and irritating".
- Disposing of a Body: Outright told her employee to get rid of a stroke-feigning Trina in this manner.
Wing: Just hide the body and don't say nothing to anybody!
Everyone: O_O
- Even Evil Has Passions: She is very dedicated to the arts.
- Hoist By Her Own Petard: Or something like that...a subverted example, it's implied that she caused the "mysterious fire" that burned down Wok Star to build Nozu.
- Played straight in her first appearance, in that her obsession with getting a picture with a celebrity for her wall made her miss opening night of the play.
- Karma Houdini: Most likely burned down her own restaurant and got away with it.
- Mama Bear / Revenge: She reappears in "Andre's Horrible Girl", and it's eerily implied that she will get back at Tori for what she did to her daughter in "Wok Star", though it's hard to say whether it's implied on bound to happen seeing she outright told Tori she was to exact payback.
- Both tropes are played straight in a way in "How Trina Got In".
- Stage Mom: Practically commands her daughter to speak louder.
Daisy: Hi.
Wing: More power!
Daisy: HI!
- Why Do You Keep Changing Jobs?: Well...not change jobs, but Wok Star did burned down in a mysterious fire, and implied that she burned it down herself as an insurance fraud to build Nozu.
Dale Squires
- Asshole Victim: Right after his Jerkass Realization, he gets his ass kicked by Kendra on national television.
- Hey, It's That Guy!: Kit Taylor is now a Indie film director who takes all the credit.
- Jerkass: Took all of the credit for the film Tori "directed" herself, and told her that's how the movie business is.
- Jerkass Realization / Deadly Change-of-Heart: His conscious caught up with him and he gave Tori and the others the credit they deserved during his confession. Unfortunately, it was too late for that.
- It's All About Me: Definitely.
- Kick the Son of a Bitch: The beatdown he gained from Kendra.
- Lazy Bum: Did completely nothing during the filming of the gang's movie and still took the credit for anything.
- Manipulative Editing: When he changed the credits in the movie.
- One-Shot Character
- Villain with Good Publicity: He's a real asshole, yet has his own website with tons of adoring fans.
Kendra Harris
- Action Girl: Easily stopped the security guards while beating up Dale by slapping them.
- Berserk Button: She doesn't like to be reminded of things.
Kendra: Andre' told me what to do. I don't have to hear it twice.
- Big Beautiful Woman
- Disproportionate Retribution: According to Robbie's picture of her on The Slap, she threw him out of a window for stepping on her toe.
- Green-Eyed Monster: There is a possibility that she is jealous of people with skinny figures due to her disdain for those who eat salads.
Kendra: (Gives Tori an elevator-look) What do you eat? Salads?
Tori: Sometimes.
Kendra: Figures.
- Hair-Trigger Temper: See Disproportionate Retribution above.
- Large Ham: When calling Dale out.
- Lightning Bruiser
- No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Places one of Dale.
- No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: Inverted, and not in the Laser-Guided Karma sense; beating up Dale had gotten her an offer for her talk show according to The Slap.
- One-Shot Character
- Sassy Black Woman: Just read the quote below Berserk Button.
- Scary Black Woman: According to Robbie, she's someone you don't want to mess with.
- Stout Strength
- Woman Scorned: Poses as one towards Dale.
- Wrestler in All of Us: Puts Dale in some sort of hold while attacking him.
Melinda Murray
- Berserk Button: Apparently correcting her is one.
- Ding Dong the Witch Is Dead: Everyone on the set rejoiced when Tori inadvertently had her sent to the hospital due to her arrow-injury.
- Disproportionate Retribution: Fired Beck because he was friends with Tori, who had corrected her line while Beck had done nothing at all. Then she kicks Tori off the set.
- Jerkass: Definitely.
- Laser-Guided Karma: More like Arrow-Guided Karma; she accidentally shouts out the cue for someone to fire a crossbow on the set while yelling at Tori, and is shot in the hand in the process.
- Nice Character Mean Actress: Well, her character was more serious than nice, and it didn't take that long to show that she's a complete bitch.
- One-Shot Character
- The Prima Donna: Very.
- 0% Approval Rating: The whole cast and crew despised her.