< Victorious


Jade: "Sometimes it's fun... Like, when I'm in the mood to do it."
Beck: Which she was yesterday."
Jade: "I kinda was."

  • Alternative Character Interpretation: All four of the main girls are highly susceptible to this.
    • Andre dating Hope just to get her father to listen to her music: Was Andre stepping into the Ryder Daniels horizon just to get recognized, or was it justified for having to put up with Hope's bitchiness?
    • Does Robbie just joke around with Rex's snarky remarks, or does he use him to vent not only his hatred for his friends who bully him as well as his own self-loathing?
      • Or is Robbie really not in control of Rex's words and actions, i.e. Rex is an alternate personality?
    • Hayley and Tara: Are they really just stuck up, spoiled snobs or insecure girls who knew their singing was bad and that's why they needed Hayley's father to pronounce them the winner every time?
  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: A common criticism of the show was that Victoria Dawn Justice hogged the spotlight when it came to performing. And then, when Liz Gillies and Ariana Grande had a duet in Freak the Freak Out.
    • And it was awesome.
  • Awesome McCoolname: Tori Vega, Cat Valentine and Jade West to name a few. Not to mention the lead actress' real name, Victoria Justice, which is probably the coolest sounding of all of them.
  • Base Breaker: The entire episode "Prom Wrecker," mostly because of the debate over who caused the entire conflict. Alternative Character Interpretation comes into play here, too: Was Tori a bitch for not trying to reschedule the prome, which ended up being on the same night as Jade's play, or was this a little payback for Jade's bitchiness? Was Jade's revenge justified because Tori did not reschedule? Was it Sikowitz's fault for not warning Tori about the schedule conflict? Did anybody cross the Moral Event Horizon here, and was the episode itself a Crowning Moment of Awesome?
  • Beware the Nice Ones: In "Freak The Freak Out", Cat is actually the one to declare that if Hayley and Tara lose against Louise (Tori in disguise) in a round of karaoke by vote of the audience, they would have to 'babysit' Trina, who was drugged up from her wisdom tooth removal and fought off anyone who'd try to tame her. It may show that Cat was more pissed about the contest being rigged than Jade.
    • Beck in Tori Tortures Teacher or A Christmas Tori is not very pretty when angry or sleep deprived.
    • If Rex is just a way for Robbie to speak his real thoughts, this may apply to him.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: Mr. Sikowitz entering class through the window, and the scene accompanying it.
    • Tori spotting her neighbor, Mr. Busey, lurking around in the patio in "A Christmas Tori." The scene changes right after that.
    • Andre's "Run Dance" in the Breakfast Bunch episode. It ends with a parrot exploding from the awesomeness of his dance.
      • Don't forget the end with the panda and the balloon...
  • Broken Aesop: In "Tori Gets Stuck," Tori can't star in Steamboat Suzie after giving three pints of blood and Jade, her understudy, is disqualified because of her actions during the episode. So Sikowitz is left as the only one capable of playing the lead role in a play about women being able to do anything men can do.
  • Crack Ship: Jade/Andre being explored is one of the crackier ships the show could show.
    • Liz Gillies has jokingly said that she ships Jade/Rex.
      • There is some evidence of a Tori/Rex ship as well.
  • Crapsack School/InformedDeformity: If you're anything like Robbie, Sinjin, or the Quartets, people are going to treat you like shit. Sure, Tori and Andre are portrayed as nice people, but both didn't even bat an eye in rejecting the Quartets, whose audiences in "Beggin' On Your Knees" look bored as hell during their performance.
    • Crapsack Country- Yerba. Never go there, unless you like civil war, secret police, kangaroo courts, far below sub-standard living conditions, not to mention deadly insects.
  • Crazy Awesome: Sikowitz.
  • Crossover Ship: Freddie/Cat. Sadly very little interaction between them happens in the crossover.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome: Pretty much anytime Victoria Justice performs.
    • Jade and Cat's duet.
    • "Best Friend's Brother" in Prom Wrecker, done by Tori, Cat and Andre.
    • "Song 2 You" by Andre and Tori
      • Also a Crowning Music of Heartwarming.
      • "All I Want Is Everything" and the casts rendition of "I Want You Back" by the Jackson 5.
      • Andre and Tori's duet version of Make It Shine.
      • "Countdown" in "Andre's Horrible Girl", is probably their best song and performance yet.
      • Jade and Tori's duet "Take A Hint" in Tori and Jade's Play Date." A duet between Victoria and Liz has been long overdue and boy, did they knock it out of the park.
      • "Shut up and Dance" from "April Fools Blank," especially for being the first number in which every member of the main cast sang. (Trina included.)
  • Darker and Edgier: The show has been getting rather edgier lately, but season 3 kinda tops it.
    • "Locked Up". Some very disturbing things happen in Yerba. Quite literally as well, since most of it takes place at night or in poorly lit rooms.
  • Designated Hero: Tori. Sometimes, she does some very morally questionable things, such as kissing someone else's boyfriend for payback or selfishly leaving a friend behind at the Sushi place.
  • Designated Villain: Sure, Robbie's no saint, but you feel like the crap he has to go through is Disproportionate Retribution.
  • Dude, Not Funny: The bloody scene in "Tori Gets Stuck" has been considered this by some viewers.
    • For some viewers, that entire episode is considered this trope.
    • Also, Robbie's dependence on Rex and Andre's rarely-seen grandma come perilously close to "let's laugh at the mentally ill." Some believe Cat also qualifies, since it was said in one episode she has psychological problems.
    • We're supposed to think Trina deserves her parents not caring about her because she is selfish and egocentric most of the time. Not only do a lot of viewers disagree, but few find it funny.
    • Robbie leaving Tori's house (during the day) in Ice Cream for Ke$ha, only to come back AT NIGHT, having being beaten up by full grown adults for offering their kids ice cream. He was on a bike. And isn't even 17 yet. A group of adults just spent at least an hour beating up a defenseless teenager. Plus, the fact that it's implied the adults find him a pedophile.
  • Ear Worm: Most of the songs so far.
    • Freak the Freak Out drives this all the way, the moment you see Victoria sing the fast-beat chorus in the commercial bumpers.
    • The children's song from "The Diddly Bops" is extremely catchy.
    • It's fun to break things made of glass!
    • You don't have to be afraid to put your dream in action! You're never gonna fade you'll be the main attraction!
    • "Let me tell you what I think! I think you could use a mint! Take a hint! Take a hint!
    • Chop, chop, chop the squid, chop, chop, chop the squid. Chop, chop, chop the squid, disappoint my father.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Cat. Again.
    • Rex, Trina and Jade are also quite popular, though they're not as unanimously liked.
  • Family-Unfriendly Aesop: A video/song on TheSlap has this on purpose. It starts off as An Aesop about not trusting strangers, but later develops into "don't trust anyone".
    • More blatant than in most other shows, Beggin' On Your Knees has REVENGE ROCKS.
      • That one may be a little more understandable. The full message is, "Sometimes, it's nice to forgive and other times, REVENGE ROCKS!!!" What Tori does to Ryder is revenge, yes, but when you consider how many girls he's used like he did Tori, it can also be seen as saying he's not going to get away with what he does anymore (imagine the aesop that would've resulted if Tori had just pitied herself over it).
  • Fan-Preferred Couple: The preferred couples are split into 2 parts, the canon-plausible het ships, and the implausible (as Nickelodeon is extremely unlikely to approve them) Les Yay or Ho Yay pairings:
    • Het pairings: Andre/Tori, Robbie/Cat and Jade/Beck are the preferred couples, and form a nice neat set of Ship Mates, leaving only the older Trina out.
    • Jade/Cat was the preferred Les Yay pairing in Season 1 and was arguably the most preferred couple in the fandom as a whole.
      • Jade/Tori has left it for dead after Season 1 and is easily as popular if not more so than Jade/Beck is.
    • Robbie/Beck seems to be the preferred Ho Yay pairing.
  • Fanon: Jade's middle name, August. Jade and Beck's full names - Jadelyn and Beckett.
  • Foe Yay: Tori and Jade
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Robarazzi spoofed the conference-like format of TMZ along with a paparazzi-style ambush on Beck and Jade. A few months later, the said show caught Beck's actor Avan Jogia in a "compromising" photo with Hannah Montana star Miley Cyrus on the latter's 18th birthday.
    • There was a fanfic that parodied The Breakfast Club. Then several months later, an actual episode paying homage to the movie aired.
  • Hollywood Homely: Trina and Robbie suffer the most:
    • Trina: In "Ice Cream For Ke$ha", a boy who came on to Cat, Tori and Jade is repulsed when Trina offers to let him kiss her. Can't imagine any het male turning down a chance to kiss Daniella Mone. In Wi-fi In The Sky, the idea of getting a close-up look at Trina's/Daniella's butt is supposed to get the response "Gross!" instead of "Thank you". Daniella Money starred as the love interest in the Fairly Odd Parents movie and was so stunning that it knocked Timmy out of his self-imposed prepubescent lifestyle.
    • Robbie may not be a drop dead stud, but he's average at worst. Yet people seem to find him repulsive.
    • The reason the gang had to particpate in Sinjin's game show in "The Worst Couple" is because the original contestants were not better looking, even though all of them looked like average teenagers.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: A visual one in the Christmas episode. When Cat, Tori, and Jade are dressed and lined up like Christmas showgirls: "Ho-ho-ho"
    • Tori unleashes a load of food related ones on The Slap during the events of "The Diddly Bops"
  • Jerkass Woobie: Despite being obnoxious, Trina does kinda receive a bunch of crap from everyone that isn't really deserved. Not even her own family wants anything to do with her. It doesn't help that in just after pulling a Crowning Moment of Awesome in "Helen Back Again", Rex ruins her performance in the next episode because she punched him, leaving her seriously injured. Tori's the only one in the Vega family who seems to actually appreciate Trina due to the fact that if it wasn't for Trina, she would have never gotten into Hollywood Arts.
    • Rona Patterson can count within the show's standards, while she was mean and grouchy to the girls she becomes this when Cat's candle causes a fire that burns her house down.
    • Robbie. He's the resident Butt Monkey, his mother left him, his dad is embarrassed of him, and he has trouble trying not to cry.
  • Launcher of a Thousand Ships: Cat is the prevalent fandom bicycle, having popular pairings with Tori, Jade and Robbie, and semi-popular pairings with Beck, Andre and Trina, and a popular Crossover Ship with Freddie from iCarly. Just like Sam from sister show iCarly, the fandom interpretation of her is bisexual.
    • Jade also seems to have attracted a similar amount of ships, with her popular pairings being Tori, Cat and Beck, semi-popular pairings with Andre and Robbie, and a Crossover Ship with Sam from iCarly.
  • Like You Would Really Do It: Kicking Tori out of Hollywood Arts in the upcoming episode with Helen from Drake and Josh.
  • Love It or Hate It: "April Fools Blank" takes this Up to Eleven. Opinions have ranged between the two opposite ends of the spectrum-it's either the funniest thing in the history of the world, or a piece of trash. There was practically no middle ground whatsoever.
  • Memetic Mutation: The phrase "If X, (Y, and Z happened), s/he would burst into flames." Most likely derived from the scene discussing Andre's crazy grandmother, "The woman would burst into flames."
  • Moe: Cat.
  • Moral Event Horizon: "Breaking up" with Tori becomes one in hindsight for Ryder Daniels when its revealed he was just using her to get a good grade and would've dumped her the moment he didn't need her anymore anyway. This means he broke up with her simply to play with her emotions and make her come begging for him to take her back. A more onscreen one would be telling the boy hooking up his mic that he can have Tori in about 5 minutes once he was through with her. His delivery is so callous it makes it clear he doesn't have any regrets about breaking someones heart.
    • Jade crosses it when she steals the pint of Tori's blood, which Robbie needed, so Tori would be unable to perform. Let me rephrase that: She potentially put two people's lives in danger just because she got snubbed the lead role in a play.
    • The thing with Cat and North Star. Cat misled a whole bunch of people who were probably in life-threatening situations for a week. A bunch of people probably died because of her, and she didn't even get upset when her friends pointed it out. Granted, it's Cat so she probably didn't fully understand the implications, but still...
    • In "Wok Star," Jackie Bonet (Trina in disguise) feigns a heart attack in the middle of a restaurant, and while the other patrons are concerned, the owner (Ms. Lee) takes a picture with her while Trina's on the floor to have put it placed on her "wall of celebrities". When the waiter asks what to do with her, she tosses it out this lovely gem:
  • Name's the Same: A girl named Jade? Who is connected to someone or something named Bec(k)? It would be Hilarious in Hindsight if the comic didn't predate the show.
  • Never Live It Down: Tori kisses Beck in the pilot. Both of them still take flak for it.
    • Justified, as it's mostly from Jade. Jade is clingy and jealous towards Beck, and spiteful towards... well, everybody, but especially Tori.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Despite the show running alongside sister show iCarly, and characters being played by actors younger than the age the iCarly actors are now, this show is not a 'kids' show or even an early teen/tween show like it's sister show. It is firmly a mid to late teen show (not that it keeps ITV from running it on weekend mornings). Even with that in mind, it can still go further than that description implies. Some examples:
    • "A Film by Dale Squires", Cat's character Monica kisses Beck's character, but then dies. Jade's character tries to make sure she's alive, to no avail. Beck's character is then interrogated, followed by a scene where Jade's character takes a bloody knife and cleans it off. (Cat, watching this, gasps.) Jade's character then puts the knife in a drawer with a picture of Monica. After she shuts it, the last scene shows a car driving in the night on a lone road. Plus, that music really feels creepy.
    • Also in "Beck's Big Break", when Robbie has a dream of a GIANT REX towering over him in a darkened atmosphere while he's in a cereal bowl, and the giant Rex blasts him with snot. Doubles as Nausea Fuel.
      • Melinda Murray's injury. She gets an arrow impaled through her hand, coupled with her agonizing screams afterward.
    • Tori gives Robbie three pints of blood. The first is stolen by Jade. The second he drops and gets all over himself and Tori. I will have nightmares forever...
    • That horrifying video Jade played at the prom in "Prom Wrecker."
    • Jade's re-audition. A horror film that she wrote, directed, and starred in. It's extremely disturbing. It's Jade, lying in a bathtub with a Jack-in-the-box playing "Pop Goes the Weasel." There are screams in the background and a voice moaning from inside the Jack-in-the-box "Let me out." Suddenly a little boy on a rocking horse appears beside the bathtub and asks, "Why are you doing this?" Jade replies in an incredibly creepy monotone, "Because you're bad." She then starts humming along creepily to the song while the little boy whimpers, "No, no, no, no." He starts yelling "Stop it! Stop it!" The Jack-in-the-box pops open and Jade screams in her "man voice" "POP GOES THE WEASEL!" The little boy completely loses it and starts screaming, "I HATE YOU!!!" while Jade screams back, "I LOVE YOU!!!" It's way creepier than it sounds.
    • "Terror On Cupcake Street", the second half has the group stranded in a dangerous part of town late at night. Oh, and they're all wearing pajamas and in a cupcake shaped float. The police and tow truck refuse to come there, Sikowitz, Andre and Beck basically get mugged, the float gets attacked by a group that would have done who knows what if they hadn't gotten scared off, and Tori encounters three tough looking thugs all alone. Once again, she's in pajamas. They're extremely lucky nobody was seriously hurt or worse.
    • The clown in "Car, Rain, And Fire". No only does he look terrifying. He also creepily asks Tori if he can go to her house. The girls drive away AS FAST AS THEY CAN.
    • This picture of Hope is quite disturbing.
    • A LOT of "Locked Up".
    • Ponnie.
  • Old Media Playing Catch Up: This is essentially Nick's version of Hannah Montana, years after that show had sucked out all the dollars in the Idol Singer market.
  • Official Couple: Jade/Beck.
  • One True Threesome: Cat/Tori/Jade aka Catorade.
  • Portmanteau Couple Name: Tandré (Tori/André), Bori (Beck/Tori), Bade (Beck/Jade), Cade or Jat (Cat/Jade) and Cabbie (Cat/Robbie). And that's just the most popular ships.
  • Protagonist-Centered Morality: Trina having no friends (or being borderline abused by her parents) is portrayed as what she deserves for being conceited. Considering Jade and Tori have done much more horrible things than Trina, if she was a main character, she would probably be The Woobie.
  • Protection From Editors: It's becoming more and more obvious as the radar list grows.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Leon Thomas III played the homeless guitar player Arthur in August Rush.
  • Seasonal Rot: Season 2, mostly because of how some of the characters have been flanderized. As of Season 2, Cat Took a Level In Dumbass, Jade Took a Level in Jerkass (or rather, the writers seemed to forget that she's supposed to have a Hidden Heart of Gold) and some of the characters seem to have lost a little focus. Jade's Karma Houdini status has been seriously downplayed as she goes out of her way to stir up more trouble, but thanks to Moral Dissonance, Tori seems to become one in her jerkier moments.
  • Shipping
    • Ship Mates: A common triple Ship Mates consists of Tori/André, Jade/Beck and Cat/Robbie. It avoids anyone having to Die for Our Ship or even having to break the only canon pairing up.
      • Tori/Beck can be this for Jade/Cat shippers, either to set the stage (if Tori steals Beck away) or as a means of throwing Beck a bone (if Tori and Beck get together after he and Jade break up).
      • Things get a little more interesting if your One True Pairing is Jade/Tori. The Ship Mates for that one can end up being Cat/Beck or Cat/Robbie (the former being ideal, as it allows you to avert both of the popular Jade pairings). May also involve a nasty breakup between Beck and Jade in order to set the stage. Unfortunately, there aren't many people who've been willing to set those two up together.
      • Paradoxically, Jade/Beck and Cat/Jade go very well together. Beck/Jade stories will often have some focus on the Cat/Jade friendship, or even a nod to the romantic ship.
    • Likewise, Cat/Jade stories will often develop a Beck/Jade friendship after the break-up, or have Beck and Jade still together.
  • Ship Sinking: "Tori Goes Platinum" officially sinks Tori/Beck
  • Ship Tease: Happens a decent amount. "Jade Gets Crushed" is huge one though. There's Jade/Andre as the main plot with some Tori/Andre in the scene where Tori dresses and acts like Jade.
    • Tori/Jade gets more Ship Tease than the canon Tori/Beck in season 2, turning Jade into a classic Tsundere for Tori, while Tori seems to be pushing Jade's buttons to try and get Jade to admit her feelings for Tori.
  • So Bad It's Good: Trina's one-woman show.
    • Trina's acting/singing in general.
    • Robbie's songs about broken glass may also count, depending on the definition of bad.
      • Speaking of, "Favorite Food".
  • Tear Jerker: The look on Tori's face when she learned announced that she was being kicked out of Hollywood Arts in "Helen Back Again." Her crushed look, followed by her bursting into tears, was enough to break anyone's heart. It was also a great sign of her Character Development, since in the Pilot she was questioning whether she even belonged there, but now it would kill her to have to leave.
    • Trina's status as the Unfavorite. It's really depressing that we're laughing at a character whose own parents wish she would just go away forever.
      • Not to mention how the show tries to justify it with Trina being a Spoiled Brat.
      • Jade's breakdown to tears in 'Jade Dumps Beck' was heartbreaking, considering she is usually so intimidating, and now she's sobbing asking for help from her enemy. Also, Robbie in 'Rex Dies'. The way he responds to Rex's accident reminds one of how they feel when they lose a pet.
    • "The Worst Couple," specifically the end to the A-plot.
  • The Scrappy: Fans did NOT react well to Rex's, or should we say Christopher Cane's, greatly increased roles in the "Evenings with Victorious" and "iCarly". Possibly a reason for his Ensemble Darkhorse status is getting in a few funny lines and dissappearing for a majority of the episode. In-universe, Trina seems to be this to everyone around her.
    • Cat has been descending into this territory as of Season 2 due to Flanderization.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: The iCarly crossover. There was little to no interaction between characters from either show except for the ending. The plot was basically the same of 'Beggin On Your Knees' except the villian is a two-timer, and Tori was the only one with major interaction with the iCarly gang, as well as a minor rap battle between Robbie/Rex and Sam.
    • In "Prom Wrecker", Jade tries to ruin Tori's prome. It was mentioned earlier that Cat got 12 gallons of blood for Jade's (cancelled) show. Now, what exactly could she do with blood at a prom she's trying to ruin?
    • "Jade Gets Crushed"-Andre falling in love with Jade, they could have him and Beck fighting, Jade feeling conflicted, and maybe giving Cat an actual role. But no.
    • "How Trina Got In" could've been a good opportunity for Trina to receive Character Development and reveal that she does have talent, but instead, she performed during Sikowitz's Mushroom Samba, thinking she was talented.
  • The Woobie:

Jade: (close to tears) "This kite is broken. I was just walking around and (voice breaks) I saw this kite in a bush, and... and it's broken and somebody should fix it!"

    • Cat in "WiFi in the Sky". The poor girl was just having some fun with the effects... Granted, she was distracting everyone from the project and not really helping, but she's Cat. Tori could've known what was going to happen if she yelled.
    • Cat again, in Cat's New Boyfriend. Her squeaking voice and devastated facial expression when she caught Tori on the act of kissing her boyfriend makes you want to hug her. When she asks "Why would you be mean to me?" the moe/woobiness is just amplified.
    • Jade in "Wok Star". Hard not to feel sorry for someone who had her play rejected by the school, then got offered the chance to perform it, only to have the person funding it force her to change a scene in a way that was going to make her play look like a joke in front of her overly-judgmental father. (Who, by the way, hates that she wants to be an actress.)
      • Jade again in "the Worst Couple." And Beck in "The Worst Couple."
    • Don't forget Sinjinn. I mean, he's not COMPLETELY ignorant.
    • Robbie.

Andre: Why are you crying?
Robbie: Sometimes, it's hard for me NOT to cry...

      • He's a Jerkass Woobie, but it's mostly played for laughs. The other examples tend to be more serious.
      • In one episode, its implied that his mother left because of him. Definitely Woobie status.
    • And then there's Andre in "Jade Get's Crushed."

"But if I sing her the song, then she'll know how I feel, and then Beck will know, and then I'm a bad person, and I promised my grandma I'd never be a bad person . . . you know, before she lost her mind"

  • They Copied It, So It Sucks: If you were a fan of Taina, you may hate this show, especially when you consider Nickelodeon screwed over the former and more or less adores the latter.
    • True Companions: The gang themselves are kind of an deconstruction of this: Sure, they're now hanging out with Trina, but as Jade claims, no one likes her. Robbie and Sinjin are treated like social rejects, though Sinjin has it worse. Cat, according to Jade, is just a pet. The only characters who avoid this treatment are Tori, Andre, and Beck.
    • They could also be viewed as a reconstruction: Yeah, the group has some issues, but they still work. It's been shown multiple times that when the chips are down, they're bound by a strong friendship.
  • Unfortunate Implications: Tori kissing Beck is supposed to be a CMoA. The implications set in when you realize he has a girlfriend who had to watch the whole thing. No wonder Jade hates her. She may be a bitch, but still...
      • However, that really doesn't change the fact that Jade kind of deserved it anyway because she was a bully to Tori for no apparent reason.
    • How about the mob of male ballet students, ganging up on the lone female student.
    • Trina can't remember the name of the only black main character. Makes you wonder...
      • Well, she remembers Lane, so that's something.
    • In Freak the Freak Out, Haley and Tara still look rather complacent when Tori proves herself a better singer than them and don't start getting intimidated until she also removes her ugly disguise.
      • Well they were the vain, obnoxious jerks, so it makes sense.
      • This troper saw their reactions less as "Oh, no, she's attractive!" and more as "Oh, no, we were tricked!"
    • When Andre is told he is to play a pregnant marathoner, his first question is, "Who's the daddy?" Given stereotypes about African-American parents, Unfortunate Implications indeed.
      • African American stereotypes come up again in Robarazzi when André is accused of having a "Ketchup Problem".
    • Where does Doug the Diaper Guy take Jade after they're crowned prom king and queen? He was carrying her like a groom would a bride...
    • The thing with Cat and North Star. Cat misled a whole bunch of people who were probably in life-threatening situations for a week. A bunch of people probably died because of her, and she didn't even get upset when her friends pointed it out. Granted, it's Cat so she probably didn't fully understand the implications, but still...
    • Trina's parents obviously don't care much for her, if at all. Trina, most of the time, acts like a Spoiled Brat. It may or may not be intentional, but the show is apparently trying to justify her parents not caring about her with her obnoxious behavior. Umm...
    • Robbie and Tori's conversation in Helen Back Again:

Robbie: But I hate being beaten. I always have!
Audience laughs and Tori, annoyed, rolls her eyes at this.

    • A Japanese/Chinese restaurant being owned by an immigrant Asian woman (Mrs. Lee) with a poor accent? It's bad, but not that bad because this does occur in real life quite often. But when that woman is the only prominent Asian character featured on the show...ouch.
      • There was that Asian guy who worked at her restaurant as the karaoke DJ...but then again he too was a bad caricature of an Asian person.
      • Tori asking Mrs. Lee if she was either Chinese or Japanese.
    • Robbie doesn't have phone service because he doesn't want to pay 45 dollars a month.
    • Any song about a girl will be about having her affection (every Tori/Andre duet we've had except the Make It Shine remix), but any song about a boy is about telling him off (Give It Up, Freak the Freak Out, Take a Hint, Beggin' On Your Knees [1]), except Best Friend's Brother. Double Standard, much?
      • Not to mention that Take A Hint mentions punching the guy.[2] You can imagine that if the song was about a girl, there would be an uproar.
    • Even Best Friend's Brother falls under this trope, as dating your best friend's sibling isn't exactly something smiled upon.
    • All I Want Is Everything qualifies as well. The song is supposed to be about not just settling for "good enough", but with lines like "Too much is not enough", it sounds more like she's being greedy and arrogant. Not to mention the music video has her essentially stalking the boy she's after.
  • Unnecessary Makeover: Jade's season 2 hairstyle,[3] according to this wiki , has not been seen favorably. In all fairness, according to Liz Gillies, this change came because she felt that she needed a tan after finding herself pale in a bikini in "Survival of the Hottest" (Which she lampshades hilariously). But the producers may have went a bit too far.
    • In an interview Gillies explains that she was actually too pale and needed to be darkened. This change may not have been wise in conjunction with the other alterations to her appearance.
  • Wangst: Andre. Certain plotlines usually had him lamenting about a certain disaster either to his talent or a budding musical career, prompting Tori to step in and help for the rest of the episode.
    • Other examples of this include him doing the same thing with his always kissing girlfriend and never being stung by a bee.
      • At least the wangst about his girlfriend was somewhat reasonable. She was forceful, which isn't exactly pleasant.
  • Why Does Everyone Think I'm Andy Samberg? Definitely occurs in-universe, but since one may not think Robbie looks like Samberg, that's why it's on this page.
  • With Friends Like These...: Jade and Trina can be like this to everyone at times, if you can consider Trina their friend. Everyone will usually give a little of this to Robbie as well, he commonly receives negativity from them he doesn't really deserve.

Back to Victorious
  1. the latter two are obvious
  2. The line is "Get your hands off my hips or I'll punch you in the lips!"
  3. Black hair with a blue streak instead of brown hair with multicolored streaks
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