< Victorious


Fridge Brilliance

  • In the Sleepover episode, everyone did a lot of really bad acting and the fans complained about how bad most of it (especially Tori's) was. Then you realize why the acting was so bad: because they all intentionally gave each other the most 2-dimensional characters they could think of as a way of emlinating the person they were choosing for so they would have a better chance at winning themselves. Tori was only given "a lady police officer who wears too much red lipstick and is obessed with Rasin Bran." There isn't much you can do with that description. The others all had characters where they had leeway-well, except Andre, but all he had to do was sit and pant and people believed it. Tori did such a lousy job becuase she literally had nothing to work with.
    • Remember the other descriptions too? Jade had to be an inhumanly nice farmgirl (doable, there's a lot you can make up for that), Beck had to just be British and invade people's personal space (again, a lot you can make up), Robbie was a motivational speaker who just had to occasionally fall down (so he just had to spout a bunch of positive sounding BS), Cat had to be a lousy comedienne (aka herself but intentionally obnoxious), but Andre and Tori just had "you're a pregant marathon runner" and "police officer with too much lipstick and a Rasin Bran fetish." There was much less to work with, especially if Tori thought that by adopting a Jersey accent she was perfectly immitating a cop (too much TV?). Andre just sat around, panted, and asked for water.
      • There was her "man down, man down!" moment. They may have all just run out of ideas at the end of the night. It's hard to hold a 2-dimensional character for a short skit (like on Whose Line Is It Anyway?), much less a six to eight hour party.
    • YMMV on the acting being bad, though.
  • Why Jade is such a Clingy Jealous Girl towards Beck, let alone paranoid whenever he's around beautiful woman especially alone? When one considers her relationship with her father [1] and given that there hasn't even been a single mention of her mother (whether she had died or just simply left) the reason is pretty clear: Beck is quite possibly the only person she has in her life who has shown her love for who she is and is afraid that someday she may lose him to someone else (He certainly showed no qualms kissing Tori in the pilot).
  • Tori continually getting lead roles over Jade. At first it seems done simply to fit the real life subtext that Victoria Dawn Justice is the star of the show and not Liz Gillies. But if you look at it in-universe, Tori comes into the school as someone who is untrained in singing and acting (and doesn't even know the most basic of musical and acting terminology). Hollywood Arts is a Performing Arts School not Broadway. Victoria Dawn Justice might herself be not quite as good as Liz Gillies in real life, but that doesn't mean that Tori Vega the character, who is untrained and already almost as good as Jade is can't have the potential to be just as good or better than Jade. Tori certainly needs more of an education than Jade does, and more time as a lead to help fulfil her potential and overcome her late bloomer status through experience.
  • Jade not getting lead roles over Tori. Going on from the above, Jade might be the best, but she has been shown to be self-sufficient on multiple occasions in creating her productions and doesn't need lead experience anywhere near as much as Tori does. The teachers might even believe that Jade needs to be taught the experience of not being the star, getting a lesson in humility and professionally playing non-lead roles. As we have seen, that lesson has yet to sink in very far and as such it's possible that they will keep hammering the point until Jade realizes that in showbiz ability isn't everything and trying to sabotage someone to take a lead role is far from professional behavior.
  • A possible reason why Jade hates Trina? In one of her "Stuff I Hate" videos, Jade mentions that she hates people who blow their nose with a tissue and look in it afterwards. In "Ice Cream for Ke$ha," guess what Trina makes Tori (her assistant at the time) do for her after she blow her nose (with Tori assisting her)?
    • Possible, but doubtful. Jade had a pretty low opinion of Trina before that episode too.
      • Personally, my theory is that Trina's friendship with Cat is the reason Jade is so nasty to Trina. Jade might be jealous that Cat has a relationship with someone besides her, if Cat is truly her only friend; or, considering how she can sometimes act towards Cat, Jade legitemately thinks Cat's whole purpose in life is to be her lackey, and Trina deserves to suffer for having the audacity to be friends with her.
  • Combined with Fridge Logic: As stated on the WMG page[2], Trina Vega could be a shining example of how "The Bird Scene" is a bad idea.
  • Rex sabotaging Trina's harness in "Who Did It To Trina" out of revenge for her punching him Disproportionate Retribution? Or did he felt that it was the last straw? When you consider that throughout the series she has cut off his foot and used it to test the deep fryer (The Wood), thrown him across the room (Jade Dumps Beck), and now punched him in the face as well as referring to him as "puppet" (Who Did It To Trina). Being close to crossing the Moral Event Horizon aside, when you think about it, it's not too surprising that Rex finally decided to retaliate.
  • Tori "reviving" Rex may have seemed to be a horrible move when Jade's reason for why he should die (So Robbie would "become normal") makes the most since. Until you think about another character from another show who also talks through a puppet.[3] With that in mind, Status Quo-aside, Tori's actions didn't prevent Robbie from getting better mentally, but prevented him from possibly getting worse.
  • Although it was very touching, I always thought it was weird that Beck didn't get why Andre was scared of Jade, even though Beck should know better than anyone how Jade acts and why someone might be scared of her. Then it hit me: It's a plot point in iParty With Victorious that Beck is incapable of getting scared. He doesn't understand why people are frightened of Jade because he doesn't understand what it means to be frightened in the first place.
  • In "Locked Up," we're told that Yerbanians love American-style entertainment. So, the gang sings "All I Want is Everything," which has several allusions to famous American entertainers.
  • Remember the panda from I Party With Victorious? The one that has apparently been following Keenan around for three years? That would be Kel.
    • Actually, on the "iParty With Victorious" extended version behind the scenes, the guy in the Panda suit was revealed to be T-Bo.
  • I always thought it was kind of weird for Tori to have one of those rape whistles on her keys, which she uses in "Tori Gets Stuck". Since this is a kid's show, Ifound it weird they'd give her one, but I remembered: Her dad's a cop, he probably made her carry it around with her.(I apoligize if it was just a normal whistle and I'm just blowing this out of preportion).
  • In the beginning of "Survival of the Hottest", Jade demands that Robbie gives her his bottle of water. Later on, in the scene where the gang has to share a cap full of water, Robbie takes his sip, glances at Jade(whose turn was after him) and puts the entire thing in his mouth before she can get any. Revenge.
  • Cat's red hair color being inspired first by red velvet cupcakes then by the blood that got into her hair after her brother hit her seems to contradict previous established facts? Or is it? Considering that her red hair was in a lighter shade in the first season, it's possible that when the blood got into her hair, it was already dyed red. But afterwards, her hair is just dyed in a darker color.
  • In "The Great Ping Pong Scam", Beck says that if the school didn't get a trophy for sports, the principal would be fired.I didn't really think much about it. Later, I remembered that they go to a performing arts school! Of course they wouldn't have many talented athletes!
    • You're definitely right, but the one thing that confuses me is that there's a picture of the school's campus and they have a football field. This doesn't disprove your discovery, it just raises another question.
  • In "iParty With Victorious", Beck is shown to be 'a man without fear' (or, at least, he doesn't scare easily'). The Fridge Brilliance comes when you consider that this is how and why he was able to enter into a relationship with Jade (he was able to see past her Alpha Bitch qualities), and stay in that relationship (he was able to deal with her in a way others couldn't, as he had been around long enough for Jade to like and respect him as a person, admire and respect his artistic talents, and not only love him, but accept his love). It's also why he was able to break up with her, as he wasn't afraid to do so because he wasn't afraid of anything she might consider doing in retaliation. Long story short - Beck's fearlessness allowed him to have a reasonably normal relationship with Jade.
  • "Five Fingaz To The Face"? Wouldn't that be the same as talk to the hand?
  • Showing that not all Fridge Brilliances are positive, "How Trina Got In" shows why Robbie carried an outdated Pear Pad until Season 3 while everyone else used the more modern versions.

Fridge Horror

  • This gem from Prom Wrecker

Cat: My brother got twelve gallons of blood for your performance.
Jade: That's amazing. Where did he get twelve gallons of fake blood?
Cat: You wanted fake blood?

    • Try not to think too hard about where those twelve gallons of real blood came from, kay?
    • That's not all that horrifying. It's not very hard to get that much blood.
      • It is when you consider that this is Cat's brother we're talking about and all of her comments about him paint him as a pretty creepy guy.
  • If Tori wouldn't have "revived" Rex, he wouldn't have cut the line that would've killed Trina.
    • On the other hand, Carly wouldn't have known about the party at Kenan's without Rex talking about it on his Slap page and Steven might have been able to continue two-timing her. The gang wouldn't've found out from him that Robbie was in the hospital, Robbie would've never passed his audition for Helen, and Robbie would've never assumed Cat was lying about Tug.
  • On Victorious, Cat receives a phone call from her brother, and tells Jade that he got the "stuff" (a clown costume, a power drill, and twelve gallons of blood) for her performance. This dialogue occurs.

Jade: That's amazing, where did your brother manage to get twelve gallons of fake blood?
Cat: You wanted fake blood? (beat) I'll go call my brother.

    • Where the hell did Cat's brother manage to get twelve gallons of real blood?
    • From a butcher or a slaughter house. No one said it was HUMAN blood.
  • Cat taking calls for Northstar is funny... Until you realize all the people she answered probably died. Seeing as she was taking calls for a while, she probably led to a lot of people dying.
    • After Tori finds out their secret in "The Great Ping-Pong Scame," Rex suggests that they drive her out to the desert and drop her off. Saying that she knows too much. On one hand that could be code for killing her, on the other hand who would expect Tori, of all people, to be stranded in the desert and survive. Either way, that was a pretty grim suggestion from Rex considering how many different ways the average desert can kill you.
  • After Cat faints in the floor of the closet, the Scary Black Man janitor walks in with a sledgehammer. Lane then walks in, sees Cat on the floor and basically implies that this isn't the first time the Janitor has been in a situation like this.
  • With the recent revelation that Rex is played (in-universe) by an actual person, "Rex Dies" becomes that much more horrifying. Well, all the times Rex gets mutilated are more horrifying but it's easier to fake a limb being torn off than being horrifically mutilated in a jet turbine.
  • "Help, I'm being held hostage at a Chinese cookie factory". It sounds like the most random phrase you could get from a fortune-cookie, but what if it was serious...?
    • Of course it was serious, And that's the joke.
  • The song "Take a Hint" has some...troubling lyrics when you think about them. "Take your hands off my hips." "You asked me what my sign is and I told you it was 'stop'." "What about 'no' don't you get?" The subject of that song sounds more like a rapist than a generally harmless Stalker with a Crush/Prince Charming Wannabe. On a related note, the two guys and their irritating actions towards Tori and Jade were Played for Laughs, but viewers who have faced sexual harassment might find it less amusing.
  • Cat covers her ears and starts chanting "I'm under my bed" when Beck and Jade argue in front of her. That's the kind of reaction one would expect from someone who has been raised in an abusive household.
    • There's also the fact her brother is crazy and that bit from The Slap where she said her parents left beside the road over night.
  • "Driving Tori Crazy", Jade gets to drive Tori to school. However, there's a shovel in the back of her car in plain sight... and she apparently drove them into a desert... alone.

Fridge Logic:

  • Apparently the characters watch Drake and Josh, so how do they not notice that their principal is Helen?
    • That's more like fridge wallbanger because you have an episode where Helen comes in references Crazy Steve making it clear that she is the Helen. The next episode Drake and Josh is somehow a TV show. Even though their principal is Helen.
    • Continuity Snarl via They Just Didn't Care.
    • Maybe Drake and Josh is a reality show in their universe?
    • "Drew and Jerry", that fake show in Drake and Josh with their look-a-likes basically reliving everything, is the Drake and Josh they have in-universe.
    • Except it's specifically mentioned as being Drake and Josh. Don't bother looking into it too hard... They Just Didn't Care.
  • In "Beck Falls For Tori," Tori put on her resume that she could do gymnastics and martial arts... so the casting director concluded that she could perform a stunt that involved falling 40 feet.
  • In "Tori Takes Requests" when Robbie asks Tori to wear a bikini, but he has to wear it instead. Why does he have a bikini with him in the first place, and why did he just assume it would fit Tori?
    • Why does everyone assume Robbie had the bikini with him? He was at Tori's and Trina's house. It's not unlikely for teenage girls to have a couple of swimsuits floating around in their drawers, sometimes even a few that they don't fit anymore. Robbie may be tall, but he's still fairly skinny meaning that one of the girls' bikinis might fit him. Fit him awkwardly, but still fit him.....-ish
      • Very good points, that makes much more sense.
  • In 'The Breakfast Bunch', Vice Princepal Dickers says "When you mess with the cow, you get the udders". Besides the obvious implications of that, he basically just called himself a female cow, even when the original saying mentions the male equivalent, a bull.
  • How did Trina possible manage to book the black box theatre for "Trina!" her one woman show, when the school basically knows how awful she is?
    • It had an open slot?
    • Trina's not that bad...
  • During an earthquake, with all the characters from California, Jade decides to lay on the couch with a pillow to cover her head, and Beck, the one who told everyone to cover their heads, stands in the middle of the room. Bonus points for sheilding Cat, but regardless...
    • If you look closely at where Beck is standing, he's actually got the most secure spot available: in the doorway. Robbie does fairly well with his head under the table but he should've covered his neck/head. Realistically, Jade's in the worst position - hard to fault her for not having anything to work with though (at least she covered her head?).
    • Nobody helped the dog... when they were supposed to be dogsitting
  • It's said on the Slap that Robbie could fit into a woman's prison jumpsuit. I think that implies he had to change with the girls..
  • As stated above in the Brilliance section, the school wouldn't have many talented atheletes since they focus on Performing Arts. But then why does the school have a football field on its campus?
    • You don't have to be talented in a sport to enjoy doing it. They could have a lousy team that just likes playing.
  • In the episode "Wi-fi in the Sky" they had to make a script for the next day. Then in Robbie's rant about Rex, he points that is Friday night. Tomorrow is Saturday, why are they so worried about the homework?
    • I thought he said he was talking to Rex on Friday night about the plans, and now it's Sunday night. However, I have not seen this episode in a while, so I may be wrong.
  • How did that plane in "Wi-fi in the Sky" get Wi-fi in the first place? Usually planes make you avoid using things that require internet while you're still in the air.
    • It's becoming more common nowadays. Some flights even offer it for free. And it's not nearly as slow or laggy as you'd expect, either. Viva technological progress!
    • The reason why wireless internet was banned on planes in the US is FCC Broadcast regulations in regards to signals above a certain altitude, not any kind of technical safety issues. If there was any risk it might cause a crash you wouldn't be allowed to take the phone on board at all. After knowing how useful it is to the passengers to keep them connected, they have taken steps to introduce the tech now for business reasons.
  1. "Wok Star" states that he doesn't think highly of her dreams and ambitions, and one of her videos on "The Slap" implies that he pretty much ignores her and never kept a promise to her.
  2. Why Trina sucks
  3. When Mr. Garrison lost Mr. Hat, he "met" Mr. Twig.
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