John Bradshaw Layfield
John Layfield was a professional wrestler, who wrestled in the WWE from the mid-90s, up until 2009, when he announced his retirement after Wrestlemania XXV.
Outside the ring, he is a successful stock broker and a financial analyst, first for MSNBC, and later, Fox News Channel. He wrote a book called "Have More Money Now" (released in 2003), which is about him being involved in the stock market trade. And he also has a (mostly) political podcast, The John Layfield Show.
You can learn more about his career at The Other Wiki.
- Arch Enemy: Eddie Guerrero, John Cena, Batista and Rey Mysterio.
- A Wrestling God Am I
- Back-to-Back Badasses/Bash Brothers: With Faarooq/Ron Simmons, in the ring and in Real Life.
- Berserk Button: Don't ever tip or spill the APA's beer.
- Best Beer Ever: During his APA days.
- Blond Guys Are Evil: As JBL.
- Breakup Breakout: After the APA's second breakup in 2004, Bradshaw reinvented himself as John "Bradshaw" Layfield (JBL).
- The Bully: As a heel as possibly one in Real Life.
- Catch Phrase: See above quote.
- Cool Car: As John "Bradshaw" Layfield.
- Corrupt Corporate Executive: As John "Bradshaw" Layfield.
- Dirty Coward: As JBL.
- Even JBL Has Standards:
- Though devoted conservative and respects Jack Swagger and Zeb Coulter on the issue of free speech, but he disagrees with their stance on immigration.
- After Kofi Kingston defeated Randy Orton, Orton took his rage on John Cena's father. JBL was shocked at this.
- JBL called out on Ryback for ramming Kofi Kingston three tables.
- Era Specific Personality: During his first years in the WWF and in Japan, Bradshaw was known as Justin "Hawk" Bradshaw. During the Attitude Era, he was part of the Acolytes with Faarooq and managed to be upper midcard Ensemble Darkhorses and tag team favorites. During the Brand Extension Era, he shifted into JBL and was a massively hated heel.
- Face Heel Turn: When he went from Bradshaw to JBL.
- Fan Nickname: "Jibbles".
- Fiction 500
- Genius Bruiser
- Hidden Depths: Yes, the redneck professional wrestler has worked for MSNBC as a financial advisor.
- Kent Brockman News: During a impending blizzard, JBL went out to give out the report.
- Kick the Dog: When he legit-stiffed The Blue Meanie at the ECW One Night Stand PPV in 2005.
- There also also accusations that Bradshaw, alongside with Chris Benoit and Bob Holly, were stiffing the rookies, and that his most vocal critics refer to him as a bully.
- His massive hazing of WWE rookies was verified by The Miz.
- According to Edge's autobiography, Bradshaw's hazing was a test to "weed out the prima donnas", and to see if they really are committed to the business. Edge has experience; Bradshaw once soaped Edge's ass in the shower, but Edge said he took it in stride.
- The Dog Bites Back: When Bradshaw tried hazing Steve Blackman, Blackman (who was a legitimate black belt in karate) roundhouse kicked him in the head and knocked him unconscious.
- Another case took place in 2006-2007, when Joey Styles punched out a drunken JBL during a tour.
- Mean Character, Nice Actor: Layfield is currently working in Bermuda, putting on the final touches for his Seven Summits for Kids tour: hikes up deadly decents to raise money for children around the world. He plans to finish in 2014. First is Mt. Elburs, Russia, June 12, 2012.
- Nice Hat: Wears a cowboy hat as JBL
- Old Shame: Bradshaw competed in "That Jackie Gayda Match" alongside Trish Stratus on an episode of Raw in 2002. In an issue of WWE Magazine (published in 2006), he called it the worst match he'd ever participated in.
- Politically-Incorrect Villain: As JBL, he's incredibly misogynistic and racist against Asians and Latinos, Luchadores in particular.
- Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After losing the Intercontinental Championship to Rey Mysterio, Jr. at Wrestlemania XXV, Bradshaw announced that he had quit the WWE.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Connections: Before his retirement, Layfield was very close to Vince McMahon and The Undertaker.
- Screw the Rules, I Have Money: Again, JBL.
- Sharp-Dressed Man
- Sink or Swim Mentor / Stealth Mentor: To Miz in in real life. He hazed the dude hard to see if he was tough enough to stick it out.
- Smoking Is Cool: Played straight in the APA. Subverted as JBL.
- Smug Snake: Was WWE Champ for almost a year and could not win a match clean to save his life. It didn't stop him from bragging at every opportunity.
- Tall, Dark and Snarky
- The Nicknamer: At No Mercy 2006, JBL, then a Smackdown color commentator, called MVP (in his debut match) a "Power Ranger" due to his costume design. The fans picked up on what JBL said, and began chanted "POWER RANGER!" at MVP since then.
JBL: I wanna slap that smile right off his face. He hasn't busted a grape. He comes here, calling himself MVP, dressed like a Bud Light can, stole that outfit from a damn Power Ranger, and he walks around strutting IN A RING THAT I'VE BLED, SWEAT, AND BUSTED MY ASS IN!
- Worthy Opponent: Eddie Guerrero.
- Wrestling Doesn't Pay: Averted, as his "JBL" persona is based on his real-life job as a stock broker.